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This is the superfeed from Loitering In Wonderland Studios 2019-2020. Every podcast plus the audio from all videos. Each show is available in its own feed and also on YouTube under Loitering In Wonderland. Features episodes of LIW Movie Review, The Incredible Negative Man!, LIW Improv Theater, LIW The Twilight Zone Review, LIW The Walking Dead Review, LIW American Horror Story Review, LIW Westworld Review, LIW Tales From The Crypt Review, American’t, B-Movie Battle!, LIW+, Nic Cage Cast, NyQuil & Cocaine.
‘Welkom Thuis’ is een wekelijkse podcast waar Sander Gillis en Cato Peeters de afgelopen week van ‘Thuis’ bespreken. Samen met één van hun vaste BV-gasten analyseren ze alle drama uit de afgelopen week, speculeren ze, toetsen theorieën bij elkaar af en lanceren ze complotten over wat nog zou kunnen komen. Kortom, ‘Welkom Thuis’ is de gezelligste na-babbel over de populairste dagelijkse fictiereeks van Vlaanderen.
Si une IA comme ChatGPT lançait son podcast iel demanderait évidemment à Pierre Lapin et Rémi Boyes de lui trouver les meilleur.e.s invité.e.s !
Quasi tous les mercredi dans votre appli de podcasts découvrez un nouveau moment de délire pas si artificiel.
Un podcast produit et réalisé par Zu.
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Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Chefs d'œuvre ou gros ratés, tous ces films ont marqué l'histoire du cinéma. Mais que se cache-t-il vraiment derrière le succès ou l'échec d'un long-métrage ? Démesure et délires du réalisateur, crises d'égo et disputes sur le tournage, écriture agitée et interminable, problèmes d'argent, contentieux juridiques, comédiens capricieux... Loïc Landrau, chroniqueur cinéma à la télévision et lui-même scénariste vous révèle tous les (petits et grands) Secrets du Ciné. Une production du Studio Biloba. Bonne écoute et abonnez-vous !
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
An introspective and confused look at the movies and life choices of Adam Sandler, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey. Discover where their careers fit into the evolving landscape of the last few decades and learn how they themselves have affected change.
In Wat Netflix Je Me Nou? kijken en bespreken drie vrienden elke week een willekeurig gegenereerde Netflix-film! Met hun gepatenteerde Netflix-generator-machine gaan zij hun keuzestress te lijf! En het beste? Jij kan meedoen met onze filmclub door elke week met ons mee te kijken en ons te laten weten wat je van de film vond!
Ruined is a weekly movie podcast in which horror aficionado Halle Kiefer unpacks a different spooky film for her squeamish friend and co-host, Alison Leiby, who can’t stomach watching horror herself, but is dying to know the twists. Every week the hosts "ruin" a horror movie, from slashers to home invasions, creature features to the supernatural, they cover it all! Horror fans, scaredy cats, and film buffs are all welcome. Listen to new episodes of Ruined every Tuesday.
Join Lily and Esther each week as they dive into a whirlwind of chaos, rants, singing, and sheer unhinged insanity. What began as an attempt to highlight the strength of women through the lens of those who've done ghastly things has transformed into an unpredictable journey through Lily's perverse ramblings and Esther's Tudor-inspired musical interludes.
In each episode, they aim to discuss a notorious woman, but often get delightfully sidetracked. Along the way, they explore their fictional cult fantasies, belt out an array of tunes, and employ a hilariously problematic grading system that defies all logic. -
Salon Romcom is een feel good podcast waarin 2 vriendinnen op ontdekking gaan in de wondere wereld van de’ romcoms’. Elke week stelt Romcom Fanaat Sam een nieuwe film voor aan Romcom Scepticus Leonie - die de film nooit eerder zag en probeert te voorspellen welk cliché zich nu weer zal voordoen. Nadien worden de voorspellingen afgetoetst aan de realiteit en bespreken de vriendinnen hun favoriete scènes en de grappigste en meest ontroerende momenten in de film. Herleef je favoriete guilty-pleasures en kijk mee met ons!
Hi everyone!
My name is Danielle Soto. I am a stand up comedian from Boston, living in Los Angeles. I love spending time with friends, 80s hair metal, painting my fingernails, and watching The Golden Girls.
I am a HUGE Golden Girls fan. I moved to Los Angeles with only two suit cases, and YES I brought all seven seasons of The Golden Girls DVDs with me. Anytime a friend comes to me with a problem…
“I think the guy I’m dating is using me!” “I hate my sister!” “A lesbian is in love with me, but I’m straight!”
…I would let them know, “There’s an episode of The Golden Girls you need to watch!”
So, I made a podcast out of it. My guests come on with a problem, we talk it over, and then we watch an episode of The Golden Girls which correlates to their issue. And of course, there’s ALWAYS cheesecake!
Thank you for tuning in! -
What are the four most iconic...anythings? The Mt. Rushmore Podcast seeks to answer these questions. Join Jeff, Michael and Richard as they argue and debate what are the most definitive examples of everything, from the Mt. Rushmore of Bad Movie Accents to the Mt. Rushmore of Months.
The Bulletproof Podcast is a celebration of all things action movies... the ass kicking heroes, the over the top villains, the loyal sidekicks, the shoot outs, the fisticuffs, the angry police captains, the ninjas, the one liners and the cars that flip for no apparent reason! Each episode is hosted by Bulletproof Action's Chris The Brain and co-hosted by Chad Cruise. Chris and Chad sit down with their friends and the occasional special guest to discuss the most explosive movie genre on the planet!
Wij zijn beste vriendinnen die graag bijbabbelen en onze favoriete serie Friends hiervoor als excuus gebruiken!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
FantasyCast Pod is THE premier erotica/fantasy/comedy podcast on the internet. Three grown men, with varying mental/medical health issues, dive deep into their sexual subconscious to deliver high-end erotic content directly to your erogenous zones. Let’s be clear: This is not your mommy and daddy’s erotica podcast. We are not afraid to challenge boundaries, push definitions and rocket your libidinal imagination into the 5th dimension of existence. Raw. Powerful. Life-changing. Are you ready? We are.