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Studying abroad in Israel is a life-changing experience. Over the last 10 years, Thrive Study Abroad has guided hundreds of students on their study abroad journey, gifting them with an immersive and meaningful Israel experience. Hear their real, uncensored stories in our exclusive podcast, Thrive: Study AbroadCast.
A Moment of Grace provides practical truths for everyday people to understand God's love and to experience God's plan and purpose for their lives. It is the weekly podcast of Bishop Darlingston Johnson, senior pastor at Bethel World Outreach Church, Olney, Maryland, and Presiding Bishop of Bethel World Outreach Ministries International. Learn more at
La geografia delle fedi in Italia. Un podcast in 5 episodi, letto da Laura Cappon e prodotto da Piano P con il Festival Biblico.In cosa credono, oggi, i trenta-quarantenni? In che modo la religione entra in gioco nella loro vita quotidiana, in famiglia o nell’ambiente di lavoro? Che rapporto hanno con la fede i nuovi italiani di seconda e terza generazione, ragazzi e ragazze che passano ore sui social? Trovare una risposta a queste domande è l’occasione per un’esplorazione dell’Italia di oggi, un viaggio intimo in un Paese ormai multiculturale, tra le esistenze e le esperienze delle comunità religiose più numerose: cattolici, ortodossi, valdesi, ebrei e musulmani.
Are you ready to take your green earth solar consciousness to the next level? This inspirational, motivational podcast includes spiritual insights, musical interludes, spoken word, and penetrating analysis of pivotal historic moments as delivered by High Priest Kwatamani, sacred ancestral soothsayer, soul seer and spiritual healer. We are talking about infusing a high-intensity higher-peace conscious communal nature of energy into your awareness so as to empower you brain, body and spirit. High Priest Kwatamani draws upon ancient Kemetic wisdom to reveal the hidden source of current modern day crisis while offering the time-tested and proven holistic living solution of divine social economic family community order as rooted in Maat.
Living with intention: Composing a life in times of accelerated change. This podcast is about ordinary people trying to find balance, harmony and purpose in everyday living. By listening to these short life stories, you will realize that the path is often messy and fragmented. Nevertheless, these ordinary people strive to live authentically and are persistent in finding ways to manifest the life they want. They learn to listen to their "gut feeling" and stay open to life. We hope you will be inspired by these journeys and encouraged to live your best life going forward! The Life 2.0 production team is comprised of enthusiastic and talented individuals: Bea Spadacini, Host, Producer and Writer; Tim Nicholson, Visual Artist and Co-Producer; Michael Balasia, Sound Engineer.
Mi chiamo Mayda Rojas e sono convinta che siamo circondati di veri eroi, tante volte invisibili. Solo quando ci accorgiamo della loro presenza il mondo diventa un posto migliore e tutto ha un senso. Questo podcast racconta le storie di quelle persone che nonostante tutto sorridono, che trasformano le sfide e le ferite in possibilità per gli altri, che hanno il coraggio di dire "Viva la Vita!".
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Thanks for listening to Calvary Church! We‘re live every Sunday at 9:30am on our website, Facebook, and YouTube. Visit us at You can also join us in person at our Souderton, PA or Quakertown, PA campuses. With programs for adults, kids, students, and families impacted by disability, we’ve got room for everyone. We seek to connect with our community and impact those around us as God connects with us and impacts our lives. We can’t wait to see you soon!