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Clara Pastor, estudiante de Historia del arte, desaparece mientras realiza su tesis sobre Ursula Blum, una pintora vanguardista del siglo XX. Cinco años después, la periodista Emma Castillo decide viajar a Suiza para continuar la investigación de Clara y narrar en un podcast lo que va descubriendo sobre el misterio que envuelve a ambas mujeres.
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Blum es una ficción sonora de El Extraordinario, creada, escrita y dirigida por Carmen Pacheco y Manuel Bartual.
Protagonizada por Vicky Luengo, Jacinto Bobo, Nikki García y Anahí Di Santo. -
Ernest Zevon is a London musician and drug dealer. His life changes when a beautiful saxophonist befriends him in a Soho bar. They tour the country in a new crime caper from an original British author. When Jorja meets Ernest he is playing his last show. He has problems with money, drugs and alcohol. Jorja wants a singer to pair up with so that she can get back into the Soho music scene. But Ernest is a lone wolf. Jorja has her own problems, including her son and her sister. The four of them make the unlikeliest road trip north to seek their fortunes and change their lives. They achieve neither.
A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a historical novel by Charles Dickens; it is moreover a moral novel strongly concerned with themes of guilt, shame, redemption and patriotism.
The plot centers on the years leading up to French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. It tells the story of two men, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, who look very alike but are entirely different in character.
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This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at -
#10garrena fikziozko podcast serie distopikoa da Bertsolaritza ardatz hartuta. Bederatzi izan dira orain arteko Bertsolari Txapeldunak. Hamargarrenaren bila, Zortzi Final Bitxi, zortzi etorkizun… batzuk errealagoak, besteak utopikoagoak, zortzi ataleko podcast saila osatu dute Aitzol Barandiaran eta Xabier Payak EITB podkastentzat. Ekoizpena On Time. Xabier Sukia eta Maialen Arzalluz gidariak.
In the city that never sleeps, the next opportunity is right around the corner…
The Art of Ambition is a modern noir-esque series told from the perspective of a New Yorker with his ear to the ground and a knack for turning a situation to his advantage.
Written by Mark L. Burrow, starring Joshua Manning, directed and edited by Thomas Mitchells, theme tune by Barrie Bignold. The Art of Ambition was expanded from a monologue - The Art of a Doorman - originally produced by Natalie Winter for Ragged Foils’ Ragged Scratch Podcast.
A podcast for fans of Levi Jacobs‘ writing, including the Tidecaller Chronicles and Empire of Resonance series, with biweekly casts featuring news and information related to the books, as well as deleted scenes, exclusive previews, in-depth looks at the story world, and life as an author. Subscribers also get Assassin‘s Tribute, an Empire of Resonance audiobook not available elsewhere!
« وینش » سایت تخصصی معرفی و نقد کتاب است. هیئت تحریریه و نویسندگان « وینش » میکوشند کتابهای جدیدالانتشار مطرح در همهی زمینهها را پوشش دهند. پرداختن به کتابهای تخصصی، علمی، درسی و کمکآموزشی در دستور کار « وینش » نیست.
« وینش » سایتیست مستقل؛ به هیچ نهاد دولتی یا گروه و محفل و ناشری وابسته نیست، و در پی این است که از موضع ناظری مستقل، به صنعت فرهنگیِ تولید و توزیع کتاب و روندهای کتابخوانی بپردازد در نهایت به افزایش رشد مطالعه در ایران یاری رساند. -
"El monstruo del monóculo y otras bestias", basado en una serie de objetos que el destino puso en manos de su autora, es un homenaje al cine negro y sus protagonistas (Fritz Lang, Ida Lupino, Gene Tierney, Otto Preminger, Dashiell Hammett, Vera Caspary...), y también a las mujeres que, en esos años, experimentaron un enorme cambio social que resultaría ser, en realidad, un gran engaño.
El 'bookcast' de Nuria Pérez es una producción original de Podium Podcast.
Más contenidos adicionales en
El Joc de Biure és la delirant història d’un dinar convertit en un segrest col·lectiu que farà aflorar els draps bruts de la burgesia catalana de principis de segle XX. Segrestats en la seva pròpia festa, es veuran obligats a seguir un joc macabre que els convertirà a tots en sospitosos i els abocarà a defensar la seva innocència, coneixent d’aquesta manera la idiosincràsia de la societat catalana de principis del segle XX, les relacions de poder existents, els problemes de l’opressió del proletariat i la consegüent guerra social, el pistolerisme, la política, l’exèrcit...
Books & Writing episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners of the Pulitzer, Academy Award, Emmy, Tony, Grammy, Booker, Nobel Prize, and other honors. Leaders & public figures share real experiences & offer valuable insights. Notable guests include: Neil Gaiman, Roxane Gay, Ada Limón, George Pelecanos, George Saunders, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Jericho Brown, Daniel Handler a.k.a. Lemony Snicket, Siri Hustvedt, Jeffrey Sachs, Jeffrey Rosen (National Constitution Center), Tom Perrotta, Ana Castillo, David Tomas Martinez, Rebecca Walker, Isabel Allende, Ian Buruma, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, John d’Agata, Rick Moody, Paul Auster, Robert Olen Butler, Yiyun Li, Rob Nixon, Tobias Wolff, Yann Martel, Junot Díaz, Edna O’Brien, Eimear McBride, Jung Chang, Jane Smiley, Marge Piercy, Maxine Hong Kingston, Sara Paretsky, Carmen Maria Machado, Neil Patrick Harris, Etgar Keret, Hala Alyan, E.J. Koh, Lan Samantha Chang (Iowa Writers Workshop), Alice Fulton, Alice Notley, Emma Walton Hamilton, Krys Lee, Richard Wolff, Carl Safina, Suzanne Simard, among others.
The interviews are hosted by founder and creative educator Mia Funk with the participation of students, universities, and collaborators from around the world. These conversations are also part of our traveling exhibition.
¿Buscas relatos breves de ciencia ficción y terror?
Las Historias Cortas de Javs es un podcast sencillo pero cautivador, donde se narran pequeños audiolibros en estos géneros. Sumérgete en historias llenas de intriga, tecnología y seres sobrenaturales, siempre con un toque humilde y cercano.
Si eres un fanático del género o simplemente buscas una forma amena de pasar el tiempo, este podcast podría ser una agradable sorpresa para ti :>.
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Humorist Bill Nye, in his brief 46 years, served as justice of the peace, newspaperman, miner, and postmaster in the rough town of Laramie, Wyoming. This 1901 edition, published after his death, includes a Biographical tribute to Nye, quoting his dear friend, Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley: "He was unselfish wholly, and I am broken-hearted, recalling the always patient strength and gentleness of this true man, the unfailing hope and cheer and faith of his child-heart, his noble and heroic life, and pure devotion to his home, his deep affections, constant dreams, plans and realizations." This book of humorous stories and essays are wonderful examples of Nye's "child-heart" of mirth. -
This novel tells about the daily activity that is occurred in March family’s house. A family consists of Mrs. March and her four daughters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Her father, Mr. March fights in the civil war that is occurred around the year 1860. Meg as the eldest and the most beautiful woman among them all and she wants to become a housewife. Jo is a tomboy character and she has a dream to become a famous writer. Beth is a soft girl and she loves to play music. She hopes she could be a great musician. Meanwhile, Amy is a spoiled girl who wants to be a great painter. They are very lucky because they have a mother like a Mrs. March. She has a soft heart nature and she is wise. Although she must take care her four the children alone, she never complained. Alcott story begin with the four March girls sitting in their living room, lamenting their poverty. The girls decide that each of them will bering a gift for their mother, Marmee, instead of having a gift for themselves on Christmas. Marmee comes home with a letter from Mr. March. The letter inspires the girl to struggle againts their burdens more cheerfully and not to complain about their poverty. On Chistmas the girls then give Marmee her gifts and perform a play, operatic tragedy. One day, Meg and Jo attend a New Year’s Party at home of Meg’s wealthy friend, Sally Gardiner. At the party, Jo meets Laurie, the grandson of old Mr. Laurence. Mr. Laurence is the best friends of Mr. March. The girls have various adventures. Meg and find work outside the home to help support the family. Meg spends her days teaching small children as a governess. Jo spends time reading and caring for her Aunt March and wishes that she could read all the books in her Aunt’s library. At some point, Laurie invites Jo and Meg to watch the Seven Castle of the Diamond Lake. Jo refused to let Amy go with her to theater. Upon arriving home Jo learns that Amy burns Jo’s manuscript which her feel so hurt and crushed that she cannot ever forgive Amy. In her anger, she nearly lets Amy drown while ice skating. Because of Marmee, finally Jo can forgive her liltle sister. Then story resolves around Pretty Meg who attends Annie Moffat’s party. However, Meg is ashamed that her family is poor and that she cannot afford a new dress like the others girls. While at the party, she hears that people think she intends to marry Laurie just for his money. One day, the family received a telegram saying that Mr. March is sick in the hospital in Washington, D.C. Marmee goes to treat him and Jo sells her hair to help financing the trip. While Mrs. March on Washington, the baby of Hummel family is very ill which results in Baby’s death of scarlet fever. Beth returns and is confined to bed, Amy is sent to Aunt March’s house because of the fear of her contracting the fever. Beth are dying on the brink of death until Marmee returns. Finally, the fever breaks. Later, the story tells about Mr. Brooke who will get a job. Then he asks Meg to marry him. Jo is very upset at the prospect of loosing her sister, but Marmee tries to comfort her. On Christmas Day, Mr. March returns home. The girls are happy to see him and finally the March family is complete. Summary by Dream AudioBooks
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