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The handbook does an outstanding job of explaining the application of management and learning psychology for the general educator/manager with detailed guidance for those studying to become Certificated Flight Instructors. Study of the handbook should include the PDF from the FAA, which has excellent graphics. There are several excellent Handbooks at For those who wish to view the source online in a format other than .pdf Internet Archive has some choices like Kindle and Epub available at (Summary by Norman Elfer) from the preface: Designed for ground instructors, flight instructors, and aviation maintenance instructors, the Aviation Instructor’s Handbook was developed by the Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with aviation educators and industry to help beginning instructors understand and apply the fundamentals of instruction. This handbook provides aviation instructors with up-to-date information on learning and teaching, and how to relate this information to the task of teaching aeronautical knowledge and skills to students. Experienced aviation instructors will also find the updated information useful for improving their effectiveness in training activities.
Aquí hablamos de juegos de Rol, creación de mundos, reglas e inspiraciones.
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Les Especialistas es un ciclo de podcast que recopila explicaciones de referentes y especialistas en temas específicos. En cada episodio se desarrolla una temática que parte de una pregunta concreta, y tiene protagonismo la voz calificada que brinda esa respuesta.
~Reivindicando la edad de los por qué. Haciendo preguntas, sonando en respuestas. Después llegará el silencio. ~
Idea y realización | Jorgelina Lococo @jorlococo -
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