3 Things to Know!
1. Every week I CREATE content to help Creators who are struggling with procrastination, overwhelm & feeling stuck to help them Get Clarity, Get Unstuck, & Start Taking Action to create a life & business you don't want to retire from.
2. I don’t have anything for sale but private one on one coaching. I’m not holding on to any secrets! I share as much as I can through my free content and for those who want to dive deeper, I will rock your world with my coaching ⚡️❤️🔧
3. I've run a successful video production company for 18+ years (worked with some of the big names such as Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes, Tony Robbins and more).
Bonus: If you have ADHD or are Neurodivergent so am I! I got Brain 🧠 Scans to better understand my ADHD to help myself but to also help YOU the listener/viewer and my clients!
Let's Rock and Roll!!
⚡❤️ 🔧
MORE info on one on one coaching at themindmechanic.net