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ÄrzteTag extra – ein neuer Podcast der "Ärzte Zeitung". In diesen Episoden sprechen wir mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch Partner etwa aus der Industrie über Neuigkeiten und Innovationen in Medizin und Forschung. Wir thematisieren aktuelle klinische Themen und lassen Experten zu Wort kommen.
Welcome to Dental Slang, the podcast that peels back the curtain on the world of dentistry, now hosted by Dr. Reza Ardalan. If you're intrigued by what your peers are up to, you've just stumbled upon your new favorite podcast.
Dental Slang brings together some of the most brilliant minds in dentistry and specialists from across the globe. Whether you're fascinated by the nuances of smile design, curious about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence applied to dentistry, or simply interested in the stories and insights of dental professionals who shape the industry, we've got you covered. -
Stay up to date with the most important issues in military psychology with the Society for Military Psychology, Division 19 of the American Psychological Association. We are producing several short series on applying psychological principles in military settings and military populations. This Military Psychology Podcast Network will feature topics including diversity in the military, the psychology of consulting with military organizations, behavioral health in military and veteran populations, human factors research, and specialty areas including operational and aviation psychology, fitness for duty and selection decisions, and military ethics. We’ll be addressing the broad question “What is military psychology?” and answering it in a number of ways. We are releasing all series in one feed to make it easy to stay up-to-date on the latest research, policy, and practice considerations. Subscribe to the Military Psychology Podcast Network feed for free access, and follow the Society for Military Psychology at and on social media at @APADIV19.
Каша в голове — подкаст о питании, пищевом поведении, wellness и науке. Подкаст про питание и ЗОЖ без булшита и нонсенс с доказательным подходом. Питание не черно-белое, в нем много нюансов. В этом и будем разбираться. С гостями — нутрициологами, диетологами, психологами, учеными и врачами будем говорить о питании и развенчивать мифы.
Лиза Гильман - нутрициолог, автор книги, 13 лет училась в Англии. Получаю докторскую (PhD) в Португалии.
Мой инстаграм
Книга "Помирись с едой"
Добрый день. Меня зовут Дмитрий, я профессиональный медицинский психолог и поведенческий психотерапевт.
На этом канале вы найдете авторские высказывания и экспертное мнение по следующим темам: психология, биологическая психиатрия, психотерапия, физиология, иммунология.
Я провожу индивидуальные консультации, психотерапию и коучинг. Подробности вы можете найти на моем сайте:
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A podcast about cancering. Seeing cancer as a part of life that touches every person and community is today’s reality and the spark for this podcast. Cancer is just something that we ALL have to recognize, acknowledge, cope with, live with, struggle with, rage upon, crush and even thrive with. This show is more than knowing and fighting or beating cancer. It's more than just relaying science, hope and technology. It's a platform for knowledge, stories, coping advice, life tips, inspiration, humor, jokes and even smiles. Together our purpose is to demystify cancer. Take away as much fear out of the diagnosis, treatment and process as we can. Defeat its grip on our lives. This is The Cancering Show.
نقطهی جذاب مهمونی ها، تراسه!
آدم های غریبه یا آشنا وقتی وارد تراس میشن، دیگه اون مرز های همیشگی رو ندارن.
خیلی ها داستان زندگی یا حرف های ذهنشون رو برات تعریف میکنن.
باهات صمیمی میشن و بیپرده حرف میزنن.
پادکست تراس هم از همین نقطهی جذاب شکل گرفته.
یک پادکست گفتوگو محور، با مهمون هایی گاها آشنا یا غیرآشنا که تو هر قسمت، درمورد موضوعات مختلف گپ و گفت میکنیم.
اگر پیشنهاد یا نظری داشتین، از طریق دایرکت اینستاگرام یا تلگرام با من در ارتباط باشید.
محتوای تصویری: نگین حیدری
HEENموزیک : نیما رمضان و -
The statistics about suicide in the military affiliated population are alarming, and many are aware of them. Awareness is no longer enough, however. Communities must pair that awareness with meaningful action in order to make a difference. Brought to you by Military Times, join combat veteran and clinical mental health counselor Duane France and nationally recognized suicide prevention expert Dr. Shauna Springer every week as they bring the knowledge of experts on suicide in the military affiliated population to communities that need it.
Ob auf dem Weg zur Arbeit in Bus und Bahn, beim Kochen oder Staubsaugen oder einfach zwischendurch: Im Podcast "Medizin to go" erläutern die Experten des Städtischen Klinikums Dresden Symptome, Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten ohne großes Medizinerlatein. Sie berichten von interessanten und herausfordernden Patientengeschichten, geben Hinweise und Tipps zur Vorbeugung von Erkrankungen und erklären Therapien. Zwischendurch gibt es auch mal einen spannenden Bericht vom Geschehen hinter den Kulissen eines Großkrankenhauses rezeptfrei auf die Ohren.
Mehr Informationen auch auf -
The science we're funding now is the hope for everyone with a lung condition – both now and in the future. Join Ian Jarrold and Victoria Read from Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation as they meet the scientists working on the cutting edge of respiratory research. They unpick the science, get to know the real people behind the researchers, and share bitesize facts about things you probably didn't know about lung health.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast all about how science and technology are being used day to day in hospitals.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.