Dietitian's, Tyler Brooks & Hanah Mills, are joined together for a second Q&A episode where they answer the listeners most common questions.
(0:23) - Can Having a Cold Delay Your Cycle?
(3:32) - What Are Your Guilty Pleasure Foods?
(4:52) - How Long Does It Take To Get Your Period Back After Restrictive Eating
(7:04) - Thoughts on Fasting for Weight Loss and Overall Health?
(11:30) - What Is Hyrox and What Are Some Nutritional Considerations?
(18:03) - Should We Eat 30 Different Fruits & Veggies Each Week?
(22:02) - Why Do I Feel Bloated After Eating Carbs?
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Tyler Brooks: @lift_dietetics
Accredited Practising Dietitian, Tyler Brooks, takes a deep dive into GLP-1 weight loss drugs. He discusses the history, mechanism, and effects of these medications on appetite control and weight loss. Additionally, the episode addresses potential side effects, long-term considerations, and practical tips for bulding sustainable habits during treatment.
(0:00) - Introduction
(0:56) - The History of Ozempic & How it Works
(4:45) - What Are the Effects?
(7:11) - The Rise of These in the Market & Early Clinical Trial Results
(14:02) - Acute & Long Term Side Effects
(23:03) - How to Sustain Weight Loss After Stopping Use
(28:37) - Tips for Using These Medications for Long Term Success
(32:27) - Their Broader Impact on Health
(37:43) - Summary & Key Takeaways
Tyler Brooks: @lift_dietetics
Sports Dietitian, Tyler Brooks, talks with Dietitian Josh Wernham to explore various aspects of nutrition, exercise, and body composition. They discuss the significance of DEXA scans in assessing body composition, the importance of setting specific weight loss goals, and the interplay between diet and exercise in achieving fitness objectives. The conversation also delves into understanding caloric needs and the impact of daily activities on energy expenditure, providing listeners with practical insights for their health journeys.
(0:00) - Introduction to Josh
(2:00) - Understanding DEXA Scans & Their Importance
(8:47) - Setting Effective Weight Loss Goals
(18:10) - Caloric Needs & Daily Energy Expenditure
(38:31) - Macros & Tips for Maximising Muscle Growth
(52:30) - Goal Setting Tips
Sports Dietitians, Hannah Mills introduces Tyler Brooks as the new host for 2025. The episode features a rapid-fire Q&A format addressing various nutrition topics.
(0:00) - Big Announcement & Introduction to Tyler Brooks
(1:13) - What Foods Supports Muscle Growth?
(3:27) - What Are Your Thoughts on Restrctive Diets Such as Carnivore?
(7:07) - What’s the Difference Between HA and RED-S?
(9:34) - Tips to Supporting Re-Comping Physiques in Powerlifting?
(14:54) - Best Bang for Your Buck Foods on Comp Day?
(19:07) - What’s Your Opinion on the Trend of Daily Eletrolyte Supplements?
(21:37) - Can You Build Up a Tolerance to Caffeine When It Comes to Performance?
Tyler Brooks: @lift_dietetics
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Hanah Mills interviews Jono Steedman, a Dietitian known for debunking nutrition myths. They discuss various popular supplements and dietary trends, including greens powders, fat burners like OxyShred, lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and sea moss.
(0:04) - Introduction to Jono
(1:22) - Are Green Powders Worth Taking?
(10:43) - Greens Powders vs Multivitamins
(12:52) - How to Get Antioxidants in the Diet
(15:33) - What Is OxyShred & Is It Beneficial?
(23:04) - Do the Claims Around Lemon Water Have Merit?
(29:14) - How Do You Detox the Body?
(35:08) - Benefits & Myths Around Apple Cider Vinegar
(43:30) - Is Sea Moss Worth the Hype?
(47:55) - Key Takeaways
Jono Steedman : @jonosteedman
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Hanah Mills interviews Sports Dietitian, Alan McCubbin, about the complexities of electrolyte and sodium requirements for endurance athletes. He explains the limited research in this area, the role of sodium in hydration and performance, and the importance of balancing sodium intake with fluid replacement. The conversation also covers practical recommendations for sodium supplementation, the impact of hydration on performance, and more.
(0:39) - Why Is Understanding Electrolyte Requirements So Difficult?
(6:35) - Does Your Salt Intake Change How Much Salt You Sweat?
(12:02) - What Are the Main Electrolytes & Their Roles in the Body?
(21:13) - Why Is Sodium So Important for Athletes?
(26:57) - Negative Effects of Being Dehyrated for Athletes
(25:34) - Who Would Benefit From Electrolytes?
(39:34) - How to Work Out Your Sweat Rate / Sodium Losses & Why This Varies So Much Between People
(47:07) - Sodium Intake Guidelines
(55:31) - Are There Negative Effects of Supplementing With Sodium if Its Not Necessary?
(1:01:06) - Sodium for Hyperhydration
(1:07:05) - Does Sodium Supplementation Help With Recovery?
(1:16:49) - Does Sodium Supplementation Help to Prevent Cramping?
(1:24:56) - Key Areas People Should Look Into Their Sodium Replacement
Alan McCubbin: @fuelingendurance
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Dietitians, Hanah Mills and Aidan Muir, discuss various nutrition topics based on listener questions.
(0:30) - Does Magnesium Supplementation Help With Sleep?
(2:25) - For Long Runs, Do You Recommend a Full Carb Load the Day Before or Would You Change Anything?
(6:23) - Thoughts on Taking Iron Supplements Versus Beef Liver Supplements for Addressing Iron Deficiency?
(8:10) - Thoughts on Calorie Banking if Planning on Having a High Calorie Intake / Event on the Weekend?
(12:08) - Should We Avoid Seed Oils?
(17:05) - Is Tracking Calories Good or Bad?
(22:08) - Do You Ever Recommend Multivitamins and if So, When?
Aidan Muir: @aidan_the_dietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Hannah Mills interviews Sports Dietitian, Samantha Staines about the intricacies of running nutrition, focusing on the specific needs of half and full marathon runners. They discuss daily energy requirements, the importance of carbohydrates, hydration strategies, and the consequences of low energy availability. Sammy highlights the need for proper fueling and hydration before, during, and after training sessions, as well as the importance of planning nutrition well in advance of race day. The conversation also touches on balancing body composition with adequate fueling and the role of electrolytes in performance.
(0:00) - Introduction to Sammy
(1:48) - Important Nutrition Considerations When Prepping for a Half or Full Marathon
(3:23) - Why Is Underfueling So Common & What Are the Downsides
(11:23) - Balancing Leanness and Performance
(14:23) - Macronutrient Recommendations & Importance of Carbohydrates
(20:17) - Pre-Training Nutrition
(25:13) - Hydration Considerations & Adverse Effects of Dehydration
(30:32) - Short vs Long Run Training Nutrition, Carb Gels & Amount per Hour
(45:32) - Electrolytes & Hydration Protocol
(51:02) - Final Words of Advice for Anyone Prepping for a Marathon
Samantha Staines:
Hanah Mills: @Hanahmills
Hanah Mills interviews fellow Sports Dietitian, Taylor Ryan, about the critical issue of hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) among athletes. The conversation explores the common problem of under-fueling, the various health & performance related implications associated with HA, and what measures you can take to start resolving this.
(0:00) - Introduction to Taylor Ryan
(1:36) - Why Is Underfueling So Common in Athletes
(4:03) - What Is HA & the Different Types?
(8:30) - Causes & the Role of Stress
(12:29) - Signs, Symptoms & Negative Health Effects
(22:51) - Osteopenia Concerns
(25:50) - Cardiovascular Health
(29:53) - Mental Health
(32:56) - Performance Detriments
(35:08) - Resolving HA Thorugh Nutrition & How to Navigate Fear of Weight Gain
(41:44) - The Role of Healthy Fats
(45:36) - Benefits of Seeing a Psychologist in the Process
(47:18) - Is It Possible to Fully Recover From HA & Maintian High Athletic Performance?
(48:06) - How Can Coaches and Teamates Help Manage This?
(50:25) - Common Misconceptions
(53:43) - FInal Notes
Taylor Ryan: @the_sportsdietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
E16 - Q&A 2.0 Episode with Hanah & Aidan
Sports Dietitians, Hanah Mills & Aidan Muir, answer part two of the listeners most popular questions.
(0:33) - How to Optimise Performance in a Calorie Deficit
(4:28) - Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?
(6:25) - Is There Any Evidence for Glutamine Helping With Muscle Growth & Recovery?
(7:29) - Should I Specficially Supplement Leucine if I Want to Optimize Muscle Growth?
(10:14) - How Should I Figure Out My Calories for a Lean Bulk?
(12:54) - Should You Take Breaks From Pre-workout?
(16:45) - Is EVOO Better Than Olive Oil?
Aidan Muir: @aidan_the_dietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Hannah Mills, interviews Joanna Baker, a Dietitian specializing in food intolerances, particularly food chemical sensitivities. Joanna shares her personal journey with IBS and food intolerances, explaining the complexities of food chemical sensitivities, the elimination diet process, and the importance of understanding individual triggers. The conversation dives into the differences between IBS and food chemical sensitivities, the populations at risk, and practical strategies for managing symptoms, including navigating eating out and long-term lifestyle adjustments.
(0:00) - Introduction to Joanna
(6:10) - What Are Food Chemicals & Intolerances
(10:12) - What Populations Are More Susceptible & How Does It Arise?
(15:45) - IBS vs Food Chemical Symptoms
(25:07) - What Is the Low Food Chemical Diet?
(41:06) - The Salicylate & Amine Challenge Process
(50:35) - Other Food Chemical Challenges: Propionates, Colours etc.
(52:17) - The Stacking Effect & Other Environmental Contributors
(54:55) - How to Look out for Food Chemicals in Foods, Navigating Eating out & Enzymes
(1:11:49) - Nutrient Deficiencies & Other Tests to Check
Joanna Baker: @theguthealthdietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Hannah Mills interviews Stefanie Valakas, a Dietitian specialising in nutrition for reproductive health, particularly focusing on endometriosis. They discuss the complexities of endometriosis, and outline various management strategies, including the role of nutrition.
(0:00) - Introduction to Stefanie
(1:59) - Defining Endometriosis & Current Medical Management Strategies
(14:14) - How Is Endometriosis Diagnosed?
(16:15) - How Does if Affect Fertility?
(25:03) - How Can Nutrition Impact or Improve Symptoms?
(29:59) - Anti-inflammatory Style Diet
(38:46) - Beneficial Antioxidants & Supplements
(47:32) - Omega-3 Testing
(53:02) - Managing the Gut
(1:03:39) - The Role of Oestrogen & How to Manage It
(1:07:55) - Final Notes
Stefanie Valakas: @the_dietologist
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian's, Hanah Mills & Aidan Muir, answer the listeners most popular questions.
(0:48) - What Are Some Strategies to Help IBS Other Than the Low Fodmap Diet?
(5:15) - When You Increase Calories by About 200 per Day, How Long Does Do You Keep Gaining Weight Before It Becomes Stable Again?
(6:42) - Would You Say 1600 Calories Is an Appopriate Amount for a Small Female Training for a Half Marathon?
(9:13) - What Are Some Signs That There’s Space to Optimize Your Nutrition?
(10:51) - Best Pre-workout Snack for a Weight Session Followed by an Hour Swim?
(12:34) - What Is Metabolic Adaptation?
(15:08) - What Is the Set Point Theory?
Aidan Muir: @aidan_the_dietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Dietitian, Hannah Mills interviews Dr. Alan Flanagan, a nutrition researcher and advocate. They discuss the various nutrition and lifestyle factors that play the biggest role in improving cardiovascular health.
(0:00) - Introduction to Alan Flanagan
(9:15) - Dietary Fat Subtypes & Their Impact on Cholesterol
(21:36) - Weight loss & LDL Cholesterol
(28:13) - Medications vs Dietary Changes
(33:49) - How Much Can Dietary Changes Impact Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
(37:27) - Other Nutrients That Play a Role
(46:27) - Reference Ranges
(50:25) - The Impact of Aging
(56:14) - The Role of EPA
(1:00:56) - Summary & Final Notes
Alan Flanagan: @thenutritionaladvocate
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian Hanah Mills sits down with Bronte Lister, a specialist in ADHD nutrition, to discuss her personal journey and insights. Bronte offers practical tips on managing challenges, tailoring nutrition strategies, and the role of specific nutrients in supporting ADHD symptoms.
(0:00) - Introduction to Bronte & Her Journey
(5:46) - ADHD Diagnostic Process & Costs
(8:20) - What Is ADHD, It’s Prevalence & Symptoms
(12:43) - Differences in Subtypes Between Genders
(16:35) - Executive Functioning Challenges with Nutrition
(22:19) - Sensory Preferences, Experiences, and Seeking Behaviours Related to Nutrition
(31:03) - Nutrition Management Strategies
(37:06) - Important Aspects to Identify in an Initial Nutrition Assessment
(44:25) - Specific Micronutrients That Play a Role & How to Optimise These in Your Diet
(54:44) - Spoon Analogy, and the Importance of Resting & Recharging
(1:00:29) - Food Challenges of ADHD & Management Strategies
(1:23:55) - Rapid Fire Questions
Bronte Lister: @bronte_lister
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian, Hanah Mills, interviews Crystal Austin, an IBS and FODMAP dietitian. Crystal discusses what the low FODMAP diet is, how it works, and other effective strategies to help manage symptoms.
(0:00) - Introduction & Why Crystal Became an IBS Dietitian
(4:52) - What Is IBS?
(5:56) - The Impact of Stress
(8:17) - Gut Hypnotherapy & CBT
(10:40) - Why Do FODMAPs Cause Symptoms?
(12:34) - Why You May Be More Prone to Constipation vs Diarrhoea
(15:47) - Effectiveness of The Low FODMAP Diet on Different IBS Types
(19:03) - What Is the Low FODMAP Diet?
(23:55) - Phase I - Elimination
(31:00) - Phase II - Reintroduction
(39:43) - Phase III - Personalization
(40:48) - Helpful Resources
(42:39) - How to Approach Eating Out & Travel
(46:22) - What to Do if It the Low FODMAP Diet Doesn't Work
(48:01) - Crystal’s IBS Program & Final Advice
Crystal Austin: @ibsfodmapdietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian, Hanah Mills, interviews Chelsea McCallum, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian specialising in IBS. They discuss what IBS is, the different types, the hormones and lifestyle factors involved, how to manage it and more.
(0:00) - Introduction & Chelsea’s IBS Relief Program
(7:17) - Differential Diagnosis to Check First
(11:50) - IBS & the Different Types
(16:30) - The Gut-Brain Axis & the Impact of Certain Hormones
(21:14) - Other Lifestyle Factors That Play a Role
(25:05) - The Role of Your Gut & How to Support a Healthy Gut Microbiome
(30:50) - Additional Strategies to Help Manage IBS
(33:57) - Final Take-Home Points
Chelsea McCallum: @ibs_dietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian, Hannah Mills, interviews Sophie Rindfleish, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian specialising in disordered eating. They discuss the concept of having five blocks of chocolate in the house to overcome binge eating and the binge/restrict cycle.
(0:00) - Introduction
(1:23) - Binge Eating vs Overeating
(4:14) - Classifying Binge Eating Disorder
(8:50) - Overeating & The Triggers
(10:23) - Where to Start for Managing Overeating / Binge Eating
(14:36) - Navigating Shame & Guilt
(19:40) - Why You Should Always Have 5 Blocks of Chocolate in the House
(22:50) - Strategies to Consider Before Introducing 5 Blocks of Chocolate
(27:20) - Additional Triggers to Consider
(28:46) - Importance of Seeing a Psychologist
(29:52) - Considerations for Those Who Are Neurodivergent
(32:06) - Advice if You Are Concerned About Your Health and Having Chocolate in the House
Sophie Rindfleish: @healthybodhealthymind
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian, Hannah Mills, interviews Megan Boswell, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian who specializes in helping people with binge eating disorder. They discuss the definition of binge eating disorder, the various triggers, risk factors, tips for managing it and more.
(0:00) - Introduction
(3:25) - What Is Binge Eating Disorder?
(7:55) - How to Get an Eating Disorder Care Plan
(11:37) - Psychological Risk Factors
(14:04) - Forms of Restriction
(18:23) - Common Triggers for Binge Eating Episodes
(21:27) - Tips for Managing / Preventing Binge Eating Episodes
(25:11) - How to Address Fear Foods
(29:43) - How to Communicate With Friends & Family After Triggering Comments
(33:43) - Should You Aim for Weight Loss When Trying to Improve Your Relationship With Food
(37:58) - Final Tips for Anyone Struggling With Binge Eating
Megan Boswell: @thehealthylabel
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
Sports Dietitian, Hanah Mills, Interviews Sports Dietitian, Leah Higl, on nutrition considerations for gaining muscle on a plant-based diet.
(0:37) - 5 Most Important Factors for Building Muscle
(3:42) - How These Differ on a Plant Based Diet
(6:40) - Optimising Protein & Label Reading Guidelines & How to Optimise Protein
(9:33) - Protein Priorities for Muscle Growth
(16:15) - Leucine
(18:51) - Leahs Recommendations for Plant Based Products
(24:18) - How to Reach Higher Calorie Targets
(27:44) - Nutrients of Consideration
(29:40) - Recommended Supplements
(32:48) - Final Notes on Building Muscle as a Vegan
Leah Higl: @plantstrong_dietitian
Hanah Mills: @hanahmills
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