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    In this episode, Stuart explores the often-overlooked dangers of being too risk-averse in financial planning. He argues that an excessive focus on reducing perceived financial risk can jeopardise your lifestyle goals due to the high opportunity costs involved. Many people fall into the trap of continuously repaying debt at the expense of exploring other investment opportunities, resulting in a limited risk tolerance that may not serve them well in the long run.

    Stuart emphasises the importance of becoming comfortable with perceived risk and adopting a long-term investment strategy. He explains that most people share a similar risk profile, seeking average returns over time rather than chasing high-risk, high-reward scenarios. He focuses on evidence-based and rules-based investing and illustrates how market volatility is less concerning when viewed over extended periods.

    Education is highlighted as the key to reducing perceived risk. Investors can make informed decisions without fear by understanding basic investment principles and seeking professional advice. Stuart also suggests starting small to build confidence and familiarity with investments.

    Listeners will gain valuable insights into balancing risk and reward, and how taking calculated risks is essential for achieving financial and lifestyle goals. Tune in to learn if you're taking enough risk in your financial strategy.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart delves into the financial journey of a client he began working with in 2012. Back then, the client had $800k in net investment assets, including shares primarily in Rio Tinto, superannuation, and a property in Hawthorn East. Today, that figure has grown to almost $2.8 million.

    Despite challenges, such as underperforming investment properties and a shift to consulting work post-2017, strategic decisions have led to significant growth. A key move was gradually selling down Rio shares, especially after their value peaked at over $130, and redirecting the proceeds into superannuation.

    Listeners will gain valuable insights into the importance of not having your wealth tied to the same industry as your income and the critical role of superannuation performance. The episode highlights the balance between holding and selling investment properties and underscores a gradual strategy to increase the proportion of wealth in superannuation.

    This case study exemplifies how careful planning and strategic asset management can lead to substantial financial growth, even when faced with market fluctuations and changes in employment. Tune in to learn more about achieving financial stability and growth through diversified investments and proactive superannuation contributions.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart tackles a common investment dilemma: should you buy an investment-grade apartment in a blue-chip location or a house in a secondary area? He delves into the key factors influencing your decision, such as land value, potential for capital growth, and maintenance costs. Stuart explains why houses typically offer higher returns due to their land value but also highlights the hidden potential in older apartments with significant land components. He examines the middle ground with villa units and discusses the impact of your budget on the best investment choice. Additionally, Stuart explores market cycles, the importance of location quality, and future growth prospects. Whether you're eyeing a city apartment or a suburban house, this episode provides crucial insights to help you make an informed investment decision. Tune in to understand which property type aligns best with your financial goals and market conditions.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart delves into the financial journey of a couple who began building wealth later in life. Starting in 2009, they purchased an entry-level apartment in South Yarra for $390k. Fast forward to 2015, Stuart joined them, and their wealth-building strategy took a serious turn. By 2016, they acquired an investment property in Richmond for $1.3m and restructured their superannuation, moving one spouse from a subpar fund to a wrap account while the other stayed with a solid industry fund.

    Over the past nine years, their focus on maximising cash in offset accounts and making substantial super contributions has paid off, growing their superannuation from $770k in 2015 to over $2.3m today. Key insights include the benefits of starting investments earlier, the importance of asset quality, and the power of diversification. Stuart highlights that reaching a critical mass in super allows returns to significantly boost wealth, setting the stage for a comfortable retirement. This episode is a compelling listen for anyone looking to understand the impact of strategic financial decisions made later in life.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart provides a comprehensive guide to end-of-financial-year tax planning strategies that can help maximise your tax savings. With a wealth of practical tips and considerations, he breaks down complex tax concepts into easily digestible insights.

    Whether you're a high-income earner, a business owner, or simply looking to optimise your tax position, Stuart's advice covers a range of scenarios and opportunities. From maximising super contributions and utilising unused caps to navigating tax brackets and deductions, he offers actionable steps to potentially save thousands in tax liabilities.

    Stuart's holistic approach also explores strategies for spouses, trusts, and businesses, ensuring no stone is left unturned in the quest for tax efficiency. His clear explanations demystify the intricacies of tax planning, empowering listeners to make informed decisions.

    With the end of the financial year rapidly approaching, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to minimise their tax burden while staying compliant. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and unlock potential savings that could significantly impact your overall financial well-being.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart shares an insightful journey with long-term property investor clients. He highlights key lessons learned about the importance of diversification and adapting strategies over time.

    Despite diligently managing cash flow and contributions, the clients' concentrated property portfolio delivered underwhelming returns initially. However, Stuart reveals how diversifying into other asset classes and taking an evidence-based approach ultimately put them on track for a comfortable retirement.

    Along the way, he provides valuable insights on pitfalls to avoid when investing in property, recognising when professional advice is warranted, and the merits of strategic portfolio diversification. Stuart will leave listeners with a better understanding of the nuances involved in building a resilient investment portfolio over the long haul.

    Whether you're a property investor or just starting out, this episode offers a relatable and thought-provoking perspective you won't want to miss. Tune in to learn from these clients' experiences and gain practical tips to enhance your own wealth-building journey.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart delves into the concept of strategic asset allocation and its critical importance in maximising long-term investment returns. He presents evidence demonstrating the unpredictability of short-term returns across asset classes, highlighting the need for diversification. However, Stuart argues that long-term returns are more predictable due to the principle of mean reversion.

    He advocates for an approach that involves actively allocating new capital towards undervalued asset classes or geographical markets, rather than blindly following a one-size-fits-all asset allocation model. Stuart believes that this strategy, though potentially leading to imbalanced portfolios in the short term, positions investors for superior long-term performance by capitalising on opportunities for above-average future returns.

    Throughout the episode, Stuart emphasises the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective, employing evidence-based investment strategies, and resisting the temptation to chase short-term returns. He challenges the conventional wisdom of adhering to theoretical asset allocation models, arguing that maximising client returns should be the primary objective, even if it means adopting an unconventional approach.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart shares a poignant experience to highlight the importance of involving loved ones in financial planning and ensuring they are well informed and prepared. He recounts working with a client, Grant, since 2009, focusing on debt reduction, superannuation, and share investing.

    Tragically, Grant passed away suddenly in 2018, leaving his wife in an unfamiliar situation, having never been involved in the financial decision-making process. Stuart had to guide Grant's wife through understanding their investments, making important decisions about their home, and properly managing the estate.

    While everything eventually worked out, and Grant's wife is now in a comfortable position for retirement, Stuart emphasises the significant stress and challenges that could have been avoided had proper measures been taken earlier.

    The key lessons include ensuring spouses are aware of the financial situation, introducing them to advisors, and keeping important documents like wills and passwords up-to-date. Stuart reminds listeners of the critical importance of proactive financial planning, not just for themselves but also for the well-being of their loved ones.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart makes a compelling case for why the Melbourne property market is poised to deliver the strongest capital growth among Australian capital cities over the next decade. Despite negative sentiment driven by factors like stricter tenancy laws, increased taxation, and concerns over the state's escalating debt, Stuart argues that Melbourne's property prices are currently undervalued relative to other cities like Sydney.

    He presents data illustrating how Melbourne's median house prices have underperformed in recent years, suggesting that the market is due for a rebound in line with the principle of mean reversion. Stuart emphasises that while Perth may offer higher percentage growth, Melbourne's higher starting property values could translate into more substantial dollar-based returns, which are more crucial for retirement planning.

    Stuart also discusses the investment potential of Melbourne's investment-grade apartments, which he believes are intrinsically undervalued. Overall, the episode provides a data-driven and contrarian perspective on why investors should consider Melbourne as a prime investment destination for the coming decade, despite the current negative sentiment surrounding the market.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart shares insights from working with a high-income client who initially focused on building a property portfolio but later diversified into shares. The client's share portfolio was initially held in his wife's name due to their circumstances at the time, but a portion was later moved into a trust structure for tax efficiency.

    Stuart emphasises the importance of considering all components of investment returns, including income, growth, and tax credits. He also highlights how market corrections can present opportunities for investors. The episode offers a practical example of how Stuart's approach to formulating advice has been applied, considering factors like ownership structures, asset allocation, and tax implications.

    By sharing this real-life case study, Stuart aims to provide listeners with a relatable and informative illustration of the principles and methodologies he discusses in his regular weekly episodes. Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into holistic wealth-building strategies and the practical considerations involved in implementing them effectively.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart discusses the importance of considering potential inheritances when developing long-term financial plans. He acknowledges that with the vast amount of wealth expected to be passed down in Australia over the next two decades, many individuals are likely to receive an inheritance at some point in their lives.

    Stuart explores the various factors to consider when determining the extent to which an inheritance should be factored into one's investment strategy. He suggests adopting a conservative approach, as relying too heavily on an inheritance can carry risks, especially if the benefactor is relatively young and in good health.

    The episode delves into how incorporating an inheritance into one's financial plan might impact decisions such as home loan repayment, investment debt reduction, and risk tolerance. Stuart also provides insights on managing inheritances efficiently, including options like testamentary trusts, superannuation contributions, and debt reduction. He emphasises the importance of seeking professional advice to navigate the tax and legal implications of inheritances.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart shares a real-life example of how his approach to financial planning helped a client transition from an underperforming self-managed super fund (SMSF) to a more efficient and transparent investment structure.

    The client had an SMSF managed by stockbrokers, heavily concentrated in Australian shares with minimal international exposure. After reviewing the fund's performance, Stuart found it had underperformed an industry fund by over 3% per annum.

    Rather than divesting the existing shareholdings, which were trading below fair value, Stuart recommended transferring the assets in-specie into separate super wrap accounts for the client and their spouse. This allowed the client to maintain transparency over their direct investment holdings while eliminating the compliance obligations and costs associated with running an SMSF.

    Stuart highlights the advantages of super wrap accounts, including the ability to defer capital gains tax until assets are sold, and the potential for substantial tax savings over time, especially for large balances with minimal turnover.

    The episode emphasises the importance of regularly benchmarking investment performance and considering cost-effective alternatives to SMSFs, such as wrap platforms, which can provide full transparency while minimising administrative burdens and compliance costs.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart provides valuable insights and practical advice for first-time property buyers and their parents. He emphasises the importance of adopting an investment mindset when purchasing a home, focusing on areas with consistent supply-demand imbalances, analysing past growth patterns, and maximising land value. Stuart highlights government assistance programs like the First Home Super Saver and Home Guarantee Scheme, which can provide significant financial benefits.

    He also discusses how parents can help their children, such as offering family guarantees or cash gifts while considering potential legal and tax implications. Stuart shares a real-life example of how his team helped a first-time buyer maximise their borrowing capacity, leverage tax benefits, and protect their capital gains tax exemption.

    Overall, this episode equips listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the property market, government incentives, and strategies for parents to support their children's first home purchases effectively.


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    Click here to subscribe to Stuart's weekly email.

    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this episode, Stuart presents a fascinating case study that challenges the traditional view on overcapitalising on a home. The clients in focus own a profitable business and have been strategically building their investment portfolio. Despite planning to spend a significant amount on constructing their dream home, Stuart reveals that overcapitalising may not be a major concern if certain conditions are met.

    The clients in question own a share in a thriving business generating over $1m pre-tax profit. They have a diverse investment portfolio and a desire to build their dream home. Despite spending almost $7m on this home, the potential for financial loss is diminished by their ability to continue investing in other assets and a solid exit strategy. Stuart highlights the importance of affordability, continued wealth-building outside of the home, and having a viable exit strategy.

    Listeners are encouraged to consider this unconventional approach to home investment, emphasising the balance between enjoying the present and securing future financial stability. This insightful episode challenges conventional wisdom and offers a fresh perspective on wealth-building strategies.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart discusses the feasibility and strategies of borrowing to invest in shares. He compares the practice of leveraging for share investments with the more commonly accepted approach of borrowing for property investments in Australia. Stuart highlights that gearing contributes significantly to property investment returns and the same principles can be applied to share investments.

    The episode explores three borrowing options: margin loans, investment mortgages, and internally geared ETFs. Stuart addresses the higher volatility associated with shares and suggests mitigating strategies like regular investing and maintaining a conservative loan-to-value ratio.

    He presents a case study demonstrating how an investor could accumulate substantial wealth by consistently investing borrowed funds alongside personal savings over an extended period of 24 years. Stuart estimates the investor would have tripled their investment by the end.

    The episode concludes with Stuart's recommendations - for smaller portfolios under $500,000, he suggests internally geared ETFs, while for larger investments, he advises seeking professional guidance to ensure proper diversification and risk management through a mix of ETFs and low-cost managed funds.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this case study episode, Stuart takes us through a real-life scenario of a client who retired at 55 with ambitious spending goals. The client wanted to spend a hefty $300,000 per year for the first 15 years of retirement, followed by reduced spending of $200,000 and then $150,000 annually in later years. With a substantial asset base including $2 million from selling their home, $2.5 million in super, and a $4 million beach house, proper planning was crucial.

    Stuart outlines the multi-faceted strategy they devised, involving property elements like investing the home sale proceeds, buying a city property, and restructuring to minimise capital gains and land taxes. Navigating investment entities and structures to optimise imputation credits was also key. Perhaps the biggest challenge was generating a high income stream, especially before the client could access their super.

    This case study highlights the importance of comprehensive retirement planning that accounts for desired spending levels, makes prudent return assumptions, seamlessly integrates tax planning, and strategically utilises all available assets and income sources. An engaging listen for anyone looking to master their retirement game plan.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this episode, Stuart delves into statistical analyses and economic insights, dissecting the nuanced factors influencing property market trends over the past two decades and speculating on their implications for future investment strategies.

    Commencing with a comparative analysis of median house price growth rates across major capital cities, Stuart uncovers a stark contrast between the preceding two-decade periods. He scrutinises inflation-adjusted growth figures, attributing a significant portion of the disparity to evolving economic landscapes and regulatory shifts.

    He delves into pivotal events such as the Global Financial Crisis and recent pandemics, examining their impact on borrowing capacity and market sentiment. Through an exploration of historical borrowing trends and regulatory interventions, Stuart illuminates the evolving dynamics shaping property investment landscapes.

    Drawing on empirical data and forward-looking projections, he advocates for a conservative approach to property investment, emphasising the importance of proactive portfolio management and market intelligence. From identifying potentially undervalued markets to leveraging value-added opportunities, Stuart empowers listeners with actionable insights to navigate uncertain terrain and maximise investment returns.

    Stuart offers a prudent reminder: while the property market's future trajectory remains uncertain, strategic planning and informed decision-making can mitigate risks and position investors for long-term success. Tune in to gain invaluable perspectives on adapting to evolving market dynamics and safeguarding your property investment portfolio.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this captivating case study episode, Stuart delves into the real-life journey of rebuilding wealth post-divorce, offering invaluable lessons along the way.

    Following a client's separation in 2018, Stuart outlines the financial implications and strategic decisions made during the subsequent settlement in 2019. Despite the challenges, Stuart's guidance steered the client towards retaining key assets and formulating a plan for future financial security.

    Through meticulous planning and prudent investment choices, including property acquisitions and retirement strategies, Stuart demonstrates how resilience and strategic foresight can lead to successful wealth rebuilding post-divorce.

    Listeners gain actionable insights into navigating complex life transitions, the importance of financial planning, and the potential for rebuilding even amidst adversity.


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    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

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    In this insightful episode, Stuart dives into the critical factors to weigh when upgrading your home - a decision with both significant lifestyle and financial implications. He emphasises the importance of approaching it with an investment mindset, aiming to purchase a high-quality home that aligns with your aspirations while also maximising long-term capital growth potential.

    Key topics explored include strategically stretching your borrowing capacity to afford the best property possible without overextending yourself. He provides guidance on evaluating whether to retain your existing home as an investment, the ideal sequence of buying before selling, financing options like bridging loans and assembling the right professional team.

    Stuart underscores the need to remain as unemotional as possible throughout the process, leveraging the objectivity of experts like buyers' agents. He also addresses skillfully timing real estate market cycles to optimise buying and selling decisions.

    With valuable real-world insights, this episode equips you to confidently navigate the complexities of upgrading your home. Maximise this impactful investment by considering all angles - from finances and tax implications to lifestyle priorities. Don't miss the expert advice on transforming your home upgrade into a wealth-building opportunity.


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    If this episode resonated with you, please leave a rating on your favourite podcast platform. It helps me reach more incredible listeners like you. Thank you for being a part of this journey! :-)

    Click here to subscribe to Stuart's weekly email.

    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.

  • In this compelling case study episode, Stuart shares a real-life example that masterfully combines estate planning, tax minimisation, and portfolio management strategies. He walks through the steps taken to optimise an unexpected multi-million dollar inheritance for a client.

    The pivotal move? Establishing a testamentary trust as outlined in the will, enabling the transfer of the inherited share portfolio into this strategic structure. By distributing the income and capital gains to the client's seven grandchildren, a remarkable tax-free outcome was achieved by leveraging their lower marginal rates.

    Stuart's team then transitioned the concentrated Australian share portfolio to a more diversified, rules-based, and evidence-backed approach—reducing risk while still capturing impressive growth from $4 million in 2020 to $4.8 million today despite drawing income.

    This case serves as a powerful testament to the compounding benefits of seeking timely advice and properly structuring assets.

    Tune in for an insightful look at how professional guidance can potentially unlock substantial value, even from unexpected windfalls. Don't miss these real-world lessons!


    My YouTube channel:

    If this episode resonated with you, please leave a rating on your favourite podcast platform. It helps me reach more incredible listeners like you. Thank you for being a part of this journey! :-)

    Click here to subscribe to Stuart's weekly email.

    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a one of Stuart's books for ONLY $20 including delivery. Use the discount code blog here.

    Work with Stuart's team: At ProSolution Private Clients we encourage clients to adopt a holistic and evidence-based approach when making financial decisions. Visit our website.

    IMPORTANT: This podcast provides general information about finance, taxes, and credit. This means that the content does not consider your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is crucial for you to assess whether the information is suitable for your circumstances before taking any actions based on it. If you find yourself uncertain about the relevance or your specific needs, it is advisable to seek advice from a licensed and trustworthy professional.