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Phatcamp is a talent development agency that helps students and young professionals making a career within the creative industries. We want to close the gap between this new generation and the actual work field by actively guiding them, feeding them with knowledge and also getting them to work. By doing so we are also a gateway to this talent for the industry itself. Everyday we are developing event crew, interns, freelancers and soon to be full-time employees. By personally coaching them and helping them gain the desired experience we are surround by a group of eager and intrinsically motivated youngsters that are ready to make their mark on the industry.
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change
"Negotiate Anything" is the #1 negotiation podcast in the world, celebrated with over 10 million downloads, hundreds of 5-star reviews, and a global audience from +180 countries.
Negotiation is the ultimate problem solving tool, allowing you to not only get better deals, but to also have better relationships.
Our podcast dives deep into the art of negotiation. Hosted by lawyer, bestselling author, and CEO of the American Negotiation Institute , Kwame Christian Esq., M.A., each episode is a transformative journey that equips listeners to confidently navigate challenging conversations with negotiation and communication experts around the globe.
Listeners learn to balance assertiveness with empathy, building trust while setting boundaries and managing emotions. As in the bustling business world, exceptional negotiation skills can be the differentiator, our episodes are tailored to give you that unique advantage.
But it's not just about transactions or business discussions. "Negotiate Anything" emphasizes that life itself is a series of negotiations. Whether you're deliberating with a tough client, discussing terms with a new partner, or navigating personal relationships, our show promises invaluable insights.
Prepare to immerse in practical scenarios, absorbing techniques that don't just improve your negotiation prowess but also elevate your career and personal life.
At The American Negotiation Institute, we believe the best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations. And our goal is to change the world, one difficult conversation at a time.
So, tune in, and empower yourself with the tools to negotiate anything, anywhere.
Produced by the American Negotiation Institute
Part of the LinkedIn Podcast Network
About the host:
Kwame Christian is a business attorney, best-selling author, and Founder & CEO of the American Negotiation Institute (ANI), a global consulting firm that specializes in negotiation and conflict resolution.
Recognized as one of the world's top negotiation experts, Kwame gained prominence after his viral TEDx Talk, Finding Confidence in Conflict, which has garnered over 400,000 views. He has authored two best-selling books, Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life (2020) and How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race: Practical Tools for Necessary Change in the Workplace and Beyond (2022). He is also a regular contributor to Forbes.
Kwame is also the host of Negotiate Anything, the world's #1 negotiation podcast, which has attracted more than eight million downloads and listeners in over 180 countries since its inception in 2016. He has taught negotiation, communication, and mediation advocacy at the university level, including The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, the country's top-ranked law school dispute resolution program.
Kwame earned his law degree, masters in public policy, and bachelors in psychology from The Ohio State University. He was the winner of the John Glenn College Young Alumni Award (2020) and Moritz College Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award (2021), making him the only person in the university's history to win alumni awards in consecutive years from both the law school and the masters of public affairs program. He was also named among Columbus' 2022 40 Under 40 award recipients.
In addition to his accomplishments, Kwame is a practicing attorney, working with businesses and their owners to secure better deals, solve complex problems, and overcome legal challenges. He is also a popular LinkedIn instructor, teaching over a dozen courses with over 600,000 learners taking his courses.
Outside the professional sphere, Kwame is a devoted family man and proud father of two boys. An avid chess enthusiast, he has played over 20,000 games and earned a ranking in the 99th percentile on -
Vitajte v "BOZP pod lupou" - v podcaste, kde s úsmevom na tvári odhaľujeme nebezpečné situácie v pracovnom prostredí a vydávame sa na dobrodružnú cestu za poznatkami o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci. Spoločne budeme rozoberať príbehy, tipy a rady, novinky a všetko, čo sa týka bezpečnosti, aby ste sa cítili pripravení na to, čo na Vás číha v pracovnom prostredí. Tak si pripnite bezpečnostný pás a vyrážame do labyrintu BOZP.
Ako si nájsť prácu, ktorá ťa bude skutočne baviť? Je možné nájsť balans medzi robotou a osobným životom? Ako sa pripraviť na prvý pohovor? V podcaste Gen Z maká sa na tieto a mnohé ďalšie otázky pozrieme spolu s profíkmi v danej oblasti, ktorí sa s tebou podelia o svoje know-how.
Jessica Livingston and Carolynn Levy are The Social Radars. Carolynn and Jessica have been working together to help thousands of startups at Y Combinator for almost 20 years. Come be a fly on the wall as they talk to some of the most successful founders in Silicon Valley about how they did it.
Podcast o budúcnosti peňazí, slobode a technológiách s bitcoinovým edukátorom Dušanom Matuškom. Jednoducho Bitcoin.
Podcast určený prevažne pre začiatočníkov v Bitcoine. Zrozumiteľne a v malých dávkach podávame Bitcoin každý mesiac.
Viac informácií o mojich aktivitách nájdete na webe -
Tie najlepšie veci vznikajú pomaly, pozvoľne, nenútene - ako keď piješ kávičku so svojou najbližšou kamarátkou. Zdieľate spolu všetko - smiech, slzy, emócie, šťastie, smútok, radosti aj starosti. Motivujete sa navzájom stať sa lepšími a podržíte sa v ťažkých chvíľach.☕️
A presne také je Cappuccino talks - podcast pre všetky ženy, ktoré si chcú vypiť svoje motivačné kapučínko a cítiť sa ako na kávičke so svojou najlepšou priateľkou.😉
Pozývam ťa na tvoju novú pravidelnú dávku motivácie, reálnych príbehov výnimočných žien a myšlienok, ktoré ťa privedú nielen k zamysleniu, ale aj k výsledkom.🎉
Pohodlne sa usaď a vychutnaj si to najlepšie motivačné kapučínko z dielne Cappuccino talks.☕️🎉
Biznis podcast, ktorý rozvíja vaše zručnosti, čiže SKILLy. S Petrom Strculom a Lukášom Bakošom, majiteľmi dvoch vzdelávacích firiem. Každá epizóda sa skladá z 3 častí - 1. Frflačka o aktuálnom stave, 2. Praktické odporúčania a 3. Úlet na záver. Tipy na témy a svoje otázky nám píšte na naše sociálne siete.
Podcast Moderná škola vznikol v spolupráci s Romanom ”Yablkom” Hraškom a vzdelávacími organizácimi, a Našim zámerom je rozobrať svet štandardného vzdelávania a spôsob ako môže fungovať moderné vzdelávanie v technológiach.
S našimi partnermi preberáme témy v 3 oblastiach 🚀 premena na modernú školu, 📲 vzdelávanie v technológiach, 🏁 úspešné príklady z praxe.
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Pravidelná dávka informací ze světa profesionálního koučování. Podcastem provází Václav Szakál a jeho hosty jsou profesionální koučové, manažeři využívající koučovací dovednosti, klienti koučování z různých oblastí (management, profesionální sport atd.) a lidé využívající sebekoučovací dovednosti.
Podcast Hospitality Talks vám přináší rozhovory s lidmi, kteří mají co říct, z oblastí hospitality a hotelnictví. Pokud se chcete dozvědět jak správně nabírat a rozvíjet zaměstnance, jaké chyby hoteliéři a restauratéři nejčastěji dělají a jak se jim vyvarovat, tento podcast je právě pro vás.