My youngest sister asked me about how I got started recently and I began telling her the story again.
She stopped me.
She said, "I've heard the story, I want to know how you got the confidence to get started knowing nothing about business."
I said, "I'll get back to you..."
I actually thought about it for days and I came up with this answer.
"Confidence comes when you have the courage to start without confidence."
That was it.
I decided to commit to the desire to start a freedom business and I mustered all my courage and I just started.
I slowly, but surely gathered the information to get started and I tested and tested. I finally got to know my audience and I focused on getting them the value they wanted.
After doing that, I got more and more confident.
It was really blind, tiny courage that got me started.
Then that grew into confidence.
All you have to do is start.
Gather all the courage you have now and get a huge jump start on your journey by not having to slowly figure it out over years.
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
A new Freedom Club member recently sent me the following email.
I'll add his question here and then my comment will follow.
"Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the Freedom Club and how much it has to offer. My question is how should I be going through the course work.
My philosophy is to go through everything first and digest it all. Then, look further in detail by going into it a second time and start to take action.
Is this a plausible way of doing things, or do you suggest taking action as you go along with the modules.
Just curious if am doing things correctly and the most beneficial.
I want to say again, this is by far the most informative course I have been a part of in a long time.
Jeremy and Jason, please keep up the good work.
--I totally know where you are coming from. I use to do this as well, in fact, I'm doing it right now with a personal development course I'm going through.
I listen and watch it all, to sorta get the gist of it. I do take notes if I get a real, "ah ha!" moment, but I don't do my extensive notes till the second pass.
The Freedom Club is a bit different.
There are 10 full courses inside. They are designed for you to take action as you go, BUT the first course can JUST be listened to all the way through first.
The first course is called the Freedom Formula.
But you MUST go back and do the actual work. This is critical.
We created the Freedom Formula after going right to the business side of teaching for years.
We'd just go right into finding your niche and building your site and the stuff most people want to get to.
What we found is that 90% of people that started there would have some sort of critical mindset issue that would make them stop building their business at some point in the process.
After years of working with direct coaching students, we designed the Freedom Formula to make sure you don't have that critical mindset issue later on, possibly stopping you from building your business.
Plus, you design your future, with is cool as hell.
Plus, we show you the Money Map.
The Money map is the exact process you need to take to get your business from "no idea what to do" to making your first $500 online.
This is your treasure map and I know I like to have a bird's eye view of any process I'm going through, and that is it.
That is at the end of the Freedom Formula.
SO, you can listen and watch all of the Freedom Formula, THEN go back through and do every single task we set up for you.
I don't suggest just listening to the rest of the courses without doing the activities as they come up.
It's step by step, so just do the task in each segment BEFORE you move on.
That way you'll be making actual progress as you go. No need to wait.
Congrats Erik on being someone that takes action. You are someone that is bound to succeed if you just keep taking small steps everyday.
So, there you go. A winner inside the Freedom Club working his winning strategy.
Now is your turn:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
For the first 6 years of my entrepreneurial journey I was completely obsessed with finding the secret sauce needed for success.
I figured the "GURU's" kept the secrets to themselves, but I was determined to find them anyways.
Secret sauce means the exact combination of abilities, skills, knowledge, mindset, etc, that makes success inevitable.
I had found a type of secret sauce in the J-O-B I had before I became an entrepreneur, so there had to be with this.
For 7-10 years of my entrepreneurial journey I no longer believed in a secret sauce. I had a lot of successful friends and I wrongly thought I couldn't really see a specific combination of traits that was in each of them.
Or so I thought.
Then, I found my way into a top level, secret mastermind group.
Actually I earned my way in.
I was one of the top affiliates for a BIG internet marketing duo. A couple of the biggest guys in the business. You probably know them, if you've been around for even 5 minutes.
This mastermind group was held at a very ritzy hotel
Even the room the mastermind was held in seemed classy and upscale, not like those low end, crummy hotel seminar rooms you've probably been in before.
There were about 18 people in the room, including me.
Half the people in the room were extremely well known to me, in many different markets.
The other half where the “behind the curtain” guys behind the "GURU's", the guys that made the *real* money.
I was blown away over the two long days I spent with them and I learned things about myself and business that changed me forever.
One of those things was the 3 ingredients in the secret sauce of success.
When I left this magical place I was shocked, angered, and extremely excited.
I was shocked that I didn't know most of the massive secrets I learned in that room.
Secrets that could have made my entrepreneurial struggle lessened to the point of ease.
I was angered that no one taught the specifics of all I learned there. These big guys and "GURU's" keep the info for themselves, as I suspected they did!
I was right all along...
I was extremely excited that I had the knowledge and could put it to use right away.
I generally knew about the 3 secret ingredients.
They all seemed obvious once I knew about them, but I never have seen anyone focus on them to the degree they need to be focused on.
I started focusing on them right away.
The first ingredient is that you have to *deserve* success.
You have to take the small steps everyday that lead to the success you desire. I actually talked about this quite a bit on this daily show and I'll be talking about it a LOT more.
It seems simple, but it's massively important and there is a lot behind it's simple looking exterior.
I had used this first ingredient myself and was able to help 1,000's of people and enjoy 7 figure paydays because of it and that was without focusing on it!
This is why freeloaders and get rich quickers will never be successful, they want to simply "push a button once and money endlessly comes out" opportunity, but that doesn't exist and it's a loser mindset from the get go.
Deserving success isn't hard, but it cannot be skipped.
I built this first ingredient into every course I've made. Simple, step by step plans on how to deserve success is really what all 10 courses are in the Freedom Club are designed as. I've gotten really good at adding it for you.
The next ingredient seems to have a bit of a negative vibe around it.
I have a Facebook group I run JUST about this second ingredient.
I asked the members what emotions came up about this ingredient and mostly seemed to be negative.
Don't be tricked into thinking it is negative, it's extremely powerful and extremely important.
The second ingredient is *persuasion*.
I've currently dedicated myself to mastery with this subject.
I love learning about it. -
BTW, this episode if from a daily email I wrote in May of 2017:
So, this week is moving week for me.
A couple months ago I decided to make some huge life changes and this week I leave "the ordinary world" and I enter "the special world" of the Hero's Journey that author Joseph Campbell talks a lot about.
I'm leaving my 6000 square foot home in a secret valley to move into a 1200 square foot apartment in the city in order to train for the first level of my new adventure.
I've spent the last 2 months selling my house and donating 90% of my stuff.
I'm going after a dream I've had since I was 19 and it's going to take everything I've learned and experienced to make it work.
I believe that when you have a dream, you give your all towards achieving it.
I believed it and went after it when I left my 6 figure career 14 years ago and ended up starting Internet Business Mastery and now it's time to do it again.
Nothing is going to change with Internet Business Mastery. I'll still be doing these daily episodes and looking in on the winners masterminding in the Freedom Club Facebook Mastermind group, as always.
BUT, I'll also be starting the business I conceived 27 years ago and didn't have any earthly idea how to start.
I do now, so I'm giving my all, embracing change like a lover, all in order to encourage success in this new venture.
I not only teach this stuff, I live it.
You have this desire too.
I know it.
That is why you're here listening to my show.
You don't have to sell everything and give up your past in order to make it happen, just get the guts to join the Freedom Club and set aside some time everyday.
It can be just 30 minutes a day. Schedule and do it.
Join me on the Hero's journey NOW:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Here's a quote I ran across during my reading time yesterday.
It comes from a man that studied some of the biggest successes in history.
"Success is not for the lazy, procrastinating, or mercurial."
~Dean Keith Simonton
There is a whole bunch more to that quote, but that part is the essence.
It all boils down to, "take action now and keep going until you get the success you desire."
That's it.
Take action now:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
I decided to set a record today and I can't do it without you.
You know I'm big on small steps. The tiny, daily steps that lead to success.
BUT, Today is not that day.
Sometimes, it's time to go big or go home.
Today IS that day.
I want to set 2 records today with the Freedom Club.
I want to set a record on how many people finally get the guts to join.
I also want to set a record on how many people finally admit that this internet business thing is just a pipe dream and they stop listening to my show.
The records are for definite YESes and NOs.
If you are tired of all the excuses and are ready to use all the courage you have in your possession...
If you are ready for a step by step system to help you gain the freedom you've wanted for a long time...
If you want to be a part of a group of your peers that are ready to mastermind with you and be part of your journey if you so choose...
If you KNOW you are a winner and are ready to prove it...
Today is the day, it's time to come on in to the Freedom Club:
Okay, if you're listening to this and not joining, it's time for you to help me make a record by unsubscribing right now.
If you love your bullshit excuses then nothing I can say will ever change you're mind...
If you get offended easily and love to complain to anyone that will listen...
If your significant other is the real boss of you and you don't have the ability to talk them into your dream...
If you're really just an employee at heart and need to be told what to do to help your boss and business owner achieve their dreams...
If you just don't have the balls, guts, and/or grit to get it done...
It's time to unsubscribe to this show, right now.
Let's face, you're never going to get the guts to get started, go unsubscribe.
It's time to be honest, the freedom club is the place to actually get the business you only dream about and if all you can do is whine about all the reasons you can't start now, it's not the place for you.
Unsubscribe from the show now.
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education
P.S. If you do have the balls to start and just wanted to see what I was going to say to the Employee Mindset people, no problem, here’s the end of the show, join now -
Recently my youngest daughter moved out and is on her own.
She's got her first apartment and is heading out into the world.
I look back on her childhood with great satisfaction as I got to be there for everything.
When she had a mid-afternoon music recital, I got to be there.
Every soccer game, I got to be there.
Every morning doctor's appointment, I got to take her.
Every ballet performance, I got to be there.
When she had an opportunity to go to Spain on a class trip, I could afford to take care of it.
Anything at any time, I got to be there.
My freedom business allowed that to happen.
It wouldn't have been the case with my old job, I barely got to see her.
When she was really young, I would just barely make it home to see her go to bed or on the weekends, then I took the chance and started my freedom business.
That one choice changed the lives of everyone I'm close to.
A freedom business opened my life to live the way I wanted to all while helping others achieve the same lifestyle if they had the courage to go for it.
It was the pain of no control and never getting to see my family that helped me go for it and do what it took to make it happen and I'm so glad I did.
As I watch her leave, I didn’t have to feel the regret that would have certainly been there had I kept my ol' day job.
There are so many upsides to making the choice to follow your dream of having a freedom business, killing regret is certainly a beautiful one.
Kill regret right now:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Sadly, I'm not getting as many of the following emails, I think it's cause I've weeded so many of these type of people off my list.
I love weeding people off my list almost as much as I like finding the right people to join the Freedom Club family.
I got this email a couple days ago and as always, there is a lesson in here.
Here is the email and my comments will follow.
"4 Letter Words give me 4 reasons to Unsubscribe.
Unethical (suspect)
Unwise (why swear when you do not know who your audience is)
Un excusable"
----I don't believe for 1 second this guy was a potential customer, but I will answer his email in order to share with you how to handle people with victim mentalities.
This guy wanted any excuse not to take the first steps to start a freedom business, so he picked the fact that I said a "bad" word in the daily email he is responding to.
I put that bad word in there to make sure people like him get off my list and don't waste my time buying my products just to refund them back with the excuses of being offended.
Victims LOVE to be offended and if he found an inspirational email with one “bad” word offensive, he is just itching to find anything offensive, (as an excuse not to actually start going after his dream.)
The truth can be offensive, so it was bound to happen with this guy.
If one bad word makes him clutch his pearls and faint back on his Victorian couch, I don't want him buying my products or corrupting my large mastermind group of winners.
It's time to stop being offended and start actually going after your dream!
I don't know anyone that has been successful that is so easily offended, so I use things that offend the easily offended to weed them out.
It does it's job like a charm, as the guy has proven.
Here are my answers to a couple words he used to try to manipulate me.
If I was unethical I'd do everything I could to make him buy, knowing full well he WASN'T the type of person to really take action.
Instead, I've done exactly the right thing to make sure he leaves my list and stays away from the buy button. He clearly wouldn't know ethical if it smacked him in the face. Another fantastic reason I celebrate his leaving my list.
"Unwise(why swear when you do not know who your audience is)"
Here he's assuming he knows who my audience is.
I know exactly how to attract winners that are ready to succeed.
Sadly, he's just mad that he isn't one of them and is "being offended" so he can blame me for succumbing to his fears.
I hate 'assuming' and 'being offended'. I'm looking for people who are 'Curious' and 'Ready to Win'.
He clearly isn't ready.
In my experience, someone like this will never be ready, which is why I do several things to weed them off my list.
Someone like this wants me to beg and grovel for him to come back and learn for free, not me. Instead, I made sure my team kicked him off the list.
Ya, he said he was going to unsubscribe, but didn't...
I made sure he did.
In your business, you have to know exactly who your audience is and you have to love working with them. You have to want to protect them like your own children.
I do and did.
Keith got ran out of town. Keith 0, Sherriff 1.
If you want to find out who your perfect audience is and how to build a business that is perfect for them and YOU, it's time to join the Freedom Club.
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but there was a time I didn't know that just anyone could start a business!
It's strange to think of now when nearly all my friends are self-made business owners, but I really had no idea.
I was so focused on ambitiously climbing the corporate ladder and proud of being in a little office rather than a cubicle, I just had no idea how businesses were started and who could start them.
I was years ahead of schedule in my career climb, though I didn't enjoy my job or being employed.
Then one Friday, about 15 years ago, a fellow ambitious "climber" came into my office.
"Hey man, I have something that is going to knock your socks off." He said.
"Oh yeah..." I said, incredulously.
"It's a book..." He said, while fishing it out of his bag.
My eyes lit up. Even back then I loved reading.
He found the book and handed it to me.
It was a bit beat up and the paperback spine was bent in a hundred places.
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad. What is it?" I said.
"Just read it and tell me when you're done. I promise you'll love it." He said.
I chucked it in my bag and went back to work.
I nearly forgot the book after work. An hour of soul crushing traffic in Los Angeles will make you forget your will to live.
Just before bed, I finally remembered the book.
I opened it and started reading.
Several hours later, as I finished the book, my mind was on fire.
That book was magic for me.
I read it a couple more times over the next few days and that was it.
I was unemployable.
The book didn't give exact specifics on how to start and run a business, but it was a mindset shift like I hadn't had ever.
Within a few months, I quit my full time, 6-figure job and started my entrepreneurial journey.
I found I loved the process of building a business enough that after I was able to replace my income with my first business, I decided to teach what I learned.
I wanted to make it easier than it was for me.
I wanted it to be step-by-step with nothing missing.
I had gone through so much online training and it was never step-by-step and there was alway stuff missing, so I'd have to buy another course or get more coaching.
Over the next 13 years I built many courses, all building on each other, until I had everything it took for someone with no idea how to start, to get started and go all the way to 7 figures.
Last year and over 10,000 students later, I put all those courses in one place, to make it even easier to get your freedom business started.
Thanks to that book and YEARS of study and testing and success, I made the freedom club just for you:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education
P.S. Coming full circle on my story, a few years ago Jason and I were asked to write a Rich Dad book about internet business! Talk about a strange and exciting world we live in...
We decided not to do it, as we wanted to keep focus on Internet Business Mastery, but it was an awesome milestone to be asked to write a book in the series that got me started! -
It's true, I get a fair amount of whiny excuses emails from people riddled with fear, doubt, and victim mentality.
I focus on more of those in these daily podcasts, because I think my answers can help you too.
That isn't the only type of email I get.
I also get a lot of 'Thank you' emails.
I'm going to start sharing some of them, because many times they have lessons that could help you too.
Here's one with my comments to follow.
See if you can spot the lesson before I pull it out and inspect it.
"Thanks for this fantastic course and for making it so affordable that I could not afford NOT to take advantage of it. I am no longer employed by someone else, and I need to get this going. Your work here is just what I need."
----When I made the crazy decision to take all 10 of our extremely expensive, high end, step by step courses and put them into ONE membership site I had business friends that thought I was being stupid.
We've made almost 8 figures with the courses at the higher price.
We've changed a lot of lives and through the value cycle changed our lives as well.
We helped over 10,000 people even with the extremely high prices.
I realized I wanted to up my game.
I wanted to 10x what Internet Business Mastery could do in the world and that means finding every way I can to go even bigger.
Just to get access to all of our main courses it would have cost you over $8000.
If you wanted to get coaching as well, it'd cost another $2000-$5000 each as well.
I realized, when I started, that I couldn't have afforded that.
To go 10x you have to think differently than you did before.
One of the top excuses I heard from people who didn't invest in my courses was that they were too expensive.
So I took care of that.
10x thinking lead me to give you ALL 10 of my courses, as well as every bonus I've ever created, as well as have past students and experts create some other courses and add them too.
That seemed like 10x thinking.
I still wanted to make it even better.
I added past recorded coaching calls and even an exclusive, private Facebook mastermind group for you to share your journey with other people just like you.
I put everything I have into the Freedom Club.
That is about as 10x as I can be.
Then I realized one more thing.
I had to make the investment so low, it could no longer be an excuse for ANYONE.
My last action was to make it so you could be a member of the Freedom Club for just one dollar a day.
You get everything I've created and update for the last 13 years, all for $1 a day.
As you can see in the email from Steve, he couldn't afford NOT to join.
I agree.
There is nothing more I can do to sweeten the pot.
I've given it all, because I want everyone with the balls to go after their dreams and desires to have the chance to take that action.
Today is the day you join us:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Man, I get a lot of emails now.
I don't want every single email or podcast episode being me just answering the endless barrage of questions, but I will answer once or twice a week based on if I think it applies to you.
Here is the question, but it's my answer that is important. My answer will follow...
"I dont know how to sell other company products and get a percentage. Plus I dont know how to handle the shipping part from my site because what if I dont charge the same as the company?"
----This is an extremely easy question to answer.
Questions like these came up for me 100 times a day, when I started.
The constant frustration of having all these questions and having no answers is tiring.
I was dying for an all-in-one, step by step course when I started.
There were a couple that claimed to be, low these 14 or so years ago, I invested in them. I got tired of doing it alone and I bought the courses.
They always left me with more questions than answers…
I frigging hated that.
I also hated trying to build the business alone in another way. I didn't know anyone that was creating an online business.
I didn't have anyone to talk too about it or question or just brag to when something went well.
The first person I met that knew about this online thing I started masterminding with and later started a podcast that became the #1 Internet Business podcast in the world. That person is Jason, you know, the guy that co-hosts the show and build all the courses in the Freedom Club with me.
The two most important things you can have when you are starting a freedom business, outside of your own success mindset, is a step by step course and a mastermind group.
My answer to Greg's question will solve both of these problems, as well as the issue he is actually asking about.
Greg, the solution to your known and unrealized problems are solved here:
^^That will solve your questions about starting a freedom business too...
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
A couple times a week I get emails begging me for direct coaching.
They DON’T say, "Hey Jeremy, you're a world leader in freedom business education, how much would it be if you were to coach me a couple hours a month while I'm starting my freedom business?"
Nope, what I usually get from people is something else.
"Can you tell me specifically how to start and run my freedom business? I know you're a nice guy and you should totally help me out cause... (enter entitled reason here)"
These would be people that had never bought anything from me, just freeloaders looking to sucker me.
When I was new, I fell for this a lot.
I wanted to help anyone and everyone and I'd fall for every entitled reason that came my way.
But, I found something out.
Freebie seekers don't do the work.
Freebie seekers don't take the advice.
Freebie seekers want to have someone to blame when they don't do what it takes to succeed.
Freebie seeker is just one part of a Loser Mindset, get rid of it now.
I was fueling their fire of being a loser by not allowing them to take part in the Value Cycle. I talk about that in the Freedom Club, a lot.
Know your value and demand it.
If a freebie seeker gets mad when you demand your value, good. You taught them what it is to value yourself.
Giving people your best stuff for free only hurts them and keeps them in a pattern of a Loser Mindset and, even worse, it wastes your time.
Demand the best, even from your audience.
You know you're ready to get started, do it now:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
There's a question I get all the time and it is a sure sign of someone that is going to quit.
I totally understand why someone would be curious about the answer, and in the past I'd say the question was unanswerable.
After over 13 years of running my own businesses and helping others start and build theirs, I realize there is an answer.
An obvious answer.
But, it's not the answer 'get rich quickers' want to know, so now I MUST answer it to weed them out.
The question is:
"How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?"
I use to say the answer was, "It depends..."
It depends on what market you pick.
It depends on what business system you follow.
It depends on how much time you put into it.
It depend on how serious you are about starting it.
It depends on if you have grit.
It depends on your interest in your audience.
It depends...
"How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?"
My answer now is, "When you create enough value for a very specific audience that they are willing to exchange value for it, boom, you will be profitable."
That is the correct answer, but for most, it's unfulfilling.
The problem is the question.
When I started, I never asked that question.
Here is what I thought:
"I want this so bad that I'm going to keep going UNTIL it works. Other people
are doing it, so I can too. I just need to keep going until it works."
I didn't have a proven out system, so it took me about a year to piece together as much info as I could to come up with a system to try. I was profitable the first month, once I figured out a make-shift system.
You don't have that problem, the system is the Freedom Club. Over 10,000 people have learned from the system inside the Freedom Club including Pat Flynn, Mark Mason, Jamie Masters, Brian Moran, and many many more.
You have to get your mindset right.
Want it so bad that you're going to keep going UNTIL it works. That is the key...
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Last year I got really lucky.
I decided to take a huge risk and start a brand new business.
I decided part of the plan was to sell my huge home, as part of doing what it took to get a dream I’d secretly had since I was 19.
By pure chance, the market was hot, hot, hot.
A few weeks after putting my house on the market, a bidding war started.
I got a lot more out of my house than I ever expected.
Sometimes, you just get lucky.
I didn't plan on selling in a hot market. I was just doing what I needed to do and selling my house was the first part of the plan.
When you get a surprise visit from luck, you have to throw a huge party for luck and hope it stays a while.
I saw that luck had come with the hot housing market and I did everything I could to help a bidding war happen.
You have to USE luck when it comes.
You happen to be getting a visit from luck RIGHT NOW.
When I started my first internet business, back in 2004, there wasn't anything step by step when it comes to starting a freedom business. Most of the stuff made you have more questions than they solved...
There wasn't the term freedom business. I started saying that a couple years later when I started getting a taste of freedom from the businesses I started.
You, on the other hand, are both lucky and potentially smart.
You were smart enough to listen to this show.
You're lucky the Freedom Club exists and has everything you need to go from zero to total freedom all in one place.
If you have no idea what type of business to start, lucky you, it's in there.
If you have no idea what niche to go in, lucky you, it's in there.
If you have no idea how to start a blog, lucky you, it's in there.
If you have no idea how to use social media to gain traffic, lucky you, it's in there.
If you have no idea how to take your 5 or 6 figure business up to the 7 figure range, lucky you, it's in there.
Luck has come to visit, will you use it to your advantage?
Get lucky:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
I was watching a TEDtalk on Youtube yesterday. It was from an author I was currently reading. It was great.
A 3rd wave feminist complaining video showed up in the list of video recommendations on the right hand side, I'm not sure why
Normally, I can withstand the temptation to watch such time sucks...
I watched it.
About halfway through I got a text and picture from a friend of mine. He had just gotten up the mountain to Machu Picchu.
I've talked about this friend before. He is the one that started and owns a family bank, all with the proceeds of his freedom business.
I asked him if it was hard getting to the Inca ruin site, one of the new seven wonders of the world. I had heard it can be a real pain.
I'm not a world traveler, so I only retain the nightmare stories when it comes to world travelling.
He said, "Ya, stuff went wrong and I loved every minute of it all. I'm standing in Machu Picchu!"
I had just watched a video of a screeching harpy complaining about not getting enough free stuff from others and here is my friend living his dreams because he worked his ass off creating value for others.
He wasn't born rich, he built his wealth by creating value, rather the demanding resources from others.
It made me think of something, you can be a victim or a hero, but you can't be both.
You get to decide which way you will live, but you can't have both.
Victim or hero?
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
I'm currently working on a new set of goals. Mostly they are around my new business idea I'm working on and a few are upgrading some personal goals I made last year.
One part of the goal setting process I don't hear any internet business people talking about is something I learned in the Army.
I drove troop transport vehicles in the Army.
I did it for college money, being as I was to poor to even know there were scholarships, grants, and school loans… more on that another time.
I drove my troop transport vehicles for a special forces group up in Washington State.
The special forces guys were crazy!
The stuff I saw... I can't believe what these guys can do.
One thing that wasn't shocking, but was simply amazing was how they planning out their missions. One aspect I loved was called the Backwards Planning Method.
Whenever they had a mission, they would start at the clear end state (goal/target) and plan everything they could think of BACK to the start position.
Does that make sense?
Instead of starting at the beginning and planning forward, like most people do, they would start at the final goal and plan every step they could think of, one successful step at a time, backwards to the beginning.
Honestly, most people don't have goals.
If they do have goals, they just have the outcome in their mind and that's about it.
The Backwards Planning Method is a bit on the advanced side, for sure.
I suggest you try it on your top goal sometime, but there is one place you DON'T need to use this method.
The Freedom Club.
Nope, it's all laid out, step by step from being a total beginner all the running a 7 figure freedom business.
I have it laid out in 3 phases:
--Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side)
Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully.
--Phase Two: Replace Your Income and Quit Your Job!
Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully.
--Phase Three: Build a 7-Figure Business!
Yep, you guessed it. Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully.
The Backwards Planning Method and other advanced strategies are all built into the Freedom Club. You won't notice them or need to know all about them to make them work, you just start at the beginning and work your way through.
Tiny steps, consistently, that's all you need to do.
Well, there is one more thing you'll need to do…
Join now at:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Every couple of days I jump into the Freedom Club exclusive, private mastermind group.
It's extremely expiring to see what club members are up to.
I love seeing the success mindset growing as members help each other, share breakthroughs, and just spend time with other future freedom business owners.
Here's a winner doing what it takes to succeed:
"Today I escaped the 9 - 5. I just left the office of a job I was unhappy in for the last time. I've recently taken the opportunity to take a job (that I enjoy) that will earn me the same income in 16hrs a week instead of 40 and those extra hours are going straight into my Freedom Business. It's not THE step, but it's A step and I'm celebrating! Thank you all for your help getting to this milestone, even if at this point it's just from a physiological perspective."
---I love seeing Tim doing what it takes to deserve the success that he's building. Just seeing the world in a different way can make stuff like this possible.
The thought, how can I magically make more time for myself?
Adding 24 hours a week to his freedom business building efforts is certainly one of those ways.
Inside the Freedom Club we talk all about the many aspects of freedom.
Most people only focus on one aspect: Financial Freedom.
In the first course we talk about many of the aspects of freedom so you can figure out your ideal lifestyle.
One side effect of knowing all the types of freedom is thinking differently, so you don't fall into all the failure traps that I did.
Tim figured out a way to use the Freedom of Time to make more time for him to build his business that will ultimately lead to all aspects of freedom.
Congrats for starting to break free from the Time Trap!
I commented on Tim's break though, telling him how I fell directly in the Time Trap for over a year, when I started.
Sadly, I didn't have an entire course teaching me the Freedom Formula, like the Freedom Club does, but that is another point of investing in the club. To become aware of the traps and skip them altogether!
Tim is on his way.
You can be on your way too, right now by joining the FC at
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
A few months ago I opened the Freedom Club. As you have heard the response was exciting!
There was one question I got enough times that I thought I’d answer it here.
“What **type** of business does the Freedom Club teach?”
Fantastic question!
My first answer is, “The best type!” That’s no joke but more on that in a minute.
By **type** what people mean is what is the business model.
Is it a physical products business I’ll be selling on Amazon?
Is it a coaching business?
Will I have a blog?
Will I have to do a podcast?
Do I need to do a bunch of videos for Youtube?
Will I have to get over my fear of speaking and get on stage and sell?
Let me start at the beginning, the business I teach is a Relationship Business.
What do I mean by that?
I mean that it’s about getting clear on the lifestyle you want, the audience you want to create for, and the Value Cycle relationship between you and that audience.
Everything you do will be about your lifestyle and that relationship with your audience.
The better the relationship with your audience, but better your lifestyle will be.
I don’t teach how to sell physical products on Amazon. I actually did some tests on that a while ago and it was a nightmare.
You create a simple blog in the Freedom Club, but that happens by clicking a button. No hard coding or learning computer languages or anything. Which I still don’t know how to do after all these years.
The Freedom Club will not go into podcasting or making videos, I consider those advanced tactics and your audience may not even have time for them.
The Freedom Club goes into the fundamentals of creating the perfect relationship with your audience and letting **them** tell you what they want to buy.
You don’t even have to figure that out, they will tell you!
That’s just one reason why it really is the best type of business, in my not so humble opinion, and I’ve tried out a handful of other types...
Learn about the Value Cycle and how to find the audience that will help you create your freedom lifestyle here:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education -
Boy, I'll tell you what...
Anytime I talk about what it takes to succeed, the whiny snowflakes come out to do their thing.
Here is an email I got yesterday that I'm going to use to help you with your mindset. As condescending and 'fixed' mindset as it is, I'm going to take a crack at it.
My comments will follow her SJW rant.
"You come across as very judgmental. I'm
not sure if you're open to feedback, but
I recommend that you read Carol Dweck's
book Mindset for some tips on how to use
language that is less based on praise and
intimidation. That is, unless your intention
is to communicate that only "smart, non-lazy"
people will buy your product. I wish you the
best with your business. I hope you read that
book, and you put more of your best self out
into the world. There are many people you can
help. I'm sure you have something wonderful to
offer. Keep putting in effort and trying new
--I don't just come across as judgmental, I am.
We all are.
You are.
You just judged me to be judgmental.
It was totally obvious, but you were right. We are both judgmental.
Carol Dweck's book is awesome. It is so good that when I read it years ago I added it to the top of my reading list, which you can find here:
I write my posts to the growth mindset people.
I write my posts to turn OFF the fixed mindset people. I can't change the fixed mindset of another person, even if I wanted to. Instead I have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email, just for them, and I suggest they stop reading my posts rather than get their panties in a bunch. I want them to leave, because I don't want them to come into the Freedom Club Mastermind Group and ruin the budding success mindsets that are growing there.
To your next point, yes, I am only intending to communicate to those with growth mindsets that are open to accepting and growing a success mindset.
These posts are to help smart people get over their fears and past programming to enable them to get the freedom business these very much desire.
You are right, there are many more I can help.
As I've said, I want to take the 10,000 people I've already helped to start freedom businesses over the last 13 years and make it 100,000. I can't do that with a bunch of snowflake, whiny, loser mindset type people gumming up the works.
I don't have a magic wand I can use to change their mindset, only they can change it (maybe), I have to weed them out to let those with the guts and curiosity and grit needed to become successful.
Those that are easily offended are usually fixed mindset people, so that makes it much easier to piss them off to weed them out so they will unsubscribe or stop reading my posts.
Success isn't for the faint of heart. Not one of the people I know that are objectively successful with their freedom business need to clutch their pearls and faint back onto a Victorian couch at what I or anyone else says.
They have grit, determination, and a massive growth mindset.
My suggestion, Janna (and you reading this now), is to read Mindset if you feel any tingly feelies telling you to be offended at this post. Get rid of that fixed mindset, it's not doing you any good.
If you're ready to rock and rock and design your success mindset and successful freedom business, join now:
Jeremy Frandsen
World Leader in Freedom Business Education - Laat meer zien