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Adulting is hard. Podcast YOLO (YOur Life with Ours!) berisi kumpulan cerita dari Iwet Ramadhan, Novita Angie, dan Dave Hendrik seputar kehidupan di usia dewasa.
Season 2 bisa didengarkan di channel RSJ (Ruang Siar Juara). Cek highlights seluruh episode di Instagram @yolopodcastid. Enjoy! -
Dans votre podcast "Un Français dans le monde", retrouvez des portraits de Français et leur parcours d'expats. Pourquoi avoir décidé de s'expatrier, comment se passe leur vie dans leur pays, rapport avec leur France natale...
Des centaines de portraits aux 4 coins du monde !
Podcasts produits par La radio des Français dans le monde ( -
Gak ada yang gabisa diobrolin. Share cerita kalian, request topik obrolan atau apapun itu, kirim aja ke [email protected] atau DM melalui Instagram kami @obrolankostan
Segmen ini merupakan sesi curhat yang dikemas secara ringan, layaknya bercerita pada seorang teman.
Dalam segmen ini, tidak ada sesi "menggurui" karena Gritte Agatha sebagai host bukanlah seorang ahli/ psikolog melainkan sebagai "teman" yang memberikan saran dan wadah bagi tiap narasumber yang datang untuk mencurahkan isi hati atau keluh kesah tanpa adanya paksaan dari pihak manapun. -
Aku bicara yang terasa sulit kau bicarakan, yang kau gelisahkan namun susah kau ungkapan. Aku ada supaya kau rasa, bagaimana menjadi "ada". Support this podcast:
MIMISAN atau Minggu Minggu Santai adalah obrolan-obrolan santai dan receh yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari bareng reza ,riyadi dan prabu ( IG : @mrezarusman, @riyadi_ry dan @prabuwicaksono ) Merapat, dengerin, share dan follow ig: @mimisanpodcast atau email : [email protected] dan sekarang kita ada youtube loh yuk mampir ke "REBEL ARMY PROJECT" Jangan lupa LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE :)
A podcast by indie artist Will Joseph Cook. With a new creative guest in every episode, the Bad Hotel podcast explores the worlds of music, art, live performance and what it's like to live in these worlds. It's a relatable hang that hopefully sheds some light on the often mysterious and weird journeys creatives go through to reach where they're at. That said, it does frequently ride off the rails.
A unique, short-format podcast that features insights and perspectives on breaking news and current issues, all focused on the multi-faceted business that is fashion. News Bytes is written by Joshua Williams, produced by Fashion Consort and distributed in partnership with FashionUnited, your trusted global network for fashion news, business intelligence and jobs.
If you are a musician, writer, visual artist, actor, or some other type of creative entrepreneur, this show is for you! Host Bob Baker is on a mission to help creative people of all kinds use their talents and know-how to make a living and make a difference in the world! The podcast features interviews and helpful advice from Bob, who has been self-employed in the arts for most of his life (as an author, musician, visual artist, actor, and improv comedy instructor).