Are you ever around friends or groups of people and find yourself overwhelmed, sometimes saying or doing things that later you think, oops!? Well, if so, you are not alone. It can feel overwhelming and overstimulating to be in social situations, often causing our big emotions to spiral or come out sideways! I've got you!
In this episode, we will talk about how being with friends and in social situations can be hard sometimes. We will discuss how we can fine tune that filter that often swings wide open and talk about three action steps we can take to help grow in these social settings!
4 reflective questions to ask to strengthen that filter before you say and do...
Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it true? Does it need to be said?These are questions that strengthen that filter in your head!
Next, we explore 3 things to practice doing in social situations...
1. Practice putting on a space bubble- Plan for the space you and/ or others feel comforable and pretend that there are built in glasses and help you practice looking at others (choose a comfortable facial feature if eye contact makes you feel uncomfortable.)
2. Adjust ears to exercise active listening- Practice a breath and a break when talking with others and ask questions to allow for them to talk and you to listen.
3. Become self aware of when Rejection Sensitive Disphoria (RSD) strikes: Check out podcast episode 9, "ADHD with "Rejection Sensitivity: Feeling deeply about what others think of me" to learn more about what RSD is! We will dive deeper into this topic once more self-awareness is established!
I hope these are helpful takeaways to practice as you enter into different social settings. Don't forget to check out our sponsor's brilliant product, the Gibbon Slackboard (Giboard), to use as a tool for family or friend, fitness and fun! We love it in our home, even at social events, and I know you'd love it in yours too! It will be a friends favorite! discount code: ADHD10
Connect with me at for more resources or to learn more about my 1:1 coaching experience! I would also love to hear from you if your kiddo would like to share an audio clip in a future episode! Kids love to hear from each other!
Intro music from #uppbeat
License code: BYYN10YF2HHNY3YO
Home is where the heart is! This is why we can let ALL of those big feelings out and navigate our many thoughts racing through our heads throughout the day!
In this episode, we will talk about Dr. Ned Hallowell's famous quote, "Living with an ADHD brain is like having a ferrari for a brain, with bicycle breaks! Can you realate!? I know I can! I ask reflection questions, and share some tools and strategies for the home environment to raise awareness in order to moving through your day with less frustration and more clarity!
How does your mind and body feel at home during different parts of your day?
What does my mind and body need to succeed at home?
Where do your thoughts take you?
How does your body feel if thoughts start to go in a downward spiral?
We discuss choosing to drive your thoughts in a direction that will help us learn and grow...
Follow a flow- Create visual routines that work best for you (Your brain craves structure, it's just tricky to create it sometimes.)
Figure in breaks (mind and body)- We need to be mindful of our need to refuel our brains throughout the day (rest, movement, nutrients)!
Find connections- This will help with regulation, finding calm, and collaboratively problem solving when things feel tricky!
If you haven't already, check out the Gibbon Slackboard! It really is a blast for the whole family, while also acting as a great tool for regulation and concentration! Go to and plug in the discount code: ADHD10 to add this fantastic tool to you and your family's executive function toolbox!
You can find me at to check out my resources or reach out if you are interested in exploring my 1:1 coaching experience! I would love to come alongside your family on your journey!
Intro music credit:
License code: BYYN10YF2HHNY3YO
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Do you ever find yourself sitting at school feeling lost or alone with your racing thoughts and big emotions? Do the questions, "where did I put that?" or "shoot, I wasn't paying attention" ring a bell!? If so, you are not alone and this is the episode for you!
Often times, school and even other learning environments can feel tricky to function in when you don't have the accommodations or tools in place to listen and learn in the given space. In this episode, we talk all about how the first key to success in a learning environment is self-awarenss, which will be followed by self- advocacy (speaking up about what you need to succeed).
First and always, we want to lead with strengths and start your day off by preparing your mindset with what your strengths, interests, and talents are! Then, I want you to lean in and look at what you need in a learning environment? What tools and strategies do you use? What helps me listen best? How do I refocus when that gets lost? When does my body need to move? How can I practice more unconditional confidence as I learn and grow through the tough stuff? Another question I am just thinking of is, "do I feel that rejection sensitivity during my school day or time of learning? All of these reflective questions will help you put on that self-awareness cap so that you can put practices into place that will help you know when and how to take out the tools you need to succeed!
Today's episode is brought to you by GIBBON, makers of the ultimate balance board designed for movement, focus, and fun for all ages! Whether you're looking to boost concentration, improve coordination, or just add an active twist to your day, the GIBBON Slackboard is a fantastic TOOL for ADHD brains and beyond! My family loves it and I think your family will to! Plug in ADHD10 at checkout to recieve a special discount!
You can connect with me at for more resources or to reach out with questions and future episode topic ideas!! We are on this journey together! Love you all!
Hey friends! Do you have your self-awareness cap on? If not, then this series is just what you need to pick up that cap and fit it just right on that beautiful, brilliant brain of yours! If you do think self-awareness is your jam, that's fantastic to and I want you to still listen in as you may discover hidden areas or environments where you could use a little cap adjustment!
In this episode, I will introduce the importance and power in raising self-awareness so that you can best use the tools in your toolbox when you are entering into different environments. Becoming more aware of your words, actions, reactions, and even body awareness will help you discover what you need to succeed in different places and spaces! Please reach out to let me know about your own self-awareness journey!
You will notice a few NEW things in this episode as I have revised our intro and we have our very first podcast sponsors for the month of March! Wohoo!
This episode is brought to you by GIBBON, makers of the ultimate balance board designed for movement, focus, and fun for all ages! Whether you are looking to boost concentration, improve coordination, or just add an active twist to your day, the Gibbon (Giboard) Slackboard is a fantastic tool for ADHD brains and beyond! Go to and enter ADHD10 at checkout to recieve a special discount!
Reach out to me at to share what you think about our new intro, give future episode suggestions or if you choose to get a Giboard, let me know if you and your family enjoy it as much as my family and I do! Have a great day! Love you all!
Music from #uppbeat
How do you feel about your brain?! Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and in this episode I hope that it gives you a fresh perspective on how you see the beautiful brain you've been given!
We will discuss how sometimes we can quickly spiral in a negative direction and our brain drives us bonkers! I feel ya! BUT, we can bounce back and in this episode we talk about how you can become friends with your brilliant brain. I want you to continue to lead and lean into your strengths as you navigate the struggles and build your toolbox.
Come on over to my website at to visit me and let me know how you feel about your busy, colorful brain! Next week we will start our self-awareness series for the month of March! Can't wait to spend more time with you soon! Have a great day! Love you all!
Do you feel like you are running on empty when you get done with school or working on something all day? Do your emotions quickly become in charge at the smallest things? Well, your busy brain is working extra hard all day to manage and maintain working through different learning experiences. This is why cognitive refueling is so important to endure and thrive for the rest of the day!
In this episode, you will meet Eileen Devine, who is a parent coach and also the mom of a teenager who is neurodivergent just like you and me! Eileen talks about what happens to our busy brains as the day goes on and how we often find it on empty by the time we get home! She shares some great ideas for cognitive refueling through intentional rest, taking a break from brain based tasks. Making sure you are moving your body and feeding our brains the nutrients needs to be refueled, like a protien snack! She also encourages kiddos to ask for help and self-advocate when their brain feels tired! She also highlights the importance of good, quality sleep as the most vital way to fill your cognitive refueltank back up! Lean into this brain based learning as you discover what your brain needs to be refueled each day!
Check out all of Eileen's amazingly helpful resources at I know she would love to get connected with you!
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week! Let's keep on intentionally refueling our congitive tank! Love you all!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a LONGER episode that may need to be listened to in parts! BUT, it was full of so many great stories and so much great information that I didn't want you to miss any of it!
Hi friends!
Do you feel you are on the road of kindness toward others? Do you have a desire to spread kindness to others? Have you experienced bullying? Do you have any hidden talents? Do you feel alone in your struggles and want to feel seen or understood? If you said yes to any of these questions, this is the episode for you!
During this episode, you will hear from my newfound friends Tony and Cassi, who are founders of a non-for-profit called Anthony's Way- The Road to Kindness. Tony and Cassi spend time sharing Anthony's incredible life story with us as he faced challenges and had many successes through his continued resilience and by sharing his kind heart with others! Listen in and join the cause below either on your own or encourage your school to join in too! "TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE & TOMORROW WILL BE EVEN BETTER" is their family motto that they would like for us to take away each and every day!
You can connect with Tony and Cassi @
Anthony's 2nd Annual Nationwide Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD, website: . One is for Individuals and Teams to Participate and the second one is for Schools and Youth Groups to Register and Join in. This is all about Raising Kindness to a Whole New Level, EVERYWHERE!
ADHD can present itself in many different ways, but one thing that most all of us can resonent to some degree with is the struggle to regulate our big, intense emotions!
Let's be clear, this is not only that outburst of emotions, but it can also take different forms such as internally shutting down, avoidance, silly behavior, or other behavioral signs of being in a funk, feeling out of control, or even reacting to that sense of overwhelm!
In this episode, we will talk about WHAT emotional dysregulation is, HOW it shows up in different environments, and the WAYS in which you can take action steps to recognize and respond to it!
Get your curiosity cap on as you learn and discover what tools and strategies might work best for your beautiful, brilliant brain to regulate those busy thoughts and rollercoster of emotions!
This episode is part of a series that you won't want to miss in order to best build your own personalized executive function toolbox for home and school to thrive and success! Check out episodes 178-181 to get the full series experience!
Visit me at to check out more resources or reach out to me with questions, comments, and even a request to share your story on a future episode! I would love to hear from you!
"I'm thinking, I'm noticing, I'm wondering, I'm seeing, I'm feelings..." How is your metacognitive thinking? I know many of us with busy brains have a hard time with thinking about our thinking while on our path of learning day to day. We often get caught in each moment and don't intentionally practice the power of the pause! If this is you too, I've got you!
In this episode we will talk about what metacognitive thinking is, why it is important, and how you can put it into practice! Below are some examples of questions that you can put into practice at home, at school, and to prep for going out and about...
Reflective/metacognitive thinking questions to put in your face (write on mirrors, put on post-its, in school locker, etc....
Before: Is this similar to a previous task? What do I want to achieve? What should I do first?
During: Am I on the right track? What can I do different? Who can I ask for help?
After: What worked well? What could I have done better? Can I apply this to the other situation?
Putting metacognitive thinking into practice will also exercise other executive function skills such as impulse control, task switching, self-awareness, decision making, and more!
Please reach out if you have any follow up questions about this more complex executive function skill! I would love to connect with you! Go to to get in touch! I look forward to being with you again next week! Love you all!
Do you ever feel like a lost puppy? What to do when can feel tricky? Where to put things and organizing space feels overwhelming! Let's build your toolbox with tools and strategies to help you find order and prioritize your tasks!
In this episode, we will cover how to strategize entering a room, just doing ONE thing and putting momentum maker tools (music, incentives, body doubling) into place to begin organizing your space. We will talk about how to download tasks from your busy brain, PULL from the download time sensitive tasks and PUT then on your "in your face" routine chart/calendar/white board of choice! Stick with me as we continue to move through this executive function toolbox series! I look forward to being with you next week!
Visit me at to check out my book, or reach out with podcast ideas or if you'd like to be a guest! You can also explore working with me as your coach in the future!! I look forward to connecting with you soon! love you all!
I am so excited for you to journey with me during this series all about building your executive function toolbox! Simply stated, executive function skills are those set of skills that help us function during our day to day tasks at home, at school, and in every other environment we find ourselves in. Those of us with busy, brilliant, colorful brains, sometimes find ourselves struggling in some of these areas and simply need a tool or strategy in place to both grow in the area of struggle and thrive in that area from day to day!
In this episode, you will hear about the first two types of executive function tools to add to your toolbox. Both time and working memory can feel funky as we move through our day! You will hear about some different time & working memory tools (some go hand in hand), as well as strategies that I have found personally helpful, as well as helpful for the kids I coach! You will also hear from my middle daughter, who will share a few time and memory tools that are helpful for her busy brain to be successful throughout her day (hint: beep beep & "let me think a minute..."
I would love to hear from many of you too! Visit my website at to reach out with your story, share an audio clip for a future podcast, or to check out resources on my page, including my book for kids and opportunity for a free consultation to learn more about my 1:1 coaching experience! I look forward to connecting with you! Remember, you are never alone! We are on the journey together!
What do working memory, flexible thinking, emotional control, self-monitoring, time management, organizing, impulse control, initiating a task (getting started), planning and prioritizing have in common!!?
If you said these are all skills that we need to function from day to day, you are 100% correct! These are all of those executive function skills that can feel tricky for our busy brains sometimes! We don't all struggle with every skill, but I would love for you to highlight the skills above that may feel tricky for you to tackle from day to day!
In this episode, we are jumpstarting this conversation about tricky executive function skills that we need to build a customized toolbox for! These are skills that need to be exercised and trained to grow stronger! It will never be a one size fits all either. You must look at the challenge areas and build your toolbox based on trying different tools and strategies and discovering what works best for you personally!!
This series will help you begin your journey of discovering different tools and strategies in the different areas of struggle so you can begin to trial and error what works best for you from day to day! Practice make progress and it's super important to trial tools and strategies when you are regulated emotionally!
You will meet and hear from my newfound friend, Executive Function Coach, Carrie Bonnett. She shares ger expertise in this area as we get our series started! You can find Carrie at and discover all of the awesome resources/support she has to offer too!
Visit me at to share your thoughts on this series with me or if you'd like to share a personal audio clip on the show to share which executive function tools are helpful for you too!
Below is an executive funtion wheel created by another ADHD Coachin who lives in Europe (hense the spelling differences;) This is a great, simplified resource to see each skill and identify which of them you'd like to practice use tools and strategies to grow in!
Executive Function Wheel
Do you ever change your bedroom around when you get bored of the set up? Does your brain get excited when a novel idea comes flooding in!? That's because our brains crave novelty. This means that my brain craves novelty too and wants to change up my podcast intro song!! This is where you come in! I need your brilliant mind with it's creativity and out of the box thinking abilities to help me come up with a new intro for this podcast! Should it be a rap, more classical sounding, another fun ditty that sounds little different?! I want you to email me at [email protected] with your thoughts and ideas!
I also want to encourage you once again to share your voice!! The more we know, the more we can connect and grow! When you send it an short audio clip of your personal experiences, struggles, strengths, areas of question, etc. We can highlight these things on this podcast, learn from each other, and bounce ideas of what tools and strategies are helpful, along with questions that may need clarification so you can take steps forward! Email me your audio clip or a request for a prompt/question that you can go off of! I want this year to be collaborative as we grow together on our ADHD journey!
If you'd like to take it one step further and look into ADHD Life Coaching, I'd love to set up a free consultation with you! You can set that up at and/or you can also connect with me to check out my book and other resources on my personal website .
Love you all and can't wait to hear from you!
I pray you all had a wonderful Christmas, given you celebrate! If not, I pray you are finding joy each day! It's fun to look in the mirror sometimes and just be silly, it's it? In this episode, you will hear some ideas shared by kids around the world about what they find calms their mind and body down. I personally use exercise and prayer as my ways to release and relax, but what is it for you personally? This is a time for self-reflection as we enter a new year and I ask you to look in the mirror and investigate what helps your own nervous system, mind and body find calm.
Visit to message me to share your ways of finding calm!
You might think..."But I don't want to breath!" What if I told you that it could actually be fun AND give oxygen to your brain, which would help you to calm your nervous system, mind and body down in those big feeling moments?! During this rerun episode you will hear from the breathing queen and mindset coach, Jessica Brittani, who will re/introduce us to a foundational technique, a piece of armor, so we can breath in a way that will help us find calm during this holiday season! My hint for this episode is "birthday!" ;)
You can find Jessica at to order her coloring book or set up a consultation with her.
You can also visit , to set up a coaching consultation with me, order a book, or find more helpful resources.
Did you know that the act of balancing is a fantastic way to tap into your vestibular system, while regulating your mind and emotions!!! It can bring you a sense of calm, while also giving your body the movement its craving! I am SO excited to introduce you to this new product I recently discovered that gives you the ultimate balancing experience for your brain and body to enjoy!
In this episode, you will meet the project manager for the company, Gibbon, that makes Giboards! This revolutionary board combines a curved board with a slackline to create a tool for your toolbox that will be your new favorite go to if movement is needed, your emotions are feeling too big, or you want to find calm before bed! Sarah Enjem shares with you how these boards work both professionally and how she is passionate about how they have worked with her own daughter personally!
You can check these boards out at and if you'd like to order one, you can put in the code "ADHDJourney10" to recieve 10% off! I can guarantee that this would be a great regulation tool for your whole family! If you do order one, please reach out ( and let me know how it's helpful to you and your crew! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!
We are on our final sense!! Is your sniffer sensitive too? If so, this is the episode for you! We will discover how our sense of smell can be overloaded or some of us seek certain smells for a sense of calm!
In this episode, you will hear how my daughter was given a certificate in 4k for her sensitive sniffer and we will talk about how this may effect you in different environments too! We will discover different things we can add to our toolbox to accommodate with scent free soaps, nose plugs, avoidance, and adding scents that provide a sense of calm to your environments too!!
Visit me at to share what you've discovered on your this sensory sensitivity seeking journey!! I would love to hear from you! I hope those who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful time with friends and family! Again, I am beyond thankful for each and every one of you!
As we continue through our sensory sensitivity series, and with Thanksgiving just a few days away for many of us, we are going to chat about the sense of taste and reflect on our sense of smell before next week's episode! Is there a sense of overwhelm when something hits your mouth? Do you crave some flavors and textures more then others! Either way, many of us can experience a sensitivity to taste and we want to be kind to those sensitivities and be prepared for meals/snack times ahead!
In this episode, I wanted to pause and be sure to bring up a seperation between general sensory sensitivities and exploring something called "Sensory Processing Disorder/Difference" if the sensory experience feels more like an invasion or attack on your system!! When we are looking at SPD, more needs to be explored and often we need to seen additional therapy, such as OT to work through this intense challenge!
The main target/takeway from this episode is to recognize a taste sensitivity and prepare a plan for upcoming events, school lunches, and even going out to eat with others! When we are not prepared, this sensitivity can trigger emotional dysregulation, distractabilty, and even hyperactivity if food has a negative impact and you haven't named taste sensitivity as the why behind the challenging behavior! So much to explore together and tackle as you respond to your sense of taste with kindness and accommodations!
Visit me at to share your sensory story with me! I would love to connect with you through coaching too! I have some 1:1 coaching spots opening up in the New Year! I would love to come alongside you! I hope those who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a joy filled time with family and friends! I pray you all have a wonderful day! Love you all!
Do bright lights make you cringe? Do you find it hard to focus with any sort of flickering or flashing light? Do your emotions get real big and intense when you've had lots of screentime!? If that's you, listen in as we discuss the connections between ADHD and sight sensitivities! This is one where we also have to investigate and potentially seperate underlying vision challenges and some symptoms that collide with ADHD symptoms too!
In this episode, we will chat about advocating for accommodations in the classroom and home environments for lights to be adjusted/coverings, switch out flourescent lightbulbs, and how less screen time can be a helpful strategy to be kind to your sensitive sense of sight! I simply want you to journey through your senses with me to highlight and build your toolbox with what you need to success with any sensitivies discovered!
Come visit me at to share your sensory sensitivity story with me! I look forward to being with you next week as we dive into the topic of taste for Thanksgiving!! Have a great day! Love you all!
Hello friends!! Are you startled by loud noises? Do small sounds (tapping, breathing, humming, car noises) in your environment make your skin crawl and drive you bonkers!? If so, you may be experiencing sound sensitivity to different degrees!
In this episode, we will discover 3 different types of sound sensitivities, while talking about all of the ways it impacts us in different environments. We will then dive into different ways we can accommodate and advocate for our needs in the school, home, and other social settings!
The 3 different kinds of sound sensitivities include:
Hypersensitivity-You are overly aware of sounds and easily distracted by sounds. Hyperacusis- You feel physical pain in your ear from different sounds. Misophonia- You feel triggered with an intense emotional reaction when faced with different sounds!If any of these resonate with you, take time to reflect and build your environmental toolbox with sound tools (noise cancelling ear buds/headphones, play calming music to drown out triggering noises, ect.) and strategies that work best for you when at school, at home and even when out and about!
Reach out to me at to share your sensory sensitivity story! I also have some coaching openings coming up in the New Year if you are interested in working 1:1 with me! I look forward to connecting with you! Love you all!
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