
  • Welcome to our broadcast on Kingdom Identity, where we explore the profound truth of your identity and my identity as kings to our God. Today, we dive deep into the powerful message from Revelation 1:5-6 and Revelation 5:9-10, which remind us that Jesus has redeemed us by His blood, transforming us into Kings and Priests in His Kingdom. Regardless of our background or ethnicity, we are all chosen to reign with Christ.

    In this broadcast, we discuss what it truly means to live as a king in God's Kingdom. As kings, we are called to exercise dominion, not over people, but over situations and circumstances. We are meant to establish and enforce Kingdom values, shaping the culture around us through our actions, words, and behavior. From the way we speak to how we dress and conduct ourselves, our lives should reflect the royalty we possess as God’s chosen people.

    This is a crucial message for all believers—you are royalty, carrying the authority of God’s Kingdom. Join us as we continue this series on Kingdom Identity and learn how to live out your divine mandate as a King and Priest to God.

  • In this episode, we explore the powerful topic of Kingdom Identity and why knowing who you are in Christ is essential for living a life of purpose and direction. Many of us navigate life without fully understanding our identity in God's Kingdom, leaving us vulnerable to confusion and uncertainty. But when you truly know who you are, it transforms how you live, how you face challenges, and how you interact with others.

    We begin by understanding that our identity in Christ brings clarity to our purpose and gives us the strength to stand firm, even in the face of life's challenges. Knowing your identity also fosters authenticity, allowing you to build genuine relationships rooted in trust.

    Drawing from scripture, including 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:5-6, we learn that we are not ordinary—we are royalty and priests in God’s Kingdom. Jesus, the King of Kings, has made us kings, called to reign and walk in authority.

    Tune in to discover more about your Kingdom identity and how you can live with purpose, resilience, and authenticity. You are a King in God's Kingdom—live like it!

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  • In this final episode of our healing campaign, we focus on an essential aspect of maintaining divine health—fighting for your health. The Bible, in James 4:7, instructs us to "Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you." As believers, we are reminded that while God has made provisions for our healing, we must actively resist the enemy’s attacks on our well-being. Throughout the broadcast, we explore practical ways to resist sickness and maintain good health. This includes taking care of our bodies through proper diet, exercise, and mental well-being, as well as nurturing our spiritual health through prayer, meditation, and immersing ourselves in the Word of God. We also emphasize the importance of fellowship with other believers, drawing strength and support from spiritual authority, as outlined in James 5:14-15. As we conclude this powerful healing campaign, join us in prayer as we trust God for healing, restoration, and strength. Whether you are standing in faith for yourself or a loved one, we believe God’s Word will heal and deliver you. Claim your healing today and live in the abundant health God has promised!

  • Join us in this powerful broadcast as we explore the transformative truth that healing and health are God’s will for your life. In 3 John 1:2, the Apostle John reminds us that God's desire is for us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. This episode delves into how you can claim your healing by first believing that God wants you well.

    Discover the key role that faith plays in activating God's healing power. Through biblical stories like the two blind men in Matthew 9 and the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5, we see that those who believed in Jesus’ ability to heal were restored. In the same way, your faith can unlock the healing that God has made available for you.

    In this broadcast, we encourage you to choose God’s report over any other and believe that healing is yours. As we pray together, raise your faith and trust that God's healing power is at work in your life right now. Tune in and experience the life-changing power of God’s provision for your health. Healing is yours—claim it today!

  • In this broadcast, we explore the powerful provisions God has made for your healing and well-being. From the very beginning, God designed the human body with an incredible ability to heal itself. However, our lifestyle choices can hinder this natural process. We discuss how aligning your habits with healthy living can enhance your body’s self-healing capacity.

    More importantly, we delve into the ultimate provision for healing—Jesus Christ. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus restored what was lost through sin, making healing accessible to all believers. By His stripes, we are healed. We’ll explore key scriptures that reveal how Jesus’ sacrifice provides health and life for those who believe.

    Finally, we highlight God’s provision for healing through His appointed servants—pastors, elders, and spiritual leaders—who are commissioned to pray for the sick and bring healing to those in need.

    Join us in this powerful broadcast as we share God’s plan for your healing, encourage you to trust in His promises, and offer prayer for your health and restoration. Tune in and discover how you can access God’s healing power today!

  • In this powerful episode of the Healing Campaign, we delve into God’s provisions for healing and how they apply to your life today. Have you ever wondered if God has made a way for you to experience health and wholeness? This broadcast reveals the divine strategies God has put in place for your healing and well-being.

    We explore the first provision—your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Learn how God designed the human body with remarkable restorative powers, and discover how your lifestyle choices can enhance this God-given ability to recover and thrive.

    We also uncover the ultimate provision for healing—Jesus Christ. Through His life, ministry, and sacrifice, Jesus made healing accessible to all who believe. This episode highlights how Jesus’ mission was centered on healing and how you can tap into His divine power for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

    Don’t miss this transformative episode as we dive deep into God’s plan for your health and learn how to align your life with His healing provisions. Tune in and raise your faith to receive the healing God has prepared for you!

  • Did you know that it was never God's original plan for humanity to experience illness? In this series, we begin by uncovering the origins of sickness, tracing it back to the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Through scriptural teachings, we will understand how sin introduced death, sickness, and suffering into the world, affecting all of humanity. This broadcast will not only answer why people get sick but will also offer hope and healing through the grace and power of Jesus Christ. Each session will include prayer for healing, where we will come together in faith to seek God’s intervention in our lives. Whether you are battling a physical ailment or seeking spiritual strength, this series is designed to uplift and inspire you to believe in the possibility of complete healing. Tune in and discover how to reclaim your health and live life in abundance.

  • Join us for the "Healing Campaign," an empowering series of broadcasts focused on God's desire for your health and wholeness. Over the next five weeks, we'll delve into the biblical truths about healing, exploring why sickness exists and how you can claim your healing through faith in Jesus Christ.

    In this series, we'll discuss the origins of sickness, beginning with God's original design for humanity—created in His image, perfect and immune to disease. We’ll uncover how sickness entered the world and, most importantly, how Jesus Christ's sacrifice restores health and life to all who believe.

    Each broadcast will not only teach and inspire but also include a dedicated time of prayer for healing. Whether you're facing physical ailments, emotional struggles, or spiritual battles, we believe that through these sessions, God will touch, heal, and restore you.

    This series is an invitation to raise your faith and receive the healing that God desires for you. Tune in, engage with the teachings, and experience the transformative power of God's healing in your life. Remember, it is God's will for you to be well—let's claim that together during this Healing Campaign.

  • Why Faith? Understanding why faith is crucial helps us navigate our spiritual journey and empowers us to live victorious lives.

    Key Scripture: Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) states, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." This verse highlights the first key reason why faith is indispensable—it pleases God. God is a spirit, and our connection with Him hinges on our belief in His existence and our trust that He rewards those who seek Him earnestly.

    Second Reason: Faith brings victory over the world. As stated in 1 John 5:4 (The Message Bible), "The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith." Faith enables us to overcome life's challenges and adversities, acting as a shield against the enemy's attacks.

    Join us as we explore these profound reasons why faith is essential for every believer. Through this series, we aim to inspire and equip you to live a life rooted in faith, pleasing to God, and triumphant over the world. Don't miss this empowering journey of spiritual growth and victory. Share this broadcast with your loved ones and stay tuned for more insights in "The Faith Series."

  • Welcome to the final broadcast in our enlightening series on overcoming offenses. Throughout our journey, we've delved into the unavoidable nature of offenses, as highlighted in the scriptures of Matthew and Luke, where Jesus emphasizes that offenses are inevitable in life. But how do we deal with them? Today's broadcast focuses on the ultimate solution: forgiveness.

    Forgiveness stands at the core of Christian teaching and is the most effective way to handle offenses. Drawing from Ephesians 4:32, we explore the importance of being kind, compassionate, and quick to forgive, just as God forgave us in Christ. Forgiveness is not about condoning the wrong but about freeing ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment.

    In this broadcast, we delve into practical steps for embracing forgiveness. We discuss the importance of acknowledging the offense, making a conscious decision to forgive, and releasing the anger that holds us captive. We also emphasize the need for a heart ready to forgive repeatedly, reflecting Jesus' teaching of limitless forgiveness.

  • In this episode, we explore practical strategies for managing and healing from offenses, focusing on biblical wisdom. We begin with a heartfelt prayer, asking for guidance and healing through the Holy Spirit. Our foundational scriptures, Matthew 18:7 and Luke 17:1, remind us that offenses are unavoidable. Jesus prepares our hearts and minds to expect them and teaches us how to handle them with grace and wisdom. Today's discussion centers on two key strategies: learning to overlook minor offenses and actively seeking peace. We delve into Proverbs 19:11, which highlights the honor and glory in overlooking transgressions without seeking revenge. This approach helps us save energy for significant matters and maintain harmony in our lives. Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 reinforces this by advising us not to take every offense to heart, as we too have offended others. Romans 12:18 guides us to live at peace with everyone, emphasizing the importance of resolving conflicts amicably. Holding onto offenses, bitterness, and resentment can harm our well-being. By learning to overlook and seek peace, we foster healthier relationships and a more harmonious life.

  • In this insightful broadcast, we continue our compelling series titled "Overcoming Offenses." Today, we delve deep into the nature of offenses, highlighting their inevitability and offering practical guidance on how to manage them effectively. Drawing from foundational scriptures, including Matthew 18:7 and Luke 17:1, we explore Jesus' teachings on the inevitability of offenses and the importance of our responses.

    We begin by acknowledging that offenses are a common part of life, but how we handle them can significantly impact our relationships and spiritual growth. Proverbs 19:11 provides a guiding principle, encouraging us to defer our anger and respond with wisdom and patience.

    The broadcast categorizes offenses into two main groups: the genuinely offended and the supposedly offended. We further subdivide the genuinely offended into those offended by mistake or ignorance and those offended intentionally. Understanding these categories helps tailor our responses appropriately, whether it involves offering forgiveness for an unintentional hurt or addressing deliberate harm with measured resolve.

    Moreover, we address the supposed offense category, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection to ensure we're not overreacting or picking unnecessary battles. Jesus' advice in Luke 17 to "take heed of yourself" serves as a crucial reminder to introspect before reacting.

    Listeners will learn practical steps to calm down, assess the offense, and respond wisely, avoiding permanent decisions based on temporary emotions. The ultimate goal is to eliminate offenses from our hearts, fostering forgiveness and personal growth.

    Join us in this transformative journey of understanding and overcoming offenses, equipped with biblical wisdom and practical strategies for better relationships and spiritual well-being.

  • Join us for another insightful broadcast in our series on overcoming offenses, where we focus on managing these inevitable experiences. Offenses are a natural part of life, and knowing how to handle them effectively is crucial for our emotional and spiritual well-being. Drawing from our foundational scriptures in Matthew 18:7 and Luke 17:1, we explore Jesus' teachings on the inevitability of offenses and provide practical advice on responding wisely. In this broadcast, we discuss the importance of calming down before reacting to offenses, deferring anger, and avoiding regretful actions. Proverbs 19:11 reminds us that a wise person defers anger and passes over transgressions, emphasizing the need for thoughtful responses. We share practical techniques like breathing exercises and taking a walk to manage immediate emotional reactions. Additionally, we highlight the importance of seeking reconciliation and forgiveness if past actions taken in anger have caused harm. Tune in to learn how to manage offenses with wisdom and grace, ensuring they do not take control of your life. This broadcast offers valuable insights for maintaining healthy relationships and achieving inner peace. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow spiritually and emotionally. See you in the next broadcast!

  • Join us for an enlightening broadcast series on "Overcoming Offenses," where we delve into the deeply resonant topic of managing and overcoming offenses in our daily lives. Everyone, at some point, either offends others or becomes offended. Understanding and dealing with these inevitable occurrences is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and personal peace. In this series, we explore the biblical foundation for handling offenses, drawing from key scriptures such as Matthew 18:7 and Luke 17:1. These verses remind us that offenses are unavoidable in a world marred by sin and human imperfection. Our discussions will equip you with practical tools and a mindset to effectively manage offenses, emphasizing mental preparedness. Discover the sources of offenses, often stemming from those closest to us, and learn how to navigate these emotional traps with wisdom and resilience. Our engaging sessions will guide you through acknowledging the inevitability of offenses, creating room for mistakes, and choosing forgiveness over resentment. Tune in to gain valuable insights and spiritual guidance on overcoming offenses, fostering stronger relationships, and achieving a heart of forgiveness. Don’t miss this transformative journey towards emotional and spiritual well-being.

  • Welcome to another engaging episode of our Life in Abundance broadcast with your host, Joseph Dhlakama, where he dives deep into the struggle of worrying and provides strategies and techniques to overcome it. Drawing from the teachings of the scriptures, he underscores the importance of prayer and living a purposeful and God-centric life as potent remedies.

    In this episode, Joseph explores the root causes and detrimental effects of worry. He delves into how we can identify negative thought patterns, curb them, and refocus on positive aspects of our lives. He further emphasizes the power of gratitude as an antidote to worry, and how fostering a positive mindset and nurturing constructive thoughts is crucial to combat worrying.

    Joseph strongly recommends seeking counsel and sharing worries as another useful strategy to deflate its widening grip. He cites scripture to highlight the restorative power of a positive word. He urges listeners to immerse themselves in serving God's purpose and his creatures to shift their mental focus away from worry.

    One significant strategy Joseph shared is prayer—a powerful communication tool with God to cast away fears and anxieties. He quotes scriptures affirming the transformative power of prayer, which replaces anxiety with God's peace. At the end of the podcast, Joseph leads a heartfelt prayer that emboldens listeners to face their worries head-on, surrender them to God, and embrace peace and joy instead. Get ready for a journey of spiritual and personal growth in this episode that aims to equip you with the armor against worry.

  • Welcome to another broadcast of Life in Abundance with Joseph Dhlakama. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the subject of worry, discussing its deceptive nature and the harm it can cause in our lives.

    Firstly, we mention how worry tricks us into thinking that we're effectively dealing with an issue when in reality all we're doing is troubling our minds with excessive negative thoughts. Secondly, we shed light on how worry keeps us mentally trapped and engaged in an issue without providing any constructive solutions, giving an illusion of progress whilst reaching no actual resolutions.

    Validating our insights with biblical examples, we highlight the relationship between worry and complaining, bringing us to the realization that worrying yields no fruitful outcomes. In fact, it only leads to unnecessary grumbling and murmurings. We compare it to rocking on a chair all day—although it gives us a feeling of movement and progress, however, the reality is that we are not getting anywhere or accomplishing anything.

    Concluding our discussion, we emphasize on the fact that worry drains our energy, potential and creativity. Urging listeners to identify and deal with the sources of worry in heir lives, we encourage you to start living a life free of worry, claiming the promise of Jesus that with trust, 'all these things will be given to you as well'.

  • In this episode, we dive deep into the causes and effects of worry and share insights on how you can conquer it. This podcast series features vibrant conversations meant to equip, encourage, and enlighten you. We explore biblical teachings and provide practical tips to help you live the abundant life God has planned for you.

    In highlighting humanity's natural inclination towards worry, we dive deep into foundational scripture from Matthew Chapter 6 where Jesus Christ cautions against worry. He emphasizes on not worrying about life, what one eats or drinks, or even what to wear. These are basic needs, essential for survival, yet He asserts that we should strive for His kingdom and righteousness above all else and these necessities will be given unto us as well.

    An in-depth understanding of why we worry, the triggers, and its impact is crucial to overcoming it. Physiological needs, social comparisons through platforms like social media, fear of being left out, and information overload are some major contributors to worry in our society today. Worry doesn't positively change anything, we can tackle it by being proactive, adjusting our social media consumption and being wary of information overload. Ultimately, worry is a detriment to our progress and living a life of abundance.

    Jesus says, "Don't worry about life, live it with confidence, focus on the good, and embrace the faith that God takes care of you." Remember, the Master is saying, "Do not worry."

  • In this episode of Life in Abundance broadcast, Joseph Dhlakama navigates the complex and often misunderstood concept of worry. Drawing significantly from Biblical teachings, he defines worry and offers an in-depth explanation of its far-reaching effects on our lives – both emotional and physiological.

    Grounded in the sermon on the mount, this essential talk shatters the myths surrounding worry. What you may often recognize simply as 'thinking', Joseph Dhlakama enlightens that it could be a chain of negative thoughts called worry that leaves one anxious or fearful. By dissecting the elements of worry, he aims to create an understanding that can lead to liberation from the same.

    Worry not only affects your state of mind but also draws numerous negative emotions and bodily responses. Citing a fascinating psychological fact, Joseph points out how our minds often fail to distinguish between real and imaginary experiences, thereby causing us to react differently than expected.

    The core message of this episode is an echo of Jesus's teachings - Do not worry. Ending on an empowering note, this broadcast encourages you to strive for a worry-free life, spiritual growth and mental wellness.

  • We are still discussing the "Laws of Words." These laws highlight the creative force of words, how they can give life or bring about death, and most importantly, in today's broadcast we focus on how God pays attention to the words that we speak and acts on them. This is because human beings are the only species that have been gifted with the power of words, and God, is interested in how we use this gift.

    In our exploration, we traverse scriptures supporting the idea of God being attentive to our words, like Malachi chapter 3, verse 16, and Numbers chapter 14, verse 28. We understand that God not only listens to our conversations but reacts to them.

    We are encouraged to use words wisely, only speaking things that we would want to manifest in reality. Based on these discussions and the teachings from scriptures, we underline that God is keenly interested in how we deploy our words.

    God bless you. May you use your words wisely, invoking them for your benefit and the benefit of humanity at large.

  • Join Joseph Dhlakama in this episode of 'Life in Abundance' where he explores the profound influence words have on our lives. From casual conversations to intentional affirmations, words not only encapsulate our ideas and emotions but can induce substantial changes within and around us.

    Drawing inspiration from Biblical teachings and personal observations, he elaborates on the 'Laws of Words', highlighting the strategic use of words as a practical and spiritual tool for a life in abundance. This broadcast demonstrates the dual potential of words – their ability to give life and to take away life.

    In this episode he elaborates the second law of words which is Words have the power to give life or to kill. Faultlessly quoting from the book of Proverbs, Joseph Dhlakama explains how death and life are both in the power of our tongues.

    Discussing natural laws and their influence on our existence, he emphasizes that the power of words is also a natural law coded in the system of the universe by God.

    Joseph uses compelling examples and scriptures to explain the inherent power of words and the need to use them cautiously. Offering two practical tips: practicing self-awareness and choosing words wisely, he provides valuable guidance to harness the power of words.

    Referencing a story from the book of Ezekiel, Joseph Dhlakama inspires his audience to set aside negativity and use positive affirmations to create an abundant life. In his closing words, he once again encourages everyone on the spiritual journey to embrace the life-affirming power of words and keep living life in abundance.