
  • Join me for the newest episode of The Kid's Health Revolution Podcast as I talk with the fascinating Takota Coen a 4th generation farmer in Alberta Canada.   We will talk about:  How health and healing is not possible with our modern day food production system.   Why this food is lacking essential nutrients. How healthy land management leads to more nutrient dense food which leads to healthier people.   How the health of the soil and the micro-organisms are being destroyed and how that effects our environment and our food.   The better way forward for the land and for our health.  How Coen farms is raising the bar in order to raise healthier, happier humans.  The feed the world myth we have all bought into and how it is unsustainable.   Why having nutrient metrics from your farmers is important.  The shocking Omega 3, 6 and 9 ratio difference.   Could eating eggs be as good for you as eating fish?  How Coen farms is making ethically raised, grass fed, nutrient dense meat affordable.   Why purely plant based diets are not good for us or our environment and how proper animal husbandry is the answer.  The truth about the China Study, one of the worlds most cited plant based books.  If you live in Alberta and would like to experience this unique farm they are hosting their annual farm tour on June 23rd from 10:00-12:00pm.  This is a great event for the whole family.   For more information or to purchase product from the Coen Farm visit:  You should also check out some of their really cool videos and interviews on the .

  • My guest on the show is Malcolm Saunders. He is the creative genius behind the popular Light Cellar shop here in Calgary, AB.  His mission is to deeply connect people to their food. He has worked in the field of food and nutrition for close to 20 years and is a public speaker and intuitive chef who specializes in sharing the alchemy of superfoods and superherbs. Through his videos, workshops and seminars he has helped thousands of individuals recreate their relationship to food. He has an expertise and passion for creating and teaching others how to make energizing and healing foods, including raw chocolate, elixirs and ferments. Malcolm has created events and shared the stage with world-renown speakers including David Wolfe, Daniel Vitalis, Sandor Katz, Nadine Artemis, Dr. Terry Willard and more. Fermented foods are a big part of any gut healing dietary protocol but sometimes making our own can seem a bit intimidating.  I know it was for me. Talking with Malcolm changed all of that for me.  Malcolm will share his passion for all things fermented on the show today. He really makes it so approachable to make your own fermented foods. Malcolm shares some incredible, yet simple recipes that are perfectly quick and easy to get us started with fermenting.  He gives us some great tips and ideas as well as the equipment we need and we will talk wild ferments v.s closed ferments.  If you've been thinking of getting into the wonderful art of crafting your own fermented foods this episode is a great place to start!   Get the recipe for a quick and easy fermented Teff flat bread!  Learn how to make a wild ferment fruit salad or soda!  Find out if it is true you cannot use honey to ferment!  As always, I welcome your feedback, questions and any suggestions you have for future shows.  

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  • In this episode of The Kid's Health Revolution Podcast I talk with Dr. Erin Legare Tremblay about the benefits and uses of Traditional Chinese Medicine for our kids with chronic health concerns.  We talk about: How TCM approaches chronic illnesses of all kinds. How a doctor of TCM will customize this approach depending on the unique individual. How the flow of energy in meridians affect our kid's health. How Yin and Yang energy balance in the body can influence your child's health.  The different treatments used by TCM doctors including cupping, herbs, diet and acupuncture.  The pacing of treatment. The microbiome. How stress and trauma affects our kids health. Some of the common herbs you can use as a parent to help your child with eczema. Have a listen and if you have questions be sure to ask in the comments section and we will follow up with you!  Here is to your continued success on the journey to helping find health and healing for your child!

  • Another great dose of information and inspiration on your journey to helping your kids.  This interview with Dr. Perro and Dr. Adams re-news my faith in the medical system. The fact that doctors and researchers are beginning to pay attention to food and environment in relation to our children's health is a big step in the right direction! I loved this book and chatting with the authors on the show.  I think you will enjoy hearing what they have to say and they've got good science to back them up!  Brief Book Description: What’s Making Our Children Sick? is a radical rethinking of the relationships between our children’s food, medicine, and health in the twenty-first century. Michelle Perro, MD, a veteran pediatrician with over 35 years experience successfully treating children, and Vincanne Adams, PhD, from the University of California, provide a clinical and scientifically sound explanation of the pediatric health crisis the agrochemical industry has helped to create, and present a food-focused, go-to resource for parents, practitioners, and health educators to follow. This book explores the links between GM foods, pesticides like glyphosate, and the emerging science around our gut health and offers a path forward to help heal our kids and reverse the compromised health of our food supply.  Here is a little bit about the authors:  Michelle Perro, MD is a veteran pediatrician with over thirty-five years of experience in acute and integrative medicine. More than ten years ago, Dr. Perro transformed her clinical practice to include pesticide and health advocacy. She has both directed and worked as attending physician from New York’s Metropolitan Hospital to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. Dr. Perro has managed her own business, Down to Earth Pediatrics. She is currently lecturing and consulting as well as working with Gordon Medical Associates, an integrative health center in Northern California.  Vincanne Adams, PhD is a professor and vice-chair of Medical Anthropology, in the Department of Anthropology, History, and Social Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Adams has previously published six books on the social dynamics of health, scientific knowledge and politics, including most recently, Markets of Sorrow, Labors of Faith: New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina (2013), and Metrics: What Counts in Global Health (2016). She is currently editor for Medical Anthropology Quarterly, the flagship journal for the Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association.  Their new book can be found here. It is a game changer and I recommend you pick it up.   (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018).

  • This week we are talking about the use of medical cannabis in treating children with chronic or intractable health conditions.  We will discuss the endocannabinoid system, the difference between hemp based CBD oil and true cannabis, whole plant medicine and how this much misunderstood plant can help improve health.   My guest is Dr. Bonni Goldstein, MD and Medical Director of Canna-Centers Wellness and Education. The center is a California based medical practice devoted to educating patients about the use of cannabis for serious and chronic medical conditions. In 2008, Dr. Goldstein developed an interest in the science of medical cannabis after witnessing its beneficial effects in an ill friend. Since then she has been evaluating both adult and pediatric patients for use of medical cannabis. She has a special interest in treating children with intractable epilepsy, autism and advanced cancers. Dr. Goldstein recently authored the book "Cannabis Revealed: How the world's most misunderstood plant is treating everything from chronic pain to epilepsy". A great book that I have bought for myself and several loved ones!   A frequent speaker both nationally and internationally, Dr. Goldstein has presented her clinical results at the yearly CannaMed Conference in Boston, Patients Out of Time Conference and the Medical Cannabis Symposium in Sydney Australia. She has appeared on the TV show The Doctors and is featured in the soon to be released documentary "Weed the People." Listen to this fascinating interview and learn all about the powerful possibilities offered by medical cannabis.  This is not an affiliate link...I just want you to read the book! :)  

  • Tom Kertsing is the author of the book Disconnected...How to reconnect our digitally distracted kids.  It is an important and timely read for any of us grappling with raising kids in this new technological age. In this interview we will talk about: Acquired Attention Deficit How anxiety is on the rise in kids and what is happening there.  Impulse control Self esteem Some warning signs of too much screen time Some guidelines to set up if the child is showing signs like these. The multitasking brain and fragmented thinking. Addiction to gaming is a very real problem...what is it about gaming that has such power to be addictive for our kids? How can we prevent it from getting that far? Tom's decision not to get his son a smart phone.  This is a great interview for any parent who has every worried or wondered about the effect of tech on our kids. 

  • Meet Isabelle. Her daughter had mild eczema outbreaks when she was little but at 11 years everything changed. The eczema was becoming so severe that it covered the young girl’s entire arms, neck, face and upper legs. It was cracked, wet and oozing and so painfully itchy that her daughter had not slept a full night for 3 and ½ years. She was unable to participate in the sports she loved because the perspiration flared up her symptoms. Though her daughter tried to stay positive it all began to take a toll on her emotionally as well as physically. Isabelle faced that same horrible feeling we all have when our children are in pain or suffering. She felt helpless. The worst possible feeling for a mom! Listen to this episode of The Kids Health Revolution Podcast to learn about Isabelle’s journey to naturally "cure" eczema. You will learn from and be inspired by this amazing mother’s story and example of what can happen when we are determined to make a difference. Isabelle is the mother of 3 grown children, born in France she has called the UK home for over 20 years. She trained at the College of Naturopathic Nutrition (CNM) in London, both in nutritional therapy and naturopathy. She is a registered member of BANT (British Applied Nutritional Therapy), CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare) and NNA (Naturopathic Nutrition Association) and is a GAPS Certified Practitioner. Her passion is to help people get healthy, through natural ways so that their bodies can be all they can be - rather than be damaged by so-called "cures". She applies what she preaches in her own life and has been a first hand witness to how powerful nutritional therapy can be. Isabelle knows that sometimes this road can be long and challenging, but it is worth it in the end. She can be contacted at

  • Serenity Heegel and Joe Carr are the creative geniuses behind Serenity Kids baby food.  This is a Paleo based product but it is so much more than that.  It is about bringing the right balance of fats, proteins and carbs to baby food.  Shockingly this was completely missing from conventional baby foods on the market...even the organic ones!  Listen in to my interview with this dynamic couple as they share their fascinating journey through healing their own health issues to creating truly nourishing baby food.  There is even a promo code for my Kid's Health Revolution Podcast listeners. Get your pre-order so you can try out this amazing stuff with your little ones!  Your payment will not be processed until the products are ready to role off the shelves and you will be helping to support this incredible mission!    Want to know more about my guests?  Check out their Bio:    Serenity Heegel and Joe Carr created Serenity Kids Baby Food because they wanted the best possible food for their future baby. They both had found the Paleo diet was the solution to consistent health problems. Serenity cured her digestive issues, anxiety, and insomnia. Joe improved his focus, energy, and mood—all issues associated with his high-functioning autism. In 2014, Serenity left her career in logistics for Fortune 500 companies to start the Joy of Paleo coaching business, which introduced Paleo to dozens of clients, friends, and family members. Joe spent his post-college years doing social justice activism. Afterwards, he had a career in alternative education, starting a progressive youth nonprofit in 2012. Now he is a certified life coach and educator, and works with other autistic adults to help them harness the gifts of their autism. In 2016, Joe and Serenity started a family cooperative living community in Austin, TX, where adults and children live and grow together in a modern-tribal environment. They aspire to transform the baby food industry, end childhood diabetes, and support sustainable, regenerative family farms.    

  • On this episode of The Kid's Health Revolution Podcast I talk with author Janice Condon about her gut health book for kids.  Janice shares the inspiration for a such a ground breaking children's book, shares excerpts and let's us know how our kid's could benefit from a better understanding of what is going on inside their little bellies. It is a great way to teach kids about the microbiome and to teach kids about gut health.  Janice was a delight to talk with and I have read the book many times with my son since receiving it in the mail.  I enjoy having a fun and playful way to explain some of our dietary restrictions and some of the supplements he has been taken since he was 2 years old.  I think this book is a great jumping off point for great conversation and understanding for our kids on safe guarding our health.    Jan Condon is a retired Occupational Therapist with a keen interest in nutrition for wellness. Her passion to share respect for gut microbes came from personal experience: the overuse of antibiotics in childhood and the problems it led to. “Around middle age, I suffered from skin problems, weight loss, cloudy thinking, and a lack of energy. Not one of the seven doctors I visited mentioned my gut as a possible source of my problems. I finally found help through the local Weston A. Price group. By healing my gut, I resolved my many health issues. I will always be grateful to them.” The author jogs almost daily, and practices Ashtanga Yoga. She and her husband,Frank, compete in Track and Field. He is the current world-record-holder in the Indoor Mile, Men 65-69, 5min 11 sec. They live in Chico, California. You can visit Jan’s site at    

  • On this Episode of the Kids Health Revolution Podcast we talk with Dr. Akil Palanisamy about his approach to helping kids find balanced health and wellness.  We will learn about the dominant body type or dosha for a child and find out what diet and Ayurvedic medicine has to offer our kids.  Dr. Akil will share some personal and empowering stories of kids he has treated in his practice and how simple changes can make a profound difference.  We will touch on topics like fungal overgrowth and nutritional deficiencies and how they may affect anything from eczema to mood and performance in our kids.  He will share with us the power of simple culinary spices and give some ideas on which spices help balance your child's body type.  We will also learn Dr. Palanisamy's recommendations for getting the best and most nutrient dense foods into our kids.  It is another information packed episode giving you yet more tools to use on your journey to improving your child's health naturally.  About Akil Palanisamy, MD:  Dr. Akil Palanisamy is the author of the ground breaking book The Paleovedic Diet combing the best of gut healing dietary advice with time tested Ayurvedic practices.  He is a Harvard-trained physician who practices integrative medicine, incorporating the best of conventional medicine and alternative therapies. Dr. Akil, a holistic doctor, completed his premedical training in biochemistry at Harvard University, received his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco and completed his residency in family medicine at Stanford University. He also completed a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona, and is certified by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine at Georgetown University. Dr. Akil practices at The Institute for Health and Healing in San Francisco, one of the oldest centers for integrative medicine in the United States. He has worked with thousands of patients to help them heal and recover from chronic diseases using dietary changes and nutritional supplements. He blends his western medical training with holistic approaches including functional medicine and Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India. Dr. Akil has been doing pioneering work in integrative medicine education and clinical practice for many years. He brings compassion, insight and in-depth knowledge and experience to his work, successfully treating a wide variety of serious health conditions including autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, hormone imbalance, and stress-related illnesses.  You can purchase Access Dr. Akil's Dr. Akil also has a great blog and other information and resources on his  

  • Join me this week for an interview with the world renowned Functional Medicine doctor, Author and Film Maker Dr. Tom O'Bryan. He will share insights into the hidden mechanisms at work that manifest as chronic illness in our kids. You will clearly understand the phenomenon of food sensitivities and their role in your child's health. We will also explore the new 7 part documentary called the Betrayal Series which is simply a must watch if you have a child with an autoimmune condition. Dr. Tom is a dynamic and earnest speaker with a contagious passion! He has a wonderful way of visually explaining complex concepts that I know you will love. Guest Bio: Dr. O'Bryan is a world expert on gluten and it’s impact on your health. He is an internationally recognized and sought after speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and the development of Autoimmune Diseases. He is the founder of and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit - A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on the Gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages. Dr. O’Bryan is considered the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and metabolic disorders treating them from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds adjunct Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences.

  • On this episode of the Kids Health Revolution Podcast we are talking with best selling author Beth Greer.  She will be sharing her wisdom and experience on creating a toxin free life in our homes.  Beth shares some shocking statistics on the state of our children’s health in North America and covers some of the simple changes we can make to have a profound effect on our kid’s health and happiness.  Beth’s journey into this world began with her own health and healing from a painful tumor.  She wrote a booked based on the research she uncovered in her journey.  The bestselling book Natural Home helps others to be healthier through toxin free living.   On the show today we will talk about: Why we need to take toxins seriously. The top 5 toxins to avoid and how they are related to health issues our kids face. How not to be a victim of corporate green washing and choose the best products for your family. What a healthy home assessment is all about How to get in touch with Beth or buy her book. This is one more tool in your kit to help taking the action steps that will add up to improved health and happiness for your child.  It all starts with you as a parent making the decision to make changes.  Small steps taken one at a time and you will be doing amazing things for your child.  You can do it! 

  • Biomedical testing can be a valuable tool as we work through the process of helping our kids improve their health.  They give us a peek under the hood of our child's body to see what is happening inside.  Sometimes these tests can give us valuable information that we cannot get by observing symptoms.  We are talking with Dr. William Shaw today, the founder of the Great Plains Laboratory.  He is going to share lots of great information as to what information you can expect from this type of testing, how it is different from standard lab testing and how these test can be helpful. If you have considered some lab testing for your child but don't know what to look for or if you have become frustrated only monitoring symptoms then this show is for you!    

  • The Neurodevelopmental approach of our guest today is based on the concept of Neuroplasticity or the brain’s ability to restructure and change with targeted input. Yes, the brain can actually re-organize itself! That is exciting news and the implications for our kids with neurological issues is huge! Tune in today and learn how neurodevelopment works, what a visit to a therapist would look and feel like and what you can expect for your child. You will also discover some things you can start doing today, in your home, to help your child's brain to reorganize itself. Today is all about helping your child to reach his or her full potential! The brain is capable of amazing things and this approach helps to nourish the potential that is in each and every one of our children. Sylvia walks her talk. She is not only professionally trained in this approach she has used it with success in her own family. As always your calls are welcome or you can email your questions to the show. Sylvia Funk, of PATHWAYS for NeuroEducational Development, is a member of the International Christian Association of Neurodevelopmentalists (ICAN). Her personal journey with an ICAN Neurodevelopmentalist began 16 years ago as a parent of a special needs child. As she saw her son improve and heard of the improvement so many other parents were experiencing Sylvia became convinced that this field needed to be made more available to struggling parents. Knowing that this field had a long history, beginning a number of decades ago with the work of Doctor Temple Faye, Carl Delacato, Glenn Doman and others, Sylvia was determined to make this her life’s work. Her previous work experience as a Registered Nurse provided her with the necessary prerequisite to begin the involved multi-level training process to become certified in this approach.

  • The microbiome that lives in your child’s body is a vital, synergistic part of overall health.  We are only now beginning to scratch the surface as to the importance of these microscopic organisms that colonize our bodies.  We do know that early disruptions in the balance of gut bugs can have very far reaching consequences on our children’s lifelong health. In this episode of Kids Health Revolution Radio we will talk about the new book Your Baby’s Microbiome.  Authors Toni Harman and Alex Wakeford lay out for us the absolutely critical role that vaginal birth and breastfeeding play in laying the foundation for your child’s health throughout their lives. They break down the latest science and research on the microbiome and health, how modern birth interventions impact the microbiome and how caesarean section affects disease. Information is power and this information will help you make the best most informed decisions for bringing your child into this world.  We will also talk about what we can do about it if our birth plan did not unfold as ideally as we had planned or we didn’t have this information before our first children were born! Let’s face it, it happens and there are indeed steps you can take to help support your child’s bacterial diversity.  Get Informed – Take Action – Get Results Toni Harman and Alex Wakeford are partners, parents and professional filmmakers who met at the London Film School more than twenty years ago. Over recent years, they have made four feature-length films that have been distributed internationally including Doula! and Freedom for Birth a documentary about human rights in childbirth. Their most recent film, Microbirth (2014)—about how birth impacts a baby’s lifelong health—won the Grand Prix Award at the Life Sciences Film Festival in Prague. The production of this film inspired the book we are talking about today as they wanted to be able to delve deeper and give people more in-depth guidance than was possible with the film.     

  • We are talking about the incredibly powerful GAPS diet today with the founder of the protocol Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.  Dr. Natasha is a strong voice and advocate for our children's health.  In this interview she shares with us about her own personal journey to recovering her son off the Autism spectrum. We will talk about the powerful protocol that is the GAPS diet and how exactly it helps your child's body to find balance and health.  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride was a pioneer in gut, brain, body connection before it was getting so much research attention.  She has blazed a trail for others to follow and has since been working as a nutritionist in the UK helping thousands of people to take their health back.  If you are looking for natural solutions to autism, adhd, add, depression, anxiety, autoimmune, eczema, asthma, arthritis,psoriasis or any chronic health condition for your child you will want to listen to this show.  In Dr. Natasha's words there is no such thing as a hopeless case.  

  • Everyone knows that obesity is a problem for our children and youth.  Recent stats in the journal of childhood obesity show the scope of the issue.  33% of children and youth are overweight or obese.  Less than half our kids under 11 are getting enough movement in their day and that drops to a miserable 8% when we are talking about adolescents.  This is not a new phenomenon.  It has been around for awhile now and unfortunately despite parents efforts it does not seem to be turning things around.  We know now that significantly overweight and obese kids also suffer from a long list of other health issues we would normally only see in adults.  We have watched as Type 2 diabetes rates among kids skyrocket.  But, our kids are also suffering from breathing problems like sleep apnea, joint problems and high blood pressure.  They are also more likely to get sick with colds and flus which mean more day off school and stress on the family.  This is how our kids are starting off life.  Imagine what things will look like for them 20 years down the road.  It is a real problem and one that we as parents need to take control of.  Let’s face it the moves made by industry and government have done nothing to help our kids lose weight and live healthier!  We need to be our kids own hero’s here just as much as we would with an autistic child or a child with an autoimmune condition.  As an adult who grew up struggling with a weight issue I know that it is a sensitive subject and one that is not easily tackled especially when we are following government guidelines and popular media nutrition advice.  It is time to start thinking about this a little differently and getting our heads around our kids eating, their bodies and how to best help them achieve the health they deserve.  Today on Kids Health Revolution Radio we are talking with a trusted voice in the health and nutrition world,  Robb Wolf.  He has a new book coming out called Wired to Eat which delves into many aspects of our bodies and our struggles with health.  He looks into the neuro-regulation of appetite and how hyper-palatable foods can override our off switch.  He also explores the roll of sleep, gut health, stress (yes our kid’s can be stressed!), exercise and even community in our health or lack of it. He joins us on the show today to give us some details on these things and how we can use them to begin make changes that will make a real difference for our kids and impact their quality of life.  We will talk about: The idea of personalize nutrition. How you can determine the right carb ratio for your child. How optimum foraging strategy impacts your child’s eating behaviors.   What hyper-palatable foods do to your child’s brain and eating patterns. The challenge we can face when trying to change our kid’s diets. Who can benefit most from a Paleo or ancestral diet. How the food industry and government are lying to us. There are some great bonuses for anyone who buys Robb's new book Wired to Eat before March 21st!  Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist, health expert, and author of the New York Times bestseller The Paleo Solution and the eagerly anticipated Wired To Eat. He has been a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and Journal of Evolutionary Health; serves on the board of directors of Specialty Health medical clinic in Reno, Nevada; and is a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resilience Program. Wolf is also a former California State powerlifting champion and holds the rank of blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He lives in Reno, Nevada with his wife Nicki, and daughters Zoe and Sagan.

  • Gluten free is getting a lot of press lately calling it a fad or trend not based on science.  This is simply not true.  On the show today we will explore some of the good solid science into the role wheat may play in chronic health issues including allergies, asthma, eczema, autoimmune, ADHD and Autism. If you have heard that gluten free is only for those with Celiac disease you need to listen to this show.  You will clearly understand why gluten free could be a key factor in helping your child improve their health.   We will also take a look at how to go gluten free the right way and how to do it without losing your mind! Going Gluten free is a simple and non-invasive intervention that can have a huge impact on your child's health.  There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a try.  

  • On this episode of Kids Health Revolution Radio we will be delving into the fascinating world of the human microbiome and one of the most talked about new treatments today. How do the little critters in our guts impact health, how are they communicating with other areas of the body distant from the gut and how are they related to your child’s health concerns? We will explore the exciting potential of a new treatment called fecal transplant. Yes, we are talking about transplanting poo on the show today and you won’t want to miss it! Fecal transplant is in its infancy but it is something to know about and have on your radar in your quest to find solutions and improve your child’s health. After starting a career in the stressful world of Fortune 500 companies, Dr. Joe decided to make a radical change and enter the field of natural health. This experience has given him a real world perspective on health challenges in our community, and a realistic approach to health. Dr. Joe graduated from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle, WA in 2004. The comprehensive ND program aligns with similar MD programs. In addition, he is a Board Certified Colon Hydrotherapy Instructor and practitioner. Dr. Joe has a special interest in the naturopathic principle of “Docere” or “Doctor as Teacher” and brings this to his practice with patients, teaching nutritionists and other doctors as well about alternative lab testing. He takes pride in trying to identify the underlying cause of a patient’s illness to avoid the confusion of chasing the symptoms. He believes if we harness the healing power of nature, we get the patient to a better and more lasting state of wellness.

  • On our very first episode of the show we talked to two awe inspiring mom's who have made a real difference in their children's lives and health using diet and natural approaches. Listeners of Kids Health Revolution Radio want to hear more and dive deeper into these mom's stories. This week we are going to go deeper into Tracey's story of triumph with her son who struggles with autoimmune and neurological issues. She will share her process with us. What she found that worked for her son and what didn't. We will hear about her own personal journey through the process of helping her son. It promises to be another inspiring show that will light the spark in you and propel you forward into taking action to improve your child's health. If you listen live to the show you can call Tracey and I with your questions. Tracey is a Calgary-based holistic nutritionist, GAPS certified practitioner, and instructor at CSNN. She is the mom of 3 amazing kids, including a child recovering from autoimmune and neurological conditions. Her son’s journey inspired her to specialize in gut health as it relates to autoimmune and neurological conditions, with a special interest in supporting brain plasticity. Parenting her youngest son has been a struggle with daily challenges, but a dietary approach to his health has been an incredible gift. It has been a bit like seeing a butterfly emerge from a cocoon – slowly the beautiful boy he was meant to be is emerging.