Our guest today is Whitney Newby, a writer, artist, and the founder of Brighter Day Press, a ministry that creates literature-rich, gospel-centered resources for family discipleship.
She has a Bible degree from Moody Bible Institute and is a registered nurse. Whitney makes her home in South Carolina with her husband and four children.
In today episode Whitney and I discuss what it means to Lift Our Eyes (the title of her new book out March 18th!) to the One who will carry us through the sometimes difficult and discouraging days of motherhood. She offers honest stories and timeless truth from scripture for the heart of mothers needing reminders of God’s love and faithfulness!
Connect with Whitney:
Instagram: @brighterdaypress
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A new season is finally here!
After a 10 month break, it’s so great to be back in your earbuds (or however you’re listening in today!) It’s a joy to share this recent conversation, had with the beautifully articulate and insightful Naomi Vacaro, founder of Whole Hearted Quiet Time and author of the book, Quiet.
We get really honest about motherhood, including facing our failures and intentional parenting. Naomi also shares her perspective on the changes that have happened on social platforms over the past decade or so and some of hard things that we as content producers face in our pursuit to share online today. We cover the downside of social media usage and how to steward our time online well. Lots to takeaway and feel challenged by, especially if you’re a content producer yourself!
And if you’re having a hard day of mothering, our personal acknowledgements in the first half may just help you feel less alone.
Connect with Naomi:
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IG: @naomivacaro
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We are continuing our series The Thriving Home again with this final episode that covers the most important thing we as mothers can do for our homes and that is to know God and His Word well!
A little about my guest,
Glenna Marshall. She is a wife, mother, author and speaker.
She grew up in Tennessee but lives in southern Missouri where her husband has pastored their church for nearly twenty years. Glenna studied creative writing at Union University, graduating with a B.A. in English in 2003. She is the author of three books (with a fourth coming soon!) and travels extensively to speak at women’s retreats and conferences.
Much of her writing deals with spiritual disciplines as the means by which we grow in the faith and endure suffering. Glenna’s deepest desire is to direct her readers to deep study of Scripture.
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We are continuing our series The Thriving Home again this New Year with a very honest conversation about the hope that is available to those in a seemingly hopeless marriage.
This episode is powerful and I think every married person including couples preparing for marriage can glean from today’s conversation!
My guest today is Kathy Bush, co-author of the new book “Sex On the First Date”. She shares how her toxic marriage became more than she ever imagined it could be despite long term infidelity and alcoholism.
Kathy shares so openly about the way their lives changed when she and her husband surrendered all and chose to do marriage Gods way.
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A bit of a different episode for you this week as we wrap up 2023!
I get a little personal about some of the things I enjoy about this season, what’s making Christmas a little different for our family this year and a recent honest moment with my youngest which made me reflect on my not-so-gentle responses and acknowledge my need for Jesus perfect example of kindness.
Also listen for an update on our series, The Thriving Home, and encouragement as you plan and prepare for the celebrations in your own family- challenges and all!
Whatever it may look like for you and yours this year- Merry Christmas!
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We are continuing our series The Thriving Home again this week with another super helpful and inspiring episode!
Shannon Acheson, founder of the website Home Made Lovely joins me to discuss all things homemaking including achieving the goals we have for our homes, getting the family on board and setting realistic expectations for ourselves as women.
Shannon is the author of 2 books, Home Made Lovely and The Clutter Fix and her work has been featured in a number of online spaces including Better Homes & Gardens, HGTV, Real Simple and Martha Stewart LIVING.
Her website homemadelovely dot com is a great resource with beautiful home decor ideas and inspiration, recipes and most recently added, creative advent ideas for the family!
Connect with Shannon!
Instagram: @ home.made.lovely
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NEW SERIES! The Thriving Home
Are you:
Tired of the growing piles in your home?
Feeling frustrated with every new mess?
Avoiding the mess because you don’t know where to start?
Are you wanting to create better habits for decluttering your home? If any of the above are true, this episode is for you!
Today Lisa Lizotte of the Habits and Home show joins me to discuss all the things related to the habits (good and bad!) that we’ve got going on in the home! More specifically, we touch on the real life day to day struggles that many of us wrestle with in order to create a clean and functional home and we talk about some of the deeper issues that may need to be addressed in order for us to see those changes occur. Lisa combines biblical truth with practical advice that’s valuable for all women, not just moms, and shares from her personal experience why she’s so passionate about helping others create a more stable and simplified home. For those of us with more neuro-diverse brains this is a real gift. Grab a piece of paper and pen because you’ll want to take some notes!
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Podcast: Habits and Home
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Bonus Episode!
Earlier this week Krista Green, gardening coach at Zone 3 Vegetable Gardening dot com joined me to share her story of experiencing PTSD due to her work as a paramedic and it was both honest and so informative! So much of what she shared holds meaning for all mothers in their post partum/ mental health experiences.
Today Krista and I are talking all things GARDENING!
We connected largely because we both live in the same planting zone! Krista is a homesteading wife and mother of 3 and she loves helping other gardeners, especially those who do so with cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons!
Krista has offered our listeners a discount off of all the products and services she offers on her website so make sure to check that out at and use code MOTHERHOOD for 10% off!
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Joining me today on the podcast is Krista Green, founder and content creator at Krista is a homesteading wife and mother of 3 and also a paramedic who has experienced PTSD, (post-traumatic stress disorder) as the result of the important work that she does.
In this episode we discuss the signs and symptoms of workplace related trauma, the heartbreaking experience of mothering through this disorder and the path to healing. Krista provides us with a clear breakdown of her symptoms, gentle advice and hope for healing.
I hope this episode greatly encourages you and that it promotes further healing in your own PTSD journey, if applicable and helps you offer more awareness and understanding to those in your life who may be walking through a similar mental health journey!
Connect with Krista!
Instagram: @zone3vegetablegardening
Email: [email protected]
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It’s great to back with you all after a long break! Joining me on todays episode is Emily Jensen, mother of 5, author, speaker and the co-founder and co-host of Risen Motherhood.
Emily and I discuss real life motherhood, hardships and what it looks like to acknowledge our weaknesses and embrace the perfect strength that God offers freely to us.
If you are in a tender or exhausted place in your motherhood journey currently, this episode is for YOU mama!
Emily shares beautifully about seasons of weariness and seeking after God’s faithful presence in the midst of it all.
Emily A. Jensen is an author, a podcaster, and the cofounder and content director of Risen Motherhood. Her first book (coauthored with her podcast partner and sister-in-law) Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments, has sold more than 100,000 copies. Her latest book is He is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak (October 2023). Emily lives in central Iowa, with her husband and their five children. You can find out more at or follow her @emilyajensen on Instagram. -
Tara Sun, host of the Truth Talks with Tara podcast and author of the new book, Surrender Your Story joins me today to discuss what it means to trust God and trade in our need to control our lives for real joy, that is, the joy only God can provide to us when we seek Him and trust Him with our whole life.
In our time together we talk about her journey of receiving a chronic illness diagnosis in her teens, dropping out of college and having a baby earlier than she thought she would and how God has used those experiences to teach her about releasing control and living more freely in Him.
I love Tara’s willingness to share what she’s learning as a young wife and mom and the way she is striving to be teachable in her journey. She has beautiful wisdom to share with us today on learning to let go and trust God.
Connect with Tara!
Get the book: Surrender your Story by Tara Sun
Listen to the podcast: Truth Talks with Tara
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Our guest today is Emily Muckleroy, a wife and mama of 2 little girls in Colorado who loves to write in her spare time and serve in her local church.
Emily and her husband Alex have faced multiple losses including heartbreaking preterm delivery of their 3rd daughter Anna.
Emily shares vulnerably with us today not only about her pregnancy losses but also of the unexpected return of a foster son they were quite sure would be permanently joining their family earlier on in their marriage. Emily explains how God used that devastating experience to help prepare her for Anna’s passing.
Pregnancy and child loss is a painful topic but Emily brings such a light to this conversation as she reminds us again and again of just how real God’s presence is when we walk through suffering of any kind. How true reliance on God brings a peace that cannot be found anywhere else.
Connect with Emily:
Instagram @emily.muckleroy
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Facebook @knowingmotherhood
Website (still COMING SOON)
[email protected] -
Welcome to the last episode of 2022!
I was asked to speak recently at an annual Christmas gathering of almost 150 women in our small community here in northern British Columbia, Canada.
What an honour to share a message of hope and to revisit some of my testimony which includes loss and postpartum mental illness. Some of these stories were shared publicly for the first time and I felt honoured to speak to what God has taught me through some incredibly painful experiences.
The hope he offers us in times of struggle is so very real and my testimony is one that points to His goodness again and again.
In the most hopeless moments, God has shown me His everlasting love. I believe that everyone's story is meant to be shared, whether in private conversation or on a stage or from behind a mic and it’s a joy to share with you in this way today.
I am going to be taking a 5-6 week break from producing new content for Knowing Motherhood so this is the last episode of 2022!
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to each one of you!
We have a beautiful hope because of Jesus and I pray that becomes even more real to you as we finish up this year and focus more intimately on what God has provided for us.
His love is timeless, unchanging and everlasting!
If anything that I share in this weeks episode leaves you with questions please feel free to reach out.
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As a fully self- funded podcast ministry your greatest gift to us would be your sharing this episode (or another favourite!) and leaving a review or comment this month!
Thank you for listening and allowing me to walk this journey of life with you,
Lynnelle -
Last week Pat Wiedemer joined me discuss what the pro-life movement looks like in Canada and what it means to truly value all life.
Our conversation continues today as we focus in on the importance of healthy families and how to discuss the topic of abortion with our children. Pat shares very practical thoughts on raising our children to value life and understand the importance of serving others. She also emphasizes how critical our work in the home is as mothers and the huge impact that healthy homes have in regards to this issue.
- raising children to value life
- teaching our children selflessness and a willingness to serve others
- setting a healthy foundation in the home to make talking about abortion easier
- the importance of women supporting women
Resources mentioned:
Life Canada website
Baby Center week by week videos
Mother Teresa quotes
About Pat:
Pat Wiedemer is the Executive Director of PEI LIFE and is also the President of the LifeCanada National Association. Working to providing life-affirming solutions for today’s generation she seeks to offer alternative ways to reach out and support those in need.
Recently, she became the proud grandmom of her third grandbaby. Since the death of her husband, Pat resides in PEI, Canada with her family and has the great privilege of living close to her grandbabies too!
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In today's episode Pat Wiedemer, President of the board at Life Canada, joins me to discuss the very real issues that we are facing in regards to abortion in Canada. Our lack of laws regarding abortion in this country speaks volumes about the value we place on life, not only life in the womb but the emotional, mental and spiritual health of our women and their families.
- the reality of consequences following abortion
- societal pressures that make abortion look like an easy “way out” of pregnancy, while leaving women hurting and alone in their regret
- we discuss the misinformation regarding the often looked upon “grey area” of rape/incest cases and why choosing life is always the best decision for both mother and baby!
Pat Wiedemer is the Executive Director of PEI LIFE and is also the President of the LifeCanada National Association. Working to providing life-affirming solutions for today’s generation she seeks to offer alternative ways to reach out and support those in need.
Recently, she became the proud grandmom of her third grandbaby. Since the death of her husband, Pat resides in PEI, Canada with her family and has the great privilege of living close to her grandbabies too!
Connect with Pat:
[email protected]
Knowing Motherhood socials
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Today we are starting a new series of episodes called Hard Conversations With Our Kids.
An ongoing series to equip all parents in their journeys to raise healthy, grounded, God-fearing kids.
There is a battle raging for our children’s hearts and minds like never before and our call to prepare and protect them is so real. If we choose to ignore the calling we have to build up healthy channels of communication with our children, they WILL seek out the information they desire elsewhere.
We need to be the first place they come, not google or their peers.
My prayer is that this ongoing series will help equip you for these conversations that might feel a little intimidating.
Today, Exodus Cry founder and film producer Benji Nolot joins me to talk about his mission to see pornography distribution laws tightened dramatically to protect our children online along with his 15 year fight to end sex trafficking around the world. I know you’re going to gain a lot of insight from his first hand perspective, having worked undercover, interviewing those directly involved in the porn industry. He gets right to the heart of the issues that exist in this corrupt and broken world.
During our powerful conversation Benji gets an incredible update. A great move forward in the fight against online pornography!
NOTE: Please be aware that this episode is for adult ears only. The content is not suitable for children so continue listening with that in mind.
Follow Exodus Cry online:
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Today author and mom of 5 Heather Cofer is back with us to discuss what it’s been like to live with long term invisible/undiagnosed illness and the way in which we are impacted by this as mothers and as women desiring answers for our pain.
We focus on biblical truths that inform our weary hearts in the midst of physical suffering as well as what it looks like to suffer honestly before God and others.
Connect with Heather
Knowing Motherhood
Contact: [email protected]
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Hormones affect every part of our mental, emotional and physical health and are often ignored by the professionals we see for our healthcare support.
Medication for anxiety or pill/devices to control bleeding are often a first resort to fix symptoms of an imbalance but as you will hear in todays discussion, there is a better way and it starts with acknowledging that something feels "off" with our body and then taking the time to be educated. Balancing hormones requires patience but the results can be life changing.
My guest today is September McCarthy, who joined me here for the first time back in February of 2020 and she is sharing with us her personal, eye opening experience with hormonal imbalance.
She speaks openly about the realization that imbalanced hormones had been affecting her life for a long time but lack of medical support and education had prevented her from getting the testing that would have benefited her greatly.
September shares with us the steps she took towards healing and the way she is teaching her daughters to have a greater awareness than she did. Amazing. What an important topic to discuss with all of the women in our life!
An important note:
Neither September nor I are medical professionals, however we do believe in the importance of this conversation and hope to encourage you to seek hormonal testing if anything you hear today resonates.
IG: @septemberanne
Book: Why Motherhood Matters by September McCarthy
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Nicole Zasowski is back with us today to discuss trauma and finding the courage to celebrate.
We explore what the different types of traumas are, what a healing journey looks like and the importance of receiving care vs. avoidance.
I get a little personal and share about a little T trauma I experienced years ago that still affects me today.
You might find it surprising?
Trauma, big and small, does affect you more than you realize, whether it’s personal or present in the life of someone close to you.
Nicole offers us some invaluable insight into why celebration is a must for everyone no matter their circumstances and how we can do that in the simplest of ways.
Connect with Nicole!
IG: @nicolezasowski
Her new book: What If It’s Wonderful?
Pre-order now!
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