Sometimes we go into a one-down space and spin in shame, other times we might go into a one-up space and justify our poor behavior by blaming others, both responses that harm our relationships. When we can, instead, approach our struggles from an ‘all people are equal’ mentality, we have the capacity to offer ourselves grace for our humanity. Understanding that all people are humans who make mistakes, who are figuring it out, levels the playing field and gives us permission to offer ourselves and others grace for those human moments.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
#34 Self-Compassion
#39 Guilt & Shame
#148 Grace & Grudges in Our Relationships
# 216 One-Up and One-Down Behaviors
#225 Shame, Blame, and Disempowerment
# 242 Circling Back Around
#267 Should & Shame
#290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships
#331 Sense of Self
#332 Sense of Self – It’s All in Your Head
#333 Sense of Self and Dating
#334 Sense of Self and Marriage
#335 Sense of Self and Parenting
#347 The Self Care of Relationship Repair
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Divorce is one of those experiences that kicks you in the chest and knocks you on your butt, and it can be so difficult to get back up. And yet, at some point we have to get back up and step back into life. And though it's a tough road, it isn't impossible and it doesn't have to take forever. In this podcast I share some of my own insights about my divorce and four suggestions on how you can get back up on your feet feeling stronger and more capable than ever before.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
#22 Divorce and the Kids Part 1
#23 Divorce and the Kids Part 2
#32 My Divorce Decision
#90 Divorce Trauma
#119 FAQs About My Divorce
#125 Love It Before You Leave It
#167 I Didn’t Sign Up for This
#170 Rewriting Your Divorce Story
#187 Growing Up After Divorce
#213 Growing Up After Divorce – An Interview with Jody Moore
#222 When You Are Considering Divorce
#268 Drama Response
#291 Divorce and Self-Worth
#292 Healing and Moving Forward After Divorce
#312 Divorce Is Not the End, part 1
#313 Divorce Is Not the End, part 2
#328 Divorce IndecisionAre you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
All of us have people who don’t like us, even if we are the most kind and Christlike person we know. It’s just part of our human experience. When we can learn to accept other people’s agency to not like us, we can let go of self-defeating behaviors like people-pleasing, perfectionist tendencies, trying to buy their love with time, money, energy, or resources, or beating ourselves up for ‘not being enough.’ The stronger our sense of self, the more we don’t need other people liking us, or validating us, to feel valuable and of worth. It really is okay if other people don't like you.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
#77 Other People’s Opinions
#92 Clean Love
#220 Being Low Maintenance
#230 People-Pleasing
#257 Other People’s Agency
#268 Drama Response
#270 People Pleasing and Kindness - What's the Difference?
#272 Stay In Your Own Lane
#305 When We Don’t Feel Good Enough
#327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
#331 Sense of Self
#332 Sense of Self – It’s All In Your Head
#333 Sense of Self and Dating
#334 Sense of Self and Marriage
#335 Sense of Self and Parenting
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Expectation is a funny word. It means that we think something should happen a certain way or that someone should behave in a certain way, two things we rarely, if ever, have control over. What I’ve found is that expectations I have are often a cause of shame for the other person, and also for me. And shame is never a productive emotion. And yet, it’s hard not to have expectations. So, how do we move away from the expectations we feel entitled to have and instead offer more grace for humanity and more kindness for struggle?
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
#148 Grace and Grudges in Our Relationships
#216 One-Up and One-Down Relationships
#227 Staying in Your Own Lane
#241 Forgiving Others
#257 Other People’s Agency
#268 Drama Response
#290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships
#304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
All relationships struggle, so all relationships need repair. Knowing how to repair is an essential skill for creating healthy and happy relationships, and that darn ego of ours can make it so difficult to show up in loving and kind ways because it wants to be right and it wants to prove to our spouse how wrong they are. But learning to show up creating a safe space for our spouse, especially in the context of a relationship struggle, is a valuable relationship tool that will change the trajectory of your relationship, while at the same time providing you with the self-care necessary to increase your sense of self and continue to show up better and better.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
3 Resolving Conflict
37 Self-Care
86 Is Self-Care Being Selfish?
92 Clean Love
110 The Cost of Being Right
118 100% Responsibility
151 Connection
161 Developing More Intimacy in Your Relationships
167 I Didn’t Sign Up for This
219 The Truth About the Struggle
242 Circling Back Around
244 The Relationship Circle
245 Transactional Relationships
251 Contention is a Choice
282 What We A re Really Fighting About
289 Why Our Relationships Need Validation
295 Safety in the Relationship Circle
296 Creating More Safety in Your Relationship
326 Stop Being Right, Start Being Safe
331 – 337 Sense of Self series
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
I love Viktor Frankl’s quote “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” I am reminded by this that my power, my strength, and my freedom is created in the space between the stimulus (circumstance) and my response (my actions). But sometimes that space can seem so, so, so small. We can tend to react impulsively, without thought, rather than responding thoughtfully. How do we increase the space, so we respond with intention, with valued alignment, rather than reacting with without thought? This podcast talks about how.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
26 Taking Offense
77 Other People's Opinions
163 Difficult People
175 Happy No-Drama Holidays to You
231 Other People's Pain
274 When We Behave Badly
280 Living in Alignment
301 The Primitive Brain Problem
307 Curiosity, Not Criticism
326 Stop Being Right, Start Being Safe
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Just as women were raised with societal ideas and expectations around their sexuality, so were men. And so many of these ideas are actually harmful, and even destructive, to the emotional intimacy we desire in our relationships. In this podcast my husband, Sione, shares the concepts and ideas around sexuality that he learned growing up and how he learned to address them to create the emotional connection we now share.
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Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
281 Mid-Life Sexuality with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
337 Sense of Self and Sexuality
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Learning how to be vulnerable can be a scary and tough skill to acquire. So can learning to let other people in our lives be vulnerable. Because when others show up vulnerable, it can shake our ideas about who they are, it can shift our relationships, and it can challenge our own difficult emotions. But relationships will only thrive toward greater intimacy when we are vulnerable and when we create a safe space for the other person to be vulnerable as well. Learning to allow and even embrace others’ vulnerability is the next step to greater emotional intimacy in your relationships.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
190 Protective Walls
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
284 Why Vulnerability Matters
295 Safety in the Relationship Circle
296 Creating More Safety in Your Relationship
341 Choosing to be All In
342 What Does Vulnerability Look Like?
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Many of us grew up in homes where we didn't receive any training about vulnerability in relationships. We were fairly uneducated about emotions, and it is very detrimental in our marriage relationships. My previous 24-year marriage struggled with a severe lack of vulnerability, and today we're talking about why that was such a problem and the difference vulnerability will make in your emotional intimacy.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
190 Protective Walls
215 Being Seen and Heard
242 Circling Back Around
341 Choosing to be All In
343 What Does Vulnerability Look Like?
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are three options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Talk with Tanya is a free monthly webinar where you can ask me anything and we can have a great discussion. You can sign up for that at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
If we are going to be all-in in our relationships, we have to be vulnerable, and that can feel super scary. Sometimes it's difficult because we are in a new relationship and it can be hard to be the one to make the first move. Sometimes it's difficult because our decades-long relationship is struggling and it's been a very long time since we were vulnerable with each other. But until we truly step into vulnerability, we will never create the deep, intimate, connected relationship we crave. So, how do we start being more vulnerable? That's what we're talking about today.
You can find an Emotional Wheel here.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
190 Protective Walls
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
239 How to Own Your Own
242 Circling Back Around
284 Why Vulnerability Matters
314 When Setting Boundaries Is Hard
341 Choosing to Be All-In
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are two options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Relationships can be hard. If we have created a pprotective pattern over the years, we may find that we are in a pattern of leaning out emotionally in our marriage and not having the intimate connection that we inwardly crave. When we choose to be all-in, we take a risk in our relationship, but it is also the only way to open a door that makes emotional intimacy an option. There aren't any guarantees how your spouse will show up when you choose to lean in, but I promise, you will be a better person on the other side of you couraging up and being all in regardless of the outcome.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
92 Clean Love
111 Checklist Relationship
125 Love It Before You Leave It
183 Taking Risks and Becoming
201 The Tolerable Life
271 Equal Partnerships
284 Why Vulnerability Matters
299 Love Is Not a Reward
309 What An Equal Relationship Looks Like
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
334 Sense of Self and Marriage
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are two options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
When a woman has devoted so many years to being a stay-at-home mom and then the kids grow up and leave, she will often feel as though she is floundering a bit to get her feet underneath her. What are her next steps? How does she enter the workforce with not a lot of 'working outside the home' experience in the last 30 years? Angela Ashurst-McGee is a career coach who focuses on helping women in this exact situation enter the 'working world' in the best way possible.
Here are some great things to know about Angela:
Angela Ashurst-McGee is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and the creator of Upword Resume, a premium resume-writing service for professionals who want to keep their career moving onward and upward.
In the last 15 years, the Upword Resume team has written resumes and LinkedIn profiles for everyone from blue collar workers and new grads to Fortune 50 executives and serial entrepreneurs.
Angela is a firm believer that a good job isn’t just a good paycheck—it’s a key to our deeper dreams of creating value and making the world a better place. She is an advocate and reformer who loves bringing clarity, confidence, and optimism to Upword Resume’ clients.
Angela is the mother to six teens and young adults and lives in Mapleton, Utah.
You can find Angela at: On LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook @upwordresumeThanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
89 Mid-Life Teenage Angst
128 Growing Up Into Middle-Age
184 Excited About Middle-Age
261 No More Growing Old Gracefully with Kwavi Agbeyegbe
315 Mid-Life Crisis? Yes, Please!
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are two options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
There are so many things we love about the holiday season, the decorations, the gifts, the music, the family getting together. . . well maybe not always the family because, well, drama. But what if we could have holidays without all the drama? What if we could just enjoy the people, the conversations, the sentiments and the season for what we really want them to be? Today we're going to talk about just how to do that - how to show up in a way where we can sit on the sofa after it's all over and just feel really satisfied with who we were.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
26 Taking Offense
77 Other People's Opinions
163 Difficult People
181 6 Tips For a Happier Holiday
231 Other People's Pain
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are two options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
I believe that the holiday season is one of the greatest reasons for stress and anxiety for a lot of people. Today I have 6 really practical tips for you on how you can step back from the stress, spread yourself a little thicker, and really enjoy your holidays this year.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
26 Taking Offense
77 Other People's Opinions
163 Difficult People
175 Happy No-Drama Holidays to You
231 Other People's Pain
Are you curious about what it would be like to work with me? Here are two options:
Group coaching classes are available at
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
God created us to be sexual beings. Through a lot of social conditioning in the 70s and 80s (and probably before, but I wasn't there), we got a lot of mixed messages about our sexuality as women, and one of them was not that as women we were created to be sexual and find a lot of pleasure and enjoyment there. From this conditioning, many of us struggle to be at peace with our sexuality and to engage in healthy and happy sexuality. When we have a strong sense of self, we are more fully capable of addressing these challenging conditioned thoughts and moving into a more whole version of ourselves that includes healthy sexuality.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
78 Playing Small
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
114 Confidence
137 Not Enough? Not True
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
281 Mid-Life Sexuality with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
293 Dating in Mid-life
304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
333 Sense of Self and Dating
334 Sense of Self and Marriage
335 Sense of Self and Parenting
336 Sense of Self and Spirituality
Interesting in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
How does our sense of self impact our spirituality, or our ability to connect with God? Significantly. When we have a strong sense of self we see ourselves as worthy of God's love, deserving of His mercy, and accepting of His grace. When we have a struggling sense of self we don't beieve that God could love us and forgive us for our human frailties. Though God is always there with love and an outstretched hand, our feelings of worth and confidence will determine whether we are willing and able to reach out and accept what He is offering us. Our connection to God, our spirituality, is determined not by what God is offering, but by what we are willing to accept.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
78 Playing Small
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
114 Confidence
137 Not Enough? Not True
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
333 Sense of Self and Dating
334 Sense of Self and Marriage
335 Sense of Self and Parenting
Interested in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Having a strong sense of self is so valuable in our parenting journey. It allows for us to have healthy, strong, and beautiful relationships with our children, where a struggling sense of self breaks down our relationships and actually creates more struggle with our sense of self. The work we do to develop our sense of self will allow us to have better boundaries with our adult children and also stop people-pleasing in an effort to earn their love and acceptance. This strong sense of self empowers us to honor their agency and not feel threatened or insecure when they choose paths that we weren't anticipating. We just can't go wrong with a healthy sense of self.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
99 Parenting Adult Children
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
129 Parenting Discomfort
157 Friend-Zoning Your Adult Children
180 Better Relationships with Our Adult Children
182 How Our 'Wayward' Children Bless Our Lives
202 Pain, Peace, and Parenting Disengaged Adult Children
237 You'll Never Be Enough for Your Children
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
318 The Challenge of Parenting Adult Children
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
333 Sense of Self and Dating
334 Sense of Self and Marriage
Interesting in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
This week we are continuing with our discussions about sense of self, and focusing on how it impacts our marriages. It is really difficult, if not impossible, to have a strong, healthy, intimately connected marriage relationship if we don't have a strong sense of self. When we have an underdeveloped sense of self, we lessen our capacity to really love and accept the other person and we severly limit our ability to do the repair work that is inevitable and so important to our marriage, two things that are vital for deep, intimate connection. Let's dig a little deeper so we can clean some things up, shall we?
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
78 Playing Small
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
114 Confidence
137 Not Enough? Not True
162 My 90-day Relationship
198 My Last 90 Day Relationship
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
293 Dating in Mid-life
294 The 90-day Relationship How To
304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
333 Sense of Self and Dating
Interesting in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Continuing on with our sense of self series, today we are applying it to dating. When we have a strong sense of self, we approach dating with courage, confidence, and conviction. We aren't afraid of saying 'no' or being rejected. That's not to say we love it when it happens, but it doesn't rock our world because we understand that people's preferences don't mean anything about us. A strong sense of self approaches dating from an abundance mindset, while a reflective sense of self approaches it from a scarcity mindset. And a scarcity mindset will set us up for a struggling relationship, while an abundance mindset will more naturally steer clear of people who won't be a good fit, and we won't be willing to 'settle'. A strong sense of self is the key to having a fun and successful dating in mid-life experience.
Thanks for listening!
Interesting in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
78 Playing Small
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
114 Confidence
137 Not Enough? Not True
162 My 90-day Relationship
198 My Last 90 Day Relationship
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
293 Dating in Mid-life
294 The 90-day Relationship How To
304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head
This week we arae digging deeper into what our sense of self is and seeing how either a reflective sense of self or a solid sense of self show up in our lives. All of the work we do here on the podcast stems from a solid sense of self, so as we clean up our thoughts and get more clear on who we are, how we are, and why we are, we can be more empowered to create the life and the relationships we truly desire. Want to know how to strengthen your sense of self? We also talk here today about six things you can do to begin to move toward a more solid sense of self.
Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
11 I Am Enough
29 Validation
36 Belonging and Fitting In
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
86 Is Self-Care Being Selfish?
118 100% Responsibility
130 Exploring Our Darkness
179 Being Kind to Yourself
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
232 Feeling Empowered
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
287 Equality in Your Relationships and Your Self-Worth
305 When We Don't Feel Good Enough
310 Understanding Our Adaptive Child - 'US' - by Terrence Real
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self
Interesting in a free 90-minute coaching/consult with me? Access my calendar at:
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