
  • About Kristie Pappal

    Kristie Pappal serves as the Vice President of Human Resources with the Philadelphia Eagles where she provides comprehensive human resources leadership including developing and leading HR strategy and policy, cultivating a positive and productive work environment, engagement and inclusion, internal communications, talent acquisition, employee relations, benefits and wellness, compensation, and organizational development.

    About Jodie Cunningham

    Jodie J. Cunningham is the CEO and talent optimization expert at Optimus Talent Partners. As a Predictive Index Certified Partner, she specializes in workforce analytics, helping organizations get the right people in the right roles and grow their exceptional talent. Jodie is also a Talent Strategist and Search Consultant for Kopplin, Kuebler and Wallace, where she provides Human Resources executive placement services for luxury country clubs, golf clubs and resorts throughout the United States.

    Top 3 Takeaways

     Every business is a people business. A sports franchise depends on its people just like every other business. Yours may not be as high-profile as an NFL team, but you need to set your people up for success.Make the case. Don’t presume that everybody is as excited about your proposal as you are. Tie your recommendation to issues in the business and demonstrate how it will deliver real results.Slow and steady. When introducing a new program or solution, resist the urge to move too quickly. Allow those you need to absorb the change so they don’t get overwhelmed. They’ll catch up to you in time.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source(s)


    “One thing every day that I remind myself is that there's 32 opportunities across the NFL. There's certain perceptions—people really do only see what's on the field—but I'm really proud when people join the team and see what a robust business that this sports organization is.”

    “We talked about having these quick little sessions that were virtual and, and people could sign in from their own computers on their own times to, um, you know, to build that muscle for themselves.”

    “You need to make sure that people are really prepared and have the tools to lead other people.”

    “Embracing that crawl, walk, run philosophy of people recognized the value and they started to talk about it and then it built that curiosity and from there. It's opened more departments that have been interested and it's more of a pull that our managers are coming forward and asking for this or they're curious about what this looks like.”


    “HR and talent, no matter what the industry, we all have a lot of the same challenges. And so being able to share best practices from industry to industry is important.”

    “Managers are craving leadership development. Many times, no matter what industry, managers are promoted because they were great at doing the job, but now their job is to lead people, and they don't necessarily have those tools in their toolbox to be able to do that. Nobody really taught them, or they've never been through a class to learn how to lead. And so being able to use and learn PI as a language, as a basis, as a foundation to start really developing a leadership style to get the most out of the team to be able to achieve the business objectives.”

    “Half of the building is all about coaching: giving feedback in the moment, positive or constructive, making sure that players understand where they stand in terms of their performance. That happens naturally on that side of the building, but what I often I found as a wow when I joined the NFL is how that doesn't always happen on the business side of the building because those those leaders haven't gained those knowledges and skills and experience to be able to give that feedback in real time, making sure that that we're driving the game for the performance that we're looking for. And so also being able to share that knowledge across the building is an important component of kind of driving that talent optimization.”

    Connect with Kristie



    Eagles Autism Challenge:

    Connect with Jodie



  • Erica is an author, speaker, gender equality crusader, and a C-level leader. With over 15 years of experience in Human Resources, Erica's mission is to bring more women into positions of power and KEEP them there. She is a wife, a mom to two small kids, and a fitness fanatic! She’s also the host of the Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors podcast and author of a forthcoming book with the same amazing name.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Embrace the stuck. We all find ourselves mired in a less-than-ideal state from time to time. The first step to break free is recognizing when we’re stuck.Start small. You don’t have to completely overhaul your life in order to make a change. Even small improvements will add up over time.Create the culture. Organizational and individual values are more important than ever. Make it a point to design these intentionally to help clarify the collective win.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at 

    From the Source

    “Staying in toxic relationships, maybe drinking too much wine on a Wednesday, maybe scrolling endlessly through TikTok 
 all of those things, seemingly innocent sometimes, can really keep you stuck.”

    “I choose to face my sticky floors, to clean up my sticky floors, so that I can bust through the glass ceilings.”

    “It's all about taking that sticky floor, recognizing it for what it is, digging deep into that unconscious mind to figure out why do we do the things we do and then pivot that thought.”

    “The reason I struggled with perfectionism was because I cared so much about what people thought. Why did I care so much about what those people thought? It was because I worried that if they didn't like me, I wasn't worthy.”

    “We don't have to go from being in this negative space to all rainbows and butterflies and unicorns. You can take a baby step.”

    "We get caught up in this Instagramable worthy life that everybody who's a leader knows exactly how to be a leader and they make no mistakes.”

    “We have to get outside of these zones of comfort that we are so used to to truly create those pockets in those environments where people feel comfortable, they feel safe, but they also feel like it's an even playing field.”

    “What I love about today's workforce being as diverse and complex as it is, is that it is challenging us to really get creative, because we are having to satisfy the boomers and the Gen Zers and the Gen Xers and everyone else in between. It's causing us to really kind of come together as that melting pot that we really are.”

    “You need to pull all of the leaders together—like the executive team, the senior leadership team, whatever it is—and you need to get them in a room and you need for them to settle in on some core values.”

    “It's important if you are at the top of the ladder that you lead by example. You don't try to put up a little green screen and be fancy to hide it. Show your real authentic self so that people across the company can do the same.’’

    Connect with Erica






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  • Kelly Mackin is the author of Work Life Well-Lived: The Motives Met Pathway to No-B.S. Well-Being at Work and cofounder and CEO of the Motives Met Platform and Human Needs Assessment which empowers people to create their best work life and workplace. Kellys journey from ill-being to well-being at work ignited her passion and dedication for helping people create health and happiness in their lives through a unique blend of skills. Kelly’s mission is to create a work world where we are human first and well-being is a right, not a privilege. She built Motives Met to achieve the attainable dream of a work life well-lived for all.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Motives matter. Each of us experiences a variety of workplace needs to different degrees and at different times over the course of our careers. Understanding these at an individual level is critical.Get real. Wishing alone won’t create more human and effective workplaces. We need to give managers the tools, training, and resources they need to drive the business and people outcomes we most want.Team up. When we’re transparent about our motives and our collective need to help one another satisfy them, we’re all a part of the co-creation process. Heightened compassion, understanding, and accountability are the inevitable result.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “A human work world is one in which our human needs are healthy and ideally thriving at work.”

    “I grew up really being taught that professionalism equals dehumanization, that we have to shut off those emotions, shut down our needs, put on that workplace armor, as BrenĂ© Brown loves to call it, and try to hit the off button on our humanity. When we go to work, that's just not possible. We cannot do that.”

    “What research has found is that people actually want to show up and be human at work and treat others as human and have those values and virtues that we seem to hold so dear outside of work. That they actually want to bring those to work, but that we feel we can't do that.”

    “We tend to take a more passive and reactive approach to well-being at work than a proactive or preventative one.”

    “It is tough because leaders aren't given the time, tools, and resources, as I put it to, to do this well. So you can't expect well-being at work. You can't expect, ‘Oh, go have a people first culture, but we're not going to put any time, resources, dollars, or tools to do it.’ That's just completely unrealistic for everybody.”

    “These 28 needs really give us a great framework and a picture to understand the building blocks of thriving at work, but we're going to have to focus if we want to optimize our work life and our teams.”

    “Well-being is messy. It's hard. It's personal. It's multifaceted. It's evolving. We call it the ugly truth because it is. It's not as simple as wrapping it in a little bow and, ‘Oh, you just get to this destination and then you're well at work and then your team is well and performs well at work.’ It's constantly something that's going to evolve.” “Well-being is personal. So you cannot take this one size fits all approach.”

    “Needs do hold friction with one another like we just talked about. So it's really learning to live in the tension of these needs.”

    “A really beneficial thing that happens when you do that—when you start to put more of that ownership and accountability and that idea of co-creation with everybody—is that employees and team members have more compassion for you.”

    Connect with Kelly




    Work Life Well-Lived (Book):

  • Jackie Insinger is a Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, and a sought-after Leadership and Team Dynamics Consultant.

    Jackie combines the science of positive psychology and neuroscience with current global data to simplify the messiness of leadership in today’s complex climate. Always results-focused, Jackie’s programs are designed to measurably impact the leader, their teams, and the company – leveraging soft skills for hard results.

    Jackie’s signature Spark Brilliance Leadership Accelerator has created a powerful movement in the corporate world, leading to measurable increases in productivity, positivity, performance, belonging, psychological safety, and engagement within an overall enhanced culture. And in turn, a positive ROI to the Company’s bottom line.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Get current. Everything in our world of work has changed
except the way we lead. Invest in next-level leadership development in order to develop the core capabilities now needed for holistic success.Beware of burnout. We’re in a challenging time when our level-down leaders are experiencing unprecedented burnout. Before we ask leaders and teams to take on more, we have to ensure they have the capacity to do so.Stay evergreen. Leaders are accountable for learning and growth. This pertains to our followers, but also to ourselves. Ask yourself, “What am I actively learning and intentionally practicing?”

    From Our Sponsor

    Get your copy of the report, “5 critical actions to enable your people leaders to succeed” at

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “What I always noticed was what are the gaps, right? What are the things that they don't even realize that are missing because they're too busy to figure it out. Most leaders don't even realize what's missing. They're just trying to get through the day.”

    “If leaders are not trained on how to lead today—if a company has not done a leadership development kind of Up level, upgrade, up skill, iteration, something in the past three years—it's really putting their company at a disadvantage.”

    “People leaders are the most disengaged of any employee population. And so they're incredibly burned out and the most disengaged and their energy and outlook is contagious.”

    “All results come through your people. Everything comes through your people, so if you don't effectively and meaningfully lead your people today, it's going to be really hard to get through this time.”

    “I always say ‘Clarity is kind. Context is key.’ We have to make sure people understand what success looks like here because the only thing that matters is the leader's version of success.”

    “When leaders develop a trusting, authentically connected relationship with their employees, they see so much better positive, positive influence. They see better outcomes. They see more follow through because of that influence and relationship.”

    “Leaders also need to up level, upgrade, feel more fulfilled, feel less burned out, feel more committed and energized, and continue to grow. Not just to grow their team, but to grow themselves.”

    Connect with Jackie


    Spark Memos (Newsletter):



  • Jim currently leads the revenue team for The Predictive Index (PI), a firm focused on the Talent Optimization discipline. Before joining PI, Jim built and ran the velocity sales team at Black Duck Software, an application security company. Jim has been in software sales for longer than he cares to talk about. In his spare time he is raising three children and a cat. When he is allowed out of the house, Jim likes to hike, snowboard and pursue his passion for the Onewheel.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Choose wisely. After experiencing an excruciating level of voluntary turnover, Jim examined and redefined his philosophy. Now, he’s able to tap into a larger talent pool and boost retention in the process.Mind your mindset. When sellers and any other workers feel too tied to the outcomes they produce, they’re walking along a slippery slope. Raise attention to the wholeness of being a successful human and watch the results follow.Leaders listen. The active listening skills Jim teaches his sellers are the same that make for effective leaders. Rather than push ideas and solutions onto others, quiet down and ask insightful questions that lead you both to the right outcome.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at 

    From the Source

    “In sales, you often tend to hire extroverts. And there's nothing wrong with being extroverted, but extroversion does tend to lead to a behavior that looks like talking a lot. And at least in my view, sales is better if there's a mix between listening and talking.”

    “A lot of salespeople actually come to the table with the exact wrong mindset and belief system. And while they may still get results, they're not as optimal as they could be if they would shift gears.”

    “It's much like the difference between going to see a therapist and feeling like that therapist is pushing their ideas on you and going to a therapist and feeling like ‘This therapist is listening to me. They're hearing about my concerns. They're letting me do the talking. And together we come up with a plan of attack for whatever problem or challenge I face.’ And so the mindset is becoming ‘I'm not a salesperson, I'm a business therapist.’”

    “Leaders need to focus on developing mastery, allowing autonomy, and the sense of purpose that comes with being a part of your organization and being on your team or representing your product line. What is that sense of purpose and how do you connect your people to it?”

    “The 1-to-1 is sacred time for the person being led, the employee. It's their sacred time to be heard, to be listened to, for you to understand what their pain is, for them to communicate up to you what is making their job harder. And then your job is to listen.”

    “We weren't experiencing anywhere near the level of people quitting because they weren't the right fit for what we were trying to do. Instead we were able to grow a team of nine inside sellers to about 150 inside sellers going from mostly a lead gen team to a team that was generating half of the net new ACV or annual contract value that the company was building.”

    Connect with Jim



  • Deb Smolensky is a #1 best-selling author, speaker, and award-winning thought leader in the area of human performance at work. She serves as NFP’s Global Well-being and Engagement Practice Leader, and for the past 25 years has worked with hundreds of employers, including Fortune 500 companies, developing strategies, programs and practices that empower employees and leaders to lead healthy, productive lives at work through innovative, meaningful, and highly engaging solutions.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Mind your brain. We don’t often stop to think about how our brain works, but it’s impossible to realize our full potential without doing so. Commit to learning about brain basics.Beware of the default. We spend a great percentage of our day on autopilot, but we don’t appreciate how our default patterns of thought may actually be inhibiting our success. Make the switch to Brain On! early and often.Take responsibility. You’re not managing robots, you’re managing others’ brains. We must accept that our behaviors and decisions take root in the brain chemistry and functioning of the collective brain around us.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at 

    From the Source

    “I decided to present to the executive committee on the stress response system. While others in my field at the time I was an accountant started presenting on the general ledgers, the financial journals, and all the leaders really took to it as, ‘Wow, we had no idea.’ I became kind of a stress management expert as I was navigating my career path.”

    “I like to think of our brain as the computer. I've always looked at what's going on through the lens of ‘I can control my thoughts and my experiences through my brain.’”

    “Over the years—especially through the pandemic—I've come to really believe that everything hinges on our thoughts and emotions.”

    “Put whatever you have hardest at the beginning then insert those menial tasks as we go, preserving brain power, which is a finite resource every day.”

    “Our brain always approaches things as a threat that's going to kill us until proven innocent. So we always show up Brain Off, and the goal is to quickly show up Brain On as as much as we can.”

    “Companies won't survive if they're not mentally strong now, since most of the work is now human work. Soft skills, power skills, whatever you want to call it. That's what's going to start making and driving whether you're successful or not as a business, as a collective brain.”

    Connect with Deb





  • Joshua Berry is a world-class facilitator of change. As an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and director of Econic, Joshua has spent the last two decades evolving the what, who, and why of Fortune 500 companies and venture-backed startups.

    Along with his team, Joshua has sparked change in organizations like US Bank, John Deere, Procter & Gamble, Nelnet, Ameritas, Omaha Public Power District, Farm Credit Services of America, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska, among others. 

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Get quiet. Sometimes the thoughts and voices in your head can drown out the deeper wisdom and inspiration that lies within. Take the opportunity to get still and listen.Ease up. Too often, we’re tempted to label our intuition as naive or impractical. In fact, some of the biggest breakthroughs have come from those who had a willingness to eschew conventional lines of thinking.People for the win. It’s a lot easier to say people come first than to actually operate this way. Always ensure alignment with business priorities, but after that, keep the conditionals to a minimum and give priority to people-related decisions and investments.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “It wasn't until some of the time stubbing my toes in those ways that I started to learn that this intentional desire to maybe not quiet those voices that sometimes came up in my head that others might deem as naive but actually might be coming from a deeper spot within me. Those were the things that actually made me unique and were some of the best ideas that were brought out into the world.”

    “There was a common pattern that a lot of those leaders told me in the interviews, ‘Uh, this might sound naive, but
”, and then they started to share an interesting idea or business philosophy or whatnot.”

    “Beliefs are merely a mental model. There are best guesses at how the world works, and until you can understand that, I don't think you can truly appreciate the diversity of another person's view or beliefs and that there's some validity that's coming from that too.”

    “Most decent organizations will say ‘we put our people first’. Or ‘people are important.’ But it almost always ends up as ‘as long as the business is successful.’ And what I challenge in that chapter, and provide some research and stories around this, is what happens when some organizations actually put the growth of their people even ahead of business growth and those goals.”

    “When you start to have people that you trust and they start to see, ‘Oh, if I make this decision, that actually hurts what we could do over here and that hurts this other person over here,’  you just create greater alignment in that and eventually you sometimes get business growth that comes out of that too.”

    Connect with Joshua





  • Adam is the Chief Product Officer of The Predictive Index. He joined PI when the talent optimization leader acquired Charma where he was co-founder and CEO. Previously, Adam was part of the founding team and President/CMO of NextRoll which he helped build from 3 to over 500 employees and $0 to over $200m in revenue.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Growing pains are real. As we find success and add more customers and employees, things get complex in a hurry. Be vigilant around breakdowns in communication and execution as you grow.Don’t make assumptions. When we promote high-potential people into management roles, we often assume they will be natural leaders. Instead, we need to give them the training, tools, and templates they need to succeed in this new people-first role.Make it easy. Being a manager is stressful. When we provide them with solutions that streamline and automate certain aspects of their role, we preserve their energy and enthusiasm to execute the strategy and engage their people.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at 

    From the Source

    “The thing that I really found challenging is that as we grew, the expectations evolved from being in that swim lane and focusing on your expertise—and I'm kind of a product minded entrepreneur—to evolving to start to manage teams and then not just manage teams, but manage managers who are managing teams. And that scaling process is pretty unnatural.”

    “The skillset of being a manager is that just that: it's an actual skillset and it's not just, ‘Oh, you do your regular job and then manage people on the side.’”

    “The skillset of being a manager is not something that's automatic. It's not something that's necessarily always obvious, and it's a place where software could play a role in guiding people to best practices and guiding them to do the things that would help them be a better manager.”

    “People want predictability. They want to know that these activities in terms of check-ins and, having one on ones and follow through and commitments and feedback and guidance and clarity on their objectives and priorities
 Those are just universal, no matter how or where you work.”

    “One of our core principles is making best practices automatic. And so taking that mental overhead and friction off of doing the things that you should be doing as a manager. Having to wing it every time and feel like you're kind of entering into a freestyle rap battle, every time you go into a one on one is stressful.”

    Connect with Adam



  • AmberLyn Bryant is a passionate advocate for transforming workplaces into havens where employees are not just heard, but truly valued and empowered. Drawing from her personal journey navigating toxic and thriving work environments, she is on a mission to guide businesses in creating intentional employee experiences that fuel growth, engagement, and loyalty.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Know thyself. Self awareness is a gift. Ensure that you’re creating a culture where workers want to learn about their natural tendencies and potential snags.Slow down to go fast. When welcoming a new hire or standing up a new team, resist the urge to dive right into the work. Take a few minutes to learn about one another to accelerate long-term performance and cohesion.Partner up. Optimal organizations get that way due to a strong partnership between line of business leaders and HR partners. People dynamics are too complex to leave to chance, so work together to help one another succeed.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “I had my fair share of working in those toxic environments and trying to push through and find your way in life and that passion that really fulfills you.”

    “What really works, at least for us, is that we really start to understand who a person is. And so then that helps you to be able to approach any one on one meeting, any conflict, any just regular hangout sesh with being able to really personalize information to people, at least for me in an HR way. But then in a meeting situation, it's great because it helps to really understand the whole person.”

    “I had an employee that worked at a different position, moved over to another one, and now is partnered with somebody who would be a new manager. And the very first thing I did was get into the PI, talk about the data, and it's really been actually mind blowing
 The development has just been so much quicker and they’re so much more on the same page and they know what the other one needs. It's just more clear.”

    “The first thing I do is build relationships and make sure that these managers know that they can trust me and that I'm here to help them move forward.”

    Connect with AmberLyn



  • Leveraging two decades of expertise in coaching, talent development, and people operations, Akkshada Maniyan leads Learning and Organizational Development for Innova Solutions, a global digital transformation solutions provider. Akkshada has worked with renowned global firms including IBM, GlobalFoundries, Amazon, and Deloitte driving talent programs for over 50,000 employees. She has optimized her background as a Columbia University Certified Executive Coach and mastery in incorporating various personality assessment tools to impact over 10,000 leaders and learners. A published author, she regularly shares her wisdom on leadership, change, and curiosity with followers across various platforms.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Seek agility. The future is uncertain, so we need to be flexible. Embrace a culture of testing and iteration that builds on established principles and practices without being constrained by them.Will over have. When building a team, don’t get too hung up on demonstrated experience. High potential performers who have the will to do the job will adapt and persevere when given the chance.Get down to business. As a support function leader, you likely find your work very interesting. Ensure that you can draw a thick line to how what you do drives business results.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “in a company that's not that well established or that is growing, there's much more of a starter mindset. Amazon in particular I want to call out as they have a Day One mindset. Every day is Day One. They like to keep their founder’s mindset and attitude.”

    “Companies that tend to go above and beyond to look at learning in a less established way and more of an experimental manner? It tends to be a lot more fun.”

    “I chose people not necessarily strong with a learning background, but more of a sociology background, anthropology, or somebody who was interested in learning. People who are passionate about really making a difference in somebody's life. That's all we really looked for.”

    “There are no set learning skills. Maybe instructional design. Yes. Right. Maybe some specialized skills within L&D/OD. Yes. But you can coach people. You can really empower your team members to get better.”

    “The real magic is finding the will. If anybody who has the will to want to do more, they'll always find a way, and our job is only to enable them.”

    “I've implemented a QBR system so each learning business partner, along with the learning delivery lead or the facilitator, they present results on a quarterly basis to the business teams using a dashboard. So we're very metrics driven.”

    Connect with Akkshada



  • Krishna Rajagopal served as the Chief Operating Officer and managing partner of a small manufacturing company in the Chicago land area. Now he provides strategic vision, direction, and corporate governance that helps other manufacturers achieve aggressive growth while maintaining profitability. He’s the Chief Facilitator of Great Outcomes at Narish International

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Rise up. While it can be tempting to spend all your time solving day-to-day problems, your role as a business owner is at another level. Make time to work on your business and not just in it.Seek advice. When you spend nearly all your time inside your own four walls, you may lose perspective. It’s very likely that the problems you’re facing have already been solved by somebody else. This is where an outside consultant can help.Play the long game. Manufacturers should emphasize the long-term prospects employees can expect. For the right candidate, stability and consistency are exactly what they want most.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “In small businesses especially, owners tend to be in the weed. So they're constantly working in the business as opposed to on the business.”

    “It's really important for business owners and managers to remember that almost everything doesn't have to be invented from scratch.”

    “When you're a CEO or president of a company, you tend to think that you're alone. So it's really important to reach out and walk through and talk through processes and ask for help, and if you do not know something, say you do not know.”

    “The biggest challenge that I think we have around us is to find the right people to do the right job.”

    “For me, it's all about, it's all about making sure we understand the person and making sure we provide the environment that makes them successful.”

    Connect with Krishna



  • Phil Wesbury is Vice President at Builtech Services, LLC focusing on business development. He leads Builtech’s business development initiatives across the country with an emphasis on delivering sustained growth across all of Builtech’s key verticals and areas of operation. Phil works with local, regional, and national clientele specializing in Retail, Multifamily, Education, Office, Hospitality, and Industrial development. He thrives on Builtech’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to doing what’s right.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Awareness opens doors. Where we lack self-awareness, we invite confusion and frustration. Tools like those from The Predictive Index raise understanding and open dialogue.Hit the pause button. When friction arises, call time out. Ask yourself what’s really contributing to the escalation. Competing styles and goals are often the culprits.Look at all sides. An investment in talent optimization produces a hard return in the form of performance and reduced turnover but don’t sleep on the so-called “soft” benefits of a better working experience for all.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more about Builtech's journey at

    From the Source

    “If you're okay with being self aware, and you can kind of make fun of yourself a little bit, no matter what PI profile you have, in different situations, you're going to have strengths and weaknesses.”

    “When there's a pinch point, and we're having friction, and we're like, ‘My gosh, why aren't we getting along right now?’ then you can kind of point to the fact that, ‘Hey, you're detailed. I'm not.’ And you acknowledging it goes a really long way.”

    “We had these flashpoints of stress. Our business cycles really quick, sometimes it can be really slow, and there are so many competing dynamics that affect my world and every other department.”

    “If you can drop your unplanned attrition, if you can cut that in half
that’s a pure return.”

    “‘Hey, does it feel like we're getting along better?’ Put whatever dollar value you want on it. It's a lot easier to go to work and be productive when you're not stressed through your eyeballs because you're dreading having to battle through a challenge with somebody who doesn't see the world the same as you. And I think that's worth a heck of a lot of money.”

    Connect with Phil



  • Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg, an organizational psychologist, holds the title of Chancellors Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international and interdisciplinary contributions. He is an award-winning teacher, has over 200 publications, been cited well-over 10,000 times in the academic literature, and was recipient of the very prestigious Humboldt Award for his research on meetings. Adam Grant has called Steven the world’s leading expert on how to fix meetings.

    Dr. Rogelberg's previous book, The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance (Oxford) has been on over 25 best of lists including being recognized by the Washington Post as the #1 leadership book to watch for, His new book, Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings came out in January and is already receiving tremendous praise including a SHRM Top 12 Workplace books recognition. He was the inaugural winner of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Humanitarian Award and just finished his term as President of SIOP, the largest professional organization in the world for organizational psychology.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Make the time. 1:1 meetings are too often an afterthought. This is a miss since these meetings offer a unique opportunity to boost employee performance and commitment while helping the manager exercise their personal values.Open the door. While the manager should own the meeting cadence, the direct report should be allowed to own the meeting agenda. You can get a status update whenever you like, but the 1:1 offers a unique opportunity for a direct report to have their needs met.Get it in writing. When you document your discussion notes and action items, you’re doing more than practicing good meeting hygiene. You’re demonstrating to your direct report that you sincerely care about their perspective and welfare.

    From our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “As an organizational psychologist, I'm just drawn to study pain at work and try to identify science that can help rectify it. And clearly, meetings are a fabulous target when it comes to pain.”

    “When I'm talking about a one on one meeting, what I'm talking about is a regular recurring meeting between a manager and their directs that's orchestrated and facilitated by the manager, but it's not for them. It's for their directs.”

    “When you do these right, employees are more engaged. They're more successful. They're more aligned. They thrive more. They're good for you! They're really good for managers because when their people are successful, that's a direct reflection on the manager.”

    “It often comes from these that the manager says, ‘okay, I'll do X, Y, and Z.’ And the employee says, ‘I'll do X, Y, and Z.’ And then there's just clarity around that handshake of sorts of commitments. And then ideally you take notes, because you want to capture the conversation, but also note taking is a really great signal. When an employee sees you taking notes physically with your hand on a piece of paper, they think that you really cared about that conversation.”

    Connect with Steven

    Glad We Met (book):




  • Before navigating the intricacies of the real estate sector, Andrew made his mark in the legislative landscape, contributing to homeland security-related legislation while working for Congress at the Committee on Homeland Security in Washington D.C and clerking in the judicial system for the Supreme Court in New York. Since graduating law school, and thereafter obtaining a Masters of Laws in real estate he has worked with companies from all parts of the globe adding to his diverse knowledge of workplace meets the workforce dynamics. This unique background equipped him with a multifaceted skill set, laying the foundation for a career where adaptability is paramount.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Location, location, location. Many companies have begun to return to the office, but we need to ensure that we’re asking WHY workers want to come back and HOW they want to do their work.Make room for HR. While CEOs and CFOs once managed real estate transactions, our people leaders now need to weigh in. The workplace needs to reflect your intentional culture and the needs of your workforce more than ever.Make it count. If you’re counting on collaboration, innovation, and efficiency, your real estate had better be up to the task. While we don’t always run the people-intensive numbers, they show up on our bottom lines all the same.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “Real estate was booming in 2018, 2019. It was the era I call the flexible workspace era. There's a place for everybody to go to work. You know, WeWork became the largest occupier of real estate in Manhattan at that time, and then we kicked off what was called Hudson Yards, right? It sold out faster than a Taylor Swift concert.”

    "We've finally entered the rebuild where—’Who wants to come back to work?’. It's been answered the WHY they want to come back to work has been established but not implemented fully and the HOW, right? That’s now at the real estate forefront. How do we get them back to work?”

    “If you're going to be on ten different floors when you could be on one or two floors, you might as well be remote. You might as well do everything over zoom or over phone, right? You want to have the ability to interact and be on one floor and see results.”

    Connect with Andrew



  • David Lahey’s academic background includes an MBA graduate from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, Graduate coursework at Harvard University and Graduate Adult Education coursework at the University of Toronto. David has been specializing in predictive leadership development, talent acquisition, change management and productivity with analytics with an improvement for over 25 years across a variety of industries. Under David’s leadership, Predictive Success was awarded to three-time Profit 500 company status. His company was also named to The Globe and Mail’s Fastest Top 400 Growing Companies List in 2019.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Faith dispels fear. Whether launching a new venture or deciding to advocate for yourself, the best way to push past your fears is by believing in yourself and the positive future you’re building.Build the right team. You may be starting from scratch or you may have inherited a team. Ensure that their natural and potential abilities are a match for what you’ll be asking them to do.Get it in gear. Pit Grit is the tenacity and skill to get an organization moving at top speed. This requires attention to orchestration, communication, and a willingness to do the hard work quickly.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “One of the risks was the fear of the unknown, but I've always said ‘faith versus fear.’ I had faith in the software, faith in my own abilities, and faith in what I saw was the future of predictive analytics.”

    “I have ridiculously high expectations and they keep exceeding them every year. But we also celebrate success.”

    “I was looking at my team, and I said, ‘All of my doctors are wonderful people, but they are process and precision people, very detailed, very sequential. They're not innovators.’ And I needed an innovative solution to come in and take over because I wasn't going to live.”

    “Pit Grit means that you have a team around you that can get you into the race quickly, because we know from my experience that in the business world today, the race is lost in the corners.”

    “Do you have a process? Do people have confidence in the role? Do they drop match to the job model and then in certain roles, do they have the tenacity and assertiveness needed to get things done in the, in the scheduled time.”

    “Leaders today must act more like scientists. Scientists would only do work after they've got the research done and leaders today are running so fast. They don't have time to hire a chief analytics officer, but they will make time for software that will enhance their decisions and bring the data to them so they can be a scientist of people to execute on what they need done.”

    “America is full of great companies as is Canada, but I am worried about the lack of managers that have the training and analytic leadership. Gartner says that analytic training is a top five skill for the next five years. How many companies out there are not aware of that, and they're not training up to that.”

    “I always say every year, ‘You're going to ask your manager and leaders for more in the year ahead. That's great. So now what are you going to do to equip them to be able to execute on that?’ If the answer is nothing, then shame on you as a business owner. So that concerns me is that people forget that. That in the future, there's more information that needs to be harnessed, and that information needs to be at the fingertips of your people managers, not just in the HR area.”

    Connect with David


    From Hire to Inspire (book):



  • Dean Wegner graduated from West Point in 1993 and served 7 years in the Army as a helicopter pilot and Army Ranger. After the Army, the majority of Dean’s business career was spent in business development, marketing, and strategy with Procter & Gamble and Mars. In 2017, Dean founded Authentically American, a Veteran owned, American made premium apparel brand.

    Dean is active in his church and serves on the board of several for-profit and non-profit companies and organizations. Dean and Authentically American are riding a wave of national media exposure having been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, FOX News, MSNBC, Nasdaq, Newsmax TV, and SiriusXM Radio.

    Dean and his bride Kelly have been married for 29 years and they have 4 children, with the youngest being adopted from Ethiopia.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Get to the point. Your mission statement and sentiment aren’t nice to have. Top talent and customers are looking to work with organizations they find meaningful. Emphasize the point your organization exists and distill this into a clear and compelling mission.Get real. If your mission statement is only going to amount to empty words, don’t bother taking the time to create it. Make sure your mission is authentic, tangible, and apparent in all that you do.Share the wealth. Manifesting and reinforcing an organization’s mission isn’t the sole responsibility of the CEO or the executive team. Leaders at every level honor the mission through their decisions, attitude, and actions.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “One of the recruiting posters they sent me at West Point said ‘Much of the history we teach was made by people we taught’ and had pictures of Eisenhower and Grant and Lee, and that really struck home. Just thinking, ‘Wow. I'm walking through the same hallowed halls as former presidents and generals.’”

    “As I built this vision over five years, it was really grounded in ‘How do we change an industry? How do we make a difference?’”

    “You want it to be real. You just don't want it to be those nice, fancy, pretty posters on the wall.”

    “How can you take the context of your current business, your product, or service, and see how you can go ahead and think creatively? Because especially in today's digital age with social media, the power of story, the power of giving back is so impactful.”

    “I think the way to [reinforce mission] is not start from the top. I think you turn that pyramid upside down and you say, ‘You know what?’—whether you get a focus group or you have a big town hall, I think you really start to have discussions with your team, with your employees, and understand—‘What is really our culture all about? What do our employees really value?’”

    Connect with Dean



  • Brian is an Oklahoma native who moved to California with the goal of building leaders and cultivating change around the world after graduating from the University of Oklahoma. With a mix of enterprise recruiting experience at HP and Google with a foundation in agency recruiting at TEKsystems, he has found a love for the industry. As an Executive Recruiter with Hewlett-Packard, he strives to enable the development of better technology for everyone, everywhere highlighting the intersection of his career interests and passions. He is strategically learning ways to connect exceptional talent with their dream careers and passion projects, the type of operations that impact how we relate and interact with people and places across the globe. Each day he is sharpening his skills to promote and maximize professionals' global impact, quality of life, and career aspirations while building lifelong relationships that extend beyond the connection. He is a brother to three siblings, a running enthusiast, and a LinkedIn wizard! If you're seeking some career advice, know of an epic California coffee shop, or are in search of a surfing /skiing buddy, he is happy to connect!

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Seek to understand. Gen Z is bringing a very different emphasis regarding their interests in social impact, sustainability, and work/life balance. Rather than try to change them, first listen and learn about their interests.Coach with caution. Gen Z wants coaching around the things they want and not necessarily around what older more experienced mentors want them to want. Focus on impact and growth.Pay fair. Inexperienced Gen Z workers may not advocate for themselves when it comes to fair pay. Build trust and mutual commitment by ensuring all workers are paid fairly today and tomorrow.

    From Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “We're a fun generation. I think we're an opinionated one, and we're a really excited one about the future. And at the end of the day, I think both Gen Z and other generations have the same goal, and that's to make a social impact, to do something empowering and inspiring for this world and something that's gonna really extend beyond just us in our lifetime.”

    “With the advancements of technology, we're realizing that maybe we can rely on these new technologies to help us get our work done a little more efficiently. And with some flexibility, we can both live our lives and do our day to day jobs really well.”

    “My generation is more skeptical of employers than probably any other generation, and I think it's rightfully so.”

    “We need to create a work life balance and a culture around getting to live your life but also be happy at your job. And when you're happy at your job, you live a happier life, and, honestly, your work is better too. So I think when an employer doesn't Immediately take the defensive and kinda push back and get upset and says, ‘This person's challenging our traditional view of work. I've not been challenged like this before, but this is the future. So maybe we need to hear them out and see how we can meet in the middle.’”

    Connect with Brian


  • Vicky's passion for helping entrepreneurs is rooted in her own entrepreneurial journey. After two decades of leadership roles in the corporate world, Vicky founded her own HR consultancy, Idomeneo Enterprises, in 2001. Faced with countless questions and challenges, Vicky realized how valuable a step-by-step guide would be. From these experiences, she developed a vision to offer comprehensive, accessible HR guidance and educational resources - this vision led to the creation of the Leaders Journey Experience, an education program specifically designed to equip entrepreneurs and business professionals with the tools, guidance, and confidence to navigate the sometimes complex world of HR, in a less complex way.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Don’t go it alone. If you have a business, you have a people business. You can hire, contract, or outsource to meet your strategic human resources needs, but you can’t neglect these.Get clear. Before you bring on an employee, ensure that you can articulate exactly what you need them to do rather than exactly how they need to do it. They may surprise you in a good way!Culture is king. Whether you think you have a distinct culture or not, you actually do. The question is how intentionally you designed it. Partner up with a people pro to shape or reshape your culture as needed.

    From our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    “Finding and bringing in the right people is a huge concern. Then, what do you do when you get them? How do you get them to continue to support and be committed and really contribute to the organization?”

    “Finding the right people starts with knowing what you need, and that starts with fun HR jargon—a job description.”

    “You want to say, ‘I knew hiring someone was a bad idea.’ Well, it's not a bad idea. You have to give them a chance. You have to give them a clear roadmap, and then you have to get out of the way and let them do it because they actually will bring different perspectives, different experience. They may bring some innovation to that process that you never even thought about.”

    “People say, ‘You know, I want to build a culture. I want to create a culture.’ I have news for you. Your organization already has a culture because it's going to get created whether you contribute or not.”

    Connect with Vicky




  • Ed Doherty is the founder of One Degree Coaching. One Degree helps leaders create intentional and cohesive cultures. Ed believes that helping employees find fulfillment in their work life is the highest calling for any organization.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Evolve your approach. Command and control leadership was once all the rage, but times have changed. To drive the highest level of performance and engagement, we must now shift toward servant leadership and related methods.People make the difference. Ed’s staggering results didn’t come from technology innovation or new marketing techniques. He got the people part right and this became a phenomenal engine of growth.Make the connection. Ed did something that is all-too-uncommon among would-be leaders. He made a personal 1:1 connection with each of the team members at his restaurant. His genuine human interest is still appreciated all these years later.

    From our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at

    From the Source

    "The transactional nature of the boss and the employee changed during the Great Resignation. So now [workers are] still in the driver's seat. That's starting to abate a little bit, but they now have a little bit more power in what they want from their work, and the bosses are trying to adjust to that.“

    “I didn't know what servant leadership was. I wasn't taught that. I didn't know anything. 
 I didn't have that lesson of how enlightened leadership—which is completely counterintuitive initially—is the way to go to create buy-in and to build a better culture. I just didn't have that lesson, so I had to kinda figure it out the hard way.”

    “What I realized is that every organization has a vision statement or some type of vision—where they're gonna go and what they wanna be. Then there's the values, which is the behavioral, the how. The why and the how.”

    Connect with Ed


    One Degree Coaching (including Ed’s Notes newsletter):


  • Maureen Mo Berkner Boyt is the Founder and CEO of The Moxie Exchange. She’s spent over 25 years helping organizations grow by creating inclusive workplaces where talented people can thrive. She has leveraged the power of technology to build scalable, actionable, measurable inclusion tools, including the first-of-its-kind comprehensive diversity and inclusion solution, Everyday Inclusion. Everyday Inclusion was named one of the Top 20 Most Innovative Products of 2020, a solution that infuses DEI into daily operations by Forrester Research and has been called, the future of diversity and inclusion.

    Top 3 Takeaways

    Aim high. Don’t be satisfied with performance and engagement. Set the bar even higher by striving to create a workplace where people can thrive.Run the numbers. We’re beyond the stage of wondering whether inclusion can benefit the business. It simply does. Use readily available calculators to put rationale behind the right thing to do.Trust your brain. Our default behaviors can produce something known as an amygdala hijack. Make the time to recognize the brain science that can help or harm those around us.

    From the Source

    “How do we create workplaces where every single person can thrive—not just be engaged—but thrive? Because when we do that, we can solve some really big, gnarly global issues like climate change.”

    “Whether it's Gallup, Credit Suisse, McKinsey, Korn Ferry, lots of universities including Stanford, the data just continues to pile up. Literally on every measure, inclusive teams outperform.”

    “When you're talking about diversity and equity, those are systems level things. Who are we hiring? How are we compensating them? Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is every person, all day long—behaviors, actions, choices, leadership. When you start to break it down in that way, then it's like, ‘Okay, I get it.’”

    “Although our brain only takes up a small part of the mass of our body but a lion's share of oxygen, we stay in habit. So to protect that, to protect our big, beautiful brain for that higher level thinking, if we're already in habit, if we want to change a habit, if we can hack into an existing habit loop, we're halfway there.”

    “We are, as human beings, hardwired for belonging. Millions of years ago, if we didn't belong, it was a death sentence.”

    “We all need belonging. This isn't one group or another group. Fundamentally, we all do. So if we're all walking around what we call nice but clueless—NBC—and we're perpetuating these microaggressions without even knowing it, and people are walking around in constant amygdala hijack, it's no wonder that feelings of exclusion are over 80%.”

    “Once people understand the neuroscience of pain, it's unethical to hire and to bring in folks from marginalized, underrepresented, diverse, groups and put them in toxic environments. There's a race for diversity without inclusion. Those are disastrous results.”

    Connect with Mo



    The Moxie Exchange:

    About Our Sponsor

    The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results. More than 60 years of proven science, software, and a curriculum of insightful management workshops make PI the solution for any company looking to design great teams and culture, make objective hiring decisions, foster engagement, and inspire greatness in their people anywhere in the world. More than 10,000 clients and 480+ partners use PI—including Nissan, Citizens Bank, Subway, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Omni Hotels—across 90+ countries. Learn more at