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Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life. -
生活忙碌!你可以唞一唞、Chill一Chill, 開開心心聽下四位美國廣東話/粵語主持人丁丁、Carmen、大力、啊Lam輕輕鬆鬆咁講講美國及世界嘅流行趨勢、移民經歷、生活日常及點滴。| Listen to our podcast to chill and ease your busy life. Four Cantonese-American hosts, Ding Ding, Carmen, Derrick, and Lam will chit chat and share about the trends, their experiences, and daily life as an immigrant in the United States.
| Website: Cantocast.FM
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Taiwanica is a podcast made for those who are interested in hearing the cultural differences between the USA and Taiwan. These topics are discussed between a married couple: Eric (American) and Anita (Taiwanese). They are teachers and life coaches who help people improve their quality of life.
IG: @taiwanicapodcast
Taiwanica是一個專為對於美國和台灣之間文化差異感興趣的人所設計的播客。這些議題是由一對已婚夫妻討論的:Eric(美國人)and Anita(台灣人)。他們是教師兼生活教練,幫助人們提升生活品質。 -
Hi, I'm Tatsuki and I'm a Japanese teacher&podcaster! I upload podcasts recorded only in Japanese for listening practice! In this channel, I cover a wide range of topics so that you can expand your vocab and learn "real" Japanese. I use these 4 difficulty levels in this podcast.・Beginner Level(N5 + a bit of N4 grammar)・Intermediate Level(N4 + N3 grammar)・Advanced Level(N2 + N1 grammar)・Casual Native Level(I talk as if I were chatting with my friend. )If you want to support me or want transcripts of my episodes, visit my Patreon channel! My transcripts are also perfect for reading practice because I make them with detailed explanations of important words, phrases, and grammar points.
Work-life永遠唔balance, 點先可以過得好啲?
合作邀約:[email protected]
IG: 852.lifehack
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👋 HI,歡迎來到「讀書人讀好書」我是讀書人。
📖 讀書人讀好書
📚 #理財 #商管 #成長 #書摘 #選書
祝讀友 都閱讀愉快!
📨 合作信箱 [email protected]
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instagram: @next20230211
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你想像中的法式及義式優雅日常,是什麼樣子呢?・Salut☀️☀️我是 Jamie 桔米,我是一位《 法文、義大利文老師 》、《 高敏人情緒療癒師 》,也幫助人們成為《 線上法文老師 》及《 療癒師 》。・曾為了愜意的生活旅居法國,慢下來後才發現不管在哪裡都可以過著恬靜、美好的日子。在這裡用台灣、法國、義大利及日本,後天文化混血的眼光,與你分享我的語言與療癒學習、品味生活日常,以及旅行文化探索。・邀請你慢下來,讓自己開啟一個美好的早晨時光😊・每週一早上6:00固定更新,週三早上6:00不定期會有小彩蛋😇・-----------------------------------有話想跟桔米說嗎?👉 信箱 : [email protected]・服務(連結在每集單集介紹處)☀️法語及義大利語口說培訓課程(Since 2019)☀️線上外語老師培訓課程(Since 2020)☀️芳療情緒療癒課程(Since 2023)☀️療癒師培訓課程(Since 2024)--Hosting provided by SoundOn
這是《每天10分鐘 聽聽西語人怎麼說》
收聽兩位作者Yolanda & Fernando老師的超人氣podcast頻道
台瓜夫妻 Esta pareja
雲飛 x 西班牙語 x Mandarin x 語言師資訓練
我們的語言學校雲飛 YouTube 頻道:
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Jelly專師小日子Jell’s NP life至少每1-2週更新以及不定期更新!哈囉大家好!我是Jelly。我是一個東部小鎮醫院的專科護理師,除了很喜歡自己本身的護理工作之外,也喜歡潛水、滑雪、看書、看電影、聽音樂交朋友。透過分享專科護理師與護理師的工作日常,同時分享生活經驗,訴說自己想要傳達的訊息,希望能幫助到想成為護理師/專科護理師、在職的同仁們,或者正考慮離職的夥伴們,以及對於護理師及專科護理師不了解的人們。#專科護理師 #護理師 #醫護工作 #生活經驗 #吃喝玩樂 #心靈雞湯 #情感--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English?
English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners.
Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.
Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand.
Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English.
Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at -
Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)
NEW SEASON Dear Daughter: Stars. Namulanta is back with more letters from parents to their children - but this time with a celebrity guest list!Personal stories of family, love, and parenting in the spotlight from guests who are all ‘stars’ in their field.
How does Bollywood star Kalki Koechlin teach her daughter about body standards? Why did TikTokker Mama Seebz go from telling her children to stop scrolling to becoming a content creator herself? What can The Receipts podcaster Audrey Akande teach her daughter about friendship break-ups? And why exactly did Bridgerton actor Adjoa Andoh lurk around building sites while pregnant?
Dear Daughter is an award-winning podcast from the BBC World Service about love, life, family, and raising children. It is the brainchild of Namulanta Kombo, a mother on a quest to create a ‘handbook to life’ for her daughter, through the advice of parents from all over the world.
Each episode, a guest reads a letter they’ve written to their children (or their future children, or the children they never had) with the advice, life lessons, and personal stories they’d like to pass on.
Expect extraordinary true stories, inspirational advice for parents, and moving accounts of families, relationships and raising daughters.
Share your letter! What do you want to say to your kids? Or the next generation? Do you have thoughts on motherhood, fatherhood, or parenthood to share? Whether you are a mum or mom, dad or papa, grandparent, uncle, aunt, daughter, son or just want to write a letter, send us a Whatsapp message on +44 800 030 4404 or visit
You can read our privacy notice here:
Want to improve your English skills? Our Intrepid English Teachers are ready to show you exactly what you need to learn to help you to achieve your English goals. Choose from our library of self-study lessons or book a one-to-one lesson with one of our English teachers and take the first step on your path to success in English.