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Dive into the world of the extraordinary.
Garrett Hayes brings you face to face with individuals who defied norms and bravely embarked on extraordinary inner and/or outer journeys. Tune in to uncover the courage and resilience that fuels these fascinating stories.
It's time to Take the Plunge into a world of endless possibilities. -
مهند مجيد، محاور وصاحب فكرة بودكاست "شنو القصة؟" وهي منصة حوارية تستضيف نخبة من المختصين والخبراء والفنانين والمؤثرين من العالم العربي، بهدف نشر المعرفة والفائدة من خلال تسليط الضوء على المواضيع المهمة و الأقل نقاشاً في الوطن العربي، نسعى لفتح آفاق جديدة تسهم في إثراء الفكر العربي.
Mohannad Majeed is the host and creator of the podcast "Sheno Al Qussa?, which is an engaging platform that features elite specialists, experts, artists, and influencers from the Arab world. Our mission is to spread knowledge and benefit by shedding light on significant and underrepresented topics in the Arab world. We strive to open new horizons that contribute to enriching Arab thought.
للتواصل معنا من خلال الايميل:
Email: [email protected]
حساب بودكاست شنو القصة؟ على الانستغرام
/ shenoalqussa
للتواصل مع مهند مجيد:
Instagram: / mohannedmaj. .
TikTok: / mohanned.majeed
Snapchat: @mohannedmajeed -
A1 | L'allemand pour débutant.e.s : avec Nico, un jeune Espagnol, apprends à connaître la vie en Allemagne ! Pour commencer, c'est très simple : la première saison de Nicos Weg te permet de faire rapidement des progrès grâce à de nombreuses vidéos, des audios, des exercices de grammaire et de vocabulaire.
هذه قناة مخصصة لتعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها، هنا ستتعلم اللغة العربية من أستاذ عربي من أهل هذه اللغة، وذلك من خلال العديد من القصص الشيقة، والمقالات المفيدة، والمواضيع المتنوعة، والمقابلات الممتعة.
تلغرام: salem_qq
إيميل: [email protected] -
Please note that this show is currently on hiatus. In the meantime, we hope you that you will enjoy the past episodes.
This show features the clear-thinking and articulate philosopher, Dr. David Schenk. After teaching philosophy at college for over twenty years, Dr. Schenk now offers his gentle but hard-hitting analysis of the classical tradition of education and philosophy as it engages contemporary culture and thought. -
Learn English with easy conversation. Listen to examples of common English expressions and learn from experienced native English teachers.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Une méthode qui a fait ses preuves, spécialement conçue pour les débutants et faux-débutants !
96 leçons disponibles avec pour chaque leçon :
- Des dialogues variés, concrets et tirés du quotidien
- Des explications grammaticales simples accompagnées d’exemples
- Des exercices de prononciations
- Un point de vocabulaire pour consolider les acquis
- Des exercices de compréhension orale
- Une dimension culturelle importante
Je suis Wanko Clive, fondateur et CEO de "Je Parle Anglais",
En effet, ce podcast est conçu pour aider les auditeurs (débutants, intermédiaires et professionnels ) à travers des stratégies, astuces et boites à outils à pouvoir rapidement et efficacement maîtriser l’anglais dans tous ses angles (Oral et écrit).
A la 2eme phase de ce podcast, je vais également partager des informations très pertinentes concernant l’entrepreneuriat allier au marketing digital.
Si un épisode t’as plu, n’hésite pas à soutenir le podcast soit en partageant ou en laissant des commentaires et un avis 5 étoiles ⭐️.
THE SILVIE CELIZ TRUTH podcast featuring Silvie Celiz, is your weekly Love and Relationships truth serum show that brings you higher knowledge, disruptive perspectives, and insights to elevate your consciousness and optimize all your relationships starting with the one with your authentic self.
Silvie Celiz is the Creator of MOVEbit Alchemy, a source player,
love expert, relationship mentor, and intuitive development and manifestation educator,
with her favorite roles of all time being: unschooling mom to her seven year old son and a SourceMate to her partner in all husband, with whom she has been for almost 20 years, masterminding, growing and dream-building life
together as a source team in the sacred union and conscious marriage.
In each episode Silvie shares what she has learned and experienced, in 40 years of developing and using her intuitive system and psychic abilities to optimize her self, her relationships and her life. Usually a solo show and she will also feature some of her favorite people to dive deep into some of her favorite topics that have transformed and awakened her entire being like intuition, love, consciousness, self-mastery, inner alchemy, spiritual growth, relationship mechanics, conscious marriage, self-healing, the supernatural and manifestation to name a few.
Subscribe to Silvie's FREE newsletter to be the first in the know on upcoming programs to transform, optimize and elevate yourself, your life and all of your relationships @ -
بصفته مغتربًا مغربيًا، يعيش بعيدًا عن وطنه، خطرت لمهدي فكرة إطلاق بودكاست "الهربة و الغربة" في أواخر عام 2021. كانت بعض الأسباب هي البقاء على اتصال مع وطنه واكتشاف الثقافات الأخرى من خلال عدسات مغاربة مغتربين. لكن هدفه الرئيسي كان ولا يزال إلهام الشباب المغربي وإظهار أن كل الأحلام ممكنة مهما كانت كبيرة، لا يتطلب الأمر سوى الشجاعة والعمل المتسق والصبر وبالطبع الاستماع إلى بودكاست الهربة و الغربة
As a Moroccan expat himself, living far away from home, Mehdi had the idea to launch Lharba w Lghorba Podcast in late 2021. Some of the reasons were to stay in touch with his home country and also discover other cultures through the lenses of other Moroccan expats like him. But his main goal was and still to inspire and show to the Moroccan youth that all dreams are feasible no matter how big they are, it only takes courage, consistent work, patience and of course listening to Lharba w Lghorba Podcast 🤓.