
  • ¿Alguna vez has sentido que decir "no" es casi imposible, especialmente cuando eres un líder de equipo o emprendedor?

    En este episodio veraniego, te revelo cómo poner límites de manera efectiva puede transformar tu liderazgo y bienestar.

    Inspirado en las valientes decisiones de Simon Biles, discutimos siete claves fundamentales para establecer límites claros sin comprometer tu rol como líder.

    Además, exploramos las ideas del libro de Nedra Glover Tawwab, 'Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself' (que en Español puedes encontrar por ' Pon límites, encuentra paz: Guía para recuperar tu vida')

    En él, Nedra Glover, experta en establecer límites, nos ayuda a fortalecer nuestras relaciones y mantener un equilibrio saludable en nuestra vida profesional y personal.

    Imagina liderar con confianza, sin la carga de expectativas desmedidas, y sentirte capaz de proteger tu tiempo y energía.

    Aprenderás cómo estos principios pueden aplicarse a tu estilo de liderazgo y mejorar tu comunicación.

    No te pierdas este episodio transformador. Escúchalo ahora y descubre cómo poner límites puede ser la clave para un liderazgo más auténtico y efectivo.

    ¡Dale play y comienza a liderar con claridad y propósito!

  • En este episodio, exploramos cómo la ciencia de la Neurociencia respalda la Manifestación y cómo puedes utilizar estos principios para alcanzar el éxito profesional.

    Inspirada en el trabajo de la Dra. Tara Swart, te explico la importancia de desarrollar una mentalidad de abundancia, la técnica de visualización, la práctica de la gratitud y la psicología de la acción.

    Descubre cómo la Neuroplasticidad y los procesos cognitivos pueden ayudarte a re-programar tu cerebro para alinear tus pensamientos y comportamientos con tus objetivos profesionales.

    Aprenderás estrategias basadas en la ciencia para fortalecer tu mentalidad, identificar oportunidades y crear una trayectoria profesional exitosa.

    No te pierdas esta fascinante conversación sobre cómo la ciencia puede transformar tu vida y carrera, proporcionando herramientas prácticas para llevar tu éxito al siguiente nivel.

    Si te encuentras en un momento de cambio profesional, con ganas de mejorar en lo laboral o de conectar con oportunidades profesionales más alineadas contigo: ¡este es tu Episodio!


    Artículo del Blog para este Podcast:

    Tus E-Books de Comunicación para el Liderazgo
    También para Profesionales que queréis avanzar a Nivel Internacional en:

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    Klik hier om de feed te vernieuwen.

  • ¿Te cuesta hablar en público en inglés?
    ¿La timidez te impide brillar como el orador global que aspiras ser?

    En este episodio, desvelamos los secretos para superar la timidez situacional y transformar tu miedo en una poderosa herramienta de comunicación.

    Tomando inspiración de la icónica Beyoncé y su último álbum "Cowboy Carter", exploramos cómo desafiar convenciones y géneros musicales puede enseñarnos a romper nuestras propias barreras y a expandir nuestras habilidades como oradores.

    Al igual que Beyoncé, tú también puedes reinventarte y dominar cualquier escenario, sin importar el idioma.

    En este episodio, descubrirás:

    Qué es la Timidez Situacional: Entiende que la timidez no es una rasgo de tu personalidad, sino un mecanismo de defensa que puedes superar.

    Desafía tus Límites: Aprende de Beyoncé cómo enfrentar y desafiar las normas para destacar en cualquier ámbito.

    Práctica de Pronunciación: Mejora tu pronunciación en inglés, vamos a practicar con la palabra "Genre" que suele costarnos mucho.

    Es un Episodio de 13 minutos perfecto para escucharlo mientras vas a trabajar, sales a dar un paseo y estirar las piernas.

    Una píldora de Oratoria Profesional, ¡para empezar a mover tu comunicación hacia adelante!

    ¡No dejes que la timidez te frene!

    Linkedin: Ana Pose
    Consigue tus E-Book de Comunicación Efectiva
    al apuntarte a la Newsletter en

  • En el Podcast de esta semana he invitado a Stephanie Cohen, una Americana con base en Praga, que se formó en la Escuela de Arte Dramático en EEUU y ha acabado utilizando sus Habilidades de Actuación en Formaciones a Profesionales en Industrias Tecnológicas ayudándoles con su Liderazgo y Habilidades de Comunicación en Inglés.

    En este Podcast vas a descubrir el enorme potencial de tus Habilidades de Actuación para mejorar Habilidades Esenciales para mejorar en tu trabajo como Manager, Directivo, Profesional Líder o Emprendedor.

    Entre otras cosas hablamos de:

    Técnicas de actuación aplicables a la oratoria y la presentación en público.
    Ejemplos prácticos de cómo estas técnicas mejoran la confianza y el impacto comunicativo.

    Soft Skills en Tecnología:
    -La importancia de las habilidades blandas y de actuación para entrenadores y facilitadores en el ámbito tecnológico.
    -Principales desafíos de comunicación en el sector tecnológico y cómo superarlos.

    Experiencias Internacionales:
    Comparación entre vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos y Europa.
    Impacto de las diferencias culturales en la comunicación y el crecimiento profesional como orador global.

    Coaching en Comunicación:

    -Evolución del coaching en comunicación.
    -Diferencias y beneficios en comparación con los enfoques tradicionales de entrenamiento.

    Preparación para Entrevistas de Trabajo:

    -Importancia del storytelling en las entrevistas.
    -Errores comunes de los profesionales internacionales y cómo evitarlos.

    Inspiración y Recursos:

    -Oradores públicos y actores inspiradores por su trabajo en acentos y carreras internacionales.
    -Recomendaciones de podcasts y libros para mejorar las habilidades comunicativas. Entre otros 'The Culture Map' uno que tengo en mi lista indispensable para Comunicadores Internacionales.

    Espero que lo disfrutes y si es así no dejes de compartirlo y decirnos lo que más te ha gustado!

    El Podcast es adaptado a ti desde Nivel Intermedio, pero por si lo necesitas, también tienes disponible el Podcast en mi Canal de Youtube para que sigas la conversación en INGLÉS si necesitas los Subtítulos de apoyo.

    Oratoria Profesional
    IG y YOUTUBE @tuvozamericana
    Linkedin: Ana Pose

    Stephanie Cohen
    IG @SpeakUpwithStephanie
    Linkedin: Stephanie Cohen

  • ¡Qué ganas tenía de volver a invitar a Kayla Belush al Podcast!

    Y es que, como muchas veces bromeamos entre nosotras parece que somos la misma persona '¡pero al revés!

    Y es que, si el mío ha sido un viaje a mi Voz Americana el de Kayla ha sido un viaje a la inversa a su Voz Española.

    Las dos hemos experimentado con sonidos nuevos y diferentes y los retos de convertirte en una Comunicadora Eficaz y asertiva en un Segundo Idioma.

    Puedes escuchar también el Podcast de Inglés para Emprendedores que hice con ella (E-25 y 26).

    En este Episodio, la conversación nos lleva a otro de los áreas de entrenamiento como Comunicador Internacional más importantes: el Área de Pronunciación en Inglés Americano.

    Entre otras cosas, hablamos de:

    -Lo mucho que le ayudó a Kayla aprender Fonética de los Sonidos del Español para crear 'la Voz Española' con la que sentirse ella misma.

    -¿Por qué no se enseña esto en el Entorno Académico, ya sea desde el Colegio a la Universidad, cuando es tan importante para avanzar en esta Habilidad de Comunicación?

    -Cómo establecer tus Objetivos de forma estratégica a la hora de trabajar en tu Pronunciación en Inglés Americano para conseguir más resultados en menos tiempo: enfócate en ganar CLARIDAD e INTELIGIVILIDAD (que se te entienda bien)

    -¿Por qué la mayoría de la gente no sabe que existimos los Coach de Pronunciación?

    -Las enormes ventajas y soluciones que ofrece para ti trabajar en esta Área de tu Comunicación si vas a Trabajar en Inglés.

    - La palabra 'Aire' en el viaje de Pronunciación en Español de Kayla: el reto de una Americana pronunciando 'Aire' vs 'Air'  y por qué estos sonidos son tan difíciles para Nativos Americanos ¡y las divertidas anécdotas que vienen de mezclar estos sonidos!

    -¿Qué es la Schwa Sound?

    -Las ventajas de que empieces a conocer cómo funciona la Fonética Inglesa para crear tu Voz en Inglés Americano.

    -Cómo explicar la Fonética del Inglés y entender mejor por qué algunos Sonidos del Inglés te están costando tanto como Hablante de Español

    -La enorme ventaja que supone como Coach de Pronunciación conocer los dos idiomas para poder comparar los Sonidos y entender las verdaderas dificultades del Coachee

    -Los sonidos que más nos cuesta pronunciar a Spanish Native Speakers:

    Sonidos Consonánticos al final de las palabras: Palabras como TRUTH, FRANK

    Terminaciones en -ED: WORKED

    Sonidos Vocálicos como la 'i' corta y la 'i' larga del Inglés: KEYS vs KISS

    Sonidos Vocálicos 't' vs 'd' en Inglés Americano: El reto para una Americana de pronunciar: 'dedo'

    Sonidos Consonánticos en Inglés Americano: 'b' vs 'v'

    Y terminamos con un breve Análisis de ARIANA GRANDE como Public Speaker y el increíble uso y evolución de su VOZ como artista y cantante, lo que podemos aprender y encontrar inspiración en este viaje de crear nuestras voces en un Segundo Idioma.

    ¡Qué lo disfrutes!

    Y si es así, no te olvides de compartirlo a los cuatro vientos, que todos tus amigos sepan lo que es la SCHWA SOUND y muéstrame con LIKES que quieres más episodios como este y que invite a Kayla de nuevo!



    Ahora también puedes practicar con el PODCAST con PDF's descargables y más contenido exclusivo que puedes encontrar en mi

    Descargarte el EBOOK de introducción a mi Método PHONICS de Pronunciación de regalo:

    Seguir el Podcast en YOUTUBE:







    Enhanced English for Entrepreneurship:

    Facebook community: English Without Borders (here you can access to live trainings that you can join completely free of charge for real-time feedback)

  • Do you consider yourself a Perfectionist?

    What if I told you there is no such a thing as 'a Perfectionist', because 'Perfectionism' is not something we are, it's something we learn.

    A set of behaviors and a coping mechanism to avoid shame, guilt, being judged by others or feeling inadequate.

    In my own journey as a Public Speaker in English as my Second Language I've been struggling with Perfectionism too.

    And it's such a relief when you start to understand better what Perfectionism really is and how to navigate it, as well as realizing you are not alone on this!

    There are many other Spanish Native Speaking Professionals who are feeling exactly the same way as you do!

    The truth is that, if I waited until my Pronunciation was Perfectly American
    My Vocabulary Perfectly Advanced, full of fancy Idioms and Metaphors...

    I would have never even started this very Podcast or my Youtube Channel in English as my Second Language! Not in a million years!

    In today's episode I'm coming with the 3 antidotes that have helped me the most to overcome Perfectionism and take action towards my dreams, specially the freedom of not caring about what other people think!

    I'm also recommending you my 2 favorite books on Overcoming Perfectionism and how it relates to this skill of Global Communication.

    If you use to feel nervous and think that your 'English is not Perfect enough' to start this journey of International Communication and go for this dream of having an International Career...

    This is the Podcast I would have loved to listen to as a Recovery Perfectionist myself.

    I hope you give yourself permission to embrace your fully creative self expression and find your most Authentic American English Voice!!

    If you find it useful, please review it! I'd love to learn about your own experience with Perfectionism (you can write me in IG @tuvozamericana or Linkedin- Ana Pose) and if you like my antidotes share it with your friends who also struggle with it.

    You can also watch the Youtube Video on this topic on @tuvozamericana

    For more Resources on International Communication and Psychology:

    Your Free chapter of the E-Book 'Global Speakers' and more exclusive content subscribing to the Newsletter in:

  • In this Episode I'm taking you to beautiful Argentina, as we drink some Mate, and feel the warmth of Buenos Aires with Virginia Mallo.

    Virginia is a Journalist fascinated by the Psychology behind Communication.

    Going deeper on her own Personal Growth Journey took Virginia on polishing her skills as a Communication Coach to help her clients become more assertive and confident speakers.

    A natural storyteller, she shares with us so many tools lo master the Art of Deep Communication.

    We talk about:

    -The Importance of Emotional Education to improve as Communicators
    -Why we should start by our Mindset to master Effective Communication
    -How to overcome Impostor Syndrome and find the Confidence to Speak up
    -How Meditation can help us improve our Communication Skills
    -How to overcome the Fear of the Unknown before Public Speaking
    -What is Coaching and how is it different from Therapy
    -Why you should be a 'Word's Detective'
    -How to use Inner Child Work to improve as a Communicator
    -Cultural differences between Argentina and Spain when speaking English as a Second Language
    -The key importance of connecting to the Body to gain confidence as Public Speakers
    -Advice on how to prepare yourself for a Job Interview
    -Virginia's experience as a 'Global Speaker': Her experience in Paris with French, overcoming the 'Shame' of speaking in your Second + Language
    -Virginia's Book Recommendations on Communication and more Resources

    Join our Newsletter at:
    Youtube: @tuvozamericana
    IG @tuvozamericana
    Linkedin Ana Pose

    Virginia Mallo
    Linkedin: Virginia Mallo

  • I used to think Assertiveness meant you were an 'asshole', rude or disrespectful when, actually my own 'Communication' Journey has taught me quite the opposite.

    As someone who has evolved from a more Passive to Assertive Communication style, I can't even start to tell you all the perks of becoming more Assertive!

    Learning the Assertive Formula has made my relationships better, I have earned more time as I know how to stand up for my self, my needs, wants and desires.

    Assertiveness is not about being a 'bad person', it's about a clear understanding of how you want others to treat you and how you want to treat others in a beautiful relational dance.

    As I get to explore and train myself as a confident Global Speaker, I see how much of our own lives, vision of the world and personality we express in one simple conversation.

    I also see how we tell our stories to the world and how the world reflects them back to us.

    Gaining self awareness as Global Communicators is everything.

    You may think in order to become a Confident English Communicator is all about 'mastering the Language dimension'.

    Well, I'm here to proof to you that our words are only the 7% of what you actually need to thrive as an International Professional.

    If you want to learn what does it mean to be an Assertive Communicator and how this can impact all of your relationships both in your personal and professional life...

    Hit the Play button!

    If you enjoy the episode and have some 'waw' moments, please share with your 'Global Speaking' friends and show your appreciation reviewing this Podcast!

    I love to learn about your listening experience so much and it really helps to spread the message! Let me know also about your Global Speaking experience and any topics you want to learn more about here!

    And if you are ready to boost your Global Communication skills once and for all to expand your relationships Internationally, you can start subscribing to my Newsletter (at to get all your International Public Speaking gifts:

    Starting with the E-Book of the 'Global Speakers' first Chapter!

    Can also find me in IG @tuvozamericana if you are a listener of the Podcast!

  • Te traigo una Entrevista que me han hecho en el Podcast, Tech from the Trenches, un Podcast en el que buscan acercar la tecnología y el emprendimiento a todos los públicos.

    Y es que, entre mis clientes, hay muchos Profesionales del mundo tecnológico, así que me ha gustado mucho poder responder a preguntas pensadas especialmente para profesionales del Mundo Tech.

    Si bien, son comunes a cualquier profesional que se encuentre en una posición de Team Lead o Dirección de equipos de otra industria o sector profesional.

    Y es que, en roles de liderazgo, como Project Manager o Team IT Lead, es común tener que negociar acuerdos, resolver conflictos y tomar decisiones importantes.

    Una sólida comprensión del inglés facilita estas interacciones, permitiendo una comunicación clara y efectiva en situaciones diversas y complejas.

    ¿Qué hace un Coach de Comunicación Internacional para Profesionales, y cómo puede ayudarte como Product / Project Manager / Team IT Leads?

    En este Episodio del Podcast vas a descubrir cómo liderar en inglés:

    ¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos al comunicarse en inglés en entornos laborales internacionales y cómo superarlos?

    ¿Se nos da mal el Inglés a los Españoles, cuál es el motivo por el que se nos da tan mal?

    Desarrolladores, Project Managers, muchos están en la batalla de liderar en Inglés, dominar la materia, adquirir un léxico para sentirse cómodo, mostrar tu valía a través de tu conocimiento. ¡Pero nos da pavor hacerlo en Inglés! Nos auto-exigimos un Nivel muy alto para sentirnos capaces de liderar a un equipo Internacional ¿qué orientación darías a alguien en esta situación?

    ¿Puedes darnos un ejemplo de tu Metodología en cómo la aplicas con uno de tus clientes?

    Por lo que comentas, parece que no todos estamos aprendiendo de la forma más eficiente, tu enfoque tiene este aspecto de 'liminalidad', al unir cosas muy diferentes como son el Coaching y la Psicología con el tema de Comunicación e Idiomas, ¿cómo has llegado tu a todo esto?

    ¿Qué consejos tienes para superar el síndrome del impostor y el perfeccionismo al liderar equipos o proyectos en inglés?

    ¿Cuál es tu consejo principal para mejorar la capacidad de liderazgo y comunicación en inglés?

    Si te ha parecido útil el Podcast compártelo con otros Comunicadores Globales que sientas que andan un poco perdidos, déjanos tu valoración para darle más difusión a este Podcast!!

    Y si tienes alguna pregunta que te gustaría que responda en el Podcast sobre tus retos como Global Speaker, me encantará responderte!

    Puedes contactarme en IG @tuvozamericana o via Whatsapp (

    Si te ha llegado el momento de darle un impulso a tu Habilidad de Comunicación Internacional, quieres liderar en Inglés y sientes que te vendría bien una Coach de Comunicación Internacional en este momento de Avance Profesional: reserva ya tu Sesión gratuita conmigo y me cuentas en:

    Además, ya te puedes descargar tu EBOOK 'Global Speakers' y formar parte de mi Newsletter sobre Comunicación Internacional y Psicología en mi web!

  • If I knew about these techniques before.. I would have safe myself more than one difficult confrontation!

    I hope this Podcast helps you learn about these strategies that actually have nothing to do with 'having a perfect English!'

    Effective Communication goes way beyond 'the Language dimension' and takes us in a fascinating journey to learn more about ourselves.

    What I love about this skill is that it helps us connect deeper with each other and improve our relationships and this is the best you can learn to improve in your Business and life.

    Chris Voss a former FBI Agent wrote the book 'Never Split the Difference' where he explains how everything he has learned as a Negotiator in Hostage Rescue Situations is really very similar to what we need in our daily lives to negotiate in our job or personal relationships.

    I love his approach of Proactive Listening and Tactical Empathy, it all goes down to this heart centered listening.

    You are going to learn some of his best tactics and I also like to give you different examples on how to apply it in difficult conversations, for example with your Boss.

    Here you are learning how to win in confrontations, and the best thing 'with no need for the confrontation at all'.

    Very much like 'The Art of War', becoming a Ninja Negotiatior is going to make you navigate life in a completely new way.

    I hope you start see Global Communication with this new eyes, actually you don't need a 'perfect English' to be an effective Communicator!

    You just need to start practicing, and getting in the playground of Global Communication the sooner the better!

    Global Communication is a skill for explorers, those of you who are ready for a good adventure!

    Let's press the Play Botton and learn all things Negotiation!

    Please, share with me if you start applying it in your life and find it helpful. And if you liked it share it with your friends and spread this Negotiation magic!

    I really believe this is the type of skill that should be taught in schools alongside Meditation!

    Reach me out in Instagram @tuvozamericana

    If you are ready to step into the International Game and want 1:1 Coaching with me, book a Trial Session in

    And now for the first time in this 2024, you can also join our Toastmaster to practice with more Global Speakers like you!

  • Does this ever happened to you?

    Looking for all the perfect words and because of this interrupting yourself all the time.

    What if I tell you that trying to control all the words you use, looking for those fancy Jargon is actually not making you sound more Intelligent?

    Crazy, right!

    The Skill of International Communication goes way beyond just language, the way you react to your Emotions is much more important in how effective you are as a Communicator for an International Audience.

    In today's Episode I explain you why this happens!

    I hope this gives you the permission to let go of that control and need to use 'the perfect words' and be more of yourself!

    You can be much more of an effective communicator already just following these 3 simple steps I tell you in today's show!

    If you like the Show and find it helpful, please remember to rate, review and share with other Global Speakers and friends who you think could sound much 'more intelligent' ; )

    It's time more people master this Skill and get the International Jobs of their dreams!

    ♦️ And for those of you who are looking to personalized Coaching you can find me in

    ♦️ You can also join my Newsletter for more exclusive content and get the Free Chapter 01of your E-Book: Global Speakers (this one is tailored specially for Spanish Speaking Professionals).



  • First weeks of the first Month of this New Year of 2024!

    You are excited about all the changes you want to see in your life!

    You write down all of your Goals!

    Working in the International company of your dreams is one of them

    Taking your Entrepreneurship Internationally is one of them!

    Going to California to see the sequoias (...this is one of mine! )

    The only problem is that this was your goal last year too:

    ‘Becoming an International Public Speaker and Leader’ and you tried, it seemed to work at first, but then two months into it and…

    Research tells us that is a very little percentage of people who really complete their New Year Resolutions

    Why is this?
    Is it even worth it to write them down at all?

    In this Podcast I explain you why the problem is not on having goals but in the way you plan them

    I explain you my own ‘Productivity’ Journey and how I start the first month of the year regarding setting Goals for myself

    What the science of Habits reminds us of if we really want to become our Future Self

    I also explain you the best way to start your Public Speaking Journey for this 2024, in a way that really sticks for you as a Non Native who really desires more freedom and adventure in their lives.

    I mention some of my favorite books on this topic, the ones that have really helped me and I use to re read every once in a while:

    Atomic Habits by James Clear
    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
    The Compund Effect by Darren Hardy
    Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg

    I hope this Podcast helps you start taking action in a way that really sticks, so you can start seeing real results!

    I want you to know it is possible for you to start the year with this Professional upgrade. Working as part of an International team is possible for you!

    Start sharing your talent and gifts Internationally is available for you the moment you choose you want to become an International Leader.

    It really is that simple! It all goes down to start implementing the right actions once and again: a system of Habits of Practice.

    If you find it helpful, please share with your friends who also want to improve this skill of Public Speaking as Non Natives and apply for more International Jobs

    Reach me out in @tuvozamericana if you want to share your takeaways with me!

    If you want to join any of my Programs for 1:1 English Communication Coaching:

    If you want to join the Toastmasters 2024 for practicing in community join my Newsletter in my web, I’m sharing the Guide and all steps to join us!

    For starting your Fluency Habit, get the first chapter of the E Book:

    Thanks for being part of this Community of Super Speakers and let’s go for this 2024!

    The best things of your Professional Life are about to happen!

  • This week I wanted to give you a Book Recommendations with one of my favorite reads of this 2023: 'Greenlights' by Mathew Mconaughey.

    As we are coming into 2024, there are so much in this Book about setting goals for ourselves and for many of us it's a great time to write our New Year's Resolutions.

    If becoming better as a Public Speaker in English to work Internationally is on your list, this can be a great Book Pick for you.

    If you think that 'reading is boring' 'not for you' or you don't even know where to start', I want to challenge you to try with this Podcast.

    What if is not reading that is boring, but the materials you were exposed to?

    What if you try something different to start this 2024 your Reading Habit as a Global Communicator?

    Specially if you are at least at an Intermediate Level, I explain you how to start doing it.

    These recommendations of Books I'm coming with are specially good for creating an Immersive environment to improve as Public Speakers for Leadership Positions.

    'Greenlights' is not only an Autobiography about an Actor, it's a Book about Life, about those Greenlights, those signs the Universe gives us when we are going on our most aligned path.

    It's also a Book to learn what good Storytelling is all about, as you can breathe all the elements of a good Life Story, helping you improve when crafting your own Professional Story in English too.

    You are going to learn:

    Why risking everything can be the best career decision
    How to set goals to really succeed in Life
    How to choose a Purposeful Career that really fulfills you
    How to regain the passion on your Career
    What does it mean to be Authentic as a Public Speaker
    Why our obstacles are part of our Plan and how to learn from them

    If you decide to give it a try and love it, please let me know (@tuvozamericana), I'd love to learn your takeaways from it!

    And if you want to know all my extra Book Recommendations for Public Speakers and updates to practice Public Speaking with other Professionals, join our Newsletter at:

  • One of the keys of training yourself with Communication Coaching is finding more Joy in your Fluency Journey.

    That’s right!

    Improving this skill can be a very entertaining and joyful thing for you.

    Yes, you have to show up for it. Yes, you may feel discomfort some times but I want you to know you can experience this skill in a completely new way.

    As you know I’m always looking for other Communication Coaches who share this vision and my guest for this Podcast not only shares vision, but he actually shares almost the same Professional Trajectory.

    We both used to work as Music Journalists and now we create Courses where we both want you to start enjoying the skill once and for all!

    Learning about ‘Sound On’, Sukhi’s new Course made me reach out to him immediately and invite him, so that we can learn more about his approach to use Music to improve Fluency and Pronunciation.

    He explains us how he learnt ‘Brazilian Portuguese’ with Music! And how that experience planted a seed for this new Course.

    I also believe Music to be one of the best resources as Public Speakers in English being non natives: learning about rhythm, intonation, connected speech…and so much more!

    But this Podcast is not only about this, it’s also about going for a Music Journey through all things Manchester.

    You are going to learn about what is considered the new Culture Hub of the UK and start crafting your Playlist with groups like Oasis, Joy Division, Massive Attack or Happy Mondays.

    This is my second Guest from Manchester (the first one was Will Gayle in EP 29.

    I’m learning so much about this city lately!
    I really feel like going to visit some time soon!

    Before these Podcasts I only knew Manchester from those Music Bands and the Manchester United : ) but now after meeting such great guests I really want to visit one day!

    In the end, that’s what Communication Coaching is all about: expanding our lives, growing into new experiences and meeting ourselves in new ways!


    Get your Free E Book (for Spanish Native Professionals)
    IG and YouTube @tuvozamericana
    LinkedIn: Ana Pose

    Sukhi Bansal
    @english.Language.everyday (old IG until end of 2023)
    @englishcoachsukhi (from 2024 you can find him here!)

  • As Non Native Professionals we tend to think that, in orden to become more fluent and great Super Speakers, the key is to put all of our energy and effort on learning more Vocabulary and Grammar.

    But if you are a Top Leading Professional or Entrepreneur this is not how you are going to make the greatest impact on your English Communication Skills.

    The truth is many of us don’t really know what true and Effective Communication is all about!

    If this is your case, in this week’s Podcast I explain you why true Communication can only start the moment you learn how to truly listen.

    Do you consider yourself a good listener?
    Let’s see!

    I talk about:

    ▫️What’s Empathetic Listening and why you need this skill to Level up your Leadership game

    ▫️The best movie recommendation for your Listening Skills

    ▫️3 simple Things you can start applying to improve as a Listener

    ▫️What Stoicism remiends us about Good Communication

    ▫️And how to become better Listeners when English is our second language and we are in cross cultural communication settings

    I challenge you to apply these simple tricks this week and see how it impacts and improves all of your relationships, share your impressions with me!

    And if you like and find helpful this Podcast, please share it with people you know who really want to become Super Speakers as well!

    If you are a Spanish Native Professional who wants to upgrade professionally becoming a Super Speaker, you can download your free chapter of the Super Speaker’s E-Book here:
    IG and Yotube @tuvozamericana
    LinkedIn: Ana Pose

  • This week I come with the secret sauce to help you pass your next Job Interview in English: start focusing more on preparing your Professional Story than only on your Fluency Level.

    Yes! You can have an Intermediate Fluency Level and make a great impact in how you communicate for your Job Interview.


    Because you are not going to an English Exam!

    When going to a Job Interview you need to develop your Public Speaking skills for this specific situation.

    In this week’s Podcast I explain you how to do it and where to put your energy: Storytelling

    Selling your Professional Story is about learning how to tell your Story so well your Hiring Managers get to see how you are uniquely as a Leader.

    I come with an example of one of my favorite stories: Rocky Balboa!

    Rocky has all the good elements of the best Storytelling and you can use these elements to create your own Professional Stories!

    If you like the Podcast rate, review and share it with more Non Native Professionals like you who want to step into their International Lives!

    Download Free E-Boo Job Interviews for Spanish Speakers:

  • Want to know how Business English Communication Coaches help you Ace your Job Interview in English?

    This is a very diferent take on everything you have encountered before in other Business English more focused on text books.

    We go way beyond ‘The Business English Jargon’ to explain you why you don’t need to obsess over The Fluency Level you have anymore!

    Because that’s not it!

    If you want to pass a Job Interview as a Non Native Professional you have to start focusing on other areas of this Communication skill.

    In this Second Part Podcast Chris Bate and I talk about what you really need to focus on and how to train yourself to pass your next Job Interview in English.

    Take pens and paper because you are one step closer to pass your next Job Interview in English!:

    Tu Voz Americana
    Course on Job Interview Preparation
    IG @tuvozamericana

    Chris Bate
    LinkedIn: chrisbateenglishcoach

  • My guest today has a more than 20 years working as a Business English Teacher for different companies and recently has become a Business English Coach and online Entrepreneur.

    After the Pandemic working with a Business Coach himself, Chris discovered Coaching and how great it is when applied to this skill.

    We talk about all the misconceptions on what Business English really is and why if you still think it is boring or that it is only about learning ‘Business’ Jargon, it’s likely you are not making the progress you are looking for.

    If you are about to embark the adventure of working internationally or you have just started to, this Podcast is for you!

    For the International Professionals and Entrepreneurs here that find themselves a little bit lost with how to make real progress as Public Speakers.

    Here you are finally going to understand why you are stuck, why all the things teachers are telling you to do are not helping you and what to do instead!

    We talk about:

    ▫️The real reason why you are not making progress and how a Business English Coach can help you

    ▫️What on earth is a Coach? (We tell you all you need to better understand how Communication Coaches can help you)

    ▫️How to be effective when Communicating for Business as an International Professional

    ▫️How to overcome Perfectionism to speak more fluently on professional settings

    ▫️Why you don’t need all the jargon of the universe and what to do instead. How to be more strategic!

    ▫️What to focus on to improve your Pronunciation

    ▫️Best recommendations to improve your natural Fluency for working in English

    And much much more!


    Chris Bate:
    LinkedIn: chrisbateenglishcoach

  • Ever wonder how Actors are able to master Accent Imitation so skillfully?

    Tapping into your Acting Genius can take your Pronunciation in American English to the next Level

    In toda’s Episode I explain you how for me as a Spanish Professional the 3 elements on this Acting Technique have helped me create my American Voice from scratch living in Spain.

    Let’s learn from The Accent Wizard herself: Meryl Streep!

    I was watching her recently in ‘Murders in the Building’ and tought of making the Podcast you are about to listen.

    And if you are a Spanish Professional who needs some extra support to become a real Super Speaker, get your free sample of your EBook already!

    Go to my Web for your Ebook:

  • Do you really want to improve your Public Speaking Skills to work in English?

    May be you are thinking of joining a Course on Business English, start listening to Podcasts to learn the jargon you need…this is how you think you are going to improve, so, you go for it!

    All of these more traditional systems focus os the Language and Conscious Learning strategies.

    Doing it this way, you start very motivated but eventually you start feeling frustrated because all of this effort is leading you nowhere: you are stuck! Again!

    And, even worse, you think is your fault.

    ‘I’m not good at this’

    If this is you, I want to tell you, once I felt the very same way and today I come with a unique formula to start making progress on your Business English Fluency, once and for all!

    Things are changing in all areas since Internet entered our lives, but on this skill we are experimenting quite a revolution thanks to two things: Neuroscience and New Technologies.

    In this Episode I reveal you how I found the system to finally improve my Fluency 10 times faster living in Spain and from the comfort of my home.

    How my background on Communication, Journalism and Coaching has helped me create a unique system to help my clients make a real impact to their English Communication Skills when nothing else was working for them.

    And what is this thing of ‘My Little America’ and why I want to share it with you, because if you are a Professional or Entrepreneur who dreams to expand your life Internationally.

    I really believe is time to share our voices internationally, to change your habits and lifestyle and become really fluent so you can live a limitless life in all levels.

    If this is you, hit the PLAY button and start listening!
    Take notes and start creating your own ‘Little America’

    Contact me on:

    IG and YouTube @tuvozamericana
    Have a Virtual Coffee with me:
    LinkedIn: Ana Pose