
  • The Mind is master of the body.

    Yes, even though we use only about 10% of it ……… but did u know that even though your mind is the master of your body, you are still the one having complete control over it.

    It is our choice to make, whether we want to control it or be a slave to it.

    You control your mind, but your mind regulates your words and actions.

    What you think and believe determines your future.

    You have already partially achieved most of your goals once you have thought of yourself achieving them mentally.

    It cannot be put in a more simpler way than,

    Your Thoughts become your Words and your words become your Actions.

    Your goal is like a seed which must be planted into your mind firmly and must be nurtured.

    Your goals will only unfold before your eyes if you believe in them without any doubts in your mind.

    This is because

    Success begins in the fellows will…. it is all in the state of mind.

    What you think is what u attract towards yourself.

    If you think negative, then you will attract negativity but if you think positive, you will attract positivity.

    People blame circumstances for what they become, but there are no circumstances!

    It’s only what we bring upon ourselves by what we think.

    We humans are like boats sailing without any destination in mind. We need to have a goal in mind and works towards it if we want to get anywhere in life.

    Now just think about it for a second, why do successful people continue to be successful?

    This is because they have a goal in mind, a target to work towards which they believe that they can attain no matter what.

    The key to success is in first understanding what it really is.

    Success is the feeling attained by a person who was doing a job deliberately because he always wanted to do it.

    The Strangest Secret ever is that there is no secret to success.

    Just like in the movie Kung Fu Panda! There is no secret ingredient. It’s just you believing that there is one which makes it even more amazing.

    And this is why very few people understand it.

    We simply become what we think about.

    And that is the scary deciding factor in life because

    The key to success is the same as the key to failure.

    Both depend solely on what we think we will become.

    If you think you will be successful then you will be but if you think that you will fail, there is nothing that can save you from the inevitable failure that you have brought upon yourself.

    What does our life revolve around you may ask? What is the centre of my life?

    And what should be the centre of my life?

    If you wanna know the answers to these questions , do check out my next Podcast.

    This is Keegan Menezes signing off.

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  • "Live Full Die Empty " this quote by Todd Henry really touched my heart. This line has much more meaning to it than what meets the eye. Dying emptt implies living a life in which you utilise your gifts and talents to benefit the world so that when its time for your departure from it , you have nothing left undone that God had equipped you to do. As long as we are alive and fit as a fiddle we need to impart our knowledge and ideas to the world for after we die they too will die with us remaining a memory forever. Therefore it is our duty towards our fellow people that we live life to the fullest and die empty devoid of any regrets.