
  • V epizodi prisluhnite kako travma in kronični stres vplivata na vedenje psov in zakaj so spremembe včasih tako težke. Kakšno vlogo pri vsem tem igrajo močne podporne mreže in zakaj bi morali fokus iz napredka prestaviti na dobrobit psa?

    Za vsa vprašanja, rezervacije individualnih svetovanj pišite na [email protected].


    Al Odhayani A, Watson WJ, Watson L. Behavioural consequences of child abuse. Can Fam Physician. 2013 Aug;59(8):831-6. PMID: 23946022; PMCID: PMC3743691. Bessel van der Kolk: The Body Keeps the Score Blaze J, Roth TL. Evidence from clinical and animal model studies of the long-term and transgenerational impact of stress on DNA methylation. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2015 Jul;43:76-84. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2015.04.004. Epub 2015 Apr 23. PMID: 25917771; PMCID: PMC4618788. Corridan CL, Dawson SE, Mullan S. Potential Benefits of a 'Trauma-Informed Care' Approach to Improve the Assessment and Management of Dogs Presented with Anxiety Disorders. Animals (Basel). 2024 Jan 31;14(3):459. doi: 10.3390/ani14030459. PMID: 38338102; PMCID: PMC10854685. Stefanie Renee Pilkay, Terri Combs-Orme, Trauma and Gene Expression: Understanding the Connections, Social Work Research, Volume 44, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 7–20,

    Music by Sergio Prosvirini from Pixabay.

  • V epizodi se poglobimo v koncept antropomorfizma – pripisovanja človeških lastnosti živalim. Pogovarjamo se o tem, kako lahko to vpliva na našo percepcijo in razumevanje psov ter kaj to pomeni za njihovo dobrobit, kako nam lahko pomaga pri izboljšanju našega odnos s psi. Ob tem moramo biti pozorni na pasti, ki jih prinaša nepravilno razumevanje pasjega vedenja. Odkrijte, kako lahko z več znanja o pasjih potrebah ustvarimo globlji in bolj spoštljiv odnos z našimi kosmatimi prijatelji.


    Animal Behavior’s Biggest Taboo Is Softening Bruni, D., Perconti, P., & Plebe, A. (2018). Anti-anthropomorphism and Its Limits. Frontiers Psychology, 9. Critical anthropomorphism Mota-Rojas D, Mariti C, Zdeinert A, Riggio G, Mora-Medina P, Del Mar Reyes A, Gazzano A, Domínguez-Oliva A, Lezama-García K, José-Pérez N, Hernández-Ávalos I. Anthropomorphism and Its Adverse Effects on the Distress and Welfare of Companion Animals. Animals (Basel). 2021 Nov 15;11(11):3263. doi: 10.3390/ani11113263. PMID: 34827996; PMCID: PMC8614365. Prato-Previde E, Basso Ricci E, Colombo ES. The Complexity of the Human–Animal Bond: Empathy, Attachment and Anthropomorphism in Human–Animal Relationships and Animal Hoarding. Animals. 2022; 12(20):2835. Sueur C, Forin-Wiart MA, Pelé M. Are They Really Trying to Save Their Buddy? The Anthropomorphism of Animal Epimeletic Behaviours. Animals (Basel). 2020 Dec 7;10(12):2323. doi: 10.3390/ani10122323. PMID: 33297457; PMCID: PMC7762333. Taylor, Nik. (2011). Anthropomorphism And The Animal Subject. 10.1163/ej.9789004187948.i-348.61. The pros and cons of anthropomorphism Why Anthropomorphism Is Not a Scientific Sin

    Music by Sergio Prosvirini from Pixabay.

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  • In this episode, I’m joined by Sowjanya S. Vijayanagar, a colleague, dear friend, and fellow dog behavior consultant. Sowjanya, who comes from India, brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience from a lifetime of sharing her world with free-living dogs.

    Together, we explore the fascinating dynamics of free-living dogs, autonomy of dogs, and how this perspective can impact the relationship between dogs and their guardians. We delve into the concept of gentle parenting, discussing how it nurtures mutual respect and understanding in human-dog relationships.

    Sowjanya’s insights and thought-provoking questions invite us to examine our perspective on dogs and relationships we have with them. This conversation is rich with wisdom, compassion, and a fresh perspective on what it means to truly understand and support our canine companions.

    Tune in for an enlightening discussion that challenges conventional thinking and deepens our appreciation for the incredible lives of dogs.

    Follow Sowjanya on:

    Instagram Website YouTube
  • Dobrodošli v prvi epizodi podkasta Kaj bi rekli psi! Epizoda je odličen začetek potovanja k boljšemu razumevanju, kdo so v resnici psi. Od osebnih zgodb do razbijanja mitov in raziskovanja naravnega vedenja prostoživečih psov, v epizodi boste slišali spoznanja, ki lahko poglobijo odnos z vašim psom. Spoznajte, kako lahko razumevanje psov kot vrste in kot posameznikov spremeni vaš odnos in ga naredi bolj izpolnjujočega tako za vas kot za vašega psa.

    Prisluhnite svežemu pogledu na vedenje psov, ki ga podpirajo znanost, izkušnje in veliko ljubezni!

    Videoposnetek epizode najdete tukaj.

    Brezplačno predavanje in e-knjižica Sprehod s psom – od nočne more do aktivnosti v kateri uživata oba.

    Knjiga Turid Rugaas: On Talking Terms With Dogs/Pogovori s psi


    Milósi, Ádám: The Dog – A Natural History (2018)

    Eaton, Barry: Dominance in Dogs: Fact or fiction? (2008)

    Arunita Banerjee in Anindita Bhadra: Time-activity budget of urban-adapted free-ranging dogs (2019)

    Pangal, Sindhoor: Lives of Streeties: A study on the activity budget of free-ranging dogs

    Majumder, S. S., Chatterjee, A. & Bhadra, A.: A dog’s day with humans – time activity budget of free-ranging dogs in India

    Miles K. Bensky, Samuel D. Gosling, David L. Sinn, Chapter Five - The World from a Dog’s Point of View: A Review and Synthesis of Dog Cognition Research, Editor(s): H. Jane Brockmann, Timothy J. Roper, Marc Naguib, John C. Mitani, Leigh W. Simmons, Louise Barrett, Advances in the Study of Behavior, Academic Press, Volume 45, 2013, Pages 209-406

    Bhattacharjee, D., Sau, S. & Bhadra, A. Free-Ranging Dogs Understand Human Intentions and Adjust Their Behavioral Responses Accordingly.

    Francis Galibert, Pascale Quignon, Christophe Hitte, Catherine André: Toward understanding dog evolutionary and domestication history (2011)

    Music by Sergio Prosvirini from Pixabay.