45. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr. 2 "Hauptwörter"
Continuing on in my study of German Grammar, sourced from a "Sprachlehre" published over a hundred years ago in German, I review nouns.
Also included are the three genders found in German, the breakdown of how to group different types of nouns, i.e. singular/plural and common and proper nouns, as well as an introduction to the four cases.
44. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr.1 GESCHLECHTSWÖRTER
Here's the gist of why I'm doing this series:
Learning German was always high on my list of life-long achievement goals. While I speak reasonably well for someone who has spent a total of one 2 years actually living and speaking the language on a daily basis (not consecutively), the grammar side of it has always eluded my brain. (I'm a very slow learner.) Also, professionally I'm a cellist and recently I began teaching a native German speaker and that student would rather not have it in English. I'm cool with that because it is a chance for me to improve and use the German I know. However, I'm quite nervous about it every week and find it hard to form nice sentences, etc.
I'll be using an old German Grammar Lesson Book entitled Kleine Deutsche Lehre or "The Little German Lesson" (anyone with a better translation, please let me know). It walks one through the types of word classes, parts of speech, and conjugations. This will be my own study of Grammar.
Today's episode is about Geschlechtswörter, or the articles: der, die, das; ein, eine, ein.
#learngerman #germangrammar #conjugationingerman #germanlanguage
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's the end of 2022, but the start of 2023.
Happy New Year!
42. Poem/Gedicht "Der Alte Landmann an Seinen Sohn
This is a great old poem about winter and Christmas. "King Winter"
Published by Gustav Seitz in Hamburg, 1859.
This is practice and recitation from a native grammar book from germany in the 1800's.
Badly needed practice.
This is a reading of "Thanksgiving Day", a POEM by Lydia Maria Child.
At first, my eye stopped over the opening of the poem because of a phrase that is well known and oft-repeated, or at least it was as a child. Then it became more of a nostalgic experience due to my current living situation, living abroad.
That first phrase goes like this, "Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go".
Or does it? LOL I was quite surprised to find out that there were two differences that I had not previously known. Listen to find out.
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For starters I will be offering three types of episodes and plan on about 1 of these per month (possibly more if I get lots of requests).
Subscriber requested poem, story, language, Duolingo, etc.* A subscriber can submit a reading of their own (less than 5 minutes). Personal topics on how I came to learn languages.*All content must be clean and friendly.
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This poem is by a German named Robert Reinick.
The title is Deutscher Rat.
Duolingo is a fun way to get started when learning. I have gone on a long, long streak. So far I have done lessons daily for a total of ____ days. (How many days did you hear in the episode?)
This is the Second story from the German reader titled, Ährenlese, or Gleanings. Der Fuchs und der Krebs is reminiscent of another story English speakers grow up with. After listening can you ascertain which one? (I reveal the similarities at the end of the episode.)
Read Ährenlese stories for yourself here. Project Gutenberg makes digital downloads in the public domain quite an easy process.
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#German #fairytales #aehrenlese #deutsch #derfuchundderkrebs #thefoxandthecrab
Episode 35 -- A German story entitled "Die Fliege, die in die Schule Ging" or The Fly, That Went to School
This is a special episode. I received my very first message not too long after I uploaded the previous episode. A big THANK YOU to Seth for sending me a message. My apologies for taking soooo long to acknowledge it. That was due mostly to the fact that, in my excitement, I was unable to figure out how to listen to the message! Yes, that is ineptitude or perhaps just not trying hard enough (not to mention how busy the summer had been). Regardless, I finally did and it feels great to hear from a listener!
Please be sure to say if you would like your message played "on air" or not (I had not mentioned that previously, and I don't want to take any chances of infringing on privacy). So in this episode I relay a portion of the message from the listener.
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Thank you and have a good day.
It's been a while since my last upload here and much longer since my last Norwegian upload. As you can see from this upload, I am still on the fence about dedicating this podcast to one language, i.e. German, Norwegian or English. Mostly, I am ruling out English but based on stats from this summer, German has gained in popularity. I may turn this podcast into a German focused one.
This episode (34) is mostly me going through two stages in Unit 2 of Conjunctions in Level 1. I got into a sort of zone about three weeks ago and have not missed a day since. I have also found that completing an entire LEVEL before calling it a day on Duolingo has been more helpful in remembering some of the topic's vocabulary. Probably due to the very repetitive nature of both Duolingo and simply seeing the vocabulary multiple times throughout since I remain in the same topic.
You get a raw and unedited version in this episode. I go through the level without a break and you hear me making comments along the way.
With any luck and some hard work, I might begin understanding a Norwegian speaker at a very basic level.
Hey, if you like this sort of thing send a donation to Look me up in Duolingo as well. I am Aaron, Traveling Cello.
Here is the last episode from Märchen und Erzählungen für Anfänger, Teil 1.
At the end of the book there are nine poems. They are Kleine Gedichte.
Do you enjoy reading poems, whether in German or another language? Let me know. Send a comment or answer the question, go Spotify to answer.
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#maerchen #stories #german #fairytales
Did you know that you can leave a voice message for me? Just visit this link, and I can listen and even include your message in future episodes. Let me know what you think of the story, the podcast, the format, or whether or not I should limit this podcast to one language.
The story today is a translation from the original German version, which I featured in Episode 28: Die Andernacher Bäckersjungen (transl. "The Baker Boys of Andernach")
How do you think about the two stories? Are they really the same? Are the details similar? Does the German version include more details? I'll also leave a question that you can reply to directly in Anchor or if you listen on Spotify.
I've done it! I set out to finish all of the stories in part 1 of Märchen und Erzählungen (Fairytales and Stories) and here it is. This is Story #15, the final installment from a book for beginners. "Die Vier Brüder" The Four Brothers is a rather relatable story in that we all separate as we go on with life, but come back together from time to time. Life is never fair and never will be. Just as in the winning brother who just so happened to win due to a serendipitous action and order in which it was taken. That's the way it was with those four brothers and that's how it is with us. If you think life should be fair, good luck sorting that one out.
Please comment, leave a message, like, and review.
If you would rather have this story in English let me know.
Answer the poll which is available on Spotify!
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#maerchen #stories #german #fairytales
Die Waldfrau
Read stories in German. This is 15. Die Waldfrau from "Märchen und Erzählungen" Part 1. edited by: H.A. Guerber.
If you like reading in a foreign language leave a reply to the question.
What do you think of my summary translation of the story? Leave your answer in Poll.
#story #German #reading #learngerman #deutsch
#geschichte #maerchen #erzaehlungen #fairytales
Story number 13 from the book for Beginners learning German: Märchen und Erzählungen für Anfänger, Erster Teil.
Reading stories is a lot of fun for me, but reading in a foreign language is adventurous! And it is fun.
Perhaps you are looking for a tutor to learn a language. Click on this link for iTalki and find a tutor to suit your needs.
#story #German #reading #learngerman #deutsch
#geschichte #maerchen #erzaehlungen #fairytales
From a book for Beginners learning German entitled Märchen und Erzählungen für Anfänger, Erster Teil. 1897.
This is story number 11. Die Andernacher Bäckersjungen.
If you think there is something interesting in the episode, let me know. If you want to leave a voice message it seems you must download the app. Listen on Spotify to answer the question posed here. To listen on Spotify follow this link: SlowbyDesigns
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If you are interested in hearing my other podcast, about cello music, go here: Forgotten Cello Music Podcast
Story No. 10 from "Märchen und Erzählungen" Das Reiterbild in Düsseldorf
A classic example of tricking the envious. Listen in and let me know what you think of the story, how I read it, and if the accent holds up throughout. (What accent do I have when reading in Germany anyway?)
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Take a look at the word list in your DuoLingo account. It is a list of every word you every saw while learning your target language. Pretty interesting. I have seen over 800 words! I read a selection from those words that I know well and those I need to re-learn.
The second part of this episode is in "Questions". Although Duolingo said I did it perfectly, there was one small mistake. Were they right to use the word perfectly in this context?
Looking for a tutor in your target language? Go to iTalki where you can learn and practice your target language.
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