
  • In this episode of Breakdown to Breakthrough with Lisa A. Romano, Life Coach and Award Winning Author, you will learn about how humans' innocent ego has no choice but to create a story and identity entirely shaped by external experiences they could not control as a child. Lisa is a world-renowned expert in the field of mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, and she combines sound psychological, neurological, and emotional concepts in her conscious healing process. She believes that the path to empowerment begins with the miraculous power of self inquiry, in which the mind awakens and learns how to observe itself.

    This power is called metacognition, and Lisa strongly believes that humans suffer because they have not been taught how to activate this state of higher consciousness. Instead, many remain locked within the consequences of their traumatic childhoods, and tethered to emotional flashbacks, and a heightened survival response, unaware they are unaware of the internal mental operations at play.

    In this session, Lisa describes her pathway to higher consciousness and enlightenment in the hope of encouraging anyone who hears her words to begin looking within, not to judge, protect, or defend what might be found. Instead, it is her desire to inspire others to learn how to take the inner transformation journey through the lens of an objective silent witness for the purpose of self understanding, self compassion, and ultimately self actualization.

    You can learn more about how you can begin working with Lisa either as a private client or as a student of her work in one of her healing, groundbreaking and transformative coaching programs.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is often described as a persistent and excessive worry about various aspects of life, including health, finances, relationships, and social interactions. While anxiety is a natural response to stress, those with GAD experience it in a way that can be debilitating. As a Life Coach specializing in adult child trauma issues, I have seen firsthand how the seeds of anxiety can be sown in childhood, particularly when a child experiences neglect or emotional unavailability from their caregivers.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach and Award-Winning Author, tackles generalized anxiety disorder with wisdom, compassion and understanding. Lisa helps those who are struggling with generalized anxiety recognize that they are not broken. GAD is a valid response to unhealthy, persistent dynamics a child was powerless to control.

    To learn more about Lisa and her healing and transformational work, visit

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Divorce can be devastating and the more you understand how fear can keep you stuck, the better able you will be to operate from a higher state of consciousness so to not allow superficial attachments to stop you from moving on without unnecessary guilt and regret.

    Divorce is not a step backward. It's a step forward and toward a healthier life, especially if you are awakened and on the conscious healing path. When we decide to divorce, we are often at our lowest point mentally, spiritually, emotionally and even financially, so it is crucial to operate from divine laws that allow you to release unnecessary egoic attachments to negative, false beliefs if you want to move on and let go sooner than later.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach and Award-Winning Author, walks you through a personal story, that explains beautifully how easily codependent, fear and ego based subconscious childhood programming can sneak up on us just as we are making one of the biggest decisions of our lives.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Are you a child of emotional neglect, or were you raised by toxic, alcoholic, or narcissistic parents? Abandonment issues from childhood often stem from insecure attachments. When a child is unable to bond with their parent, specifically their mother, the psyche of the child develops a false and negative narrative about the self. This inner narrative is embedded into the fibers of the subconscious mind and until one awakens, these false narratives remain in control of one's decision making faculties, and all perceptions.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach and Award-Winning-Author, dives deep into how and why children of trauma, emotional neglect and unpredictable homes, remain blocked from their authentic self. The good news is, it is possible to awaken and breakthrough!

    Ready to confront the false narrative in your head, that is responsible for rumination, feeling not good enough, codependency, and insecure attachments? If so, begin your inner healing and transformation journey with Lisa's 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, step one of The 3 Part Transformation Conscious Healing Academy System.

    Learn more below:

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Healing emotional trauma with 3 spiritual virtues will help you experience tremendous inner peace and self-love. Dear One, Welcome to today’s video on healing emotional trauma through the power of spiritual virtues. If you’ve been struggling with feelings of pain, sadness, or anxiety, and you're searching for a way to achieve inner peace, this video is for you.

    We’ll dive into three specific virtues that can help you release past wounds and nurture self-love. Whether you’re dealing with the aftereffects of childhood trauma or difficult relationships or just want to elevate your emotional well-being, these spiritual tools will support your healing journey. Stay tuned to learn how to reclaim your inner strength, live more mindfully, and foster deep emotional healing.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Were you raised by a narcissistic mother and are you the scapegoat daughter ready to let go of the fantasy, trauma bond, cognitive dissonance, and emotional manipulation you have endured? Are you awakening to the toxic family dynamics, and the ways in which you may have been exploited as a source of narcissistic supply by a covert, vulnerable narcissistic mother? If so, this episode is for you.

    Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach and award-winning author hopes to support those scapegoat and golden child daughters of narcissistic covert mothers, who are coming out of the fog of this sadly unnatural and exploited mother-daughter dynamic. It is important to get as much information as possible regarding your relationship with your mother, father, or any other person you think might be exploiting you emotionally and psychologically so that you can gain the mental and emotional leverage you need to set healthy boundaries.

    If you are a scapegoat daughter and you are ready to heal the shadows and mother wounds created by a toxic mother-daughter dynamic, consider Lisa's conscious healing modality.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Narcissistic Mothers and the Scapegoat-Golden Child Trap

    In this episode of the Breakdown to Breakthrough Podcast, we delve into the toxic dynamics often found in families with narcissistic mothers, focusing on the devastating roles of the scapegoat and the golden child. Lisa A. Romano, a leading expert in codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery, breaks down how these roles are created, maintained, and manipulated by narcissistic mothers to uphold their fragile egos and maintain control over the family narrative.

    Listeners will gain insight into how a narcissistic mother’s need for validation and superiority often results in one child being idolized as the golden child while another is targeted as the scapegoat. This divisive dynamic not only pits siblings against each other but also inflicts deep emotional wounds that can take a lifetime to heal.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding the Roles: Learn about the characteristics of the scapegoat and golden child roles, and how these roles serve a narcissistic mother’s need for control. The Impact on Siblings: Explore the long-term psychological effects of being cast as the scapegoat or golden child, including issues with self-esteem, relationships, and identity. Breaking Free: Lisa offers strategies for recognizing these toxic dynamics and steps for healing and reclaiming your sense of self, whether you were the scapegoat, the golden child, or an outsider looking in. Rebuilding Relationships: Discover how to navigate the complicated relationships between siblings who have been pitted against each other and how to set healthy boundaries with a narcissistic mother.

    Quote from the Episode: "You didn’t ask to be the scapegoat, and you didn’t ask to be the golden child. These roles were thrust upon you by a mother who needed to control the narrative of her life at your expense. Understanding this is the first step toward reclaiming your power.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Breakdown to Breakthrough with Lisa A. Romano

    4 Odd Trauma Responses Your Body Holds Onto

    In this insightful episode, Lisa A. Romano explores how unhealed trauma responses can remain stuck in the body, manifesting as physical symptoms that often go unnoticed or misunderstood. Lisa discusses four unusual trauma responses that may be affecting you more than you realize:

    Tightness in the Belly: This common response is often linked to unresolved fear or anxiety, stemming from past traumatic experiences. The body holds onto this tension, signaling that something remains unresolved.

    Freaking Out When Things Start Going Well: For many, success or happiness triggers a fear response. This reaction is rooted in the belief that good things won’t last, leading to self-sabotage or overwhelming anxiety just when life starts to improve.

    Mistaking Thinking for Feeling: Trauma can disconnect you from your emotions, leading you to rely heavily on thinking rather than truly feeling. This can create a barrier to emotional healing, as the mind takes over what the heart needs to process.

    Pursed Lips or Tightness in the Face, Neck, and Jaw: Chronic tension in these areas physically manifests suppressed emotions, particularly anger or frustration. This response can become habitual, reflecting unexpressed feelings stuck in the body.

    Lisa delves into how these physical responses are not just quirks but signals from your body that something deeper needs attention. By recognizing and understanding these trauma responses, you can heal the mind-body connection, release stored tension, and move towards a more balanced, authentic self.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • In this episode of the Breakdown to Breakthrough Podcast, Lisa A. Romano delves into the five toxic family members you need to avoid while on your healing journey: The Critic, The Denier, The Controller, The Martyr, and The Drama King/Queen. Lisa explains how each of these archetypes can undermine your progress, making it difficult for you to trust your version of reality and personal feelings.

    Understanding the importance of autonomy and the necessity of rebuilding healthy ego boundaries, Lisa emphasizes that distancing yourself from these toxic influences is not only a form of self-protection but also a crucial step in reclaiming your personal power. Doing so creates the space needed to heal, grow, and evolve into the person you were always meant to be. Tune in to learn how to recognize these toxic patterns and take actionable steps toward a healthier, more empowered life.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • What to Do When Someone Crosses Your Boundary: Codependency Recovery in Action

    In this powerful episode, we dive into the crucial topic of boundaries. Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting your emotional well-being. However, for those who have struggled with codependency, setting and enforcing boundaries can be particularly challenging. Lisa unpacks the dynamics of boundary violations, offering practical advice and insights to help you confidently reclaim your power and navigate these situations.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Boundaries:

    Boundaries are the invisible lines that define what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in your relationships. They reflect your values, needs, and limits and serve as a guide for how you expect to be treated by others. Relationships can become imbalanced without clear boundaries, leading to resentment, frustration, and emotional exhaustion.

    The Link Between Boundaries and Codependency:

    Codependency often stems from childhood experiences where your needs were dismissed or invalidated. As a result, you may have developed a tendency to prioritize others' needs over your own, making it difficult to set and enforce boundaries. This pattern can lead to a cycle of people-pleasing, self-sacrifice, and emotional burnout, further eroding your sense of self-worth.

    Recognizing Boundary Violations:

    Boundary violations can be subtle or overt, ranging from someone dismissing your feelings to outright disrespect or manipulation. Recognizing when someone crosses your boundary is the first step toward addressing the issue. Pay attention to your emotions—feelings of discomfort, anger, or resentment often signal that a boundary has been crossed.

    What to Do When Someone Crosses Your Boundary:

    Pause and Reflect: Before reacting, assess the situation. Ask yourself what boundary was crossed and how it made you feel. Communicate Clearly: Express your feelings and needs calmly and assertively. Use "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory and to keep the focus on your experience. Reaffirm Your Boundary: Reinforce the importance of your boundary and what you expect moving forward. Be prepared to follow through with consequences if necessary. Practice Self-Care: Setting boundaries can be emotionally taxing, especially if you're not used to it. Take time to nurture yourself and seek support from trusted friends or a therapist.

    Healing Codependent Patterns:

    Healing from codependency requires recognizing your worth and the right to have your boundaries respected. Challenge the belief that setting boundaries makes you selfish or unlovable. Healthy boundaries are a sign of self-respect and are crucial for fostering mutual respect in relationships. Start small by setting boundaries in less challenging situations, gradually building confidence and assertiveness.

    Final Thoughts: Establishing and maintaining boundaries is vital to your journey from breakdown to breakthrough. It’s about reclaiming your power, honoring your needs, and creating healthier, more balanced relationships. Remember, you have the right to protect your emotional well-being, and doing so is an act of self-love and respect.

    Tune in to this episode to learn how to navigate boundary-crossing with grace and strength, especially if you're on the path to overcoming codependency.

    Healing Resources:

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • The Importance of Self-Care and Self-Accountability in Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

    Healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey that requires immense strength, courage, and resilience. The pain inflicted by a narcissist can leave deep emotional wounds that often linger long after the relationship has ended. Amidst this healing process, self-care becomes not just a luxury but a necessity. It is the foundation upon which recovery is built. Yet, true self-care goes beyond the surface—it involves self-accountability, a commitment to nurturing oneself while being honest about the steps needed to move forward.

    In this episode of Breakdown to Breakthrough with Lisa A. Romano, Life Coach and award winning author, learn about the importance of the self care you need on the healing and awakening journey.

    When you’ve been through narcissistic abuse, it’s common to feel depleted, emotionally drained, and disconnected from your own needs. Narcissists have a way of eroding your sense of self, often leaving you questioning your worth and value. This is why compassionate self-care is so vital. It’s about reconnecting with yourself deeply, understanding that your needs and feelings are valid, and treating yourself with the kindness and love you may have been denied in the past.

    Self-care, in this context, isn’t just about pampering yourself with a spa day or a new book—though those things can certainly be part of it. It’s about actively prioritizing your well-being in every aspect of your life. It means setting boundaries that protect your peace, saying no to situations and people who drain you, and giving yourself permission to rest and recharge without guilt. By practicing self-care, you’re affirming to yourself that you are worthy of love, care, and respect.

    Embracing Self-Accountability

    While self-care is about nurturing and protecting yourself, self-accountability is about taking ownership of your healing journey. After experiencing narcissistic abuse, it’s natural to feel like a victim—because, in many ways, you were. However, healing requires you to move beyond that identity. This doesn’t mean blaming yourself for what happened; it means recognizing your power to change your life moving forward.

    Self-accountability is about being honest with yourself about the areas of your life that need attention. It’s about recognizing any patterns or behaviors that may have kept you stuck in the past and committing to making the changes necessary to break free from them. This could mean seeking therapy, learning about healthy relationship dynamics, or even just making a conscious effort to challenge negative self-talk. It’s a process of growth that requires both self-compassion and self-discipline.

    The Balance Between Self-Care and Self-Accountability

    The healing journey is a delicate balance between self-care and self-accountability. Too much focus on self-care without accountability can lead to avoidance of the deeper work that healing requires. On the other hand, too much focus on accountability without care can result in self-criticism and burnout. The key is approaching your healing with a gentle heart and a firm resolve.

    Remember, healing is not a linear process. There will be days when self-care looks like taking a break and nurturing yourself and days when it means pushing through difficult emotions and holding yourself accountable for your progress. Both are equally important, and both require you to be kind to yourself throughout the journey.

    As you continue to heal from narcissistic abuse, remember that you are not alone. Many others have walked this path and found their way to the other side, and you can, too. By prioritizing self-care and embracing self-accountability, you are taking powerful steps toward reclaiming your life, happiness, and sense of self. You are worth the effort, and your future is brighter than you can imagine.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Understanding the Neglectful Narcissist: Why Recognizing the Signs Matters

    When we think of narcissism, we often picture the grandiose, attention-seeking individual who craves admiration and validation. However, there is another, less obvious type of narcissist who can be equally damaging: the neglectful narcissist. Unlike their overt counterparts, neglectful narcissists are more subtle in their behavior, making it harder to identify the harm they cause. This type of narcissist may not openly demand praise or validation, but their impact can be just as devastating, especially when it comes to emotional neglect.

    In this episode of Breakdown to Breakthrough with Life Coach and award winning author, Lisa A. Romano, you will learn about 5 signs that indicate you are living with, married to, or were raised by a neglectful narcissist.

    Understanding the signs of a neglectful narcissist is crucial, but it’s important to approach this topic with caution. The signs can be ambiguous, often masked by behaviors that might seem normal or even benign on the surface. This subtlety is what makes the neglectful narcissist so dangerous. They might not engage in overtly abusive behavior, but their lack of empathy, attention, and emotional support can leave deep, lasting scars. It’s not always about what they do—it’s about what they fail to do. Their indifference, dismissiveness, or emotional absence can slowly erode a person’s sense of self-worth, leaving them feeling unseen, unheard, and unimportant.

    Why is it so important to recognize these signs, even when they are vague or ambiguous? Because the impact of living with or being close to a neglectful narcissist can be profound and far-reaching. The emotional neglect that characterizes their behavior can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression in those who are subjected to it. Over time, this can result in a deep-seated belief that one’s needs and feelings are not valid or worthy of attention. By becoming more aware of the subtle signs, individuals can begin to protect themselves from the insidious effects of this type of narcissism, reclaim their sense of self, and take steps towards healing.

    Understanding the neglectful narcissist isn’t just about identifying the signs—it’s about recognizing the patterns of emotional neglect that can be so easily overlooked. It’s about acknowledging that even without overt abuse, the damage can be just as significant. By educating ourselves about the more ambiguous nature of this behavior, we empower ourselves and others to break free from its effects and move towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • The Power of Instant Karma: What Happens When You Cross a Healed Empath

    When it comes to crossing paths with a healed empath, the repercussions can be immediate and profound. Unlike unhealed empaths, who may struggle with boundaries and absorb the negative energy around them, a healed empath has done the inner work necessary to protect their energy and maintain their emotional balance. The result? An experience of instant karma that serves not only as a consequence for harmful actions but also as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Let's dive deeper into what this instant karma looks like and how it affects those who attempt to harm or manipulate a healed empath.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Are you an adult child from a toxic, narcissistic, alcoholic or emotionally neglectful home? And are you on the inner child healing journey? If so, you'll want to understand how to tell if you're healing and on the right track. In this episode of Breakdown to Breakthrough, Lisa A. Romano, codependency expert, and mental wellness coach, shares her #1 sign you're healing from childhood trauma.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Leaving a narcissist is never easy, and many people are surprised by the emotional challenges they face even after ending the relationship. In this podcast episode with Lisa A. Romano, we uncover why breaking free from a narcissist often doesn't bring the immediate relief or happiness you might expect.

    Join us as we explore:

    The psychological impact of leaving a narcissist Why you might struggle to feel good after ending the relationship Strategies for emotional healing and recovery

    Discover the reasons behind the lingering emotional pain and learn effective ways to navigate the path to healing. If you're dealing with the aftermath of a narcissistic relationship or seeking to understand the emotional complexities, this video offers valuable insights. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content on mental health and recovery!

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness? Do you often wonder why you don't feel good enough? If so, rest assured that this episode of Breakdown to Breakthrough with Lisa A. Romano will open your mind and offer you the clarity you need to better understand three hidden root causes of feelings of inadequacy. But that's not all! Lisa reveals what research has to say about some powerful life skills anyone can begin incorporating into their healing journey!

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Overcoming Fear and Embracing Authenticity with Lisa A. Romano

    Do you find it challenging to be authentic? Were you raised by parents who conditioned you to live in fear of making mistakes or not appearing perfect? If so, this episode is for you. Lisa A. Romano offers invaluable insights that will help you understand yourself on a deeper level, providing clarity that will leave you amazed.

    Many children conditioned to fear others' judgments struggle with vulnerability and often live in denial of their true selves. They unknowingly act out subconscious patterns designed to protect their ego from the pain of rejection. In this episode, Lisa shares her wisdom on how to break free from these patterns and live above the veil of consciousness, rather than on auto-pilot.

    Tune in to soak up Lisa's wisdom and learn how to lead a more conscious, authentic life.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Red flags aren't always red. Sometimes red flags look green, or pink, or sometimes white. If you are an adult child from a toxic, emotionally neglectful, or abusive home, you may not know how to trust your instincts when your gut tells you something is off about a person you are dealing with, and that's why Lisa A. Romano teaches consciousness, emotional intelligence, and mental science; the ability to observe one's self and others, especially what is felt and unseen versus seen. In this podcast episode, #1 Red Flag This Person is Going to Make Your Life Miserable, award winning author and sought-after speaker and Life Coach Lisa A. Romano helps you identify a less than obvious trait that will signal that the person who is communicating with your, or who you are dealing with is going to make your life miserable.

    Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.

    12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening)

    8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating)

    Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego)

    To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here;




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  • Are you easily bothered or upset when others don't speak to you or treat you the way you expect them to? There is a fine line between fair expectation and the unfair expectations of someone struggling with codependency issues. In this episode, Breakthrough Life Coach and Award Winning Author Lisa A. Romano unveils red flags of unhealthy thinking of codependent people. As a recovering codependent herself, Lisa speaks to these issues with authenticity, articulation, and tough love, in the hopes of assisting others to awaken to unhealthy paradigms that sabotage their chance of experiencing loving, balanced and harmonious relationships.

    If this podcast resonates with you and you wish to join Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, email her and her team [email protected]


    Are you just awakening from the faulty negative subconscious patterns of the past that have kept you stuck in loops of negative thinking and relationships?

    If so, start your journey with The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program: Link Below

    12 Week Breakthrough Program: Awakening From the Past



  • Ready to become more emotionally intelligent and confident when dealing with difficult emotions?

    If so, buckle in for one of Lisa A. Romano's 12 Week Breakthrough LIVESTREAMS. Lisa offers weekly group calls with her LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Program, and in this episode, you will hear a segment of this call, where she answers members' questions LIVE. Lisa is a Life Coach and award-winning author whose books are globally recognized as among the best books on codependency. If you ever felt stuck, this episode is for you.

    Ready to get unstuck so you can finally start living an authentic life? Begin your journey back to the divine self with Lisa's 12 Week Breakthrough Program

    Be sure to continue your journey with the 8 Week Master Your Emotions Master Class

    Upon completion of these two programs, you qualify for Lisa's most advanced program, Soul School, a Course in the Quantum Science of Love Consciousness.

    To order Lisa's books, visit:

    Join Lisa on Facebook