In this English lesson I will help you learn some English words and phrases about the weather and natural disasters. We all experience the weather every day, so learning how to talk about the weather in English is very important for your conversations.
In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases like: downpour, blizzard, tornado, it's raining, it's drizzling, wildfire, forest fire, overcast, radar, humidex, frost, dew, freezing rain, and many more!
I'll be sure to teach the word and phrase, how to pronounce things, and I'll give lots of example sentences.
I hope you enjoy this English lesson about the weather and natural disasters!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Weather"Support the show
Have you been using books to learn English? Do you find books are useful still for your English studies. In this English lesson I go through the process of buying a book created for English learners and I give it a review. I've never done book reviews before, but I've always been curious to see what these books are like.
I ordered a book from DK publishing called "English for Everyone: Everyday English" and I take a look at how it can help you practice your reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, and grammar. Watch until the end to see how I grade each section!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian BooksSupport the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn 30 words that you can use to describe how you feel. Each word will work perfectly if you start a sentence by saying, "I feel..."
In this English lesson you'll learn vocabulary words like: blah, inept, lethargic, invisible, empty inside, relieved, weird, lucky, honored, overwhelmed, off, energized, hopeful, awake, alive, useless, inadequate, and many more.
I hope you enjoy this lesson about how to describe how you feel! Have a great day and I hope you feel awesome!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Describing How You Feel"Support the show
You might be surprised at how these 4 tips can help you improve your English learning. In this English lesson I'll give you some advice that I know helps me when I need to study and learn new things. These aren't study techniques, but more lifestyle choices that might even make you happier.
Maybe I should have called the video, "How to be Happy When Learning English!" Either way, I hope you enjoy this English lesson!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian 4 Tips"Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn words and phrases you can use to complain in English.
You'll learn words and phrases like: a complaint, to protest, to whine, to lodge a complaint, to file a complaint, to gripe, to make a fuss, to object to, to find fault, to bellyache, and many more.
I hope you enjoy this English class about complaining!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Complaining"Support the show
In this English lesson I will explain some very common 3 word English phrasal verbs. I know, I know, it's hard enough to learn normal English phrasal verbs, why do we have to have even longer ones! Sorry about that!
In this English class I'll help you learn: to get around to, to catch up to, to keep up with, to stand up for, to stick up for, to get along with, to get away with, and many more!
Bye the way, it was easy "to come up" with this lesson idea because someone (Judit / Aerosmith77) requested it during a live lesson! Thanks for that. I think it was either Judit or Natalia. Sorry, I can't remember who it was!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian 3 Word Phrasal Verbs"Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn the verbs we use to talk about eating and drinking. I'm sure you're already familiar with the verbs to eat and to drink, but in this English lesson we'll also talk about: to slurp, to sip, to munch, to gobble up, to chew, to guzzle, to wolf down, to binge, and to dig in?
In this free English class you'll learn over 25 verbs we use when we're talking about food!
Enjoy! I hope the lesson doesn't make you too hungry!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Eating and Drinking"Support the show
Eight years ago I decided to make an English lesson for the world. I really didn't know what I was doing, but I went outside with my camera, made a short 2 minute English lesson, came back in, edited it a bit, and uploaded it to Youtube. The rest, they say, is history.
Since then I have tried to make English lessons on as many topics as I could think of, and it has been very fun. Thank you so much for coming along for the journey so far, and I look forward to making English lessons for all of you for many years to come.
Enjoy the lesson!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian React"Support the show
Join me for a free live English lesson about relationship verbs. We all have friends and family, and in this English class I'll help you learn the verbs we use when we talk about those relationships.
In the English lesson you'll learn verbs like: to be close, to get together, to let someone down, to catch up, to fit in, to fall for, to hit it off, to lose touch, to come between, and many more.
I hope you enjoy this English lesson about relationship verbs!Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn the English words and phrases that we use for all the symbols around us in the world. A symbol is a small character that has a much larger meaning.
In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases about the following symbols: infinity, ampersand, hashtag, dollar sign, at symbol, percent, checkmark, copyright, and many more!
I hope you enjoy this free English class about symbols! Have a great day!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Symbols"Support the show
Join me for a fun and exciting English lesson about the verbs (including some phrasal verbs) that we use at Christmas.
In this English lesson you'll learn verbs like: to count down, to look forward to, to put off, to sing along, to wrap up, to pop over, to give, to receive, to shop around, to set up, to take down, to put away, and many more!
I hope you enjoy this free English class about Christmas verbs!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Christmas Verbs"Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you review and learn how to talk about being sick in English.
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Sick"Support the show
Winter is fast approaching in my part of Canada, so I thought I would do an English lesson about how to prepare for winter. As and English learner you will learn words and phrases like: to put on the snow tires, to get out your winter coat, to stop a draught, to get our your gloves, to warm up the car, and many more!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Ready for Winter"Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn how to talk about the things you check in life, or at least the things you should check.
You should check the forecast before planning a weekend trip. You should check the temperature before eating a cooked chicken. You should check the oil in your car.
There are many things you should check in life, and in this English lesson I'll talk about many of them. Enjoy!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Check"Support the show
When you are learning English you often are taught how to describe normal things. Normal weather. A normal day. A normal night out. You should however, in my opinion, also be learning how to describe abnormal things.
In this English lesson I will help you learn words and phrases like: out of the ordinary, odd and unusual, wacky, weird, strange, and more!
After this English class you'll be able to describe any strange, weird, and wonderful thing you have seen or experienced!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Odd"Support the show
In this English lesson I'll help you learn how to talk about your spare time in English and in particular the things you choose to do. All of us are busy, but every once in a while we have some spare time. For me this usually happens in January and February, and there are many thing Jen and I do during that time.
In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases like: to reinvent yourself, to take up a hobby, to join a club, to volunteer, to make plans, to rest, to host, to try something new, to renovate, to rearrange, and many more.
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Spare Time Activities"Support the show
In this free English lesson I will help you learn the one word name for many things that have more than one word in their name, or a really long word.
It's a bit hard to explain, but you probably already know that we call eyeglasses glasses, but did you know we normally call a remote control a remote, or refer to windshield wipers as wipers? There are many things in English that have a long proper formal name, but we regularly use a much shorter name when talking about it.
In this English lesson you'll learn the shorter versions of: web browser, eyeglasses, blue jeans, padlock, pickup truck, shopping mall, photocopier, wristwatch, light bulb, gymnasium, refrigerator, and many more.
I hope you enjoy this English class about short names of regular things! Have a great day!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Say More with Less"Support the show
A very common thing to be asked when practicing your English conversation skills with a partner is to describe your typical day. In this English lesson I will help you learn the exact sentences you'll need to describe your day. You'll simply need to change the time and it will work for you! You'll learn the English phrases you can use to talk about all the things you usually do each day from Monday to Friday.
In this English lesson you'll learn phrases like: to wake up, to hit the snooze button, to get up, to get out of bed, to get dress, to make lunch, to grab your keys, to head out the door, to get to work, to chat with colleagues, to head home, get ready for bed, and more.
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Typical Day"Support the show
In this English lesson I will help you learn how to describe things in an imprecise way. Sometimes you don't know the exact quantity, measurement, or amount of something, and in English we use a few different words and phrases in those situations.
In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases like: give or take, roughly, just over, just under, close to, approximately, around, somewhere around, and more than I can count.
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Imprecise Numbers"Support the show
In this English lesson I'll help you learn the names behind over 25 common facial expressions. I'll also describe the feelings or emotions that cause those facial expressions.
In this English class you'll learn words like: frown, sneer, scowl, happy face, grimace, smirk, wince, stare, eye roll, wink, puppy eyes, squint, glare, put, and many more!
Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Facial Expressions"Support the show
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