In this webinar hosted by Amrita Nutrition in the UK, Natasha Trenev (founder of Natren probiotics) and I present some insider details and tips on implementing Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol to eradicate gut infection. We also answer top questions from our readers regarding natural gut healing protocols.
Practitioners Bring Their Tough Patient QuestionsThen we take a lot of questions from doctors, health coaches, naturopaths, dietitians etc. who have specific questions about my protocols, or tough patient cases they’re dealing with.
This is definitely a good one, no matter where you are in your healing journey. And if you’re a health coach, or functional medicine practitioner, or naturopathic doctor, then you’ll certainly want to learn from your colleagues’ challenges and the solutions we suggest.
Ultimate Gut Health – Top Questions About Gut Healing ProtocolsIf you have any further questions, just leave them in the Comments section below!
Amrita Nutrition hosts a webinar with Jini Patel Thompson and Natasha Trenev to discuss effective gut healing protocols for SIBO, IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis etc.
9:00 – Natural gut healing protocols12:22 – Probiotic Retention Enema18:00 – Difficulty eradicating Candida20:00 – Voids in the GI tract are not tolerated!20:49 – Competitive bacteria22:00 – 3 types of Natren probiotics & why refrigeration is crucial23:00 – Stop treating symptoms! Work WITH the immune system25:42 – Data on HT oil matrix26:29 – What’s unique about powdered probiotics28:40 – Protocol for IBS29:56 – Skin is a reflection of the gut31:00 – Q&A begins1:00:00 – Natren bacteria communicate with immune cells by photon light emission1:15:00 – Seed oils! Everyone on social media is saying NO seed oils. Jini and Natasha disagree.1:19:00 – How to pre-load a dropper to dose the correct number of drops.1:28:00 – Acne protocol1:29:00 – Home Remedies section to empower people, plandemic, spike protein kills Bifido bacteria
Chronic Illness and Health Saboteurs
In this LTYG Podcast, I talk with Chiropractor and Functional Nutritionist Dr. Thomas Kutchenbrod about the common ways he sees his clients sabotage their own healing. We understand what are the top health saboteurs that are impacting your healing journey from chronic gut disorders.
We discuss the most common patterns and behaviours we’ve observed and how to lean into this crucial piece of healing any autoimmune or chronic illness.
Why are many (most?) people with Crohn’s or colitis considered overachievers, Type A personalities and people-pleasers who find it hard to say NO and set boundaries?
What is the pathway out of victimhood (why me? poor me! someone else is to blame!) into self-responsibility and self-empowerment? Learn all this and more in this podcast discussion.
Book a free discovery call with Dr. Kutchenbrod
Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis, IBS: What are Your Top Health Saboteurs? Find out…You can watch the video, or listen to the podcast.
Further Reading:Let Go Of The “I Am Sick” IdentityWhy Is My Gut Not Healing Faster?Using Emotions To Unlock Your Self-Healing PowerThe Paradox of HealingHealing the Roots & Layers in Chronic Illness -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
For those of you who enjoyed my podcast with functional medicine practitioner, Jenni Berman, you can get more of both of us in this episode where she interviews me!
How Healing is a Shift in PerspectiveWe get into a whole variety of topics, like family dynamics around illness, often unknown triggers for food allergy, why I went to Tokyo to begin my healing journey, what my most popular healing protocol is, how to empower yourself, and how illness can create PTSD trauma and which perspective shifts are crucial to be able to heal yourself of any chronic or serious illness.
Here’s a quick list of topics discussed:
(0:00) Intro(1:55) Jini’s Books(6:05) Jini’s Gut Health Journey(13:28) Social Dynamics Can Impact Health & the Healing Process(16:01) Healed vs. Cured(20:35) A Perspective Shift for Setbacks(24:39) Every Symptom is a Message(28:05) Wild Oregano Oil & Probiotics(38:39) Most Common Mistakes
Healing your body by listening to your gut
In this fascinating interview with Jini Patel Thompson, founder of Listen to Your Gut and author of multiple books, host Vai Kumar uncovers lots of impactful information about Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis, and IBS).
A very personal topic to both guest and host, this episode takes listeners through a multi-pronged approach to finding a balance and restoring the body’s equilibrium. Listening to one’s own body, intuition, tapping into our body’s defences and healing capabilities, are all great reminders from this chat.
Subscribe to the LTYG Podcast on your favorite platform so you don’t miss an episode!
Here are some Chapter highlights and notes from this conversation:Ch 1: Jini’s journey, her non conventional approach – coming from a family of doctors, pharmacists, our guest shares her take on how she approached her healing journey.Ch 2: Specific Carbohydrate Diet – what it offers and what Jini felt was a barrier with it personally.Ch 3: Listen To Your Gut protocol, disease manifestation – how IBD shows up differently in peopleCh 4: Initial steps to addressCh 5: Personality types, internal response – how our body triggers imbalances based on how we react to situationsCh 6: Diet, allergy testingCh 7: Cellular regeneration – how healing happens in our bodyCh 8: Herxheimer reaction – rapid release of toxinsCh 9: Methodical approach to healingCh 10: Wifi, environmental toxinsCh 11: Adrenal systems, need for hormonal balanceCh 12: Fecal transplant, surgical aspects in generalCh 13: Children and IBDCh 14: Natural therapiesCh 15: Microbiome testing, stool testing, food allergy testingCh 16:Absorb plus protein supplementationCh 17: Jini’s books, protocolsChapter Markers0:00 – Jini’s journey, her non conventional approach10:00 – Specific Carbohydrate Diet13:00 – Listen to your gut protocol, disease manifestation16:11 – Initial steps to address18:00 – Personality types, internal response22:00 – Diet, allergy testing28:00 – Cellular regeneration33:00 – Herxheimer reaction37:00 – Methodical approach to healing53:00 – Wifi, environmental toxins56:00 – Adrenal systems, hormonal balance57:30 – Fecal transplant, surgical aspects1:00:00 – Children and IBD1:04:00 – Natural therapies1:08:00 – Microbiome testing, stool testing, food allergy testing1:11:00 – Absorb plus, protein supplementation1:15:00 – Jini’s books, protocols, children’s series
Follow Fresh Leaf Forever for more podcast episodes that offer actionable insights to overcome real-world issues.
In this podcast, health coach and yoga teacher Cate Stillman interviews me after she discovered my work during a search for help with scar tissue protocols and adhesions.
So a lot of the podcast is us discussing my protocols for reducing or dissolving scar tissue, and why surgery is not usually the solution.
But we also get into my personal journey, elemental diets, and how symptoms are actually messages from our subconscious, or higher self.
To listen to this podcast, scroll down, or access on your favorite podcast platform.
In this episode, Cate Stillman interviews Jini Patel Thompson’s healing journey, which began with Crohn’s, and colon issues. They explore the challenges she faced with conventional medicine and the turning point when she discovered the Elemental Diet, leading to profound transformation. Throughout the conversation, Jini emphasizes the significance of intuition, body wisdom, and the metaphysical aspects of healing.
The Listen To Your Gut podcast is available on most platforms – SUBSCRIBE HERE
Functional medicine practitioner Jenni Berman joins me for this podcast where we discuss:
Leaky gut and gut permeabilityThe gut lining/bacteria penetrationAntibody and cytokine reactions leading to autoimmune diseaseCortisol’s impact on the gut lining,Food sensitivities vs allergies (IgG vs IgE)Jenni discusses the testing recommendations for individuals with autoimmune disease/IBD from a Functional Medicine standpoint. She tells us the recommended labs tests they look for, food sensitivity vs allergy testing, and blood serum vs skin testing.
She also tells us her own health story along with a few interesting client improvements.
Lastly, we discuss her long term treatment plan for IBD patients: the reintroduction of food, with a gut healing protocol. And Jenni outlines her preferred long-term supplements vs short-term gut healing supplements.
There is SO much good information packed into this hour! Watch the video of our discussion, or if you prefer to listen to this as a podcast, scroll down, or access on your favorite podcast platform.
The Listen To Your Gut podcast is available on most platforms – SUBSCRIBE HERE so you don’t miss an episode!
Ready to see RESULTS in your healing journey? Dane Johnson and I have a lively discussion on the deeper healing of Crohn’s, IBS, SIBO, diverticulitis, colitis – or ANY long-term chronic illness!
Dane calls me the Top G of IBD, which leads us to a funny little detour into Andrew Tate.*
Then we do a real deep-dive into the mental, emotional, and spiritual components of dis-ease, and how to go to the next level in your healing journey.
You can either watch the video, or listen to this as an audio below, or on your favorite podcast platform.
“When you’re dealing with a chronic illness, you are in the unique position of having the opportunity to transform and alchemize the experience into something much greater, with tremendous benefits to you.” – Jini Patel Thompson
Dane himself was very resistant to go into this aspect of healing; he talks about where he came from and what it took for him to finally be willing to walk this path that is absolutely crucial for long-term, complete healing.
I hope you enjoy this conversation on the gifts of chronic illness as much as we did! And please feel free to share your story and any milestones in your healing journey below…
*p.s. When I say that I see the role Andrew Tate is playing for young men and how it has value, I’m referring to his more recent persona as someone who encourages hard work, discipline, business education, physical fitness, and taking care of the body. I’m certainly not referring to his early macho persona of using and manipulating women.
Join me for a deep dive into food and intuition with professional chef and food/health intuitive, Gail Blair. Gail tells us how she developed her abilities, and how you can work with muscle testing to assist your intuition. And then we get into discussing food allergy testing accuracy and reliability.
Have you ever thought about how ancestral patterns (genetics) or past lives might be affecting your health or food allergies?
If you have food allergies, intolerances, or any kind of gut disorder, this episode is guaranteed to make you think, and possibly even enlighten you!
If you prefer to listen to this as a podcast, scroll down, or access on your favorite podcast platform.
Connect with Gail Blair at
Subscribe to the LTYG Podcast on your favorite platform!
Any questions, thoughts, or feedback, I’d love to hear from you – just leave them below…
Join me in this video as I speak with Dr. Roy & Debbie Steinbock on the challenges and solutions for elemental diet success.
Roy & Debbie have been prescribing and supporting thousands of clients through an elemental diet for over 15 years. They have tons of experience dealing with all the challenges people face and supporting them through the process.
Check out the elemental diet success program here.My biggest takeaway from this call is learning that Debbie and Roy start people on anti-microbials (like wild oregano, olive leaf) one to two weeks before starting an elemental diet.
This way, they can go through the die-off effect (Herxheimer) in stages and not confuse the die-off/detox with the elemental formula, or attribute their symptoms to intolerance of the shakes. Brilliant!
If you’ve considered going on an elemental diet for SIBO, food allergies, IBD etc. then this discussion will give you some great guidelines to follow.
We start by discussing what’s happening with children’s health; why are they sicker and diagnosed with so many formerly-adult diseases? And why are gut disorders getting harder to treat and taking longer to heal?
Debbie and Roy outline what kind of clients benefit from doing an elemental diet, and for how long.
They also go over the difficulties people encounter when they go on an exclusively elemental diet; both physical and mental/emotional. And how they support people through this process.
I ask them if they have seen the same kind of success when people do a half elemental diet, or combine it with low residue foods? And then the Steinbocks tell us about their own personal experience with using an elemental diet for their own health.
Listen as a podcast, or watch the video. Any questions, just post them in the Comments section below.
Listen NowAND don’t forget to check out the Steinbock’s elemental diet success program
Have you struggled with thyroid issues? Do you suspect your hormones are out of balance? Do you do too much, have poor boundaries around your time and energy, and run your adrenals like a beat horse?
We started this discussion with me asking Dr. Scott Tyler ND to tell us what’s in his personal medicine bag? What does he always have on hand and ready to go?
This quickly segued into a meaty discussion on thyroid function and iodine supplementation (if you want to jump ahead to the iodine and thyroid bit, start at 5:00 minutes) – do NOT miss this one! Followed by a discussion of the adrenals and once again how the mind/emotions are integral to healing both thyroid and adrenal issues.
If you’ve been struggling with thyroid issues; fatigue, weight gain, loss of memory, feeling cold all the time, hair loss – then you will find this podcast enlightening and liberating.
Oh and BIG NEWS: If you’re currently on one of my StrictureHeal protocols (which use iodine) you no longer have to monitor your thyroid! Dr. Tyler will tell you why.
Video first and scroll down to the bottom if you prefer to listen as a podcast (here or on your favorite platform).
Here is some more support/evidence for Dr. Tyler’s advice:
“Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, “The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about three months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine daily and a year to achieve that while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily.
For those who are interested in maintained dosages after disease and deficiencies have been dealt with understand that your thyroid gland alone needs about 6 mg of iodine per day for optimal function; the breasts of a woman will need approximately 5 mg/day (women with larger breasts need more); and other body tissues such as your adrenal glands, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland need about 2 mg/day. Thus for optimal wellness adults should consider approximately10 to 12 mg/day.”
And from the prestigious Orthomolecular Medicine association:
“Feeling tired, having low energy or depression, gaining weight, memory problems, having dry skin, dry mouth or immune system issues? There is good chance your body needs iodine supplementation.The recommended daily amount of iodine by Dr. G. E. Abraham is 0.1-0.3 ml Lugol containing 12.5-37.5 mg elemental iodine. This is the amount of iodine needed for whole body sufficiency, based on a recently reported iodine/iodide-loading test.”
As I mentioned in the call, I use the potassium iodide we sell in the Shoppe and it is 25 mg per drop. I take 1 drop per day. At some point, I will probably drop that to 25 mg every second day.
We close out the call with a discussion of the assault on natural healthcare that’s currently happening in Canada, the USA and worldwide. We discuss ways to resist and also to create a parallel reality outside of the illegal and draconian controls being levied on humans at this time.
What’s in Dr. Scott’s Medicine Bag?In case of emergency or natural disaster, Dr. Scott has these items packed and ready to go:
Life Straw water filter3% hydrogen peroxideIodine (potassium iodide, Lugol’s etc)Effective multivitaminSuture material and Steri StripsDuct tapeProtein barsBioDr. (Allen) Scott Tyler is a second generation Naturopathic physician, following in his father’s footsteps. He graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, in 1986, and has practiced in Langley BC since. He developed a keen interest in conditions that relate to metabolic dysfunction, particularly hypothyroidism.
He has since co-authored a book, “A Pound of Prevention” in 1995 with his father Dr. Allen N. Tyler, and is presently working on a book of his own about thyroid disease. He participated in a private herbal product company in BC, “Bowen Island Botanicals”, that specialized in organic herbal tinctures. He served as vice president and a board member for 10 years with the Northwest Naturopathic Convention, chaired the Canadian Naturopathic Education and Research Society, and sat on several committees of the BC College of Naturopathic Physicians.
Dr. Tyler established a free clinic for the homeless, in Langley at The Salvation Army, with his lifelong friend Dr. Ted Sleigh. In 2018 he joined the Boucher College Clinic as a supervisor.
He believes that the future of the profession lies squarely in the hands of students and new graduates, and continues to teach regularly at his own office as a satellite clinic of the school. He has no plan to retire anytime soon, and so, continues practicing out of the oldest federally recognized commercial building (c.1889) in “Langley Prairie”, at Murrayville. He spends his free time on his hobby farm, where he lives with his wife and one of their two daughters, and her family.
Dr. Tyler does not have a website, but you can reach him the old-fashioned way, by phone: Langley Naturopathic Clinic, Langley, BC, Canada 1-604-530-3130
We had some GREAT questions come in from a member of my Lazer Tapping program (mind/body/spirit self-healing technique) and I just had to record a video reply!
Why Did I Manifest This Disease?The question reads:
“What kind of support can be offered specifically around diving into & processing the emotional baggage behind the crohn’s and the gut? What support is available for guidance on getting deeper into the emotions in the gut & the meaning behind having manifested this disease?”
If you prefer to listen to this as a podcast, scroll down, or access on your favorite podcast platform.
I love the way she has already grokked the distinction of this particular disease. Because anyone familiar with the work of Louise Hay (looking at the metaphysical causes for physical illness/malfunction) already knows that where & what in the body is an important part of the message your higher self is sending you, via your physical body.
Map your pathologyAs I say in the video, grab your journal and go through these questions. It doesn’t matter which health issue you have (why did I manifest this disease?), the exploration process is the same:
1/What’s bugging you? When you look at your life, what do you wish could be different?
– job, living situation, daily life
What’s not working for YOU? What does your soul wish was different?
2/When you look back on your childhood – go back to in utero if you can – feel into what was happening, imagine how you might have felt?
Go through every childhood memory, write them down (bullet points are good). Go through your whole life to date.
3/AFTER you’ve made that list, let it sit there for a few days, then come back and see where the common points are… Was there a recurring emotion? Did the same emotional state keep showing up? What themes do you notice? Any traits, patterns, or beliefs that occurred repeatedly?
4/Use your favorite technique to connect to your body, feel for what’s there… It feels___________. Breathe. What wants to come forward today? What’s ready to be dealt with today? You can do this as a DAILY Practice.
If you need help, check out my Guided Connection: Place Your Consciousness Inside Your Body
5/Become mindful of your daily life. How do I respond to events throughout my day? When do I become stressed? Notice the FIRST sign of stress – develop your sensitivity to catch it when it first starts.
Notice which people, situations, relationships trigger you. It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you respond. Become your own detective; notice what triggers you, and why?
6/Notice what parts of your body feel painful. Start tapping on just the physical pain. FEEL into the pain and describe it; burning, throbbing, sharp, dull, aching, stabbing, sore etc. Give your pain permission to exist. Follow the pain if it moves around your body; if you become aware of new places that feel painful, tap on each new occurrence.
If you haven’t tried Lazer Tapping yet, come do a Free session with me.
I encourage you to actually WRITE DOWN your answers to these questions and create a roadmap for your healing journey. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Once you have the answers, you can use whichever mind/body/spirit healing modality you prefer: Lazer Tapping, hypnotherapy, craniosacral, somatic experiencing, etc.
The Effects of Probiotics on Inflammation
Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we answer another question from an LTYG reader. This week’s question reads:
“Many people find dairy pro-inflammatory. Should people managing inflammation avoid Natren’s dairy-based probiotics?”
Don’t forget to download my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics!
Many people find find dairy pro-inflammatory. Should people trying to manage inflammation avoid your dairy-based probiotics?
Yeah that’s a loaded question you know dairy is one of the best suited culturing mediums for these bacteria that’s why they’re called lactobacillus meaning they are milk bacteria so that’s their favorite food if you’re not specifically allergic to dairy I would say take the dairy product it’s not going to cause more inflammation unless you’re specifically allergic to it.
You’re allergic to the components of milk basically the the protein part the the lactose can be handled because your body can be reminded how to produce the enzyme and the bacteria will produce the enzyme for you but milk has the complete nourishment for these bacteria so that they can do the best job for you. And I’ve fought this for almost 50 years this business about anti-milk and you know the the cultures that were healthy consumed you know dairy products that were fermented with proper bacteria on a daily basis so if you don’t have an allergy to milk I encourage you to take the milk products.
Can I ask you a quick question there do the dairy based powders so you have the the loose powder and then you have the capsules this is not Healthy Trinity we’re talking about the other lines, when they’re the ones that are cultured on dairy do the powders contain the dairy proteins. Yes they do but they’ve been fermented. And how about the capsules? When you when you have the powder inside the capsules does that same thing you just have less of the supernatant in the capsule than you do in the powder.
Okay so that might be a place to start then to test your tolerance and for me because I have scar tissue in my throat i can’t swallow pills I just take the capsules I open them up and I mix them in room temperature water but that would be a great way to start testing. And also because I did a couple of very intensive teleseminars with a PHD in immunology and a bunch of experts on there where we talked about the whole issue of allergies and intolerance and you know how that is very much a learned way of being in the body. So you know we may be well we’ve been off milk for a long time or we’ve been consuming pasteurized gross milk products so our body said forget milk but we can.
There’s a certain amount of re-education there that can take place by kind of like homeopathy introducing very small amounts so for me if I was wanting to do that I would start with maybe taking one capsule of the dairy based and mixing it with five or six capsules of the non-dairy and taking that together that’s a good idea. Yeah that’s a good thing you brought up you know we have the healthy start system which has all the three bacteria that’s found in the Healthy Trinity capsule so what we do is we have the same bacteria with different delivery mechanisms and different food so that those bacteria can interact with your body and we are unique nitrogen is still unique.
I can assure you there is nobody that has our system or nobody that produces the bacteria with the supernatant which means the original fermentation and products which are so important to assist the bacteria to take hold on the intestinal wall and those compounds are also important as messengers and you know interacting with the 100 billion neurons in your GI tract which is the second brain and the immune system come on over to and grab my free ebook what you need to know about probiotics.
Check my probiotic cheat sheet +additional resources here, and learn even more at the probiotics section of the blog.
You can shop all Natren probiotics here.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
Mother issues and wounding – the heart-belly loop. Was your mother unwilling or unable to meet your emotional, physical, or spiritual needs?
Did you not receive enough love or nurture from your mother?
Let’s heal the physical and energetic link between our heart and our belly (Hara, Dan Tien, source of lifeforce energy) in relation to mother issues and wounding caused by our relationship with our mother. Even if you were given away at birth, you still spent almost a year listening, developing, growing, to the sound of your mother’s heartbeat. Your belly and her belly fully symbiotic through the umbilical cord. I did not even realize the significance of this, in terms of releasing mother-wounds, until one of my horses brought it to my attention!
Let’s heal this feedback loop of lack of nurture/love that circles between the heart and the belly.
➡️Get just this session here.
➡️ Shop all Single Sessions here.
➡️Or do the Lazer Tapping Course, plus over 20 guided video tapping sessions here.
And if you prefer an audio-only version of this session, you can listen to it here:
I created this game-changer healing course specifically for my readers and others who are struggling with chronic health issues, disempowerment, lack of abundance, unsupportive relationships, and boring in-a-rut lives. Because our unresolved/unhealed crap holds us back!
This is my version of EFT or acupressure tapping – and it has been the cornerstone of not only healing myself physically, but also healing relationships (even abusive ones), unleashing my talents, and bringing in the money-honey – even when 4 banks in a row had turned us down (I tell you that story in my International Bestseller, Listen To Your Gut).
You’ve heard speakers and successful people say, over and over again, that the ONLY thing holding us back in life, is ourselves. IT’S TRUE. And this course will teach you how to laser-focus in on your particular blocks and saboteurs and release them!
FEEL your emotions, put them into FLOW
Let’s heal the pain & trauma that’s underneath the emotions
Re-connect with your body & suppressed emotions.
Transform negative thoughts, pain, trauma, poverty, into positivity!
Lazer Tapping is an integrated mind/body/spirit healing modality; healing, shift, release or transformation takes places across all levels of the self.
Many healers and shamans assert that all dis-ease begins first in the emotional or energy body and then is expressed through the physical body. In my own healing journey, I’ve come to align with an aboriginal belief that the spirit (or higher self) tries to speak to us, but if we don’t listen, then the spirit uses our physical body to send us the message. Because it is much harder to ignore pain, discomfort, malfunction, danger in our physical body, than it is to ignore intuition, gut feeling, or signs and symbols.
Once you get fluent in Lazer Tapping you will be AMAZED at this powerful healing tool you now have at your fingertips! Literally.
Come and try a FREE SESSION and experience it for yourself.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
Before looking at treatments for constipation, it is important to first identify which kind of constipation you have.
Through the course of my research, consultations with clients, feedback from readers, and my own struggle with constipation, I have come to identify two different types of constipation.
Since I have not come across any labels for these in the medical literature (or perhaps I just didn’t read widely enough), I have made up my own labels to distinguish between these two different types of constipation. I call them peristaltic constipation and stenosis constipation.
Of course, while most people seem to suffer from one or the other, there are people who suffer from a combination of the two.
1. Peristaltic Constipation
This type of constipation can consist of many different symptoms or factors, but the defining elements are as follows:
You just don’t often (or rarely, never) feel the urge to have a bowel movement. You can have stool building up in your colon for days, but no urge or urgency to poo.If you’ve been constipated for a long time, this build-up of stool may not even be uncomfortable anymore.When you do have a bowel movement, your stool is large and fairly wide. Even if it is in hard balls, the diameter is larger than half an inch.Colonic massage can really help get your bowels moving and assist your body’s peristaltic mechanism.
2. Stenosis Constipation
I came up with the name for this one based on the medical label of anal stenosis (narrowing, tightness or stricture of the anal canal). Stenosis constipation means that you experience one or more of the scenarios below:
You often feel the urge to defecate. In some cases, the urge can be frequent or continual. You may even feel the stool pushing against your anus, but when you try to poo, it is very difficult to pass stool and sometimes, or often, nothing comes out. When you do manage to poo, your stool can be any width, length, or consistency.If you’ve had this type of constipation for a long time, then your urge to defecate may have greatly lessened, if not disappeared (remember the bowel is easily trained). However, passing stool is still extremely difficult and your anus/rectum can spasm and be very tight or narrow.When you manage to pass stool, the stool can be very thin, sometimes only the width of a flattened pencil. You strain and push mightily and it may feel like you’re passing a huge stool, but when you look in the toilet there’s only a very narrow or small amount of stool. Stools can be soft, hard, balls, or cylinders, but rarely larger than 1/4 inch – 1/3 inch in diameter and the maximum diameter is not usually more than 1/2 inch.Listen to my podcast for even more insights and a simple remedy:
*Note: You can listen live, or download to your MP3 player
Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we discuss regulatory issues with commercial kombucha, as well as potential contamination dangers when making kombucha yourself.
Don’t forget to download my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics!
Check my probiotic cheat sheet + additional resources here, and learn even more at the probiotics section of the blog.
You can shop all Natren probiotics here.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
I recently created this presentation about the formulation of Absorb Plus shakes on behalf of IMIX Nutrition, and it’s chock full of good info – so of course, I wanted to share it with the LTYG community as well!
I go into a bit of my backstory, being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, and what drove me to create Absorb Plus – and I encourage you to watch if you’re interested in learning more about:
An Elemental vs. a Semi-elemental dietElemental vs. Polymeric formulasProtein Component Challenges in an Elemental DietDefinitions of Elemental Foods (What’s Allowed)Elemental Diet DifficultiesOther Diet Options for Bowel RestAnd what Makes Absorb Plus Different?
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
Feel free to also download my free eBook, What You Need to Know About Elemental Diets, here.
You can learn even more about Absorb Plus at
Shop all Absorb Plus lines and flavors here.
**Note, we have had many readers write in asking if they can add more than the recommended number of scoops in their shakes – and if there are any downsides to this. In my book, The IBD Remission Diet, I talk about why I formulated Absorb Plus to have roughly 27 grams of protein per serving. I based that calculation on bodybuilders’ protein intake. Because if you ingest more protein than your body can utilize, it will excrete it via urine. Thus, I recommend my readers not ingest more than 1 shake per hour for efficient protein utilization. And be sure to drink your shakes slowly for maximum nutrient retention/utilization!
Join me and Josh of as we talk about what I believe are the top supplements/treatments for IBS!
And here is my home remedy page for IBS, where you can find natural treatments for some of the most pressing symptoms of irritable bowel. Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a bowel problem, these remedies will work to heal whatever irregularity you’re experiencing.
Download my FREE guide, What You Need to Know About Elemental Diets
Supplements mentioned in video:➡️ B. Infantis – Shop Natren Life Start➡️ Shop ALL Natren probiotics➡️ Absorb Plus elemental diet shake➡️ Sprouted Ground Chia/Flax➡️ Charcoal or Bentonite Clay (2 weeks MAX)
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
The protocols I’ve discovered can be divided down into 8 key steps for 100% natural healing of IBS & IBD (Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis):
1.) Providing bowel rest using a special elemental (pre-digested) liquid diet2.) Killing off the bad bacteria and fungus in the gut (disease-causing organisms)3.) Re-populating the gastrointestinal tract with good bacteria4.) Healing intestinal inflammation and ulceration5.) Resolving nutritional deficiencies6.) Detoxing your living environment7.) Healing the contributing emotional factors8.) Balancing your hormones
➡️ 8 Key Steps for Crohn’s➡️ 8 Key Steps for Colitis➡️ Natural remedy for IBS➡️ Natural remedy for Diverticulitis➡️ All other home remedy pages✔️ FREE Download, What You Need to Know About Probiotics📗 LISTEN TO YOUR GUT: The Complete Natural Healing Program for IBS and IBD🏠 How to Create a Healing Environment eBook
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
Join me and certified EFT tapping practitioner Rachel Turner as we talk about:
Anxiety and fear surrounding food and eatingHow the emotional and spiritual play into physical symptomsCommon woundings/issues/behavioral patterns in people with chronic illnessHow tapping healed us both healAnd much more!
Like I healed myself of Crohn’s disease, Rachel has also healed herself of ulcerative colitis. You can learn more about her at
You can also join me for a FREE Lazer Tapping session here.
If you prefer, here is the podcast audio-only version of this video:
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