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Contents :
1- Welcome speech - by Abu Muntasir.
2- Keynote speech [ Striking the Balance into the Millennium ] - by Bilal Philips.
3- The Importance of Knowledge - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan.
4- The Rights of Allah and Our Duty Towards Him - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi.
5- The Rights of the Messenger and the Relevance of the Sunnah - by Shaikh Jamal Zarabozo.
6- Seeking Paradise Through Brotherhood [ Our Rights Over Each Other ] - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry.
7- The Rights of Non-Muslims and Our Responsibility Towards Them - by Bilal Philips.
8- Success Lies In Our Good Character - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi.
9- Signs Before the Day of Judgement - by Shaikh Ali Timimi.
10- The Blessings of Islam - Being Content as a Muslim - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry.
11- Conclusion - Part 1 - by various of the speakers.
12- Conclusion - Part 2 - by various of the speakers. -
Çocuk Eğitimi : Ey faziletli baba! Ve ey merhametli anne! Size Allah’ın çocuklarınızı salih bir terbiye ile terbiye etmede ve bu yüce dine hizmet için onları hazırlamada muvaffak kılması için; duayı sonra yine duayı tavsiye ederim.
Çocukların salahı ve istikametinde duanın büyük bir ehemmiyeti vardır. Nice dualar vardır ki icabet saatine tevafuk eder ve çocukların iki cihanda saadetlerine bir sebep olur. Nice dualar da vardır ki çocukları yoldan saptırır ve onları sapıkların yoluna iletir. Salih dua ile Allah’a yönelin, Allah’a yönelin! Sonra daha önce bahsettiğimiz bütün adımlar hakkında da Allah’a dua etmeyi unutmayın! -
Somewhere along the way, many of us were forcefed the idea that philosophy is boring and esoteric. What? Philosophy is, in fact, rebellious and therapeutic! Using humor, personal anecdotes, and much hubris, the Schrift provides fresh and unexpected answers to life's most tricky and fateful questions. The anchor of the Schrift is the weekly reading of the Torah. These passages are analyzed not as religious dogma but as brilliant pieces of literature and anthropology which bring ancient wisdom back into our lives. The greatest philosophers and writers of the German canon also weigh in on these questions during the Schrift. Finally the lectures incorporate Buddhist teachings and the practice of Yoga to bring together East and West, body and mind, eternity and the moment. And the Schrift will always give you a "life tip" to carry with you along the way. IG: stevehead0001
Many Christians feel frustrated because they don’t grow spiritually. The Deeper Christian Podcast helps equip Christians to understand the Word of God and cultivate a passionate love for Jesus that turns the world upside down.
Whether you want to learn how to study God’s Word, grow in your faith, cultivate a powerful and effective prayer life, share the Gospel boldly, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, live victoriously, or transform the world through the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit, the Deeper Christian Podcast with NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) will encourage and equip you to grow spiritually and live a Christ-centered life. -
Cześć ZYJESZ TYLKO RAZ - to wspólny projekt braterskiej społeczności Chrześcijan z Krakowa. Więcej o nas na:
Nagrania zostały przygotowane w tradycyjnym tonie dominikańskim, na podstawie muzycznego opracowania Marcina Bornusa-Szczycińskiego, zrealizowane przez Mateusza Kucharskiego i zaśpiewane przez o. Wojciecha Sznyka OP z Dominikańskiego Ośrodka Liturgicznego. Schemat melodii Ewangelii znajdziecie w oficjalnych księgach liturgicznych zakonu dominikańskiego, w wydanym przez Fundację Dominikański Ośrodek Liturgiczny Regulae cantus i w śpiewniku Niepojęta Trójco, tom I. Nagranie przygotowane dla Fundacji Dominikański Ośrodek Liturgiczny i serwisu, zostało sfinansowane ze środków pochodzących z 1% podatku dochodowego od osób fizycznych. Więcej informacji i nuty na
Jeżeli nie chcesz subskrybować poszczególnych podcastów osobno, dodaj do swojej kolekcji ten jeden, aby zawsze otrzymywać aktualne odcinki. Uwaga: może tu zabraknąć niektórych serii, jak np. codzienne roraty czy wersje audio podcastów, które będą tu obecne w wersji wideo.
W ostatnich dniach Wielkiego Postu (począwszy od poniedziałku, przez 7 kolejnych dni) zamieszczamy 7 filmów z serii "Demony współczesności": acedia, niestałość, cynizm, krytykanctwo, manipulacja, narcyzm i niewdzięczność. Tych siedem bestii wydaje się szczególnie bolesnych dla naszej epoki. W kolejnych odcinkach odsłaniać będziemy inspirującą rozmowę studentów związanych z Dominikańskim Duszpasterstwem Akademickim "Beczka" na temat natury demonów.
Kazania z rorat u krakowskich dominikanów przez cały adwent tylko w serwisie Nagrania przygotowywane są przez Dominikański Ośrodek Liturgiczny przy współpracy z krakowskim konwentem oo. Dominikanów. W roku 2018, kazania będą głosić ojcowie z krakowskiego klasztoru, w tym Jan Andrzej Kłoczowski, Marek Rozpłochowski, Paweł Szylak, Piotr Oleś.
The Deist Controversy was an extended debate that took place first in England and then Continental Europe roughly from the late 1600s through the mid 1700s. The deists, most of whom believed that there was a god worthy of worship who had created the world, denied special divine action beyond creation. Hence they claimed that Christianity as a revealed religion was false or even contemptible. A wide array of scholars responded to the deists and the resulting arguments shaped a landscape of ideas that largely persists to the present day.
This podcast series consists of eighteen lectures delivered as a graduate-level online course at Western Michigan University, USA, 11 May - 1 July 2015 by Timothy McGrew, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy. The series was produced in collaboration with the Ian Ramsey Centre, Oxford University Faculty of Theology and Religion, as part of the Special Divine Action project, sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation.