
  • Parenting is a profound responsibility that shapes future generations, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. It requires intentionality, risk, and guidance. The Bible emphasizes that children are blessings and arrows that need careful direction. However, many parents miss the mark in three key ways: risking too little, rescuing too quickly, and modeling too weakly.

    Risking too little: Parents today are often overprotective, shielding their children from pain and failure, which robs them of confidence. Allowing children to take risks builds faith and resilience.

    Rescuing too quickly: By rushing to save children from consequences, parents prevent them from learning critical life lessons. Failure teaches responsibility, perseverance, and helps children understand the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Consequences lead to growth, and ultimately, a deeper dependence on God.

    Modeling too weakly: Children absorb more from what they see than what they hear. Parents must live out their faith authentically—showing love, worship, and generosity in daily life. Hypocrisy drives children away from God, but modeling genuine faith anchors them.

    The goal of parenting is not to raise perfect kids but to guide them toward God’s purpose. By taking risks, facing consequences, and modeling faith, parents prepare children to be arrows of light sent out to impact the world.

    #LiquidChurch #RaisingChildren #BlessYourChildren

  • Are you feeling the weight of the world raising your kids in these times? Parenting today is challenging, especially with the complex world your children face. Kids encounter anxiety, depression, bullying, and overwhelming exposure to information through technology at an early age. As parents, it's natural to question if you’re making the right choices.

    You might unintentionally make three mistakes that could hurt your children: giving them things they haven't earned, offering praise they don't deserve, and granting freedoms they can't handle. Giving without effort can foster entitlement, while overpraising can create anxiety by setting unrealistic standards. Allowing too much freedom, like unrestricted access to technology, can expose them to harmful influences they’re not ready for.

    Instead, focus on three essential gifts. First, provide them with a community worth having by surrounding them with people who share your values. Second, give them a standard worth achieving by setting high expectations that build character and integrity. Finally, nurture a faith worth sharing by encouraging a genuine relationship with God, guiding their choices, and providing a strong foundation. These gifts help prepare your children not only for today’s challenges but also for a meaningful, purpose-driven life.

    Watch this message from Pastor Kayra Montañez and find out ways to give your children a solid foundation that will take them through life.

    #LiquidChurch #RaisingChildren #BlessYourChildren

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  • Life often brings unexpected challenges—like storms that leave us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or alone. We all have moments when we think we are strong and secure, but then difficulties come, and we realize how fragile we can be.

    There’s a story in the New Testament of the Bible where Jesus calms a raging storm, and this story illustrates the idea that peace can be found even in the middle of chaos. In this Bible story, the disciples who were caught in the storm felt helpless and afraid. But, with a simple command, Jesus brought stillness to the storm, and calm was restored. Likewise, even when everything feels out of control in our lives today, we can take heart because there is a way to find peace with God.

    This story teaches us about building resilience and finding inner strength through Christ. When life feels like there’s too much to handle, it's important to remember that peace is possible. Do not despair when faced with a storm. Instead, trust that you have what it takes to get through, and find comfort in knowing that every storm will eventually pass.

    This message from guest speaker Pastor Justin Kendrick at Liquid Church is based on his new book, “How To Quiet A Hurricane.” Watch and learn how to quiet the storms you encounter!

    #LiquidChurch #Peace #QuietAHurricane

  • Did you know that Gen Z has unique spiritual needs? Every generation does! Our challenge as Christians is to try and meet those needs.

    Let’s look at all the challenges that Gen Z faces. For instance, they face information overload and skepticism toward institutions. They are constantly bombarded with information and are often wary of traditional systems like government, education, and even the church.

    Let’s commit to making a real difference in the lives of today’s youth by focusing on their spiritual hunger and offering them the support they need to thrive. Together, we can build a vibrant and inclusive faith community that welcomes and nurtures every generation. As a church, it’s crucial for us to rise to the occasion and provide the kind of support that truly addresses these needs.

    Check out this message from Pastor Cory Daniels on how together, we can work to meet the spiritual needs of GenZ.

    #LiquidChurch #NextGen #GenZ

  • This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Inside Out 2, which was released in 2024 by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. No copyright is claimed for Inside Out 2, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature.

    Inside Out 2 continues the story of a little girl named Riley as she navigates the challenges of adolescence. With new emotions like Anxiety and Envy joining the core group—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust—Riley faces the complexities of growing up, including friendships, self-discovery, and emotional changes. The film explores how her emotions adapt to her evolving life, emphasizing the importance of embracing all feelings to maintain emotional balance.

    What about you? Are you overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety? God offers peace through prayer. Like Riley's emotions, our anxiety must find its place under God's control. By praying, trusting God, and focusing on His plan, we can experience peace that surpasses understanding, even in a world full of worries. Remember, true peace comes from the presence of Christ, not the absence of problems.

    Watch this message from Pastor Kayra Montañez and discover how to help navigate feelings of anxiety and your place in the world.

    #LiquidChurch #AtTheMovies #Anxiety

  • This message features short clips from the film Wonka, which was released in 2023 by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. No copyright is claimed for Wonka, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non-commercial in nature.

    Willy Wonka's journey illustrates acting justly by creating fair opportunities and treating others with respect. His acts of kindness and compassion towards those less fortunate show his commitment to mercy. Throughout, Wonka remains humble despite his success, reminding us that true greatness comes from how we treat others and stay grounded.

    Living well involves embracing three core principles. First, act justly by ensuring fairness in your actions and decisions, and treating everyone with dignity. Second, love mercy by demonstrating kindness and compassion, offering help and understanding to those in need. Finally, walk humbly by remaining modest and recognizing that everyone has equal worth. By incorporating these values into daily life, we contribute to a more just, caring, and balanced world.

    Watch this message from Pastor Cory Daniels and find out how you can embrace fairness, kindness, and humility to make a positive impact on the world.

    #LiquidChurch #Wonka #Humility

  • This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Cabrini, which is based on the true story of Sister Frances Xavier Cabrini and was released in 2024 by Angel Studios. No copyright is claimed for Cabrini, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature.

    Cabrini highlights the journey of Sister Frances Xavier Cabrini, an Italian immigrant and devout follower of Christ, who arrived in New York in the late 1800s. Confronted by the plight of immigrant orphans and the hostility of society, she dedicated her life to providing them with dignity, love, and a family. Despite opposition, she established 67 orphanages, hospitals, and schools worldwide, embodying Christ's compassion through tireless service and unwavering faith.

    Did you know one of Christians greatest callings is to embody Christ’s love by caring for the vulnerable, especially orphans? This involves four key actions: First, give them a family by considering fostering or adoption. Second, treat them with dignity as each child is made in God's image, Third, be a voice for the voiceless by advocating for their needs. And fourth, support them generously through active involvement and resources. True faith combines personal purity with practical charity.

    Watch this message from Pastor Tim Lucas, and discover how to help and care for those who need it the most.

    #LiquidChurch #Cabrini #CareForOrphans

  • This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed movie Dune: Part Two. This film was released on March 1, 2024 in the United States by production company Legendary Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. No copyright is claimed for Dune: Part Two, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature.

    The movie Dune: Part Two resonates deeply with audiences because it explores important themes like religion, power, and the use of violence by those in charge. It shows both the harshness and beauty of life, focusing on Paul Atreides, who is seen as a prophesied Messiah. This idea is similar to the Bible's story of a savior, with many Old Testament prophecies about a coming Messiah, which Christians believe were fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The film draws parallels between Paul's journey in Dune: Part Two and the life of Jesus. It contrasts Paul's eventual quest for power with Jesus' rejection of earthly authority and his ultimate sacrifice.

    Why is this important today? It highlights that while human leaders and false messiahs may let us down, Jesus, the true Messiah, fulfills all promises and offers real hope and healing. Take time to reflect on your beliefs about Jesus, exploring your faith and the nature of true salvation.

    Watch this message from Pastor Zach Taylor, and discover how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

    #LiquidChurch #AtTheMovies #Messiah

  • This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed TV series Best Foot Forward, which is based on the true story of Paralympic athlete Josh Sundquist and his book "Just Don't Fall." This series of 10 episodes was released on AppleTV+ in 2022. No copyright is claimed for Best Food Forward, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law. Liquid Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, specifically, a non-denominational Christian Church, and the purpose of using this media is non commercial in nature.

    Best Foot Forward is ground-breaking in that it doesn’t just feature actors with disabilities, some of the crew behind the camera have special needs as well. The Executive Producer, Josh Sundquist, lost his left leg to bone cancer when he was 10, and the show is based on his life story. It’s a very compassionate, family-friendly show with a powerful message about disability and inclusion that we need to hear. At Liquid Church, we have a huge heart for kids and families with Special Needs. It’s core to who we are as Christ followers.

    Why? We are simply following Jesus’ example. Did you know that almost 70% of Jesus’ miracles involved people with disabilities?! The Bible leaves no doubt: Jesus cares for the disabled. And, He had a unique vision for His church, to create the one place in the world where those with physical, emotional, and intellectual limitations are completely loved. For those who are differently abled, your disability doesn’t define you. You were made in the image of God. You are His masterpiece! That defines you. And while God didn’t give you your disability or pain, if you give it to God, He will use it for His purpose! He can turn your challenge or your weakness into good.

    Watch this message from Pastor Tim Lucas, and discover how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

    #LiquidChurch #BestFoodForward #SpecialNeeds

  • A lot of us think joy is the same thing as happiness. We often use these words interchangeably. But, from the Christian perspective, there’s actually a big difference. Happiness depends on external things going well: getting a new job, eating a delicious meal, walking along the beach holding hands with your sweetheart. But for the Christian, joy, unlike happiness, isn’t a temporary emotion. Joy is confidence in God, and it’s something that no circumstance or person can take away. That’s a huge difference!

    Did you know that even suffering and joy can coexist side-by-side? Because sooner or later, we will experience suffering, and our hearts will ache, but we will still have the joy of Jesus.

    Watch this message from Pastor Cuyler Black and discover how you can experience joy in your own life!

    #ExperienceJoy #JoyofJesus #LiquidChurch

  • Anger and fear have turned American politics toxic. Is there hope beyond the culture wars? Jesus lived in the middle of a culture war with Rome. His people were bitterly divided by religious beliefs, political positions, income inequality, and ethnic differences. Sound familiar?

    So where was Jesus in all this? Did He side with conservatives or liberals? Did he run a campaign to Make Israel Great Again? A: None of the above. Instead, Jesus went from town to town, offering hope and a brand-new way to live free… regardless of who has the power, money, or influence. The Kingdom of God is bigger than our petty political boxes and little labels.

    Jesus promised His Kingdom would transform people’s hearts… and eventually the world! This is how to live free as a Kingdom Christian in a deeply divided world!

    Check this out: In the Bible (Mark 12:13-17), political leaders tried to trap Jesus into picking sides on the hot button issue of taxes. But Jesus elevated the conversation and showed that while government claim ownership of our money, God claims ownership of our souls! Every human is made in the “imago dei” (image of God) and worthy of our love, respect, and compassion.

    This gives Kingdom Christians a supernatural power to love our enemies– yes, even those we disagree with politically. As a Kingdom Christian, we view politics through the lens of faith… not the other way around! Christ followers are called to wrestle biblically with hot button issues in our world– including sexual ethics, social justice, the value of human life, and immigration– and cross party lines when necessary to be faithful to Christ’s Kingdom. Jesus' liberating message calls for loving our enemies, refusing to worship the false idol of politics, and putting our trust in God alone, not the government of man.

    #FaithBeforePolitics #JesusAndPolitics #LiquidChurch

  • God has a special plan for each of us, a unique dream for our lives. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God can do more than we can imagine. If you feel your dream has been delayed or messed up, God can bring it back to life. Let’s look at Joseph, a young man from the Old Testament of the Bible, to learn 5 ways God can redeem your dreams.

    1: Dreams direct your destiny: When Joseph was only 17, God gave him a dream that he would come into a position of authority. This dream gave him a sense of purpose. Your God-given dream will also give you a sense of direction and purpose in your life.

    2: Require patience with the process. Joseph endured extreme challenges before his dream came true. He was betrayed, sold into slavery, and put in prison. But these challenges were part of God’s plan to prepare him. Just like Joseph, sometimes we have to wait and grow before our dreams come true.

    3: Expect setbacks along the way. Joseph faced many problems, but they were all part of God’s bigger plan to redeem his dream. Even when things go wrong, God is still in control.

    4: Always bless others. Even when Joseph was in prison, he helped others with their dreams. A true dream from God is not just about us; it also helps others.

    5: Make beauty from ashes. Despite all the bad things that happened to Joseph, he kept his faith. In the end, he was promoted and his dream came true. God can take the hard and painful parts of our lives and turn them into something beautiful.

    If you’re feeling discouraged, remember: God can redeem your dream! Trust Him, be patient, and know that He is working everything out for your good. Your life, in God’s hands, can become a beautiful masterpiece.

    #Dream #Destiny #LiquidChurch

  • Did you know that God wants to give you rest? Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually! This is counter to our culture's constant push to move faster and achieve more. Jesus invites us to experience God's rest, a concept rooted in the practice of Sabbatical from Ancient Israel. God freed the Israelites from slavery and commanded them to observe the Sabbath, a DAY of rest every seventh day, as a reminder that they were no longer slaves, but His children.

    Theologically, there are four key parts to a Sabbath:

    Stop: Cease all work, both paid and unpaid. Take a break from meetings, emails, and phone calls for 24 hours every week.

    Rest: Physically and emotionally rest to recharge your body and mind.

    Delight: Enjoy your family, the fruits of your labor, and activities you love. Take pleasure in creation.

    Worship: Dedicate time to worship God, praise Him, read His Word, and connect with the Holy Spirit.

    A sabbatical, happening every seventh YEAR, is a time to step away from work and let your soul recharge. This idea comes from the Bible, specifically from the book of Leviticus. Just like land needs a break to become fruitful again, we also need rest to renew our energy, strength, and motivation. Taking a sabbatical helps prevent burnout and prepares us for more productive and creative work in the future.

    #Sabbath #Rest #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. The Parable of the Persistent Widow is a story Jesus told to teach about prayer and justice.

    What’s required for our prayers to be answered?

    God’s Will: Pray according to God’s will. The Bible says, “We ask and do not receive because we ask wrongly to spend it on our own pleasures.” God is not a genie in a bottle granting wishes, we must seek His heart and plans.

    God’s Timing: Even with faith and alignment with God’s will, the Bible teaches that nothing happens outside of the time God has appointed. Patience is crucial.

    Your Faith: Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We must pray with faith that God hears us and will respond. As Christians, we are called to believe in faith, not just act morally.

    Hope and Perseverance: Believing that God can and will do something is crucial. The hardest part of prayer is often continuing to pray persistently. Real faith involves keeping on praying, even when the answer seems delayed.

    The story of the persistent widow in the Bible teaches us about perseverance in prayer. She overcame societal obstacles and continuously sought justice, showing that we need to actively participate in our prayers being answered. Remember, we are co-laborers with Christ, meaning our actions combined with God’s intervention can lead to miraculous outcomes. Be encouraged to keep praying and believing, as God often blesses those who wait and persevere the longest.

    #KeepPraying #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. You may have heard of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. This is a story Jesus told to teach about love and forgiveness.

    This parable is about a young man who asks his father for his inheritance early, squanders it on reckless living, and ends up destitute. When he hits rock bottom, he decides to return home, hoping to be hired as a servant. Surprisingly, his father welcomes him back with open arms and throws a celebration, showing joy and forgiveness instead of anger.

    What is the lesson here? No matter how far you’ve strayed from God or how badly you’ve messed up, God is always ready to welcome you back with open arms. He doesn’t judge you and he won’t punish you, rather he rejoices when a lost son or daughter returns home. This parable shows that God’s grace is abundant and freely given to all who repent and come home.

    #ComeHome #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. You may have heard of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. This is a story Jesus told to teach about compassion and kindness.

    In this story, a Jewish man was traveling when he was attacked by robbers. He was left hurt on the side of the road. We learn that both a priest and a temple assistant saw him, but they didn't help. They walked right past the injured man. Then, a Samaritan, who was usually at odds with Jewish people, saw the man and felt compassion. He helped the injured man by treating his wounds, taking him to an inn to rest and recover, and even paying for his care.

    Jesus used this story to show that a true neighbor is someone who HELPS OTHERS, no matter who they are. It teaches us that being kind and compassionate to everyone is important, even to those who are different from us.

    #LoveYourNeighbor #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. In the “Parable of the Sower,” Jesus tells a story about a farmer planting seeds.

    As the farmer plants the seeds, some fall on a path, where they can't grow because the ground is hard. This represents people who don't listen to God. Other seeds fall on rocky ground, where they grow quickly but die because there's not enough soil. These are people who get excited about God but don't stick with their faith journey. Some seeds fall among thorns, where they grow but don't produce fruit because they're choked by the thorns. This represents people who are too busy or distracted by other things to focus on God. Finally, some seeds fall on good soil, where they grow strong and produce a lot of fruit. This represents people who listen to God and follow Him closely.

    Jesus wants us to think about which type of soil we are. Do we listen to God and follow Him faithfully, or are we too distracted or uninterested? He wants us to be like the good soil, where our faith can grow strong and produce good things. So, the question is: are you listening to God?

    #ListenToGod #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. In the Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar, Jesus shares a story about two men with different lives and what happens after they die. One is wealthy and lives luxuriously, while the other, named Lazarus, suffers daily. Surprisingly, after death, Lazarus goes to heaven, but the rich man goes to hell. This shocks people who thought wealth meant God's approval.

    Jesus teaches that what comes after death isn't about being good or rich; it's about believing in Him. Heaven isn't earned by actions but received through trust in Jesus.The rich man's issue wasn't wealth but prioritizing it over God. Jesus warns against placing anything above God. The good news is Jesus offers hope to everyone. Trusting in him guarantees a place in heaven. Making Jesus the center of our lives is the wisest decision we can make.

    #HeavenOrHell #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. In "The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard," Jesus challenges conventional notions of fairness by illustrating God's boundless grace. Fairness is about what we deserve. Grace is a gift that we don’t deserve! God offers his radical love and forgiveness (His Grace) to everyone. This isn’t a merit based system. Salvation, a free gift through faith in Jesus, transcends human efforts.

    Regardless of when one accepts grace, the reward remains the same: forgiveness, purpose, and eternal life. Grace liberates us from guilt, fear, and religious legalism. We are accepted despite our faults. Grace is not about our performance but about embracing God's generosity. In this narrative, we learn that EVERYONE is invited to experience God's limitless love. Grace, ultimately, is not something to be earned but joyfully received.

    #GraceOfGod #Parables #LiquidChurch

  • The message from special guest, comedian Michael Jr., explores big ideas about God's love and how inviting Jesus into our lives can change everything. God's love is for everyone and it’s important to really understand that. Using simple stories, this message shows how listening to God, like following directions on a GPS, helps us find our way through life's ups and downs.

    #OpenTheDoorToGod #LetJesusIn #LiquidChurch