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Das ist der offizielle Podcast zu Elektroautomobil, dem Magazin für Elektromobilität.
Valentin Buss und Marcus Zacher erklären und diskutieren zusammen mit ihren Gästen Themen und Technik rund um Elektroautos und Elektromobilität.
Elektroautomobil, der Podcast, erscheint alle zwei Wochen. Jetzt abonnieren und keine neue Folge mehr verpassen! -
Wanna know more about programming, how to start? what you need to know before starting or how you can land your first job? This is why I decided to create this podcast.
STANDOWN podcast is an awesome way to keep you up to date with all the information that is out there. You can download and listen to while you're driving, running, at the gym, etc.
If you have a question, email me at -
The Let’s Connect! Podcast is where IoT ecosystem players, technology thought leaders and the innovators of the Digital Transformation Revolution get to tell their stories. Subscribe now to get an inside look at how technology strategy and development happens in the real world and under real field conditions. We will examine case studies at scale, the implications of new technological developments, and the growth of new and existing markets. Make sure you don’t miss an episode of the Let’s Connect! podcast, posted every week on the IFA Media Network.
What is a BIL Talk?
It is a moment of sharing, between a "speaker" and an audience, a life story, an idea, a vision.
The content offered will vary around entrepreneurship, personal development and technology.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We are the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium. We are dedicated to improving the quality and availability of health data for patient care, payment, quality measurement, and public policy. We talk with innovators in health data to make sense of where and how their contributions fit.
Herzlich Willkommen in der Hydrogen Bar!
Macht es Euch mit uns am Tresen gemütlich und schnappt Euch einen Drink.
Wir plaudern über die aufregende Welt des Wasserstoffs, der Brennstoffzellen und der Batterien, reden über neue Arten der Mobilität, über saubere Energieversorgung, und träumen von einer besseren Zukunft.
Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle interessierten HörerInnen - egal ob fachfremd oder mit allen Wasser(stoffe)n gewaschen.
Kontakt zu uns: -
Welcome to The Aging Expert podcast with Judi Bonilla author and lifestyle aging expert. We’ll be talking about the business of aging in weekly episodes. The Aging Expert Podcast digs into the realities of launching a small business, talks to small business experts, and interviews influencers in the aging sector.
How can you create a great IT Strategy? In this podcast Richard Sage, CTIO and recovering Consultant, focuses on how to create a great IT Strategy, covering process, methodology and techniques that can be used and providing pragmatic, road-tested approaches to creating a great IT strategy
Software at Scale is where we discuss the technical stories behind large software applications. -
Technically Human is a podcast about ethics and technology where I ask what it means to be human in the age of tech. Each week, I interview industry leaders, thinkers, writers, and technologists and I ask them about how they understand the relationship between humans and the technologies we create. We discuss how we can build a better vision for technology, one that represents the best of our human values.