Send me your burning questions, unsolved mysteries, scientific conundrums and things you rrrrreeeeeellllyyyyyy want to know more about to [email protected], and I'll do my best to include them in upcoming episodes. Include your first name and the country you live in so I can give you a shout-out at the end of my podcast!
For season 8, I need you to send me your science questions to answer. My email is [email protected]
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Hi scientists, I can't believe that season 7 is almost over, and that the timeline has managed to get to YOU, reading this episode description! mammals are taking over the world and flowering plants are becoming more and more important in the CENEZOIC PERIOD!
Please send in your questions for season 8!
This is where most of the monsters from 1950s horror films come from, these guys are getting really complex and trying out all sorts of body shapes and new innovations like FEATHERS!
Season 8 the POPCORN season is underway and we need your questions. Send them to [email protected] with your name and country of residence for a chance to be featured
This is where life on Land really became fashionable and very quickly got more species than the ocean for a the first time on earth.
Season 8 is underway and we need YOUR questions. Send your science questions, name and country of origin to [email protected] for a chance to be featured next season.
Welcome to the Longest era in earth's history with complex life in it! This includes a bunch of new evolutionary pathways and biological innovations in the water, MOSTLY.
Im already working on Season 8, the Popcorn season and i am seeking questions from the podcast audience. Send me your best science questions, your first name and counrty of residence and YOU may be featured in an up coming episode.
Episode 3! We finally have some things alive to talk about but you probably haven't heard of many of them.
Here is the next epsiode for season 7, all about how our lovely solar system came into being.
What happened first the chicken or the egg?
Neither, it was the
The Big Bang?!?!?!
Join me in Episode 1 to explore how our universe began.
Your Boy is Back in Town!
Serving up Season 7 which has been a long long LONG, time in the making, like about 15 Billions years in the making!
This season we are going to trace the history of our Universe, solar system, planets and species. Join me as we explore how we all go to this moment in time
Season 7 Drops January 15th.
With Weekly episodes dropping every Wednesday Morning at 10 am, Subscribe and Follow so you don't miss a single one.
How is a star made?
What kind of stars exist?
What is the biggest star ever?
Find the answers to all these questions and more in this amazing episode on STARS!
This Episode tells you everything you need to know about Planets
Season 6 is dropping next week! Can't wait to share it with you!
Have you ever wondered why scientist use mice and rats in labs to study things that affect Humans?
Come find out why on Today's Episode.
Creeped out by creepy crawlies? NO MORE come learn how wild and wonderful they are!
Come on in, the water's is however FULL of invertebrates. Come and find out more about them in todays episode.
Did you know that Dinosaurs still live? Just the ones with feathers. Learn all about the amazing world of Avians in this great episode about birds
Dragons are real and they have poison. Come learn about an amazing group of animals that haven't changed very much in a long time.
Think being a Mammal means you know everything about them? Have i got some surprises for you!
Something smells fishy here, but it isn't this episode, or maybe it is. Dive into the original earth habitat with me for some amazing fish facts.
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