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    Hey there!

    This week on the Keep the Weight Off podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive deeper into the fascinating world of Cognitive Distortions and how they can secretly derail your weight loss progress. If you tuned in last week, you're already on the path to uncovering those sneaky, irrational thoughts. But we're not stopping there—this episode takes it to the next level! 🌟

    Here’s what you’ll learn in this powerful episode:

    - Why We Think This Way: Discover the origins of cognitive distortions, from early life experiences to cultural influences.
    - Spotting the Signs: Learn to identify when your mind is playing tricks on you, especially in those moments of stress or negativity.
    - Breaking the Cycle: Understand how these thought patterns become ingrained and what you can do to change them for good.
    - Real-Life Examples: Hear personal stories and relatable scenarios that illustrate how pervasive these distortions can be.
    - Tools for Transformation: Explore practical strategies to reframe your thoughts and break free from distorted thinking.

    If you've ever wondered why it’s so hard to keep the weight off, this episode could be the key to unlocking lasting change. 🌟 Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge to challenge these mental roadblocks!

    Episode Highlights:

    (08:05) If a child is getting negative feedback or criticism from a parent or caregiver, they will likely develop patterns of negative thinking, such as all-or-nothing thinking, or labeling. Our early experiences are actually really important because they shape our views about ourselves and our view of the world. And these distorted thinking patterns can and do persist into adulthood.

    (16:34) Cognitive distortions can be the result of a traumatic experience, especially if it happened when you were young. You're trying to make sense of what happened, and you're trying to protect yourself from future harm. And so it's really common to develop cognitive distortions as a result of that experience.

    (30:18) By recognizing the origins of these patterns of cognitive distortions and having this gentle awareness and repetition of healthier thinking patterns, we can begin to challenge and reframe our thoughts, ultimately, leading to healthier and more balanced thinking.

    Remember that you can know all there is to know about how to nourish your body well, but unless you address cognitive distortions and develop a new way of thinking, you're likely to regain the weight. So you need so much more than just a food plan and some medications to keep the weight off.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CognitiveDistortions #BreakingCycles #Transformation #ThinkingPatterns

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    🎧 Don't Miss This Episode! In this week’s episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive deep into the fascinating world of Cognitive Distortions—those sneaky, irrational thought patterns that can secretly sabotage your weight loss journey. You'll learn:

    🔍 What Cognitive Distortions Are: Understand how these tricky thought patterns can derail your progress without you even realizing it. ⚖️ The Power of "All-or-None Thinking": Discover how black-and-white thinking might be holding you back and how to embrace the gray areas for long-term success. 🔄 Overgeneralization & Mental Filtering: Learn how to avoid the trap of thinking "this always happens" and focus on your true progress. 💭 Jumping to Conclusions & Emotional Reasoning: Uncover how these distortions can lead to self-sabotage and how to counteract them effectively. 🛠️ Practical Steps to Combat Distorted Thinking: Get actionable strategies to identify, challenge, and reframe distorted thoughts, helping you stay on track.

    This episode is packed with insights that can transform the way you think and, more importantly, the way you approach your weight loss journey. Don’t miss out!

    🌟 Tune in now and start thinking your way to success!

    Episode Highlights:

    (05:23) Cognitive distortions are basically the tricks our minds play on us that make us think in negative ways or unrealistic ways; what happens for people is we think that everything that we think that goes through our brains is true, but with cognitive distortions, our thinking is not true. If we're not aware of cognitive distortions, they can really sabotage us.

    (12:29) Here you are like "I lost five pounds. It's not enough". You're acknowledging that things are working, but then you're discounting it, you're discounting the positive. That's not a good plan at all, because think about what happens when you minimize your successes. You rob yourself of the motivation and confidence that come from recognizing your hard work.

    (16:56) Another cognitive distortion to watch out for is called "emotional reasoning". This is when you believe that because you feel a certain way, it must be true. And this is a tough one for a lot of people. For example, if you feel like a failure, you think you are a failure. But feelings aren't facts. So just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean that your entire journey is doomed.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CognitiveDistortions #MentalFiltering #Mindset

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    🎙️ New Episode Alert! This week on the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive into a common yet frustrating scenario: when you're doing everything "right" but the scale isn't budging—or worse, your clothes feel tighter! 😩

    🔍 What you'll learn:

    The Brain's Sneaky Tricks: Discover how cognitive distortions, self-deception, and selective attention can fool you into thinking you're on track when you're not.

    Understanding Cognitive Distortions: Learn how your thinking might be getting distorted, causing you to miss the reality of your habits.

    Self-Deception Explained: Find out how your brain might be protecting your ego by filtering out the truth about your eating habits.

    Selective Attention: Understand how you might be unconsciously focusing on the "good" while overlooking the behaviors that are holding you back.

    Practical Strategies: Get actionable tips on how to become more aware of these mental traps and start seeing the full picture of your weight loss journey.

    Ready to uncover the truth and take control? Tune in now and start making progress you can see and feel! 💪

    Episode Highlights:

    (11:49) Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that we experience when we try to hold two conflicting beliefs. Let's say you've held a certain belief for a very long time, for example, if you don't eat, you'll lose weight. And then you learn a new fact; you discover that not eating actually causes weight gain. And so there's this cognitive dissonance. It's really uncomfortable, and the brain tries to protect itself from that discomfort.

    (17:50) We can't notice everything. We program our attention in advance with our beliefs, and then we look for data to support our beliefs. So depending on what we've programmed into our brain, the brain is going to pay more attention to some things happening in our lives and ignore other things that are happening.

    (25:46) Get accountability. It could be a coach or a support group. It could be someone in our Empowered Weight Loss program. If you want to join our membership, you guys can support each other. Maybe even just some sort of tracking system. Assume that there are deceptions and distortions that you can't see.

    Ask someone you trust to show you your blind spots. Others are going to notice things that you habitually overlook, providing a lot of valuable insight for you. You really need this objective feedback.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CognitiveDistortion #SelectiveAttention #Mindset

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    Hey there!

    We're busting one of the biggest diet myths out there in this week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle! 🎙️✨

    If you've ever thought you need to feel hungry to burn fat, think again!

    Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:

    ❌Debunking the Hunger Myth: Why starving yourself won't lead to fat loss.

    🏋️ The Downside of Overexercise: How too much exercise can actually work against your goals.

    🧠Understanding Your Body's Survival Mechanism: Why our brains are wired to store fat and how to work with this.

    🥗The Power of Nourishment: How feeding your body properly can help you lose fat.

    📋Practical Tips: How to approach food and exercise in a way that supports fat loss without punishing yourself.

    Join us as we dive deep into these topics and share personal stories and expert insights. You won't want to miss this enlightening episode! 🎧🌟

    Tune in and transform your approach to health and fitness. See you there!

    Episode Highlights:

    (11:00) I was born knowing exactly what to do when food was scarce. And so here I was purposefully mimicking that for as many nights as I could stand it and expecting that my body would be willing to let go of what it needed to survive. That makes absolutely no sense!

    (18:56) Oftentimes when people start to eat more and exercise less, they will start losing fat. However, you can't know exactly what's happening without body composition testing.

    (20:44) Let's work with our brains; let's reassure our brains that there's no famine to worry about. Let's let our primitive brain know that it's okay to release unneeded fat. We do this by nourishing our bodies with plenty of protein. Remember that our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, so protein reassures the brain that it's safe to let go of fat.

    Let's not let ourselves go to bed hungry. A well nourished body releases fat, and a starving body holds on to fat for dear life.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Hunger #Overexercise #Nourishment #EatingHabits

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    Hey there! 🌟

    In this week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive deep into a fascinating discovery from the past that sheds light on the complex causes of weight gain.

    Here's what you'll learn:

    4 Key Categories: Understand the fundamental causes of weight gain—Nutrition, Metabolism, Behaviors, and Psychology.

    Nutrition Insights: The truth about ultraprocessed foods and their impact on our health.

    Metabolic Mysteries: How insulin resistance, PCOS, and sleep apnea contribute to weight gain.

    Behavioral Traps: Discover "Amnesia Calories" and the subtle ways we consume more than we realize.

    Psychological Factors: Explore how mental health issues and deep-seated fears can sabotage weight loss efforts.

    Join us as we unravel the complexity of obesity, offering compassionate and practical insights to help you on your journey to lasting health.

    Don't miss this enlightening episode!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:41) Essentially, anyone who has weight gain has some degree of insulin resistance, which just means that the pancreas has to work harder to produce more insulin to keep the blood sugars under control. That's essentially what insulin resistance is. And then eventually the pancreas can't keep up and the blood sugar starts to rise and that's when we get a diagnosis of prediabetes, or diabetes depending on how high the blood sugar goes.

    (10:25) Another common metabolic cause of weight gain is medications that are used to treat other illnesses; sometimes the medications that are used to treat depression or schizophrenia can cause weight gain. There are even some blood pressure medications that can cause weight gain. These are all things that we have to keep in mind whenever we have a new patient come in. This is why if you're struggling with your weight you might want to make sure that you see an obesity medicine specialist first because you may have one of these common metabolic causes of weight gain that really needs treatment.

    (14:03) We have certain habits that we don't even realize are causing weight gain, like that daily caramel macchiato every morning. These are all behaviors that we don't even think about that add calories and cause weight gain.

    If you think that you might be a victim of amnesia calorie intake, there's a really obvious way to figure it out: The food journal. Get a piece of paper and a pen and anything that goes into your mouth gets written on the paper.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Metabolism #InsulinResistance #WeightGain #EatingHabits

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    Hey there!

    This week, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive into the fascinating concept of "Parallel Eating" – a unique approach to mealtime that can transform your eating habits and relationships. 🎧🍽️ Tune in to learn all about it!

    What You'll Discover:

    What is Parallel Eating? 🥗: Understand the concept of eating together without eating the same foods and its roots in the world of Special Education.

    Mindful Eating Tips 🧘‍♀️: How eating with others can promote more mindful eating habits and why this matters for your health.

    Social Benefits🌟: Discover how shared mealtimes can foster a sense of community and improve your overall relationship with food.

    Practical Applications🍴: Find out how you can implement Parallel Eating in your own life, whether at home or in public spaces.

    Healthy Modeling 🥦: Learn how modeling healthy eating habits can influence your loved ones positively.

    Why You Should Listen:

    Innovative Approach 🚀: Explore a new, practical way to maintain your healthy eating habits without feeling isolated or pressured by others' food choices.

    Expert Insights 🔍: Hear from Dr. Angela and Marchelle as they unpack the concept and share their professional and personal perspectives.

    Actionable Tips 📝: Practical advice on how to incorporate Parallel Eating into your daily life, making mealtimes more enjoyable and healthy.

    Don't miss this enlightening episode!

    Episode Highlights:

    (08:14) The idea in parallel eating in the Special Education world is to pair the special needs children with normal peers; the full lesson includes grocery shopping, preparing the foods together, and they'll finally eat together. And over time, the idea is to teach the children healthy eating, and lots of other life skills and social skills along the way.

    That way, the educators will give the families and the students a foundation for how to eat healthy.

    (14:59) There are a lot of benefits to this idea of parallel eating. First, if you do it correctly, you can be more mindful. Think about how often we're running through a drive-thru and then we're wolfing down a sandwich all by ourselves in our car … we just grab the food and we eat it really fast and we're not mindful about anything.

    When you're with other people, even if you're not exactly eating the same things, the presence of other people will encourage slower, more mindful eating.

    (19:51) Studies show that eating with others can influence our food choices and our portion sizes. It's called “social facilitation of eating” For example, sometimes people will actually tend to eat more and not less when they're around other people. Oftentimes marriage means weight gain for women because they end up eating the same amounts of food as their husbands, even though they're smaller and they don't need as much food.

    So parallel eating could be really helpful here because each person can choose the type of food and the amount of food based on their own needs and they just eat together for the shared experience and camaraderie.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #ParallelEating #MindfulEating #FoodIndustry

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    Hey there!

    Are you ready for some real talk about why staying healthy feels like an uphill battle?

    This week on the Keep the Weight Off podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive into the tough realities of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today's world. Spoiler alert: it's not easy, but it’s definitely worth it! 🌟

    🎧 Here’s what you’ll discover in this episode:

    The Real Struggle: Understand why being healthy requires constant effort and vigilance.

    Cultural Challenges: Discover the societal norms that make weight loss and maintenance so difficult in the U.S.

    Convenience Culture: Explore how our fast-paced, convenience-focused lifestyle impacts our eating habits.

    Social Conditioning: See how social events and pressures contribute to unhealthy eating patterns.

    Stress: Understand the role of stress and productivity culture in our health struggles.

    Practical Tips: Get actionable advice on navigating these challenges and making healthier choices.

    Tune in to gain awareness and strategies to overcome these obstacles.

    Trust us, your future self will thank you! 💪

    Stay healthy and empowered!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:15) People ask me all the time "Am I always going to have to work this hard?" And the answer is, unfortunately, yes. Now it shouldn't be this way. It shouldn't be this hard, but it is. And it gets easier over time, and it doesn't seem like so much work because it just becomes a normal part of your routine.

    (11:47) Do you know that portion sizes are much larger in the U. S. compared to other countries? The portion sizes in restaurants, and even in packaged foods are really much larger than what we actually need. And of course, this leads to overeating and overdrinking. All of this becomes a habit over time because we just become accustomed to those sizes.

    (17:15) I feel really bad for teenagers these days. For a teen, the peer group is really important to them because they're going through a developmental stage where they're separating from their family of origin and they're learning a lot about themselves. Part of this is an attachment to a peer group. Back in the old days there was pressure to smoke and now it's socially unacceptable to smoke, now it's pressure to drink sugary coffee beverages, to have treats constantly, or to go out for fast food. The temptations just never end.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CulturalChallenges #StressEating #HealthyHabits #SocialConditioning

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    Hey there!

    We hope you had a fantastic 4th of July! 🎆 Marchelle is back from vacation and this week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast is packed with exciting and valuable info you won't want to miss, including how to survive a hurricane!!🌀

    Here's what you'll learn:

    Marchelle's Hurricane Adventure: Hear Marchelle's thrilling story of vacationing at a resort in the Yucatan Peninsula when Hurricane Beryl hit and how she managed to stay safe and make it home on time!

    Healthy Eating on Vacation: Discover Marchelle's strategies for enjoying an all-inclusive resort without compromising on healthy eating habits🥗

    Balancing Cocktails: Get tips on managing alcohol intake, especially important when you are vacationing in the sun! 🍹

    Staying Active: Learn why it's essential to mix relaxation with physical activity when you’re on vacation.

    Mindful Indulgence: Find out why Dr. Angela recommends waiting until the end of your trip to indulge in treats and how to get back on track if you slip up. 🍰

    This episode is perfect for anyone planning a summer vacation or looking for tips on maintaining healthy habits while traveling. 🎒✈️

    Don't miss out—listen now to get inspired to stay healthy and happy on your next getaway!

    Stay cool and hydrated

    P.S. We'd love to hear how you stay healthy on vacation! Share your tips and stories with us at [email protected]

    Episode Highlights:

    (17:02)  I think that I made a lot better decisions than I made in the past. I feel a lot more secure about my trip, I don't have the guilt coming back that I've had in the past.

    It went really well on the eating part, and it was fun to post some of the beautiful foods that I was eating in the Sugar and Flour Buster Society (Facebook Group). I love that community so much. I feel so connected to other people who are on the same journey as we are.

    (23:39) Another reminder; if you decide to splurge, I always recommend doing it mindfully and waiting until the end of the trip to do it, so you don't end up splurging for the entire vacation.

    I say this from experience, because remember what we talked about last week about the power of the addictive potential of ultra processed foods and beverages. They're going to give your brain a powerful hit of dopamine and even opiates. So it's going to be triggering and it's going to be hard to say no later if you indulge early in the trip.

    (25:19) As soon as you return, remember to set some time out to do that grocery shopping to get back on track, to get off the carbs, make your plan; it's really important to have a really solid plan that you can get right back on track right when you get back, because you're going to be tired!

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #HealthyEating #Summer #FoodPlanning #Vacation

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    Hey there!

    Happy 4th of July! 🎆

    We’re excited to bring you a brand-new episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle. This week, we’re bringing you up to date on a topic that affects us all: Ultraprocessed Food Addiction.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    - 📚 Insights from the First International Food Addiction Consensus Conference: Discover the latest research and consensus on food addiction.
    - 🍔 What Are Ultraprocessed Foods (UPFs)? Learn about the NOVA classification system and how it helps differentiate between natural and highly processed foods.
    - 🧠 The Science Behind UPF Addiction: Understand how UPFs hijack our brain’s reward system, similar to addictive drugs.
    - 🔬 Health Consequences: Explore the impact of UPF addiction, including mental, social and physical health consequences.
    - 🚫 Breaking Free from UPFs: Get practical tips on how to detox from UPFs and reclaim your health!

    Dr. Angela and Marchelle share personal anecdotes and expert knowledge to help you understand the real dangers of UPFs and how to combat this growing public health crisis.

    Join us in our mission to fight against UPFs and take control of your health. Listen now and become part of the solution! 💪

    Don’t miss out!

    Episode Highlights:

    (04:19) The conference developed a consensus that food addiction should be renamed "ultra processed food addiction" or “UPF addiction.” If you think about it carefully, most people do not have an addictive response to whole food. We don't get addicted to broccoli, we get addicted to ice cream, pizza, sugary beverages and other factory made foods and drinks.

    (16:04) If you think about ultra processed food addiction, people who are in the midst of this addiction can experience a lot of distress; psychological distress, social distress. They will experience medical complications, including obesity, diabetes, and all of the diseases and disorders that go along with obesity and diabetes.

    You can compare this with other known addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol or cocaine. The brain chemistry is exactly the same. Ultra processed foods create the same powerful dopamine hit as these other drugs do.

    (22:48) I predict that in 10 years, and for sure in 20 years, ultra processed foods will have warning labels on them, the same way cigarettes do. And eventually they'll be outrageously expensive in the same way that cigarettes are, and it won't be long before advertising ultra processed foods to children will be against the law. I hope it happens quicker but we have a powerful Big Food lobby that will use every trick in the book to fight against this.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #FoodAddiction #ProcessedFood #UltraProcessedFood #InternationalFoodAddictionConsensusConference

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    Hey there!

    Are you ready to tackle one of the most relatable challenges in weight loss? This week's episode of "Keep the Weight Off" with Dr. Angela and Marchelle dives into the topic of backsliding in weight loss. 🎧✨

    Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

    What is Backsliding? Understanding the common setbacks in your weight loss journey.
    Stress and Eating: How stress leads to comfort eating and ways to manage it.
    Consistency Struggles: Why maintaining willpower and motivation can be tough and how to stay on track.
    Environmental Factors: The impact of your surroundings on your eating habits.
    Emotional Eating: Recognizing and managing emotional triggers that lead to overeating.
    Social Pressures: Navigating food choices in social settings without feeling guilty.
    Plateaus: Understanding weight loss plateaus and how to push through them.

    Join us for a heartfelt and informative discussion that offers practical tips and real-life experiences to help you stay committed to your health and well-being! 🌟

    Listen now and empower your weight loss journey!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:30) Another reason that someone might backslide would be a lack of consistency, definitely something I struggle with. We talked about the loss of willpower a couple of weeks ago, and I think that a lack of consistency has a lot to do with losing willpower or motivation. Sometimes we feel really solid in our weight loss journey, but sometimes we feel worn out and tired, which leads to ups and downs.

    (15:48) I care about what I put in my body; if you can take that attitude, that will serve you really well. You can just say "I care about what goes into my body, because what goes into my body is either healthy, nourishing food, or it's toxic". There's no in betweens, we live in a toxic food environment.

    The interesting thing is that by 2030, 50% of Americans are going to be struggling with obesity. I don't want to go over that cliff with everyone else, so that's the attitude that will serve you well if you want to have a vibrant, healthy body.

    (18:48) Plateaus can happen for a lot of reasons, and sometimes it's the biochemistry of the body. Sometimes it's stress or lack of sleep. For example, sometimes people say, "Oh, I had to take on a whole bunch of extra work shifts", well, just expect that you're not going to lose any fat during that time. It’s very difficult to lose fat when you're overworking yourself, or when you're not sleeping.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Backsliding #EmotionalEating #StressEating #FoodAddiction #EmotionalEating

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    Hey there!

    Summer is here, and so are all the fun events and delicious temptations!🍉

    But don't worry, Marchelle and I have your back. In this week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, we're diving into how to navigate summer challenges and stay on track with your health goals. 🌞

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    BBQ Strategies 🍔: How to enjoy summer parties without derailing your progress.

    Mindful Drinking Tips 🍹: Avoiding the pitfalls of summer beverages.

    Vacation Planning 🏖️: Staying active and making healthy choices while traveling.

    Hydration Hacks 💧: Keeping hydrated to manage cravings and stay healthy.

    Mental Preparation 🧠: How to mentally prepare for summer temptations and make mindful choices.

    We’ve got practical, actionable tips to enjoy your summer without sacrificing your health!

    Tune in now to equip yourself with the tools you need to keep the weight off this summer and beyond. Let's make this summer your healthiest one yet! 🌟

    Happy listening!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:04)  The first thing you want to do is to prepare for summer activities is to prepare yourself mentally. Expect that there's going to be a lot of crap food and sugary drinks and alcohol. Don't be surprised when you get there; do your best to think about all of this ahead of time and decide what you want to do.

    Make your choice ahead of time; Am I going to stay on track at this function, or am I going to splurge? A splurge is a perfectly logical choice, as long as you're prepared to deal with the cravings later.

    (08:52) There are times when I don't want to be bothered bringing something along, when I'll just eat ahead of time and spend my time just socializing. This way I'm not trying to talk to people with a mouthful of food. It's like you're sitting there and you're trying to multitask. So you can avoid all of that by just eating ahead of time and then socializing once you get to the party.

    (20:10) Sometimes what I'll do is if I decide that I want to have a splurge on a vacation, I'll wait until the very last day. Because what I've discovered is if you splurge early on you turn on that dopamine seeking part of your brain. So if you wait until the last day, maybe even the last meal to have a splurge, then the next day you're on the plane home, and you can get right back on track right away.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Summer #VacationPlanning #HealthGoals

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    Hey there!

    Are you ready to tackle your cravings and maintain control throughout the day?

    This week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle dives deep into the fascinating concept of Willpower Depletion and how you can manage it to stay on track with your health goals.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    🧠 Understanding Willpower Depletion: Discover the science behind why your willpower diminishes as the day wears on.

    🍫 Early Conditioning: How your childhood eating patterns impact your current cravings.

    💪 Willpower as a Muscle: Strategies to preserve and regenerate your willpower over time.

    📝 Planning Ahead: How effective meal planning can prevent decision fatigue.

    🛌 Replenishing Willpower: Techniques to recharge your willpower and maintain self-control.

    Join Dr. Angela and Marchelle as they share personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and practical advice to help you keep the weight off and live a healthier, more vibrant life.

    Don’t miss out on these valuable tips that can transform your daily habits and help you stay on track with your goals. Tune in now and take the first step towards mastering your willpower!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:08) It’s possible to be super focused in the morning, and you're doing great … and your nutrition is spot on, but then as the day wears on, you start thinking about problematic foods. And then by evening all bets are off. Have you ever wondered why it is that things get so dicey for us in the afternoons and evenings? We see this all the time with our patients and online students in Empowered Weight Loss.

    (11:50) Willpower depletion is a psychological concept, and it refers to the idea that the ability to resist temptation and to have self-control diminishes over time. So it can also diminish if you're required to do it over and over again….think about willpower or self-control like a muscle – it can become fatigued over time, meaning you don’t have as much capacity for self control later.

    (22:03) Remember, one of the things that depletes your willpower is having to make decisions. So stop forcing yourself to make decisions. Don't go check your email or your social media accounts because that's not rest, because you're having to make decisions. Get off your screens, even though that seems relaxing because you're getting a dopamine hit from it. You're also having to make decisions and incorporate new information. So that's not going to replenish your willpower.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Willpower #EarlyConditioning #MealPlanning

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    Hey there!

    We have an exciting and hilarious episode of the Keep the Weight Off podcast this week! 🎉 In this episode, Dr. Angela and Marchelle share their thoughts on a recent episode of South Park that tackles obesity and the new injectable weight loss drugs.💉

    Here's what you'll learn and laugh about in this episode:

    South Park's Take on Obesity: How the show humorously and accurately portrays the struggle with obesity and the new weight loss drugs. Insurance Company Satire: A hilarious yet painfully accurate depiction of dealing with health insurance companies. Weight Loss Drugs for Vanity: Spoof on wealthy individuals using these drugs for vanity purposes and their secret, desperate measures. DIY Weight Loss Solutions: The risky and comedic attempt by Cartman’s friends to create their own weight loss injections (definitely NOT recommended!) Big Sugar Conspiracy: A funny yet thought-provoking segment on how these drugs threaten the sugar industry, and how “Big Sugar” might be influencing the body positivity movement. No More Fat Shaming: The episode's powerful conclusion on the importance of fighting against fat shaming and recognizing obesity as a disease.

    Join us for a blend of humor and serious discussion on these critical topics. You don't want to miss it! 🎧✨

    Listen to the latest episode now and join the conversation!

    PS: If you are enjoying the podcast, don’t forget to rate and review on your favorite podcast platform! This really helps others to find this important information! Thank you! 🙏

    Episode Highlights:

    (10:47)  A profound part of this episode is a sequence where the South Park boys are singing a song called "Navigating the American Healthcare System", and they're running from one doctor's office to another, off to a lab, off to x-ray, back to the insurance company, back and forth to the same places over and over again, constantly filling out forms and sitting in waiting rooms. It is an absolutely hilarious parody of what it's like to try to figure out healthcare in this country. Those of you who live in other countries have no idea what it's like to live in the United States, trying to figure out the healthcare system. It's insane.

    (14:03) For the record, we do not recommend this; we don't recommend mixing up your own weight loss medication from semaglutide powder from India. The purity and safety of the peptide molecules cannot be guaranteed unless it's made in an FDA-approved facility under rigorously controlled conditions. Who knows what might be happening in these factories in India?

    (20:09) I want to publicly say thank you to Trey Parker and Matt Stone for a completely irreverent but brilliant episode that really highlights the struggle that people with obesity have to endure…knowing that rich people are using these expensive drugs for vanity, while insurance companies are withholding life-saving medications from people who really need them.

    They've done a lot of education with this episode, and I really appreciate it.

    And of course, part of the problem is also the drug companies themselves, who are charging outrageous prices for their drugs here in the States, while selling them much cheaper overseas. And all the while "Big Sugar" is threatened and feeling insecure and trying to figure out their next steps. The whole situation is incredibly fascinating and incredibly frustrating at the same time.. And I feel incredibly privileged to be right in the middle of it, advocating for our patients and advocating for people with obesity to get the help they need so they can live long happy healthy lives.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #InsuranceCompany #WeightLossDrugs #SouthPark #ozempic #wegovy #zepbound #semaglutide #tirezepatide

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    Hey there!

    Get ready for another eye-opening episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast! 🎧 Episode #169 is here, and Dr. Angela and Marchelle are diving deep into the essential role of protein in our diet.

    Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

    🔍Key Takeaways:

    Debunking Myths: Understand the truth behind the bad rap that protein, especially animal protein, has received.

    Muscle Mass Matters: Learn why maintaining muscle mass is crucial for a healthy metabolism and weight management.

    Dieting Dangers: Discover why dieting for deadlines can backfire and lead to muscle loss.

    Quality Matters: Get tips on choosing high-quality protein sources and avoiding junk protein.

    Fascinating Research: Hear about groundbreaking studies on protein synthesis and muscle regeneration.

    Practical Tips: Find out how much protein you need (and when to consume it) for optimal results.

    💪 Boost Your Metabolism and Stay Youthful!

    Dr. Angela and Marchelle emphasize the importance of protein in maintaining muscle mass, which is key to keeping your metabolism high and supporting healthy aging.

    You’ll also hear inspiring stories, including one about a 104-year-old woman who stays strong with weight training! 🏋️‍♀️

    Don’t miss this episode packed with valuable insights and practical advice. Tune in now to transform your approach to protein and see the incredible benefits it can bring to your health and well-being.🎧

    Episode Highlights:

    (04:08)  Muscles are powerhouses and they need energy at all times. They give us part of what is called our basal metabolic rate (or BMR). The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories it would take to keep our bodies running if we were paralyzed all day. All of the muscles are using calories all the time just to keep themselves going; our brain uses calories, and our liver uses calories. We need a certain amount of calories every day just to run our bodies. So having a good foundation of muscle is really important to keep that basal metabolic rate up high.

    (10:15) I always say, let's work with our bodies, let's not try to do crazy calorie manipulations, let's not over-exercise and stress ourselves out and injure ourselves. Let's nourish our bodies correctly, let's keep a close eye on our muscle mass using body composition testing, and let's make sure we do this in a correct and sustainable way.

    Remember, obesity is a disease that cannot be treated with willpower, rigid diets, and crazy exercise plans.

    (28:20) It turns out that breakfast is the most important time to get our protein because we're actually using protein for energy when we wake up right after a night without any food. So skipping breakfast seems like such a smart idea because that's fewer calories I'm eating, right? …But that usually backfires because I see over and over again that people end up losing their precious muscle mass.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #MuscleMass #Metabolism #Dieting #Nutrition

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    Hey there!

    We're excited to bring you a deeply insightful and honest episode this week, led by our very own Marchelle. We're diving into the often unspoken challenges of weight loss, shedding light on the physical, mental, and emotional hurdles that many face but rarely discuss.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    💥 The Pressure to Conform: How societal beauty standards impact our self-worth and lead to unhealthy habits.

    🧠 Mental Health Impacts: Understanding the emotional toll of weight loss journeys and the correlation between obesity and depression.

    ⚠️ Dangers of Fad Diets: The risks of quick-fix diets and the importance of sustainable, healthy eating practices.

    💖 Body Positivity and Self-Love: Cultivating a positive body image and practicing self-care throughout your weight loss journey.

    👩‍⚕️ Seeking Professional Help: The importance of support from healthcare professionals and the benefits of comprehensive programs like Empowered Weight Loss.

    🎧 Don't miss out on this episode packed with valuable insights and heartfelt stories. Listen now to start transforming your weight loss journey with the right knowledge and support!

    Remember, your worth is not defined by the number on the scale. True health encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being!

    Episode Highlights:

    (06:55) [Marchelle] Kids want to be accepted and to keep up with the popular kids. That's how this all got started. I became really depressed, especially after my friend died..and I didn't know how to get away from it… those bad habits carried on into my young adulthood, and my mental health suffered a lot. I felt like I wasn't worth very much and the people didn't like me if I wasn't skinny. I don't know why that meant so much, but it did.

    (11:21) I do think that most people who struggle with obesity feel very alone in their struggle. We all know other people who are trying to lose weight, but we don't really have any idea of how alone other people feel in their journey, how hard this is, and how disabling it is...everything about this disease is hard.

    (19:42) There is help out there. It is crucial. I believe in seeking support from a healthcare professional. I encourage everyone to find an Obesity Medicine doctor and maybe even a therapist. I also wanted to remind all of our listeners that we have so much help and guidance for you in the Empowered Weight Loss Membership, this is Dr. Angela's program. She teaches you everything you need to know about weight loss and how to keep it off. There is a community and you get to be around other people so you don't feel so alone and you can bounce ideas off of each other. You can even get an accountability buddy, which I think is so important… because isolation is what keeps you in the dark.

    #Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #SelfLove #MentalHealth #HealthCare #diet #dangerousdiets #weightlossdiet

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    Hey there!

    This week on the "Keep the Weight Off" podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle, we're diving into a topic that touches everyone's lives: the real cost of eating healthy versus eating fast food. 🥗 vs. 🍔

    Tune in to uncover eye-opening insights that could transform how you view your grocery bill and your health:

    🍇 Understand the True Cost of Eating Healthy - Explore why initial perceptions of high costs for nourishing foods like meats and organic vegetables are misleading compared to the hidden expenses of fast food.

    🔍 Real-Life Comparisons - Hear from a client who shares her journey from spending $70 daily on take-out to embracing whole foods, and how it changed her financial and health outlook.

    🥘 Meal Planning Magic - Learn the benefits of meal planning and how it can reduce stress, save money, and lead to better health outcomes.

    💸 Long-Term Savings - Discover the significant savings that come from avoiding processed foods, which not only impact your wallet but also your physical and mental health.

    🧠 Health Beyond the Plate - Delve into how processed foods contribute to serious health issues like insulin resistance, diabetes, and even mental health struggles.

    🛒 Grocery Shopping Tips - Get practical tips for making your trips to the grocery store less stressful and more cost-effective.

    This episode is packed with valuable insights that will make you think twice about where you invest your food dollars. Don't miss it – your body and your bank account will thank you!

    We hope you find these insights as enlightening as we did! Looking forward to your thoughts after tuning in.

    Episode Highlights:

    (07:21) Here you are trying to eat well, and you're choosing nourishing food, and your grocery bill is $150 or $200, and you're thinking "wow it's expensive to eat well" but it feels like that because all of that money is getting spent all at one time.

    When you're just spending a little bit here and there on takeout food, it doesn't seem like all that much, but it's actually a lot. When you go to the grocery store and buy all your food all at once, it just SEEMS like a lot more, but it's actually a lot less.

    (09:48) There are big savings to eating whole foods in terms of time and money spent trying to diagnose and treat diseases that are caused by processed food. For example, many people struggle with digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome and reflux disorder … These are a direct result of all the processed crap that we tend to eat. You just can't eat processed takeout food all the time and have a healthy digestive system.

    (11:34) There's no question that insulin resistance and diabetes are caused by processed food. One of my colleagues told a group of Obesity Medicine specialists one time: “Let's call a spade a spade: diabetes is ‘processed food disease.’” So the truth is, a processed food diet may seem to be cheap and convenient, especially when you see these $1 or $3 menu items at McDonald's as an example, but it's actually a very expensive diet and it costs a lot in terms of what it does to our bodies and to our mental health.

    #HealthyEating #FastFood #GroceryShopping #weightloss #lastingweightloss

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    Hi there!

    Get ready for an eye-opening episode of the Keep the Weight Off podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle. This week, they're uncovering the truth about hidden sugars in foods that are often marketed as healthy.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    🕵️‍♂️ The Hidden Sugar Trap: Find out how even the most health-conscious among us (Dr. Angela included) can get tricked by clever marketing.

    🥤 Surprising Finds: Hear about Dr. Angela’s discovery in a seemingly healthy snack, and Marchelle’s revelation about a grocery store yogurt parfait.

    🍇 Natural vs. Added Sugars: Learn the difference between natural sugars found in fruits and dairy and the added sugars that can sabotage your health goals.

    🔍 Label Reading Tips: Gain practical advice on how to scrutinize food labels to really know what you’re eating before you take that first bite.

    🚫 Avoiding Sugar Pitfalls: Get tips on how to spot and avoid foods with hidden sugars that can lead to unwanted health issues.

    🧐 Pantry Challenge: Join Dr. Angela and Marchelle in a challenge to identify hidden sugars in your own pantry and refrigerator.

    This episode is not just informative—it's a wake-up call!

    Tune in to empower yourself against the sneaky tactics of the food industry and make healthier choices every day.

    Episode Highlights:

    (07:38) There are many healthy foods that have sugar in them; it could be milk sugar, which is called lactose, in milk and yogurt; it could be fruit sugar, which is called fructose. Fruit juices and dried fruits may all have natural sugar in them.… The problem is when they dump a whole bunch of extra added sugar in it, and that will be very specifically labeled on the food label.

    (10:13) You really just want to avoid anything that has added sugar in it, unless you're purposefully having a splurge. For example: if it's your birthday and you're going to have a piece of birthday cake, that is a lot of added sugar, but you know it. What I'm trying to help you become aware of is all those times when you think you're picking something healthy and you don't realize it has added sugar. Like those instant oatmeals, for example.

    (13:44) I just want our listeners to become aware that (the food industry is) adding sugar to foods when they shouldn't be; if you pick a breakfast cereal, you can pretty much be guaranteed that it's got added sugar in it. I want you to be looking for things that you think are good for you, like granola bars, yogurts, or salad dressings. There are so many things that you think are good for you and the food industry's dumped a whole bunch of sugar in it.

    #weightloss #lastingweightloss #SugarAddiction #AddedSugars #FoodInsdustry

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    Hi there!

    In our latest episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, Dr. Angela shares fresh insights from the Obesity Medicine conference in Denver.

    Here's a quick rundown:

    Record Attendance: Over 1400 obesity medicine specialists gathered at the conference, showcasing a growing interest in tackling this widespread issue. 📈

    Alarming Statistics: Shocking data revealed the rapid rise of obesity rates in the U.S., emphasizing the urgent need for effective treatments and interventions. 😱

    Innovative Medications: Discover the latest breakthroughs in weight loss medications, including insights into new drugs like Wegovy and Zepbound, offering hope for those struggling with obesity. 💊

    Insurance Coverage Challenges: Learn about the hurdles patients face in accessing these medications due to insurance company policies and the cost-benefit analysis dilemma. 💰

    Endocrine Disruptors: Dive into the eye-opening discussion on how environmental chemicals impact obesity rates, and practical tips to minimize exposure. 🌿

    Midlife Weight Gain: Explore the factors contributing to weight gain in midlife women, including muscle loss and hormonal changes, and strategies for prevention. 💪

    Takeaway Message: Dr. Angela and Marchelle offer invaluable insights and emphasize the importance of early intervention, dispelling myths around obesity and advocating for comprehensive treatment approaches. 🌟

    Episode Hightlights:

    (04:25) Currently, 42% of American adults have obesity. By 2030, which is only six years from now, nearly half of all Americans will have obesity, as defined by a body mass index of 30 or above.

    (11: 56) If someone has cancer, you treat it. If someone has heart disease, you treat it. If someone has asthma, you treat it. So just the fact that there's any thought of a cost benefit analysis going on at all is indicative that the powers that be in insurance companies are still seeing obesity as a character flaw and a lifestyle choice, and not a disease that requires treatment.

    (32:14) Obesity affects every single one of us in one way or another. The importance of prevention and early intervention cannot be overemphasized. In 95 percent of cases, diet and exercise are not enough to put this disease into remission and we need to stop thinking about this as a character flaw and start thinking about this for what it is, which is a complex metabolic disease that affects all parts of the body and the brain.

    #weightloss #lastingweightloss #denver #conference #obesity #medicine

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    Hey there!

    Get ready for an emotionally insightful episode of Keep the Weight Off podcast with Dr. Angela and Marchelle! In this week's episode, we take an empowering trip through the stages of grief through a personal story that Dr. Angela shares.

    Here's what you can expect:

    🔍 Unveiling the Emotional Roller Coaster: Dr. Angela shares her personal journey of navigating through the stages of grief after an unexpected turn of events in her decision to become a kidney donor for a friend.

    💔 Recognizing Denial: Learn how denial played a role in Dr Angela’s initial reaction to the news, and explore how this stage manifests in various forms during times of loss. 💬 Bargaining: Dr Angela shows us the bargaining stage, shedding light on the lengths we go to reconcile conflicting emotions and realities.

    🔥 Managing Anger and Blame: Explore the powerful emotions of anger and resentment, and how they can impact our perception of events and those involved.

    😔 Navigating Sadness and Depression: Discover how acknowledging and processing these emotions is essential for healing.

    ❤️ Cultivating Self-Compassion: Discover the importance of self-compassion in times of suffering, and learn practical strategies for extending kindness and understanding towards yourself.

    💡 Insight into Kidney Donation: Gain awareness about the critical need for kidney donors and how you can potentially save a life by considering donation.

    🌱 Embracing the 50:50 of Life: Reflect on the concept of life's balance between positive and negative emotions, and how accepting this balance can lead to greater overall happiness.

    Episode Highlights:

    (04:48) I wanted to explain grief because we don't just grieve over people dying. Grief is a universally felt emotion that occurs with any loss. Grief comes in five stages, and this comes from Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross. They are usually sequential, but not necessarily. The first stage of grief is denial, the second stage is bargaining, then there's anger, depression and then acceptance. And it's a wild, crazy, emotional rollercoaster ride to go through all of this.

    (10:57) Sometimes I'm starting to feel like maybe everything's going to be okay, we'll get through this, sort of like a back and forth in between those. I'm not in denial anymore. I'm not bargaining anymore. I'm really not in too much anger, mostly sadness. It's Acceptance and the occasional dip back in the anger. This has not been an easy ride at all. You might be asking, why am I sharing all of this with you? Because I want everyone to understand that all of us suffer. It doesn't matter who you are. If you are a human being, you are going to experience powerful human emotions. And I think it helps so much to understand this and take the time that you need to actually feel your emotions and cry and scream and do whatever needs to be done to process them.

    (12:32) Remember, life is 50:50. It's 50 percent positive emotions and 50 percent negative emotions. We can't know happiness without knowing sadness, we can't know what connection feels like without experiencing loneliness, we can't know what peace feels like without knowing anxiety, and we can't know excitement without knowing boredom. This is part of the 50-50 of life. This disappointment is a part of being human.

    #weightloss #lastingweightloss #mindset #ManagingEmotinons #Selfcontrol

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    Hey there!

    We're thrilled to announce our latest podcast episode, where Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive deep into understanding slips vs. splurges and how to bounce back stronger than ever! 💪

    Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover:

    Defining Slips vs. Splurges: Learn the difference between planned indulgences and unplanned slips, and why the language we use matters. 🗣️

    The Science Behind Cravings: Explore the role of our primitive brain, gatekeeper neurotransmitters, and the prefrontal cortex in managing our eating habits. 🧠

    Identifying Modulators: Understand how emotional states like disappointment, fatigue, and stress can influence our susceptibility to food cues. 💭

    Personal Stories: Hear Dr Angela's insightful personal story about navigating slips and discovering deeper lessons about herself. 🌟

    Empowering Yourself: Discover how to embrace slips as opportunities for growth and evolution, rather than moments of defeat. 🌱

    Feeling inspired? Dive into the full episode now! Don't miss out on valuable insights and empowering strategies to keep you on track with your weight loss journey. 🎧

    Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead filled with self-discovery and empowerment! ✨

    PS: If you're ready to take your journey to the next level, consider joining us in Empowered Weight Loss for even more support and guidance 🚀

    Episode Highlights:

    (04:16) So a lot of times people will use the word "cheat", like "I cheated" or "I had a cheat meal". I can't stand that word, and the reason is because it's a diet language. It's the language of someone who's been restricting themselves and depriving themselves for a while in an attempt to lose weight.

    I used to do that every Sunday when I was dieting and it always brought up feelings of guilt and shame, even though it was planned and it was supposedly okay. And the word cheat has bad connotations, it sounds like you're a bad person and you're doing something wrong.

    (09:03) Many people feel like they're fighting themselves constantly trying to use willpower because they're trying to overcome all of this with their prefrontal cortex. Here's what I want us to understand; certain emotional states act as modulators and they change things in our brain. When we're in these states, we're more susceptible to the drives of the primitive brain.

    So, for example, maybe we're feeling disappointed about something or depressed about something. Maybe we're in a state of grief or anger. Maybe we're not sleeping well. All of these states can act as modulators to make us more vulnerable to the cues that the primitive brain is always going to be responding to, especially in this food environment.

    (19:09) What I'm teaching people in our Empowered Weight Loss Membership is how to figure out the deeper lesson to this; when we have slips like this we can learn a deeper lesson from our slips. Once we figure out what the triggers are and what the modulators are, we can stop beating ourselves up and just get curious. This will give us a chance to evolve.

    I love slips because they help us learn about ourselves. When I took the time to discover what was going on, I discovered that I had some boundary issues and they were creating a lot of anxiety for me.

    #weightloss #lastingweightloss #PersonalGrowth #LifeStyle #Empowerment