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Have you ever thought about what you want to be? Did you ever wonder what it takes to have one of the jobs that you see in your community? Grab your grownups and take a journey with us as we explore unique and exciting careers that exist in The Wonderful World of Work! In each episode, we will meet grownups with interesting jobs, and learn about ways that you and your grownups can stretch your brains to prepare for your bright future.
Hiszpański dla dzieci podróżniczo i zabawnie. Perypetie z podróży Mari i Sofi fascynująe ciekawostki kulturowe prosto z Meksyku, Hiszpanii, Kuby i wiele innych gorących hiszpańskojęzycznych krajów. Darmowe PDFy z ćwiczeniami słówek dla dzieci. Zajęcia dla dzieci i dorosłych. Zapisz się! Poniżej mail.
Dlaczego drzewa rosną tak wysoko? Czy dzięcioła boli głowa? Czy drzewa potrafią mówić? Czy są w Polsce ptaki zombie? Znajdź odpowiedzi na te i wiele innych pytań, wraz ze swoimi dziećmi. Każdy odcinek zawiera potwierdzoną naukowo wiedzę opowiedzianą w fenomenalny i prosty sposób wzbogaconą o podkład muzyczny i odgłosy zwierząt żyjących w Polsce. Każdy odcinek zawiera również prosty eksperymentem do wykonania samodzielnie w domu lub lesie. zaprasza!
Welcome to the All Things Montessori Podcast, a podcast devoted to discussing everything Montessori. From classroom management to self-care, Montessori at home to staying inspired in this work; we cover it all. Hosted by AMI Trainer and Consultant, Jamie Rue and Montessori Teacher and Administrator, Rachel Merle-Smith. Email us at: [email protected] Follow us at: @allthingsmontessori
Are you looking for creative, enjoyable ways to help kids want to know God and His Word? Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher or caregiver, Ron and Carrie Webb, and the Fish Bytes team can help! Fish Bytes For Kids presents entertaining, inspirational and educational Bible story skits, modern Christian parables, short stories that teach Bible principles and memory verse commercials that help kids understand and apply Bible truths to their everyday lives. As children’s pastors, parents and grandparents, the Webb’s understand the need to develop Christian character and Biblical foundations in kids’ hearts that will guide them through life and lead them to develop a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.
#kids, #christiankids, #Biblestoriesforkids, #podcastforchristiankids, #storiesforkids, #familydevotions, #familybibletime, #bedtimestories, #podcastsforchristiankids, #christianpodcastsforkids, #drivetimedevotions, #fishbytes4kids, #roncarriewebb, #parodies, #action, #learningmadefun, #fishbitesforkids, #biblefoundationsforkids, #christiancharacterforkids, #JesusChrist -
Tips. tricks, and 'keeping your sanity while your child is in Y11' advice from the folks at
Paul & Emily have been there and got the T-shirt, so they're combining their teaching and parenting experience to help you navigate the 'joys' of getting them to revise without nagging! -
In this series, heard live each Monday evening on voicEd Radio, Stuart Shanker, Susan Hopkins and members of the MEHRIT Centre community gather to talk about various dimensions of Self-Reg. Host Stephen Hurley acts as the curious traveler as he walks alongside his guests to better understand how a Self-Reg lens can impact the way we see our children, our students and ourselves.
My Child & Addiction - A Parent-to-Parent Podcast, was conceived and developed by three fathers whose children struggle with Substance Use Disorder. Joined by several other parent support group participants, their hope is that by sharing their stories other parents and family members are offered a little encouragement and heartfelt support as we all travel this most challenging journey together. You are not alone.
Ten podcast jest wsparciem dla Was, Rodzice, jak uczyć umiejętności społecznych Waszych dzieci. 👩👦
Jest to rozmowa na temat umiejętności społecznych prowadzona przez Łukasza Gutowskiego - psychologa społecznego i trenera TUS oraz Anię Rogalską - psychologa dziecięcego. Oboje z grupy Krokus - miejsca rozwoju dziecka i rodziny -
The Flexible Neurotic is the edgy midlife podcast normalizing and inspiring self-reinvention in the second half of life, the “midlife remix”. It is an inside listen to experts in all areas of midlife including mental health, vaginal & sexual health (menopause), plastic surgery & skincare, nutrition, midlife career pivots, aging parents, and parenting teens. With expertise, information and sass, the podcast is hosted by Dr. Sarah Milken. She is known as the "Flexible Neurotic,” for her ability to help find the sweet spot between neurotic and chill. Relax, sit back, and let the Flexible Neurotic ask all the burning questions for you.
Der Podcast für alle, denen Kinder am Herzen liegen und die sie stark, selbstbewusst und kompetent machen möchten für die Welt von morgen. Wir sprechen mit inspirierenden Gästen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen für Kinder engagieren. Sie geben uns Anregungen und Impulse, wie dies gelingt. Viel Spaß beim Hören! Wir freuen uns auf Dein Feedback.
A podcast for bilingual children or those wanting to learn Polish or English through listening to classic, traditional fairy tales and stories read both in Polish and in English, hence the Two Stories or Dwie Bajki. Sit back, relax and let the learning happen as if by magic. Perfect as a bedtime story or as a part of homeschooling activities.
Rodzicielstwo pieskości to podcast prowadzony przez dwie psie terapeutki, dla których ważnym momentem było poznanie nurtu rodzicielstwa bliskości. Ekipa RP to: Magda (Talk with dog) – psia i ludzka mama, miłośniczka i znawczyni chartów oraz nauczycielka jogi i Ada (Bliżej psa) – kocio-psia mama, kundlara zafascynowana tym, jak dobrostan opiekuna wpływa na psa. Rozmawiamy w nim o życiu z psem, jako równorzędną istotą. W podcaście oprócz wiedzy oferujemy nasze wspólne rozkminki oraz dyskusję z niesamowitymi gośćmi, a także efekty dźwiękowe dostarczane przez szalonego kota.
Learn All About Camels!
Tara Lea is a camel behaviorist, wellness & energy expert, yoga teacher, camel owner/lover and I’m here to act as your camel guide! Tara helps people get a deep understanding of camel behavior, energy & wellness and also creates the space for a deeper understanding of Self in order to support peaceful connections with these amazing animals so you can achieve your wildest camel dreams & goals!
"Úm ba la, thế giới mở ra" là kênh thông tin dành cho trẻ em từ 4 đến 12 tuổi với đa dạng các chủ đề từ động vật, côn trùng, hiện tượng tự nhiên, các kì quan, các lễ hội, các đất nước...trên toàn thế giới.
Hi vọng UBLTGMR sẽ cung cấp cho các em nhiều kiến thức thú vị và trở thành người bạn thân thiết của trẻ em Việt Nam trên hành trình tìm hiểu, khám phá thế giới và cuộc sống muôn màu.
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