
  • I don’t know about you, but I read a lot of books. And there are a lot of good books out there. Many of which I recommend to you. But there are only a few that really stir deeply in my soul.

    Neil Broere’s upcoming book, Obedience, Suffering, & Reward was one of those. When I read it, I knew I wanted to talk to him more about it. And today, you get to hear that conversation.

    While obedience is a simple concept to understand, it can be hard to live out. Especially when there are questions or doubts weighing on your mind. What might it be like to obey Jesus with everything we have? What does that kind of a life look like?

    I can’t wait for you to hear what he has to share about this. And when his book is released, I highly encourage you to grab a copy.

    Plus, stay tuned to the end, where I’ll share about my upcoming Lent Journaling Retreat. I’d love for you to join me.




    · Instagram

    · The Table California


    · Episode 163: Letting God Use Our Wounds: A Conversation with Russell Joyce

    · Episode 109: It's Getting Real: God's Invitation to Me for the Rest of Lent

    · Episode 62: Questions to Ask When You Doubt a Decision You've Made


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Coaching: A 1:1 call to talk about journaling

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief and trauma journaling program

    >> Speaking

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • I don’t know what it is, but life has just felt… hard.

    People misunderstanding one another. Feelings getting hurt. Work to do. Family to care for. Trying to balance it all while also cleaning the house and completing other mundane but necessary tasks.

    All piled on top of one another and it’s hard not to wonder if something deeper is going on. Is this what spiritual warfare looks like in 21st century America? Is the enemy trying to just wear us out with all the compounded grief and piled-up hardships that we can never escape from?

    Or is God trying to test us, refine us in this season? Is there something in us that needs to be removed, and He is using this situation to do a spiritual surgery within us?

    What do we do in the face of hardship and trial? How does God want us to respond?

    That’s what we’re going to talk about on today’s episode. I want to review some of the common reasons we experience hard times in this life and then share with you how I believe God is calling us to respond to each of them.



    · Episode 164: 3 Key Lessons for Journaling in Difficult Seasons

    · Episode 103: 6 Strategies to Manage Overwhelm, Stress, and Change

    · Episode 108: Just Because Something's Hard Doesn't Mean It's Wrong


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Coaching: A 1:1 call to talk about journaling

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief and trauma journaling program

    >> Speaking

    Music by DappyTKeys

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  • I can have a difficult time explaining how I feel about something, and when it’s incredibly important to me, the words seem even harder to find.

    But there are other times when words feel hard, too: when you’re grieving, when you’re busy, when you’re depressed, when you’re anxious. What do you do then?

    Today, I want to share with you two ways you can still journal, even when you are struggling to find the words to do so. Both of these can be incredibly powerful, and I can’t wait to see what happens when you try them.



    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 153: Can 5 Minutes Journaling Really Make a Difference?

    · Episode 118: Tips for Journaling In Front of Others


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Coaching: A 1:1 call to talk about journaling

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief journaling program

    >> Speaking

    >> Support the work of Love Does That


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • In July of 2021, I ran my first challenge as a ministry. It was the Courageous Care 5-day challenge, and it walked women through five obstacles that prevent us from reaching out to those around us who are hurting.

    What was a challenge became a masterclass, which became a book. And it features the key principle behind what Love Does That is all about: that God has called every one of us to care for those around us who are going through difficult seasons. To walk alongside them. To love them. To support them.

    Because, as Michael Slater said, “To hurt is bad enough, but to hurt alone destroys people physically, mentally, and spiritually.”

    Courageous Care is all about discovering how God has designed you to do this, to care for others. And last summer, I had the chance to teach about the CARE framework to a group of pastor’s wives.

    Today, I want to share that opening part of that message with you. And I lovingly and gently ask you, what is stopping you from caring for others? Which of the five obstacles hits closest to home? Take a few minutes to journal about it once the episode is over and see what God might have to say to that.



    · Episode 2: Discerning Who to Encourage

    · Episode 31: Why You Can't Let Failure Stop You From Reaching Out

    · Episode 69: The Problem with "What Not to Say" Lists and What You Need to Know Instead

    · Episode 158: Burdens vs. Loads: Discerning When to Help Someone


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Speaking

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    >> Support the work of Love Does That


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Journaling through God’s Word is a great way to read, study, and actually engage with what He is saying to you.

    And since the New Year is just a few weeks away, it’s a natural time to recommit ourselves to being in the Bible.

    Psalm 119:16 (NIV) says, “I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”

    Not only are we to not neglect God’s Word, we are to take delight in it! Do you delight in it? Or has it gotten dreary and dull?

    Wherever you are in your Bible study journey, I want to support you. So today, I want to share with you some different ways to journal through God’s Word. And then I’ll offer you some specific guided journals that you might want to consider as a tool to use in your Bible study.

    As you listen, I really invite you to pay attention to if God is inviting you to try one of these. My hope and prayer is that He would kindle a hunger for His Word within you.


    RESOURCES MENTIONED (some are Amazon affiliate links)

    The 5-Minute Bible Study Journal for Women, by Emily Biggers

    Bible Study Journal, by Faith Maslo

    Simple Bible Study Journal, by Eva Kubasiak

    Scripture Writing Journal, by Emily Fontes

    Love God Greatly Journal: A SOAP Method Journal for Bible Study, from Love God Greatly

    Verse Mapping Journal, by Courtney Jenson

    Verse Mapping Bible Study Journal, by Kristi Cambron

    Christian Women’s Sermon Notes Journal, by Christian Faith Gifts

    Daily Grace Co

    Horatio Printing SOAP Bible Studies


    · Episode 47: 10 Ways to Encounter God Through His Word

    · Episode 64: Approaching God Even In Your Anxiety with Your Bible Study Best Friend Eva Kubasiak

    · Episode 72: Tending Your Soul with Bible Teacher Mariel Davenport

    · Episode 127: How to Choose a Bible You'll Actually Use


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief journaling program

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    >> Support the work of Love Does That


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • I remember sitting on my bed, reading through a box of old journals I had tucked away in the closet. At first, it was fun, remembering some of the friendships I had and experiences I had gone through. Laughing at some of my immature moments. But instead of storing them back in the closet, I dumped them all in a trash can.

    Have you ever done that? Back in episode 55, Elizabeth McCravy and I talked a bit about how there are times when you just need to throw your old journals away. And we’re going to explore that a little more today.

    Because I’ve got to tell you, I don’t have any of my journals except the ones from the past few years. Everything else, I threw away.

    Why? I’ll share with you my reasons why and also help you discern if you need to throw yours away, too.

    Please note, throwing away your journals is not for everyone. It’s actually not for most of you. But how do you know if and when it’s time? I hope today’s episode will help you determine that for yourself.



    · Episode 55: Reflection and Journaling as a Lifelong Practice with Business Strategist Elizabeth McCravy

    · Episode 123: A Conversation with Marla Beech: Journaling as a Daily Practice

    · Episode 163: Letting God Use Our Wounds: A Conversation with Russell Joyce


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief journaling program

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    >> Support the work of Love Does That


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • In today’s podcast, we are going to dive into the story of Jesus meeting the disciples on the lake during the storm. And through that story, we’re going to ask God to show us where He is when it feels we are left alone.

    Because I know there are times when I—and many of my clients—are wondering where in the world God is at when we are going through a difficult season. And I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned. Let’s dive in.



    · Episode 91: When God is Silent: Experiencing His Presence in New Ways

    · Episode 94: Entering the Silence and Stillness with God: A Conversation with Blogger and Writer Celia Miller

    · Episode 131: Healing in Layers: What Art Taught Me About Grief

    · Episode 135: Identifying Signs You're Not Doing Well (And What You Can Do About It)


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week grief journaling program

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    >> Support the work of Love Does That


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Last year, our family took a trip to the Smoky Mountains. One my "must-dos" was to go into the National Park and get as high as I could to see those breathtaking views.

    The problem?

    Too. Many. People.

    We waited an hour at the top of the mountain to inch toward the parking lot where you could get out of the car and see.

    And there was nowhere to park.

    When we realized this, my husband said, "Why don't you jump out and get a few pictures and catch up with us?"

    It was NOT what I had planned.

    But it was what I had.

    So I did. I jumped out, snapped some pictures, and caught back up with them.

    Someday, we'll go back when they aren't so busy so we can linger and enjoy the moment more fully. But it reminds me of this upcoming season, when things are often so busy, and we miss these opportunities to linger, to pause, to be.

    I don’t want us to miss those sacred moments. I don’t want us to rush through them, either. So what can we do? We’ll explore that together today.


    >> Pen Your Way to Peace: Planning tips and journaling prompts for an overwhelming holiday season

    >> Pre-Holiday Journaling Challenge: From “Over It” to Overjoyed


    · Episode 92: Practicing the Holy Hush Instead of the Holiday Hustle: Intentionally Inviting Moments of Deep Silence

    · Episode 138: Holy Hush or Holiday Hustle: Which Will You Choose?

    · Episode 139: 3 Truths to Remember During a Difficult Holiday Season (Re-Release)


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • I remember when my kiddos were little. Those months after bringing a baby home just radically change how you do life, don’t they? From trying to figure out how to get some sleep to finding time to shower to learning what temperature to warm their bottle and when they can start eating different foods… it’s just all so much.

    Journaling in that season looked a lot different than it did in other, more ordinary life seasons.

    And then there are situations where you stop journaling altogether, like Elizabeth McCravy shared back in episode 55. When her dad died, it was about a year before she picked up her journal again.

    The choice is up to you, whether you journal during difficult seasons or not. You’ll know what’s right for you. God will guide you in that.

    But if you’re finding yourself wanting to journal during this time and aren’t sure how to, I want to offer you 3 tips so that you can still reap the benefits from journaling and also stay close to God.


    >> Pen Your Way to Peace: Planning tips and journaling prompts for an overwhelming holiday season

    >> Pre-Holiday Journaling Challenge: From “Over It” to Overjoyed


    · Episode 55: Reflection and Journaling as a Lifelong Practice with Business Strategist Elizabeth McCravy

    · Episode 54: 4 Simple Ways to Start (or Keep) Journaling

    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 144: How to Create Both a Short and Long Journaling Routine


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • (There are a few technical glitches in here. I apologize in advance!)

    What wounds do you carry around with you?

    I have scars on my arm from a childhood disease, places where the skin is darker than the rest. For you, it might be a physical scar from an experience that left you scraped and bleeding.

    Or it might be something deeper: a fear of close relationships, the ever-present sting of betrayal, the feeling like you don’t belong.

    On today’s episode I speak with Russell Joyce about how God can use these wounds in our lives to bring both freedom and healing.

    Russell is the national director of church planting for The Foursquare Church and senior pastor of Faith Center in Eugene, Oregon. He’s also the co-host of the Same Jesus podcast. But today I chat with him as the author of his book, His Face Like Mine.

    The foundational story of the book has to do with the fact that Russell was born with a rare craniofacial disorder where the left side of his face was not formed. And as he works through the scars from that—physical, emotional, and spiritual—he discovers how God meets us in our wounds and sets us free.

    Russell and I talk about the gift of repentance, how journaling has played a role for him and how it can play a role in your own healing journey, and at the end, he shares some words to those who are walking alongside people who are healing.

    This is a sacred conversation, my friends. So settle in and ask God what He has to say to you through this episode today.



    · Russell’s book, His Face Like Mine (Amazon affiliate link)

    · Russell’s website (access his monthly meditation)

    · Russell’s Instagram


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Do you ever have one of those moments when you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God has laid something on your heart?

    Maybe it’s an idea.

    Maybe it’s a truth from His Word.

    Maybe it’s a calling.

    It is these things that I often write down in my journal. These words from God that I want to remember and hold onto and keep thinking about.

    Well, I have experienced this recently, and today I want to share with you about the most important thing in my life right now. This episode will be a bit more reflective than usual as I share some of my own thoughts and ideas about what is stirring in my heart right now. And if you’re willing, I’d love for you to email me and let me know what God has placed on your heart in this season.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    · Episode 31: Why You Can't Let Failure Stop You From Reaching Out

    · Episode 35: Job the Encourager: Strengthening Those Who are Weak

    · Episode 46: Run to Win: Encouragement As We Enter the New Year

    · Episode 108: Just Because Something's Hard Doesn't Mean It's Wrong


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • C.S. Lewis wrote, “You can’t see anything properly while your eyes are blurred with tears.”

    And tears often come when we lose something or someone that was very important to us. The truth is, grief is something we all experience, especially when we lose someone we love, but even when we experience other loss, like the loss of a job, the death of a dream, and the end of a marriage.

    Journaling can be such a helpful way to process some of these complex thoughts and feelings that often come after such a loss. Because of that, I want to review five guided journals designed specifically for those experiencing grief.

    Like last time, when we looked at guided journals for depression and anxiety, I’ll share more about each one and how it is created so you can discern if it might be a good fit for you or a friend of yours. And along the way, you’ll glean some tips and advice for journaling through grief.


    >> Grief Journal Prompts

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    RESOURCES MENTIONED: (Amazon affiliate links)

    Grief Journal: Navigating Difficulty After Loss, by Amanda McNeil

    Grieving the Write Way, by Gary Roe

    Even in Darkness, by Morgan Cheek

    52-Week Devotional Journal for Grief, by Debbra Sell Bronstad

    How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed: A Journal for Grief, by Megan Devine


    · Episode 50: Gritty Faith in the Midst of Grief with Prayer Artist Jessy Paulson

    · Episode 55: Reflection and Journaling as a Lifelong Practice with Business Strategist Elizabeth McCravy

    · Episode 102: Sitting with Others in their Grief and Loss with Grief Coach Julie Lynn Ashley

    · Episode 142: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals and Devotionals for Advent

    · Episode 154: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals for Depression and Anxiety


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Isn’t it funny how, once you get settled into a good routine, something will change that makes it out of whack?

    Your child finally starts sleeping through the night, but then they start waking up super early. Or you dedicated nights for your quiet time, but then your teenager decides to use that time to chat with you before bed. Or you theme out your work days, only to have appointments or sports or something interfere. And so you go back to the drawing board to modify your routine and make it work for you.

    Not everything in life requires a major change. Sometimes it’s just changing something simple, something small. But sometimes it is, indeed, bigger than you anticipated, and you have to adjust what you are doing.

    We’ve been going through some more life changes recently, and today I wanted to share a few of those with you, as well as how I’ve been re-evaluating what that means for me.


    >> Join the Courageous Care Book Club Call


    · Episode 103: 6 Strategies to Manage Overwhelm, Stress, and Change

    · Episode 60: When Seasons Change and You Have to Make Adjustments

    · Episode 24: An Example in Spiritual Discernment and Decision Making: Going "All In" With Love Does That

    · Episode 77: Three Prayers for Discernment: Making Difficult Choices in Difficult Seasons


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Something that I have often struggled with as an adult is making new friends. It’s easier when you’re younger and in school. You see your classmates every day or kids from youth group each week. You’re given opportunities to interact and see if there is someone kind of like you that you could be friends with. Talk with. Hang out with.

    But as an adult, time for friendships seems more limited. While we, of course, have others at church or Bible study we can turn to for fellowship and prayer, it still feels hard sometimes to find those to simply do life with.

    And so we feel lonely. Left out. Like we don’t belong.

    And that is part of what drew me to Sarah Westfall’s book, The Way of Belonging.

    Sarah has so beautifully written about this feeling of loneliness and how to find a way to belong—or, rather, to make space for others to feel welcome and safe.

    Imagine you’re sitting down with us as we ask some honest questions about what it looks like to live in community with others.



    · Sarah Westfall’s website

    · Sarah’s book, The Way of Belonging (Amazon affiliate link)

    · Episode 66: [Written Spiritual Direction Session] Loneliness


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Several years ago, my family and I got to raise a tiny caterpillar. For weeks, we hunted down milkweed to feed it. We watched it grow. And we saw it create its little chrysalis.

    We even got the blessing of watching it come out of the chrysalis, and caught most of it on video. It was such a beautiful moment.

    While our little pet didn’t have any major trouble, we’ve all heard, I’m sure, that if you try to help a struggling butterfly out of its chrysalis, its wings will never be strong enough to fly.

    Well, there are times when that happens for us humans, too.

    When we see someone who is struggling, our first instinct is often to jump in and help, but sometimes we do this to the other person’s detriment. It seems only a seasoned encourager knows when NOT to help. In other words, they know when to let the person do it for themselves.

    While it appears heartless, selfish, or insensitive, it is really a deeper love than one might imagine.

    Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” It’s followed by several examples. Perhaps the most relevant verses here are: “A time to embrace and a time to turn away… A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak.”

    These things are all good–in their own time.

    So, when is it a time to help and when is it a time to refrain from helping?

    Let’s explore that together here on the podcast today.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    · Jay Holland article/episode: Boulders, Backpacks, and Boundaries

    · Book: Being There, by Dave Furman (Amazon affiliate link)

    · Episode 43: When Helping Hurts: Establishing Boundaries When Caring for Others with Counselor Nicole Fryling


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • A new app popped up on my phone with one of the latest updates, and it's a journaling app! Did you get it, too? Did you try it? What do you think?

    I confess, even though I do some digital journaling (which I’ll talk about later in the episode), I haven’t tried any sort of journaling app yet. But I know there are several journaling apps out there.

    Have you wanted to check them out? Are you worried about the confidentiality of any of these apps? Do you think it might be cool to categorize your journal entries so you can find connected topics?

    Let’s take a look at some questions you can ask yourself to discern if a digital journaling app might be a good fit for you, and if so, which one you might want to try.



    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 146: Introduction to Journaling: Creating Your Own Journaling Routine

    · Episode 153: Can 5 Minutes Journaling Really Make a Difference?


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • In preparation for homeschool next year, I’ve been pre-reading some missionary biographies that we’ll be using for our history curriculum. And in the one on Amy Carmichael, it shared several times when she would spend the day in prayer, seeking the Lord on one question or another.

    For example, should she build a house for the Bible study she led with the “shawlies”? Should she and her group of children move to this city or stay where they were? Was it time to build a nursery for the babies?

    There are times when we might feel called to spend the day in prayer, too—seeking an answer for a specific question, like Amy Carmichael did, or interceding for a friend of ours, or even just wanting to be in God’s presence in preparation for a difficult season ahead.

    But what does it really mean to spend the day of prayer? How do you go about it? Where do you go? What do you do? What does it look like?

    It is my hope to offer you some practical tips and suggestions today so that you, too, might spend a day in prayer with the Lord.



    · Episode 56: How to Create a Personal Spiritual Retreat (And Reflections on My Own)

    · Episode 83: Posturing Your Heart to Hear from God, Part 2: Recognize


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • When you are going through something like betrayal, depression, or deep grief, it can be hard to talk about what is going on inside of you. And I dare to say, there are times when talking doesn’t actually help the situation.

    I remember when I struggled with depression in college, and every time I talked about it, it just seemed to make things worse. I felt alone. I felt like no one understood. I felt like I should be able snap out of it and move on.

    Talking was not helpful to me. Have you been there?

    There are times when, for some of us, talking about an experience we’ve been through just doesn’t seem to help. And it is to those specific situations that I will speak to today. What might cause this? And what can we do in situations like those?

    So please keep the context in mind, and let’s ask God to guide us through this conversation and lead us to what we need to know.



    · Episode 49: Finding Your Stretcher Bearers: The People Who Can Help Carry You Through a Difficult Season

    · Episode 51: Who Can I Trust? Distinguishing Between Safe and Unsafe People When You Need Help

    · Episode 133: Can You Just Sit With Me? A Conversation About Grief with Natasha Smith

    · Episode 154: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals for Depression and Anxiety


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • When you are struggling with depression or anxiety, it can often feel heavy. Overwhelming. Hopeless.

    The worries and fears you carry around can impact every aspect of your life. The sadness can overshadow every other thing around you.

    I know, because I’ve been there. Have you?

    And in addition to counseling or coaching or seeing a doctor, journaling has also proven quite beneficial for those experiencing depression or anxiety. There’s just something about getting things down on paper that allows you to express what’s stirring inside of you, to release some of the heaviness, or to adopt a more playful or curious attitude about something that feels very serious and heavy.

    So today, I want to review five guided journals designed specifically for those experiencing depression and anxiety. I’ll share more about each one and how it is created so you can discern if it might be a good fit for you or a friend of yours.


    >> 5-Minute Journaling Session for Anxiety

    RESOURCES MENTIONED: (Amazon affiliate links)

    Depression Relief Journal, by Maggie C. Vaughan

    No Worries, from Bella Mente Press

    My Anxiety Journal, by Sophia Joyce

    Put Your Worries Here, by Lisa Schab

    21-Day Prayer Journal for Anxiety and Depression, by Dr. Garrett Nogan


    · Episode 122: Feeling Anxious? Try This 5-Minute Journaling Session

    · Episode 123: A Conversation with Marla Beech: Journaling as a Daily Practice

    · Episode 135: Identifying Signs You're Not Doing Well (And What You Can Do About It)

    · Episode 142: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals and Devotionals for Advent

    · Episode 147: The Flip-Out Rule in Journaling


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal

    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys

  • It wasn’t that long ago that I led my Journal Gently Mini Workshop, and during that time, I led women through three different journal prompts that focused on perspective.

    And here’s the kicker: I only offered five minutes for them to write about each one.

    But you know what? So many of them were surprised at how much they were able to cover in only five minutes.

    And I want you to discover that, too.

    Today, I want to address the myth that we have to journal for twenty or thirty minutes for it to have any impact on our lives. The truth is, five minutes can make a huge difference.

    Let’s talk about why, and then let’s explore some ways to get that five minutes to write, even when life is hectic.


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    · Episode 118: Tips for Journaling In Front of Others

    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 146: Introduction to Journaling: Creating Your Own Journaling Routine


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God

    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book

    Music by DappyTKeys