On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’ll hear from artist Anne Neilson, best known for her Angel series. Anne shares the story of how she went from getting a D- in 10th grade art class to eventually finding her voice as an artist. Anne shares how God saw her heart for creating and how He inspires her to be a light in the world through her artwork.
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*Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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*This episode may be triggering for some listeners.*
This week, we have writer and speaker Ann Voskamp back on the podcast. Ann shares insights from her personal experiences with anxiety and brokenness and what she found out while she waited through those uncomfortable moments, and how she used scripture, prayer, and the practice of writing to heal her mind and become closer to God.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Christian country music artist Brennley Brown. Raised in the high desert of Southern California, and now playing music in Nashville, Brennley got her start in voiceover work before gaining national recognition as the youngest finalist on The Voice. She shares her own experience with waiting while her mother battled a health crisis, and how that time led her to find out where she should go with her music—and her life.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Dr. Alan Weissenbacher
Upcoming interview: Nikki Walton
Jesus Listens for Lent & Easter
Ann Voskamp
Sarah Young
Hagar in Genesis 16
Book of John
Loved to Life
Brennley Brown
The Voice
Waylon Jennings
Emmylou Harris
Dolly Parton
Jesus Anywhere
Interview Quotes:
“I'm not just getting up every morning and looking for a way through. But I actually have a way of life that centers and grounds me, roots me, and calms me, and keeps me such that the person of Christ, the being of Christ, is my way through.” - Ann Voskamp
“What we're all looking for is, Is there a way of life that leads me into abundant joy? And if joy is a function of gratitude and gratitude is a function of perspective, how can I shift and change my perspective moment by moment? What needs to have a shift is my perspective, to see that not only other gifts and graces right here I can give God thanks for, but ultimately that God Himself, His very presence, His very being, is with me right here.” - Ann Voskamp
“I think each of us—no matter whatever season of life we're in—there are things that we have laid before the Lord in prayer and we are in this open-handed posture of waiting. Can we feel like when we're waiting on the Lord and we're at the end of our rope, that we actually have hope because our hearts are being bound to the Lord's?” - Ann Voskamp
“We don't want our devotions, our quiet time with the Lord, to actually be fragmented. We actually want that devotional time to weave through the rest of our day, all the moments and the hours keeping our hearts devoted to Him, our eyes attentive to Him, us constantly listening to Him, His Spirit saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” - Ann Voskamp
“All of us are searching for, longing for, hoping we don't miss out on the fullest life, the most meaningful life, an abundant life. And that is exactly why Jesus comes, to actually love us to the fullest life.” - Ann Voskamp
“Music was something that my mom and I could do together. I would sit by her bed and sing worship songs, sing country songs, and it was such a powerful tool that the Lord used in our life to bring joy in the midst of something really challenging and really hard.” - Brennley Brown
“Every day we have that same opportunity to love on people and to show them Jesus in the way that we live, in the words that we speak.” - Brennley Brown
“I wanted to reflect my love for the Lord and how I believe He shows up in people's lives today, as a reminder that when God places a dream and a calling in your life, it's not going to be easy.” - Brennley Brown
“When God uniquely places a calling and a dream on your heart, it's not going to look like what the world may think it should.” - Brennley Brown
“[God] has given us such a powerful, incredible example of not only how to live, but being reminded of His promises daily—of the hope that we have in Him, the promise that He is with us, the promise that He goes before us—are only found in the Word of God.” - Brennley Brown
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This week, we’ll hear from Jay Lowder, an evangelist who has spent more than two decades traveling the globe, sharing the message of the gospel with audiences ranging from NFL teams to prison inmates. Early in his life, Jay struggled with depression which led him to medicate with alcohol, but ultimately brought him no peace from his pain. Feeling like giving up, Jay considered suicide, and he shares about the series of events that led him to finally find the peace he was looking for.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Riley Kehoe, an influencer and author, who shares the harrowing story of how her family survived a tsunami in Thailand when she was just a little girl. Riley recounts the terrifying events of the day, how her family stayed to help those who lost everything, and how she leaned on scripture to deal with the aftermath of such a traumatic event.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Davey Blackburn
Upcoming interview: Ann Voskamp
Jesus Listens for Lent & Easter
Jay Lowder
Matthew 27:32-56 NIV
Luke 23:34 NIV
John 3:16 NIV
John 3:36 NIV
Salvation Army
Madison Square Garden
Midnight in Aisle Seven
Riley Kehoe
2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Three Seconds of Courage
Interview Quotes:
“Church was just a place that we went, but not something that added any real value to my life. I didn't have a connection because I didn't have a relationship to Christ.” - Jay Lowder
“I was in such a dark place that I questioned, Was God real? Was everything that I was ever told going to church authentic? Was that real? And I really didn't know the answer to that.” - Jay Lowder
“The next thought that goes through my mind is, If God could forgive those Roman soldiers [who crucified Christ], maybe He could forgive me.” - Jay Lowder
“I've never been the guy that says, ‘Well you know, if you come to know the Lord, all your problems are going to fade away.’ The truth is if you give your life to the Lord, there may be a season where things get worse.” - Jay Lowder
“Knowing Jesus goes way beyond just going to heaven. It even goes beyond being forgiven. It goes to a Friend that's closer than a brother that wants to walk with you, lead you, and guide you. And it goes back to the verse that I heard the night I met Jesus. Christ said, ‘I came to give you not just life, I came to give you an abundant life.’” - Jay Lowder
“We would go and do missions work wherever we would land—my family would just find somewhere or someone to love on.” - Riley Kehoe
The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami hit the coast of Southeast Asia and with it took 230,000 lives. We were among the few that were survivors.” - Riley Kehoe
“I was so confused at the moment, Why are we not leaving this island as quickly as we can? I want to just get back to my life in New Zealand. I want to snuggle my pony and be in my bed. My mom told us, ‘Hey, girls, we're going to stay. We need to have courage to care for others right now, and we need to help these people who have lost absolutely everything.’” - Riley Kehoe
“I just want to encourage anyone that there is light and that Jesus will redeem, and He will be with you in your pain and your suffering. He promises to be close to the brokenhearted.” - Riley Kehoe
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This week, we’re joined by Ian Morgan Cron, who shares his deeply personal journey with the Enneagram, addiction, and faith. Ian recounts how a chance encounter with a book on the Enneagram during a retreat sparked a life-changing path of self-awareness, ultimately inspiring his book, The Road Back to You. Through his story, Ian challenges us to see addiction not simply as a problem to be solved, but as an opportunity to draw closer to God and experience true healing, which he shares about in his latest book, The Fix.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Alicia Michelle, a certified neurocoach, podcaster, and author. Alicia shares how a health crisis led her to reevaluate her life and seek healing through the integration of neuroscience and biblical truth. Now, she helps others break free from limiting patterns, renewing their minds, and building emotional resilience.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Lecrae
Upcoming interview: Jay Lowder
Jesus Listens for Lent & Easter
Ian Morgan Cron
The Road Back to You
The Fix
The Twelve Steps
Alicia Michelle
Emotional Confidence Club
brain priming
Emotional Confidence
Interview Quotes:
“Addictions are very complicated. I see them principally as a spiritual problem, but they are not exclusively a spiritual problem.” - Ian Morgan Cron
“It's when you hit bottom that you finally become available to the wooing of God. The spiritual life is so loaded with paradoxes that it's frustrating at times. But here is one—powerlessness actually is a superpower, because the moment that you declare your own powerlessness, like Paul, you finally say, ‘I can't stop doing the things I don't want to do, and the things I do want to do, I can't start doing.’” - Ian Morgan Cron
“I sometimes see addictions as invitations from God. Are you ready to come back to the Source, to the Fountain? And are you also willing to accept that on this side of whatever divide we're on here, that you will never perhaps fully quench the thirst?” - Ian Morgan Cron
“The gospel speaks about transformation, and transformation happens not when you try to be a good Christian, but when you actually give God consent to do in you what you cannot do for yourself, namely change.” - Ian Morgan Cron
“I wonder if you could understand your seeming failures more as an invitation from God to a deeper intimacy with Him, rather than labeling them as failures or irredeemable misadventures. I think that lens has helped me to understand the peaks and valleys of my own life experience.” - Ian Morgan Cron
“There was this core, broken soundtrack inside of me that had associated achievement, making others happy, and being enough by doing things, by producing, and by trying harder. It was not associated with what I knew to be true logically with God's Word.” - Alicia Michelle
“When we as Christians can understand the beautiful ways that God has made our bodies and made our minds, it really helps us get to a place where we can choose to embrace those truths in a different way. When we are able to learn about our body, we can help our bodies get into a parasympathetic state so that we can make a logical response.” - Alicia Michelle
“What if we could take actions to understand our body, to help it align with God's Word completely in the way that He intends?” - Alicia Michelle
“This process of managing emotions is that it's important to connect with God, not just on a Sunday morning or when we're having these moments of dealing with a difficult emotion. The foundational truths of who we are in God, that's established mainly through that everyday interaction with the Lord, with time in His Word.” - Alicia Michelle
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Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
What’s Good?
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This week, we’re delighted to welcome back author and speaker Melanie Shankle. Through her reflections on overcoming a challenging childhood and breaking generational cycles of dysfunction, Melanie shares profound insights on motherhood, the power of faith, and how to turn painful histories into lasting legacies of hope and resilience.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Lisa Steven, founder of Hope House Colorado, a nonprofit dedicated to uplifting and empowering teen moms. Lisa recounts her beginnings with a difficult childhood and teen motherhood, all the way to leading an organization that helps young moms rewrite their stories and find stability through faith.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Dr. Sarita Lyons
Upcoming interview: Ian Morgan Cron
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Melanie Shankle
Here Be Dragons: Treading the Deep Waters of Motherhood, Mean Girls, and Generational Trauma
Lisa Steven
Hope House Colorado
Mothers of Preschoolers
MOPS International
A Place to Belong
Interview Quotes:
“Having a daughter of my own made me realize I want to do what I need to do to be spiritually and emotionally healthy, to be able to raise her to be everything that God created her to be.” - Melanie Shankle
“I'm a very flawed person trying to raise a flawed person. That’s just life. What I realized was I've got to depend on God if I'm going to do this in a healthy way. And He's going to give me the wisdom and discernment I need to know how to be the best mom.” - Melanie Shankle
“The things that we want to protect our kids from as parents are the very things that God is putting in their lives to give them that grit and that resilience and that strength that they're going to need.” - Melanie Shankle
“Jesus is the thing that will carry you through, and He will give you the strength to fight what you have to fight. He will give you the wisdom to know how to deal with different situations. He will give you the discernment that you need, and He will always love you back to emotional health.” - Melanie Shankle
“There is something so incredibly powerful about being willing to say yes to God when you are the least equipped person, and then watching to see what He does with that.” - Lisa Steven
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On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’ll hear from Bible teacher and author Rachel G. Scott. Rachel shares the five different types of leaps of faith she’s identified, and the truths we can hold onto during times of transition as we get to where we’re supposed to be.
Guest’s Links
Facebook: @iamrachelgscottTwitter: @iamrachelgscott
Instagram: @iamrachelgscott
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*Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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*This content may be triggering for some listeners.*
This week, we’ll hear from Steve Moore, a lifelong music industry professional whose career trajectory took a sharp turn after a life-changing trip to Guatemala. After a storied career managing legendary artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan and George Strait—and serving as CEO of the Country Music Association—a simple journey to help build a school became the spark for a deeper passion, one that led him to establish The Shalom Foundation and open the Moore Pediatric Surgery Center, bringing life-changing medical care to children in need.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Sue Corl, a missionary with over forty years of ministry experience, mostly with Campus Crusade for Christ. Growing up, Sue had to face the physical and emotional challenges of a severe cleft palate through her faith and the unwavering support of her mother. As the founder of Crown of Beauty International, her mission is to aid individuals, families, and communities to experience renewal, transformation, and hope.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Luke Sherman
Upcoming interview: Melanie Shankle
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Steve Moore
Country Music Association
Lamar University
ZZ Top
Stevie Ray Vaughan
George Strait
The Shalom Foundation
Moore Pediatric Surgery Center
Sue Corl
Campus Crusade for Christ
Crown of Beauty International
Cleft palate
John 15 NIV
Psalm 139: 13-14 NIV
Interview Quotes:
“God had motivated me to [go to Guatemala]. I didn't do it under my own volition. I didn't pick Guatemala. I probably didn't even know where it was at the time, but God picked Guatemala for me. And it was one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me.” - Steve Moore
“God doesn't call the qualified. He doesn't wait until you're ready to do something. He qualifies the ones who He's called. So when you're called to do something, even though it seems a bit scary, He will provide what you need to do it.” - Steve Moore
“God has a plan for you. It's the best kept secret in most people's lives.” - Steve Moore
“When I was born, my mother really believed and she prayed, ‘Lord, save my baby.’ And as she prayed, she really sensed God saying, ‘No, she will not die, I have a purpose for her.’” - Sue Corl
“I started to believe their lies of saying that I was ugly. I was rejectable. I was a freak. And it got to the point where I really put a protective wall around myself that honestly stayed with me throughout my childhood and into my adulthood. It led to me walking away from God because I felt so much shame.” - Sue Corl
“We're created in the image of God. And that's why I could know that I am beautiful and that I have talents.” - Sue Corl
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Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:
Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
What’s Good?
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This week, we’ll hear from Johnny and Donnie Van Zant, brothers who share a rich legacy rooted in music, faith, and resilience. Renowned for their roles in the iconic bands Lynyrd Skynyrd and .38 Special, the Van Zant brothers reflect on their humble beginnings shaped by family and music, and how they faced personal and professional challenges, including the tragic plane crash that took the lives of several members of Lynyrd Skynyrd, including their brother, Ronnie Van Zant.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Alexandra Osteen, daughter of Joel and Victoria Osteen and Worship Director at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Growing up surrounded by music and ministry, Alexandra developed a deep passion for inspiring others through worship and storytelling. Now leading Lakewood’s worship team, she uplifts her community with songs that carry messages of hope, faith, and resilience.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Matt Redman
Upcoming interview: Steve Moore
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Johnny and Donnie Van Zant
Lynyrd Skynyrd
.38 Special
Hee Haw
The Ed Sullivan Show
Always Look Up
Alexandra Osteen
Joel and Victoria Osteen
Lakewood Church
Matthew 6:33 NIV
Oh How Worthy
Pastor Steven Furtick
Brandon Lake
Mitch Wong
Interview Quotes:
“We're at an age where I guess we don't have to make any new music. But you know what? It's part of our life. And what better way to make music than to sing about Jesus and our good Lord above and our Father in heaven, the Holy Spirit.” - Johnny Van Zant
“I think as you go through these storms in your life, you really realize how much you need Jesus. And you really have to lean on that cross. He wants us to come to Him. If you ask, you shall receive.” - Johnny Van Zant
“Through this journey and through this life, I’ve just grown so much closer to God and I realize, in every aspect, how I cannot do this without Him, and how I don't want to do this without Him.” - Alexandra Osteen
“Our job matters, our career matters, our family matters. But God will align all of those things if we seek first His kingdom.” - Alexandra Osteen
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Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:
Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
What’s Good?
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This week, we’re joined by Kent Chevalier and Johnny Shelton, two remarkable men who serve as NFL team chaplains, providing spiritual guidance, encouragement, and support to players, coaches, and their families. Kent serves with the Pittsburgh Steelers, while Johnny works with the Baltimore Ravens. They each offer a glimpse into the challenges NFL athletes face both on and off the field, and the transformative power of compassion and understanding in high-pressure spaces.
Later in the episode we’ll hear from Earl McClellan, the founder and lead pastor of Shoreline City Church in Dallas, Texas. With a deep faith that began in his teens, Earl shares the story of discovering his spiritual heritage, battling negative self-talk, and learning to live fully in his true identity.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Diane Chew
Upcoming interview: Johnny Van Zant and Donnie Van Zant
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Kent Chevalier
Johnny Shelton
Pittsburgh Steelers
Baltimore Ravens
Geneva College
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Johnny Shelton’s Instagram
Earl McClellan
Shoreline City Church
Get Your Spirit Back
Interview Quotes:
“To be able to serve the team that we grew up rooting for in this capacity is absolutely incredible, and one of those God winks that He gives to us.” - Kent Chevalier
“We're ministering to the players and our coaches that God has called us to, but we need to minister to each other. We need each other because we are the only ones who know what the other chaplain is dealing with.” - Johnny Shelton
“We, as chaplains, are called to be in this space with [the players and their families] side by side, walking with them. It is definitely a privilege.” - Johnny Shelton
“Yes, the Ravens and the Steelers are rivals. But what I love is that moment after the game where we all come out—coaches, players, staff—and we come to that moment at the fifty after the game and we join hands and we kneel before God. And I love that players and coaches from both teams come together and recognize the unity of the brotherhood of faith in the NFL.” - Kent Chevalier
“If your foundation is in your job, in your paycheck, if your foundation is in relationships, all of those things are easily shoved when they're taken away or they start to crumble. The only foundation that we can encourage these men to have is God at the center and at the foundation of their life.” - Kent Chevalier
“When you're watching these players and coaches on Sundays during those games, at one point, would you just stop and would you pray for that player? Would you pray for their wife or their girlfriend? Would you pray for their families? Because let's remember that behind these players, these entertainers, these coaches, are incredible families that God loves deeply and He wants to reach them with His love.” - Kent Chevalier
“God has not given us a spirit of fear. He has given us a spirit of power, love, sound mind, self-discipline. That's the spirit that He's given us.” - Earl McClellan
“I was maybe accustomed to trying to win this thing on my own, like, ‘God, I'm sorry. I don't have it all together. Once I get it all together, then you'll really be pleased with me.’ And God's like, ‘Wait, where did you get that erroneous theology? I want to be in the fight with you. I'm actually the one that gives you the victory.’” - Earl McClellan
“If we can get to that place where we begin to put Christ at the center and our connection with Him at the center, I think a lot of other problems would be answered.” - Earl McClellan
“I love knowledge, I love growing, I want that to happen. But what I really need is that surrender and that connection and that intimacy with Christ. And then allowing my identity in everything I do to flow from that place, rather than it being an add on.” - Earl McClellan
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Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
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This week, we’re joined by Ken Abraham, a master storyteller known for his ability to capture the hearts and stories of some of the world's most notable figures, including Buzz Aldrin, Chuck Norris, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Payne Stewart, and many others. His latest book, No Address, highlights a deep empathy and commitment to honor the stories of those dealing with homelessness, and reminds us of the power of understanding in every person’s story—whether they are in the spotlight of fame, or in the streets of our cities.
Next, we’ll hear from Susan Binkley, the founder and president of Blue Monarch, a long-term residential recovery program. For nearly two decades, Susan has dedicated her life to helping women and their children break cycles of addiction, abuse, and trauma. Susan shares her remarkable journey from an unexpected dream that guided her steps to the profound impact her organization has had on many lives.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Lauren Casper
Upcoming interview: Johnny Shelton
Ken Abraham
Buzz Aldrin
Neil Clark Warren
Chuck Norris
Bob Dole
Bill Gaither
Stephen Curtis Chapman
Payne Stewart
No Address
Lisa Beamer
Todd Beamer
Randy Travis
Galatians 2:20 NIV
Romans 3:23 NIV
No Address movie
Susan Binkley
Blue Monarch
From My Front Row Seat: A Collection of Stories from My Time Working Alongside Women in Recovery
Interview Quotes:
“The church and we as Christians really have an answer that is such a benefit to people not only living in homeless situations, but to our whole society. We can help people find hope.” - Ken Abraham
“Empathy makes an incredible difference in our prayer lives.” - Ken Abraham
“Looking back, it was really pretty incredible how God pieced this whole journey together like a big puzzle. And now that I've been [working with Blue Monarch] for almost twenty-two years, I can look back and see how every single piece played an important part. I feel like I have a front row seat at the greatest show on earth, and I get to see God work in powerful ways that literally take my breath away.” - Susan Binkley
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Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:
Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
What’s Good?
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On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’ll hear from Grammy Award-winning musician and songwriter Ron Block, of Alison Krauss & Union Station. Ron shares how, through all the ups and downs of a music career, he’s learned to depend on God.
Guest’s Links
Ron Block’s Facebook: @RonBlockMusic
Ron Block’s Twitter: @ronblockakus
Ron Block’s Instagram: @ronblockakus
Connect with Jesus Calling
Jesus Calling Website
*Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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This week we’re joined by Ellen Skrmetti, a stand-up comedian and author whose journey to the stage was peppered with many moments of overcoming fear and finding humor in unexpected situations. From conquering those fears to redefining what it means to connect with audiences through comedy, Ellen uses her storytelling to bring laughter, healing, and a deeper connection to faith.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Justin Stuart and Andrew Scites, the creative minds behind JStu, a YouTube channel bringing laughter and joy to millions through family-friendly adventures, daring challenges, and hilarious pranks. Guided by their motto “Laugh Daily,” Justin and Andrew aim to inspire others with the simple yet profound message that joy is a powerful force for good.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Chonda Pierce
Upcoming interview: Susan Binkley
Ellen Skrmetti
Second City
Hey, Jesus, It’s Me: I Have Questions, Comments, and Concerns
Justin Stuart and Andrew Scites
JStu YouTube channel
Proverbs 17:22 NIV
The JStu Survival Guide
Interview Quotes:
“It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized that the Lord does not make bets with His children, He does not make deals with His children. He's a way maker, not a deal maker.” - Ellen Skrmetti
“The prayer was, ‘Lord, do something so big it could only be You.’” - Ellen Skrmetti
“What I have had to diligently learn is to never take back the pencil and never say, ‘Oh, thank you, I can take it from here.’ We need God with us every step of the way.” - Ellen Skrmetti
“It's very important to expand your limits. You always want to grow.” - Justin Stuart
“God made a way for us to be able to make content, and obviously has had His hand on every part of our business ever since the start of it. I'm really thankful for that.” - Justin Stuart
“Anybody has the opportunity to be able to provide joy.” - Justin Stuart
“God is involved in every detail of our lives. If we just look for it, we can see how He's impacting our lives.” - Justin Stuart
“You can make an impact right where you are by being a difference to those around you, by adding value to those around you.” - Justin Stuart
“Being a force for good doesn't have to be a million people on Instagram. It could just be one person.” - Andrew Scites
“I get to step into moments and trust that God is going to use my fear and my experience to impact somebody else, if I trust Him and rely on the Holy Spirit moment by moment.” - Justin Stuart
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Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:
Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
What’s Good?
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This week, we welcome Mart Green, the founder and CEO of Mardel Christian & Education and of Every Tribe Every Nation, and the Ministry Investment Officer for the Hobby Lobby family of companies founded by his father, David Green. Mart opens up about a pivotal trip he took to Guatemala that showed him the power of God’s love in a highly personal way that he never really had grasped before, and how life’s wounds became a pathway for him toward healing and deeper connection with God and others.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Clarissa and Fiona Moll, a mother/daughter duo navigating the complexities of grief after the unexpected loss of husband and father, Rob. Facing life as a single mother, Clarissa—now a bereavement advocate and author—shares how she and Fiona worked toward a new normal without Rob by their sides. Together, they share how they deal with the pain of loss, and the small steps they’ve taken toward healing.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Joni Eareckson Tada
Upcoming interview: Ellen Skrmetti
Mart Green
Hobby Lobby
Mardel Christian & Education
Learning To Be Loved
Clarissa and Fiona Moll
Rob Moll
Christianity Today's The Bulletin Podcast
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Psalm 118:17 NIV
Jesus Calling for Kids
Hurt Help Hope
Other Jesus Calling interviews about grief
Interview Quotes:
“Sometimes I'd go back and tell where God did something amazing in my life, and just being able to share that, I got closer to the Lord because I remembered it.” - Mart Green
“As I look back on my life, the broken spots, the wounds that I have had, not understanding the emotions of my family, having one of my best friends die of COVID-19, you know, the suffering; those are times that are painful and they hurt, but they are also times that we get closer to the Lord.” - Mart Green
“If you allow God to heal you of that deep wound, then God will use you and bring others alongside you...God is there with us. He never leaves us. He helps us go through this.” - Mart Green
“Overnight, I became a widow with four children. I was faced with learning to parent alone, to become a breadwinner all on my own. Meanwhile, I was trying to shoulder my own shock and grief as I learned to live with this gaping hole that had entered my life through his death.” - Clarissa Moll
“In those moments when I felt like I was most alone, God gave me the grace to see that He had been sufficient for me all along.” - Clarissa Moll
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The beloved historical drama television series The Chosen has burst onto the scene with its real, raw, and accurate depiction of the life of Jesus. As the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus, the show focuses on the people who met and followed Him, giving viewers a personal perspective through the eyes of those who knew Him—bringing out an emotional, personal, and intimate side of the life of Christ.
This week, we’re joined by the creative mind who brought The Chosen to life, Dallas Jenkins. Accompanying him are actors and actresses Elizabeth Tabish, Paras Patel, Shahar Isaac, Abe Bueno-Jallad, and Jonathan Roumie—who each share what it means to them to be able to portray these iconic characters, and how they work together as a team to lift each other up in telling this important story.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Priscilla Shirer
Upcoming interview: Mart Green
The Chosen
Dallas Jenkins
Elizabeth Tabish
Paras Patel
Shahar Isaac
Abe Bueno-Jallad
Jonathan Roumie
5&2 Studios
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Interview Quotes:
“I really did say to myself, and to God, ‘Okay, I'm willing to give up [my career]. I truly care more about being in Your will and doing what You want me to do than I care about achieving anything or getting certain affirmation.’” - Dallas Jenkins
“My hope is that I'm making the best show [through The Chosen] I can that honors God and accurately captures the character and intentions of Jesus in the Gospels.” - Dallas Jenkins
“If you look at the Gospels, there are women at really pivotal moments of Jesus's ministry.” - Elizabeth Tabish
“I knew the only thing that I had left to do—which I really hadn't done—was to get on my knees and completely and wholly surrender myself, my career, and my circumstances to God.” - Jonathan Roumie
“Playing Jesus, there's a reason that God put me in this role and not somebody else. And so I had to recognize that and take up that mantle and know that I was where I was meant to be.” - Jonathan Roumie
“One thing that I take away from [the biblical life of] James is the conviction, and the will that you have to have to stand by your convictions. For me, taking on the character has deepened my understanding of what it truly means to be convinced about what you believe.” - Abe Bueno-Jallad
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This week, we talk with two highly creative individuals who have been able to bring positive, uplifting, and spiritually striking stories to the world through the mediums of television, film, and animation.
Nika King is an actor and producer who is best known for her comedic abilities and her breakout role as Leslie on the HBO series Euphoria. King honestly shares about her early life watching family members battle addiction, and how they ultimately overcame through faith and determination—which had a great impact on the direction Nika’s life would take as an actress. She also lets us in behind the scenes to her newest film role in Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot.
Chris Wall is the executive producer and showrunner on The Wingfeather Saga animated series, and co-founder of Shining Isle Productions. Chris shares his early love of storytelling and how he chased his dreams through animated children’s stories, including directing shows for the popular children’s animated series VeggieTales.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Stephanie Quayle
Upcoming interview: The Chosen | Jonathan Roumie
Nika King
HBO series Euphoria
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot
First Lady Donna Martin and Bishop W.S. Martin
Chris Wall
The Wingfeather Saga
Cray supercomputers
Little House on the Prairie
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Little Mermaid
Oral Roberts University in Tulsa
Max Lucado
You Are Special
“The Search for Samson’s Hairbrush”
Andrew Peterson
The Chronicles of Narnia
Interview Quotes:
“I just realized that God was always directing my life. The Holy Spirit was always guiding me, preparing me for something greater.” - Nika King
“When I am performing, that's what the human experience is. It's allowing oneself to be vulnerable, but also know that that's not a weakness.” - Nika King
“The world is hurting right now. We have to show them that God is still on the throne and He's still moving. No matter what you're going through in life, it's going to get better.” - Nika King
“You have to face the unknown. What's next? Will there be another creative idea ever? Will I ever get to be involved in something like this ever again? And just kind of sitting back and saying, ‘All right, God, you have led this journey. What's next?’” - Chris Wall
“I think that endless discovery, curiosity, is something that I believe God and His Holy Spirit does in us if we're willing to patiently listen. I think when we're patient to listen to His leading, we can go to places that are really beautiful and change the world. And I believe stories can really do that.” - Chris Wall
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On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, weâll hear from author Marie Chapian, who shares about her practice of quiet prayer, and how we can go to that still, peaceful place in the presence of God to keep the chaos of the world from taking us over.
Guestâs Links
Facebook: @marie.chapian.9Twitter: @mariechapian
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*Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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*This episode mentions suicide and may not be suitable for all listeners.*
This week, we’ll hear from BeBe Winans, a celebrated figure in gospel and R&B music from the renowned Winans family, known for their deep-rooted musical legacy. Raised in a household steeped in gospel traditions and surrounded by the influences of Motown, Bebe experienced some of the ups and downs of the music scene as he and his sister, CeCe Winans, ultimately rose to fame as a beloved singing duo.
Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Tasha Cobbs Leonard, a powerful worship leader, pastor, and entrepreneur. Raised in a faith-filled family, Tasha was encouraged by her father, a pastor, to embrace her gifts. A “divine setup” led to her first album, and she went on to inspire millions with songs like "Break Every Chain," which grew from her own battle with depression.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Gloria Gaynor
Upcoming interview: Nika King
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
BeBe Winans
CeCe Winans
Mighty Clouds of Joy
Shirley Caesar
Andraé Crouch
Smokey Robinson
Stevie Wonder
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker
The PTL Club
Bebe and CeCe
Keith Thomas
“Father In Heaven [Right Now]”
Luke 12:48 NIV
Tasha Cobbs Leonard
“Break Every Chain”
Naomi Raine
Luke 14:23 NIV
Do It Anyway
Interview Quotes:
“Your gift will make room. What you have to go through is okay. It does work out if you believe and continue to have faith in what God has called you to do.” - BeBe Winans
“I'm amazed at the doors that God opens. I find myself in places that I never dreamed of and working with people I never thought I would.” - BeBe Winans
“There's such a roller coaster of emotions that we are blessed with because of what God has done through us, through music. It really never gets old to hear what our music has done for others.” - BeBe Winans
“We live in a world where we are consumed with, ‘Hey, this is the beginning, and this is the end.’ A lot of people don't really embrace the process in the middle. But I think in the process is when we gain all of the knowledge, all of the wisdom that we need in order to be great stewards of what God entrusted us with.” - Tasha Cobbs Leonard
“I believe it's always intentional on God's part to place people in your life who see things in you that you may not see in that season.” - Tasha Cobbs Leonard
“Though many days I was discouraged and I didn't know what I was doing, I know that God was with me every step of the way.” - Tasha Cobbs Leonard
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This week, weâll hear from Dr. Chris Rappaziniâa professor of leadership and former pastorâas he shares a deeply personal story through the lens of grief and recovery. Chris reveals how his father's death propelled his brother into a downward spiral of addiction and estrangement. Yet, amidst the chaos, a narrative of hope and forgiveness emerges, highlighting the profound realization that our past does not define our future.
Later in the episode, weâll hear from author, editor, and speaker Lisa-Jo Baker. She discusses her awakening to the cycle of anger she risked repeating from her father if she continued to live on autopilot. Through her journey of healing and reconciling with her father, Lisa-Jo illustrates how we can all seek reconciliation and live life to the fullest.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Rosie Rivera
Upcoming interview: BeBe Winans
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Dr. Chris Rappazini
Anderson University
Moving Forward After Messing Up
Lisa-Jo Baker
Zululand in South Africa
Dr. Christiaan Barnard
It Wasn't Roaring, It Was Weeping
Interview Quotes:
âGod is in the business of fixing broken relationships, and that's what He's been doing in our relationship for the last several years.â - Dr. Chris Rappazini
âFor us to be able to ask forgiveness from those that we've hurt the most, I mean, it's hard to do. And I think the only way you can do it is somehow with the grace of God, with the power and the strength of the Holy Spirit.â - Dr. Chris Rappazini
âIf we're going to have a future that God wants for us, we have to keep our eyes moving forward. We have to keep our eyes on what we want that relationship to look like, not what it has looked like in the past.â - Dr. Chris Rappazini
âOftentimes, the hardest person to get forgiveness from is ourselves. The hardest person to forgive is the person that we see in the mirror every morning, because we feel so guilty and we feel so shameful for what we've done and how we've hurt people.â - Dr. Chris Rappazini
âThe beauty of Jesus that I've discovered is that, as we know, God is not limited by time. This is what's so powerful about Him.â - Lisa-Jo Baker
âI needed to stop and pull off onto the side of the road and figure out the story I had inherited, because I was really determined to write a new one.â Lisa-Jo Baker
âI think for family trees to heal, we have to be willing to lay down our defenses. It doesn't happen all at once. It happens slowly over years between generations, because we have a God who is so adamant, passionate about forgiveness, about reconciliation, about redeeming generations, who wrote a new plot line out of an old bloodline.â - Lisa-Jo Baker
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Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
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*This episode mentions violence and may not be suitable for all listeners.*
This week, weâll hear from Davey Blackburn, founder of Nothing Is Wasted Ministries, who shares his heart-wrenching story of love, loss, and finding life again after profound pain. After planting a new church, Davey faced unimaginable tragedy when his wife, Amanda, and their unborn child were killed in a home invasion. Through his journey, he discovers a path forwardâone that blends sorrow with a powerful hope, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, truly, nothing is wasted.
Later in the episode, weâll hear from Allyson Golden, an author, speaker, and pediatric nurse. From bringing hope into the difficult moments she faces as a nurse, to reflecting Godâs love on social media, Allyson actively seeks to be a light to those who are trying to overcome darkness.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Amy Downs
Upcoming interview: Dr. Chris Rappazini
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Davey Blackburn
Nothing Is Wasted Ministries
Elevation Worship
âNothing Is Wastedâ by Elevation Worship
Romans 8:28 NIV
Romans 12:19-21 NIV
Nothing Is Wasted: A True Story of Hope, Forgiveness, and Finding Purpose in Pain
Other Jesus Calling interviews about coping with grief
Other Jesus Calling interviews about healing
Other Jesus Calling interviews about wrestling with God
Allyson Golden
pediatric nurse
Aloha Church
San Diego Prayer House
Arise and Shine: How to Be the Light That Ignites Hope in a Dark World
Other Jesus Calling interviews about loneliness
Interview Quotes:
âIt feels like the bottom had just dropped out and we're going, âHow in the world, God, is this at all working for good?ââ - Davey Blackburn
âGod reached into that hospital room in the darkest moment of our lives, and filled it with His presence and whispered to our souls.â - Davey Blackburn
âWhen we wrestle with God, we begin to realize how big God is, how sovereign God is, and how good God is.â - Davey Blackburn
âIt's so hard at times to find the light or have hope. It's really easy to ask the Lord, âWhere is Your light? You say You're the light of the world, but why am I still seeing all these hard and dark things?ââ - Allyson Golden
âAs a nurse, prayer plays a huge part in my life. I am praying before and on every shift, asking for strength, asking for grace. It makes me feel connected to the Lord and like I'm not alone.â - Allyson Golden
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Peace for Everyday Life:
Peace in Uncertain Times:
Whatâs Good?
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This week, weâll hear from Alyssa Bethke, whoâs a mom of three, a blogger, YouTuber, and co-host of the Real Life Podcast with her husband, Jeff. Alyssa reflects on the overwhelming pressures women face to excel in every area of life, and the need for honesty and grace toward ourselves, others, and God about our struggles.
Later in the episode, weâll hear from author and content creator Chelsea Damon, who takes a closer look at the inner workings of marriage. She offers valuable insights into communication, conflict resolution, and seeking the power of grace for couples, with practical advice to keep their relationships thriving.
Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:
Jesus Calling Podcast
Jesus Calling
Jesus Always
Jesus Listens
Past interview: Christa Hardin
Upcoming interview: Davey Blackburn
Jesus Calling commemorative edition
Alyssa Bethke
Real Life Podcast
When Doing It All Is Undoing You
Chelsea Damon
Living the Sweet Wife
Liberty University
Jesus Calling blog post about prayer in marriage
I Thought This Would Make Me Happy
Interview Quotes:
âI came to this place of feeling completely undone. It wasn't that I needed to find the solution or that the outcome was the answer, but it really was meeting God in those moments. How do I bring my real life to Him? How do I really work through those disappointments with God? How do I still have hope in my life that doesn't look the way I want?â - Alyssa Bethke
âI think that as a church, we need to know how to lament, because this is such a part of being human.â - Alyssa Bethke
âFirst and foremost, we are not what we do. We are children of God, and we have to learn to rest and to be and to know that our value is not based on our performance, but our value is based on that we're image bearers of God.â - Alyssa Bethke
âHe has this way of increasing our capacity, increasing time, helping us get the things done that we need to get done. But learning to do it out of a place of rest and peace instead of this anxious, stressful spirit. And we can do that when we invite Him into it.â - Alyssa Bethke
âEventually, we found ways to manage our disagreements in loving and respectful ways that gave each other the benefit of the doubt. And we couldn't have done that without looking at how much grace we've been given by Jesus Christ and then learning how to mirror that same grace in our lives with each other.â - Chelsea Damon
âI wholeheartedly believe that if you really want to see change in your marriage, you need to be willing to be the first one to step up and make a change.â - Chelsea Damon
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