Signal To Noise - We are currently experiencing an exceptional amount of media intake. How does one regulate? Listen for more.
Show Notes
0:40 Maintain the meat suit
1:40 Tides of pop culture
5:56 Tarot time
7:00 2 of Wands: Chose Cheimonette Deck
7:57 Queen of Wands: Play big New Era Elements
10:20 Self Care: Explore self pleasure
11:01 Signal To Noise
12:06 Chasing the more
18:57 Diversify
22:04 News fast
Show Transcript
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Savor Slowly
We’ll see you in the future. -
Spirit of the Game - What does it mean to play in the spirit of the Game? What would it look like if we lived more of our lives this way? Listen for more.
Show Notes
2:49 History in your Neighborhood
3:28 Tarot pull
3:45 4 of Swords: Rest New Era Elements
3:53 The Priestess: Ride the currents of your internal seascape Cheimonette Deck
9:17 The Spirit of the Game
9:26 Seth Godin
12:51 What happens when the game changes?
15:00 Aja Barber
15:35 Sit with it
18:41 History of Horrors
21:15 Takeaways: These are the people in your neighborhood
22:08 What would Mr Rogers do?
Show Transcript
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Peace y’all peace
We’ll see you in the future. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
COVID19 Update 00 - We’ve been sheltering in place for 6 weeks. How are things? Listen for more.
Show Notes
Care Resource Segment
2:30 Pass/Fail
3:56 Tea with Gary Vee
6:55 Gardening: A practice in patience
13:10 Kairos VS Chronos
21:03 Shuffling tarot cards
27:47 Manzel Tarot
28:05 Galaxy tarot
29:06 Knight of Pentacles
30:15 Check out Seth Godin’s workshops
30:30 Thank you for your feedback
34:25 If you can’t say it in 10mins, don’t.
38:11 Enough
46:36 Lessons from history
49:19 Now what matters?
Show Transcript
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Trust - Can you trust the systems around you? Can you trust your community? Can you trust yourself? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Show TranscriptCare Resource Segment
1:12 Feelings
2:14 Jaded
4:11 Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
5:15 Trust Me I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday
7:16 World Health Organization
8:56 Rantifesto
9:00 Trust fall
13:26 Trust is tenuous
15:17 Trust and vulnerability
16:02 Start with yourself
17:37 Location, Location, Location
Tarot Card
25:27 Despair- New Era Elements
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Trust each other.
We’ll see you in the future. -
Happiness - In current events it might sound trite. I think it matters. Can you optimize happiness? What if we calculated happiness like money and other resources? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Show TranscriptCare Resource Segment
1:12 Almost too much school?
1:44 Stay Soft
3:46 Laugh More
5:30 Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project
8:41 Rantifesto
8:55 What do you want?
11:46 What would make you happy?
14:50 Stoicism
16:06 Project 333
19:49 Takeaways: Stop Gossiping
Tarot Card
25:30 Neo Tarot- The Devil
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Cultivate a little bit of joy.
We’ll see you in the future. -
Timing - Is luck a matter of timing? What control do we have over time? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Show Transcript
Care Resource Segment
1:08 Courtney through a ghost town
2:19 Step-parent emergency
4:05 Parable of the Sower / Parable of the Talents
6:23 When
8:24 Rantifesto
9:20 Power of perception
9:55 Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson
11:26 Timing is in the doing
14:19 Timing of perfect failures
15:42 The Shop Uninterrupted on HBO
17:45 In the very beginning
18:32 Shuffle and consolidate time
20:20 Product of our time
23:38 Timing takes time
Tarot Card
26:23 Temperance
26:30 Next World Tarot by Christy C. Road
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Look out for each other, y’all.
We’ll see you in the future. -
Participation - When you consume media that is the participation of someone else. Is that something you would like to do? What does it mean to make art or community? How does one engage in a movement?
Show Notes
Show Transcript
Care Resource Segment
0:50 Case Study
2:02 The Numbers
3:49 Rebekah’s resource: Seth Godin Workshops
6:30 Courtney’s resource: Replenish the body, the small slow things
8:43 Participation
10:58 Find the gaps and edges
14:29 Learn from our mistakes and make your own!
17:04 Learning to ride a bike
18:04 Love the hater
Tarot Card
24:14 The Hanged Woman
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Play with abandon.
We’ll see you in the future. -
Truth - Is truth absolute? Is that even possible? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Show Transcript
Care Resource Segment
0:43 Courtney finding her rhythm
1:02 Rebekah is polyamorous
2:46 Rebekah’s resource:The Fabric of Reality, Prometheus Rising, Sapiens
4:34 Courtney’s resource:Insight Timer, Second Hand
6:21 Truth
8:55 You can reconceptualize truth
9:50 Math itself has changed over time
11:15 The framework limiters
12:34 Truth to power
13:46 Where not having this conversation
15:35 Leave space, expect change
16:12 Stay loose
Tarot Card
18:04 8 of Fire Swiftness
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Unclench a little.
We’ll see you in the future. -
Authority - How do you cultivate inner authority? Is that even an option? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Show Transcript
Care Resource Segment
0:50 Courtney in a flow
1:32 Rebekah is in school
2:21 Teach the children to sense their own authority
3:14 Courtney’s resource:Productivity Chain, Tiny Habits BJ Fogg
4:00 Rebekah’s resource:David and Goliath
5:50 Authority
8:06 Where is the authority coming from?
10:18 Pretend fascist
10:46 You are the one who has to live with it
14:32 Choreography
15:46 Overclocked Authority
17:16 You can not be afraid and curious at the same time
18:17 To make change
Tarot Card
21:04 VII of Cups
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Stay curious y’all!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Show Transcript
Vulnerability - Are you allergic to vulnerability? Where do you feel safe enough to let your guard down? How do you know it’s a safe space? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Care Resource Segment
0:56 Insight Timer
1:22 Check us out on YouTube
1:45 Dare to Lead
1:59 Self Help according to the NYT
2:33 The Subtle Art
3:01 Girl Wash Your Face
3:12 It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way
3:20 Be Angry, Be Happy, Be Kind, Be Here
4:03 The Gifts of Imperfection
5:00 Vulnerability
9:51 Living your values
10:35 The Spirit of the Game
11:33 Listen
14:15 What’s the story?
15:02 Dare to Lead: Toolkit
15:20 Marble Jar friends
16:10 Box Breathing
16:36 Empathy
17:25 Risk/Reward
Tarot Card
19:46 Ace of Fire
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
What is the game? - What games are you playing? What games you you want to be playing? What games serve the greater good? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Care Resource Segment
0:56 Rest
1:12 Anatara Medicine
1:40 Rebekah’s resources, Finite and Infinite Games, The Art of War
3:30 Life as a professional organizer
5:52 From the Heart Outward
14:12 A Story About Stuff
20:43 What is the Spirit of the Game?
Tarot Card
26:49 Change 2 of Earth
28:41 Hardest Man In Tarot
Show Transcript
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Showing Up - What is it like to keep showing up? What can one expect when you can’t see the future? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Care Resource Segment
1:20 Therapy, get some
2:04 Rest, get some
2:59 Courtney’s resource:Tiny Habits BJ Fogg
4:19 Rebekah’s resource:Byte app
6:18 Showing Up
6:41 the first time for the third time
7:35 No plan, open heart
10:48 Emersion takes time
12:02 Overproduced is my middle name
12:49 Hardest Man In Tarot
13:23 Stanley Orchard
15:36 It just feels like you’re dying
Tarot Card
Show Transcript
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Jayde Vincent - TikTok expert on LinkedIn. Have you kept your childlike self? Are you ready to be authentic online? What can we learn from this youth ambassador? Listen for more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
2:05 Family as self care
2:46 Rebekah is shaving her head
2:55 Sick Hello
Business Segment
3:30 TikTok for authenticity
4:40 Trolls for growth
5:30 Twitter for words
6:20 Evolution of craft
9:45 Child-like self
11:13 The Next Step
13:45 brand placement
14:33 Personality positioning
14:48 Gary Vee
17:25 Teddy Fresh
20:15 Influencing TikTok for better
Contact Jayde Vincent
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Wellness - What does it mean to buck the weight loss trends and starting thinking about wellness differently? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:25 Self care round table
Business Segment
3:18 Video editing special effects
5:50 The end of Time management
8:40 Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera
11:35 Rantifesto Wellness
11:59 Abui Beckley MAT Therapist
22:41 Take Aways
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comAbui Beckley
Courtney King
Rebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram/TikTok
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Career Change - What does it look like to walk away from an industry you’ve worked 10 years in? What does one do to move forward? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:08 Better health by stopping
5:40 Experiments in Care
Business Segment
15:00 Numbers
17:23 Career Change
40:26 Rantifesto
54:46 Take Aways
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Love Your Competition - Do you want your competition to win or lose? Are you able to see that your competition is right? What if everyone wins when everyone wins? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:38 We love Dentists!
6:01 Communicating Out Loud
Business Segment
11:47 Operations
15:14 PortayYou
19:07 Time Coaching
19:15 Comfortable in chaos
22:17 Connection in and out and back in fashion
24:09 Getting it done in real time
26:08 You are worthwhile
28:27 Disaster planning
31:16 Love Your Competition
31:22 Resources: This Is Marketing (Orange Book), The 1 Page Marketing Book (Yellow Book)
36:59 Business Darwinism
38:54 Two Words
41:41 >$ counts
47:15 Woo your future self
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Transformational Thinking - What is it? Do you already do it? If not, what might life look like with the ability to change what made you unhappy? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:46 Functioning human being
3:45 Two primaries under one roof
Business Segment
9:03 A better pitch
9:52 Casey Neistat/Peter McKinnon
16:22 Quit pitching to your friends
17:22 Time management overload
25:18 Confrontation with calendars
28:18 Transformational thinking
40:25 Resources: The 1 Page Marketing Book, This Is Marketing
Contact us!
KindnessEcon.comRebekah Olivera
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
Courtney King
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Embrace Change - Is it a fear of failure? A fear of success? What would be possible if we embraced change. Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:20 Check up recovery
5:30 Body work recovery
8:05 Christy McGold
8:29 Gut by Giulia Enders
Business Segment
12:35 Addicted to praise
16:19 Permanent record
19:58 Fear of success
22:12 Fear of failure
22:14 Seth Godin
28:03 Embrace Change
28:42 Time management
31:15 New images of leadership/success
Contact us!
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
@CKingSolutions Twitter/InstagramTikTok
@CKingSolutionsOak Facebook
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.
Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Self Care Emergency - The Micro/macro of self care and what happens when its neglected. Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:11 Rolling blackouts
2:12 Feelings in auto-post
4:54 Neglected and overwhelmed
5:55 Pass/fail
7:00 Fear of Rejection, the legend
Business Segment
12:18 2 year media-versary!!!
13:06 The Richest Man in Babylon
17:16 Post scheduler adventures
20:49 Holistic Time Coaching
21:42 Bigger vision vocus
22:13 Shane Dawson
29:51 Self Care as a foundation
30:56 PG&E’s self care
39:21 25-year dividend increasing stocks
43:22 Different types of currency
45:16 Takeaways
Contact us!
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
@CKingSolutions Twitter/InstagramTikTok
@CKingSolutionsOak Facebook
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.
Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. -
Diversification - Diversity of inputs, views, and risk contribute to a better world. Why do we resist it? Listen to learn more.
Show Notes
Self Care Segment
1:31 Conference care3:09 Body Shapes from trauma
6:44 Remember to have fun
7:31 Birth family update
Business Segment
11:14 The Numbers
15:41 Marketing during conference
21:24 A story about a bearskin
23:05 Queer on Social media
23:15 Seth Godin
25:42 Somethings are > $$$
28:12 Iceland tourism decline
28:57 Venezuela oil decline
29:38 Over Indexing in tech
32:54 Diversity in social media
33:33 Diversity in conference
37:47 Results of inclusion
40:56 What you miss matters
41:31 10k years of death
42:34 Takeaways
47:50 Our storytelling coach Dixie
Contact us!
@BonusParentBaba Twitter/Instagram
@CKingSolutions Twitter/InstagramTikTok
@CKingSolutionsOak Facebook
Please take excellent care of yourself and the people and the world around you.
Create something beautiful today!
We’ll see you in the future. - Laat meer zien