
  • Episode #306 - "How to Make Better Jewelry Marketing Decisions"

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    Welcome to Episode #306. Today, we’re diving into something that I know can feel personal—cutting the "fluff" in your marketing. As jewelry entrepreneurs, you’re deeply connected to your designs. Each piece is a reflection of your artistry, which is why it’s easy to get caught up in promoting the aesthetic appeal of your work rather than focusing on what truly drives results.

    But here’s the thing: as beautiful and glamorous as high-end photoshoots or influencer partnerships might be, they won’t always lead to sales if they don’t connect with your audience or spark purchasing decisions. So, today we’re going to tackle how to make smarter, faster marketing choices—ones that grow your business without wasting time on unnecessary distractions.


    00:00 Start
    3:57 Primary Episode Content
    13:26 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #305 - "5 Common Email Marketing Mistakes Jewelry Brands Make - and How to Avoid Them"

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    Welcome to Episode #305. Today, we're diving into a topic that's incredibly important but often overlooked: the most common email marketing mistakes jewelry brands make and how to avoid them. Trust me, email marketing is one of the most powerful tools you have in your business arsenal. If you’ve built a list of loyal customers who love your brand, email marketing can be your secret weapon, paying off in a big way over time.

    So, how do you avoid the common missteps that can keep your emails from being as effective as they should be? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Today, we’re going to break down the biggest email marketing mistakes I see time and again, and I’ll show you how to turn them around. Whether you're new to email marketing or just looking to improve, this episode is packed with tips to keep your list engaged and your email strategy strong.


    00:00 Start
    4:04 Primary Episode Content
    17:25 The Gold Mine

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  • Episode #304 - "Answers to FAQs About Holiday Jewelry Marketing"

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    Welcome to Episode #304. We’re in it, my Sparklers! Holiday planning season is here, and I know some of you are feeling excited, behind, or even a bit overwhelmed. No worries! In this episode, I’m tackling the top questions I've been getting from clients about holiday marketing because I can promise you it's been a hot topic of conversation these past few weeks.

    I'll cover how to create effective promotions that build urgency without necessarily relying on discounts, and how to use content, gift guides, and email marketing to boost sales. I’ll also share insights on whether to participate in Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and ways to turn holiday shoppers into loyal customers.

    In the "Gold Mine" segment, I'll share some of my favorite tips for managing overwhelm during the busiest time of the year for jewelry brands. If you're handling everything on your own, I've got a pep talk just for you!


    00:00 Start
    2:42 Primary Episode Content
    16:44 The Gold Mine

  • I'm taking a break this week, so there won't be a new episode. However, I have something special for you! Enjoy a FREE 1-month trial of JoyDeck, our innovative jewelry marketing support platform. Don’t miss out—grab your free trial now at:

  • Episode #303 - "How to Leverage "Micro Moments" in Jewelry Marketing"

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    Welcome to Episode #303. I want to talk about micro-moments in marketing! In marketing, "micro-moments" refer to the small instances when consumers turn to their devices to act on a need, whether it's to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something.

    These micro-moments provide opportunities for a jewelry brand to engage with customers by being present with relevant, helpful content or offers at the exact time they're needed.

    As a jewelry brand, it's crucial to be present during micro-moments because these customers have a clear intention. Instead of interrupting them, you're connecting with them right where they are.

    In this episode, I'll share examples of micro-moments and offer guidance on how you can tailor them to your brand and storytelling. This approach will help you connect with your ideal customers where they are, offering them more than just a product—providing real value and fostering an emotional connection.

    In our "Gold Mine" segment, I want to talk about the importance of kindness and humility in business and how these qualities can take you further than you might expect.


    00:00 Start
    3:53 Primary Episode Content
    15:15 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #302 - "How to Pivot Jewelry Marketing For Rising Gold Prices"

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    Welcome to Episode #302. I want to talk about gold prices! As I’m recording this episode, the price of gold is over $2,500 per ounce. With gold prices continuing to soar, fine jewelry designers and small brands are finding themselves at a crossroads.

    Do you stick to your roots, crafting luxurious pieces in the traditional solid gold your customers love, or do you pivot to keep your creations accessible and your business thriving?

    The good news is, there’s no need to choose just one path. In fact, the rise in gold prices is the perfect opportunity to flex your creative muscles, offering fresh, innovative solutions that not only meet the market's demands but also elevate your brand's allure.

    Imagine transforming the challenge of rising costs into a golden opportunity—literally! By embracing out-of-the-box marketing and merchandising strategies, you can continue to dazzle your customers with the magic of gold, all while staying true to your brand's unique identity.

    Whether it's mixing metals, introducing new materials, or simply reimagining how you tell your brand’s story, the possibilities are as limitless as your creativity. So in this episode, I'm going to dive into some fun and inventive ways to navigate these golden waters and come out shining brighter than ever.

    In our "Gold Mine" segment, I just want to share some fun things that have been happening on JoyDeck this month - and how you can join our new jewelry marketing support platform if you're interested.


    00:00 Start
    4:29 Primary Episode Content
    18:30 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #301 - "Jewelry Marketing Lessons From the Summer Olympics"

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    Welcome to Episode #301. This episode is airing on the same day as the closing ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, and I wanted to share some thoughts on the intersection of jewelry, tradition, and marketing. If you think of a medal as a piece of jewelry, then Olympic medals are arguably among the most coveted pieces of jewelry in history.

    I recently watched a video segment about this year’s medals, which were designed and crafted by Chaumet. With this design, Chaumet has made history as the first jeweler ever to design the medals for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This is truly a significant moment for the world of jewelry.

    It got me thinking—nobody is born with a love for jewelry. There’s always a reason behind it. Whether it’s for nostalgia, accomplishment, self-expression, or even just a tactile connection, jewelry holds personal meaning. The Olympics this year have highlighted how deeply symbolic and significant jewelry can be, and these insights can definitely inform your marketing strategies.

    By understanding the emotional and symbolic reasons why people are drawn to jewelry, you can craft marketing that truly resonates. Just as Olympic medals symbolize achievement and history, your jewelry can connect with customers on a deep, personal level.

    In our "Gold Mine" segment, I’ll also be reflecting on my experiences at the NYC trade shows this year, including NY Now, Melee, and Meghan Patrice Riley's "Spotlight Designer Jewelry Presentation." If we crossed paths there, it was great to see you!


    00:00 Start
    4:28 Primary Episode Content
    17:31 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #300 - "Introducing Our New Jewelry Marketing Support Platform: JoyDeck (and the Joy Joya Grant Winner!)"

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    Welcome to Episode #300. Yes, it's a milestone one, so I'm making it special! Side note - did you know I published my first episode in November 2018 and have pretty much added new episodes weekly since then? But please don't go back into the archive that far; I don't even want to know what's back there. I'm coming up on six years this November! And yes, this will be relevant when you hear the topic of this week's Gold Mine segment.

    But anyway, in today's episode, I'll be announcing the winner and finalists of the Joy Joya Summer 2024 Emerging Jewelry Brand grant!

    I also want to introduce our new JoyDeck jewelry marketing support platform, which is officially launching this week. This platform has been over a year in the making since I first conceived of the idea, and I'm thrilled to share that it's finally live. I want to tell you all about it and how it can benefit you—I think many of you will love it!

    In the Gold Mine segment, I'll share tips on how you can put yourself on the hook for generating jewelry marketing content ideas over and over and over for the long haul. If you often feel like you can't come up with good ideas, this might change your perspective.

    Joy Joya Summer 2024 Grant Winner And Finalists
    WINNER Twyla Dill -
    Blossom and Shine -
    Delphine Leymarie Jewelry -
    Kate Winternitz Jewelry -
    CinnamonSticks Designs -
    Elisha Marie Jewelry -


    00:00 Start
    4:44 Grant Winner Announcement
    8:04 Primary Episode Content
    22:34 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #299 - "How to Cope With - and Communicate - Change in Your Jewelry Business"

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    Welcome to Episode #299. In today's episode, I want to discuss a challenging topic: change. If you've been in business long enough, you'll inevitably face change. It's crucial to manage it not only for yourself but also to effectively communicate it to your customers. I found an interesting statistic about change from the "Change Perception Index": 1 in 3 people would avoid change if they could.

    The reality is that people aren't afraid of change itself but rather the emotions that come with it. Feelings of losing control, having to learn something new, or feeling unsettled are common. One of my favorite quotes about resistance to change is from Harvard Business Review: "Change is resisted when it makes people feel stupid." It's a powerful reminder of why change can be so challenging.

    So, how do you navigate change as a business owner and communicate it to your audience and customers? This episode is all about embracing change gracefully and guiding your customers through a smooth transition, so they don't feel lost. Change is uncomfortable, but we're going to tackle it head-on.

    In the GOLD MINE segment, I'll share my personal experiences with change in my business. I have a persistent fear of making someone angry, even unintentionally (a topic for a therapy session!), but change often brings uncertainty, and it's inevitable that something might go wrong, upsetting someone along the way. I'll share my strategies for coping with this fear and managing change effectively.

    And just to keep you in the loop, I'll be announcing the grant winner and the runners-up on next week's episode! I can't wait to share the results of the summer marketing grant. As I mentioned, we had a record number of applications, so it's been such a tough challenge going through all of them!


    NYC Meetup With Liz Kantner, Robin Kramer and Me:
    Sunday, August 4th from 6:30-8pm
    HOWN Cocina & Cocktails
    518 W. 27th Street, NYC

    00:00 Start
    6:23 Primary Episode Content
    20:09 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #298 - "How to Work Smarter (Not Harder) on Jewelry Marketing"

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    Welcome to Episode #298. In today's episode, I want to have a heart-to-heart about the time you spend on your marketing efforts. Many jewelry solopreneurs, like yourself, may not be dedicating as much time as they could to working on their businesses, especially when it comes to marketing.

    It's not because you don't know what to do—often, the challenge is figuring out where to start. Marketing can feel overwhelming, leaving you unsure about the best way to spend your time. This can lead to spending very little time on marketing, simply because it's tough to decide where to begin.

    I could remind you endlessly to spend more time on your marketing, but that's not what I'm here to do. Instead, I want you to work smarter, not harder. This episode is all about maximizing your marketing efforts so you don't spend endless hours reinventing the wheel each time you engage in a marketing activity. Intrigued? Keep listening or watching for the details.

    In the GOLD MINE segment, we'll tackle the topic of gatekeeping, its prevalence in the industry, and why it doesn't have to be that way. If you find it difficult to access valuable information about starting and growing a business, stay tuned for this segment near the end.


    00:00 Start
    4:11 Primary Episode Content
    14:50 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #297 - "How to Take Back Control of Your Jewelry Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #297. In today's episode, I want to remind you that you are in control of your marketing. This message was inspired by a recent Instagram post highlighting some common frustrations faced by jewelry business owners, such as:

    Customers complaining about high prices

    Retailers operating on a consignment basis

    Algorithms limiting your reach

    Influencers asking for freebies

    These challenges, while annoying, do not define your business. Remember, you are in charge of your messaging and business decisions. You are not a victim. As a business owner, you have the power to shape your path. If something isn't working for you, change it. Focus on what matters and aligns with your goals. Ignore the distractions and stay committed to your vision. Embrace the freedom and control that come with being a business owner.

    In this episode, I want to talk about some ways you can take back control of your business and marketing, even if you feel like all the "powers that be" are making that seem impossible. And in the GOLD MINE segment, I'll chat about why getting in a groove is not necessarily a good thing, at least when it comes to your marketing.


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    00:00 Start
    4:58 Primary Episode Content
    16:55 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #296 - "What's It Like Having Marketing Support For Your Jewelry Business?"

    Welcome to Episode #296. In today's episode, I want to paint a picture of what it's like to have marketing support in your business because it can feel abstract and nebulous until you experience it. Most of our clients come in with a specific idea of what the journey will look like. However, by the end of six months, they realize it’s nothing like what they had imagined—they really don't know what they don't know.

    I can totally relate to this feeling. Recently, I had a call with a tax strategist and felt completely out of my depth. Like, it was kind of embarrassing how much I didn't know, but that's life - it's a constant journey of discovering and learning. And it’s incredible how working with an expert can open up a whole new world you didn’t even know existed.

    There’s a quote by the late writer David Foster Wallace, from a commencement speech he gave called "This Is Water", and I think it sums this up perfectly:

    "There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning, boys. How's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes "What the hell is water?”

    And that's what this episode is all about. Keep listening or watching to find out what I mean.


    Apply for the grant:

    00:00 Start
    4:10 Grant Announcement
    5:49 Primary Episode Content
    17:25 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #295 - "How AI Is Impacting SEO For Jewelry Businesses"

    Welcome to Episode #295. In today's episode, I want to talk about the future of SEO for jewelry businesses! This is an area of jewelry marketing that's evolving very quickly, with AI-created content becoming more and more prevalent and search engines like Google adjusting their algorithms to account for the future of how people will be using the Internet and searching for useful content.

    If Google search is a primary way that your target audience discovers your brand, or you're interested in driving more traffic through Google search, then you definitely need to check out this episode to understand what the future holds.

    I've done many episodes about SEO before if you want to reference them for the basics, which I won't cover here in this episode. So if you're completely new to SEO, I'd recommend you go back to episodes #238, #239, and #240 for a deep dive into those basics.

    When you search something on Google, you're probably already noticing that one of the first search results is an AI Overview. AI Overviews provide links to resources that back up the information in the snapshot and delve deeper into the topic. This feature helps users explore and uncover a wide variety of content from various sources, including publishers, creators, retailers, and businesses, enabling them to use the gathered information to further their tasks.

    So keep listening to this episode to find out what these changes mean for you and your jewelry business - and how you can adapt to changes in Google search as well as to changes in how your customers are searching for you and your products.


    Apply for the grant:

    00:00 Start
    3:22 Grant Announcement
    5:23 Primary Episode Content
    19:14 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #294 - "All About Calls to Action For Jewelry Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #294. In today's episode, I'm diving back into jewelry marketing basics with a focus on the unsung hero of effective marketing: Calls to Action, or CTAs. It's surprising I haven't dedicated an episode to this before! While I've mentioned CTAs in past episodes, I've never fully explored their importance and how to use them effectively.

    In this episode, we'll break down what CTAs are and why they’re crucial for jewelry marketing. We'll discuss general best practices, how to tailor CTAs to your specific audience, and how psychological principles can guide your CTA strategies. Plus, I'll share tips on keeping your CTAs fresh and engaging.

    In our "Gold Mine" segment, I'll also share some recent observations about standout social media content and how you can apply these insights to your own posts. Tune in to get inspired and take your jewelry marketing to the next level!


    Apply for the grant:

    00:00 Start
    2:25 Grant Announcement
    4:47 Primary Episode Content
    17:14 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #293 - "Are Your Email Subscribers Seeing Your Jewelry Emails?"

    Welcome to Episode #293. In today's episode, I want to discuss the importance of quality over quantity in email marketing and how to maintain a healthy subscriber list.

    This topic arose because I've noticed a significant increase in spam subscribers on my clients' lists recently, and I've heard similar stories from others in the marketing community. This issue, known as "list bombing," is described in Klaviyo's support documentation as "a malicious attack where the attacker exploits a signup form or checkout page by making a large number of fake submissions, filling the associated list with emails and phone numbers that have not consented or are invalid."

    Although a rise in email subscribers might appear beneficial for your brand at first glance, it only holds true if all the new contacts are genuine.

    Sending emails to these fake profiles can harm your deliverability, as your emails might get caught in spam traps. You'll also see a decline in your open rates. Later in this episode, I'll delve deeper into list bombing and share ways to protect yourself against it.

    The main focus today is to ensure your subscribers are legitimate, genuinely interested, and actively engaging with your emails, regardless of whether you have 100 or 100,000 subscribers. Stay tuned for tips on achieving this with your email marketing strategy.


    Apply for the grant:

    00:00 Start
    3:31 Grant Announcement
    6:56 Primary Episode Content
    20:00 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #292 - "JCK Vegas 2024 Recap - and How to Do a Mid-Year Jewelry Marketing Reset"

    Welcome to Episode #292. In today's episode, I want to cover a few different topics. First, I want to announce a very special opportunity that I'm opening up to emerging jewelry brands everywhere. If you've been intrigued by Joy Joya's grants in the past, you MUST check out this one.

    I also want to give a recap of my experience at JCK Las Vegas this year. It was one of my favorite times at JCK yet, and I'm so impressed with the events team and all their amazing efforts.

    Lastly, I want to share some tips about how you can facilitate a mid-year course correction for your marketing if you feel like you've gone off track. June is a time when we feel like we need a break, especially if you're coming back from the trade show. But at the same time, it's also a great opportunity to start planning for the holidays and get ahead of the busy season that's coming before we know it. You'll want to hear my tips for regaining your business equilibrium.

    In the Gold Mine, I share some things about JCK that inspired me and that I want to pass along to you to hopefully give you some ideas to spark your mid-year reset and go into the second half of 2024 with innovation in mind.


    Apply for the grant:

    00:00 Start
    3:01 Grant Announcement
    8:31 Primary Episode Content
    20:51 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #291 - "Writing Effective Social Media Captions For Jewelry Businesses"

    Welcome to Episode #291. In today's episode, I'm going to dive into the art of writing effective social media captions.

    Captions are more than just words beneath a post; they're a powerful tool for enhancing your visual content by adding depth and providing necessary context. They guide your audience's interactions, suggesting what steps to follow next, whether it's liking, commenting, or sharing. By serving as alt text, captions also increase accessibility for visually impaired users and can be translated into various languages, thus broadening your reach.

    Most importantly, well-crafted captions can significantly boost engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants who interact with your content in meaningful ways.

    It's also like: you know you need them because your social media post would look a little naked without the caption, but what the heck are you supposed to be doing with that blank space? What are you supposed to say? Why's it so hard to think of something?

    In this episode, I'll be covering so many aspects of writing a good caption, from why it's important to know your audience to touching on emotional triggers, telling great stories, and more. If you struggle with captions, this one's for you.


    00:00 Start
    3:04 Primary Episode Content
    20:37 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #290 - "What If You Have More Than One Type of Target Customer For Your Jewelry Business?"

    Welcome to Episode #290. In today's episode, I want to tackle the question: what if you have more than one audience and target customer? Not every jewelry business' target customer fits neatly into one box. Oftentimes, you'll be speaking to customers who span multiple demographics, even if you serve a very specific niche.

    Crafting marketing messages that resonate across age groups, cultures, and preferences is both a challenge and an opportunity. Our goal as business owners and marketers in the jewelry industry is to recognize and value the differences among members of our target audience, bridging connections through understanding and respect.

    In this episode, I'll be exploring strategies to segment your audience, craft universal yet personalized narratives, and utilize platforms effectively to reach varied demographics. You'll learn how to ensure your brand's voice is heard, understood, and cherished across the spectrum.


    00:00 Start
    2:30 Primary Episode Content
    14:31 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #289 - "How to Inspire Your Jewelry Customers to Return Again and Again"

    Welcome to Episode #289. In today's episode, I want to talk about how you can get your customers to love your jewelry business - and come back again and again.

    In the worlds of business and marketing, trends come and go, but one timeless truth remains: retaining customers is super important and will save you on marketing costs in the long run. Marketing thought leader Neil Patel shared this: "Customer retention is seven times more cost-effective compared to customer acquisition."

    This simple yet profound insight underscores a fundamental principle that lies at the heart of every successful jewelry business: the enduring value of cultivating and nurturing lasting relationships with our customers.

    Back in 2013, ecommerce businesses were forking out $9, on average, to acquire a fresh-faced customer. Fast forward to the present day, and that figure has ballooned to a staggering $29—a staggering 222% increase. It just makes monetary sense to keep the customers who already like, know, and trust you coming back for more.

    In this episode, I'll be talking more about why returning customers need to be your loyal advocates and partners, how to find out how many customers are actually coming back for more, and the tactics you can use to keep them engaged.


    00:00 Start
    3:05 Primary Episode Content
    19:06 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #288 - "How to Add Depth to Jewelry Marketing Content"

    Welcome to Episode #288. In today's episode, I want to dive deeper into how you can transcend mere surface-level content, which is crucial in a world increasingly dominated by AI in content creation and marketing. While AI is a fantastic tool for brainstorming and drafting, it's not meant to replace your unique voice or the distinctive persona of your brand.

    Simply using AI-generated content won't resonate with your audience or showcase you in the best light. Even adopting a generic idea from AI or the internet, without infusing it with your unique flair, will lack excitement and shareability.

    Often, when brainstorming for clients, particularly for blog posts, we start with basic jewelry topics, like "How to Layer Necklaces." Sometimes there's resistance because the topic feels overdone. But let's face it—everything has been done. It's nearly impossible to be wholly original these days.

    The aim isn't to invent something unprecedented but to tell a story in a way that resonates widely yet could only be told by you, in your unique, original style. Sure, a thousand people might have tips on layering necklaces, but none of them are you or run your business. The real challenge is, how do you fully and authentically express yourself?

    In this episode, I'll explore how you can truly be yourself in your content, unapologetically, even when discussing topics that have been covered time and again.


    00:00 Start
    3:38 Primary Episode Content
    14:13 The Gold Mine