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Have you ever wondered how you can live a more soul-led life?
Or how you can better navigate your spiritual path? How to live by your Human Design?
Have you every wondered how you can wake up feeling more like yourself every day? Or how to fully step into your authentic self?
This podcast is about all things living self-actualized and in your inherent Divine God state. Journey with me, as we uncover all things self-mastery, spirituality, bio-hacking, Human Design and so much more!
With insightful and informative interviews, to untethered heart centered soul rants from yours truly; You will receive all you need to navigate the highs and lows of your souls journey!
This podcast is about doing whatever it takes - to develop and nourish the God in YOU.
Press Play, Subscribe, & Comment! I would LOVE to hear from you!!
Learn more about me and my latest offerings here...
Allow media from to inform the process of embodying heart-centered awareness. By balancing holistic wisdom with the love flavors of unimpeded friendliness; compassion; vicarious joy; and equanimity we naturally unfold our innate courage while aligning into wholeness upon our progressive development journey into completing our full potentials and capacities towards complete freedom.
Sabina是一位希塔療癒師。在podcast節目上會分享很多Sabina一路走來或是現階段的體悟。希望一點點的時間可以為你帶來一些啟發和靈感。Sabina的使命,是幫助很多靈性小白覺醒,讓他們知道不用困在自己的人生劇碼裡面,一切皆為自己的創造,而你值得過你理想中的生活。👯♀️ 歡迎追蹤我的IG網站 provided by SoundOn
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, read by Tasha Chen
Who is Tasha Chen?
I’m Tasha Chen, a business coach who assists high-achieving entrepreneurs and professionals achieve their dreams and manifesting goals by teaching how to tune into abundance, no matter what they’re trying to call in.
My proven Aligned to Success Method results in participants working from a place of ease and joy, with quality time to enjoy life and their families as they do what they love with no fear or uncertainty about success.
My techniques have led my clients to create over $45 MILLION and counting in new revenue. Not one penny of that was from any extra “hard work.”
Want to get your podcast published? This podcast is made available by Woon Tan. -
World renowned psychic Char Margolis hosts this hour-long weekly radio/web show exploring all things metaphysical, spiritual, & paranormal. Featuring special guests, psychic readings, and alternative healers, Char helps the audience understand and connect with the spirit world, enhancing their own intuition and enlightenment. Join Char on the journey of discovery and personal growth that is CharVision!
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⚜KULT-URE OF THE SUPREME BEING: 💃A Forum To Open The Closed Mind🧠; From The Hardest Of Social Topics🤔To All Those Things Paranormal👻That Go BUMP In The Night.💀Dedicated To My Patron Diety, The Goddess🙏ISIS.👑I Am A Reincarnated Witch💀⚰⚜A New Orleans Native, Born & Raised in The Beautiful Garden District🌹In The PARANORMAL CAPITAL Of The USA, Near Author Anne Rice.📚& YES, My Ancestors REALLY ARE💀"The Witches Of The New Orleans French Quarter"⚜My Heritage Is Controversial At BEST;& Demonized At Its Worst.Enter🚪At your Own Risk😱For This Forum🎙Is NOT For The Faint of Heart♥ Support this podcast:
What happens to our soul when our human body dies? As a medium since childhood, Majona has had many other-worldly experiences and conversations. In this podcast, she shares thought-expanding experiences, insights and musings. You are invited to join Majona's journey as she seeks unbiased answers and perspectives, has conversations with disincarnate beings, and expands our understanding of the soul's journey.
Intro music “Flying High”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Pastors Erik and Michelle West have devoted over 25 years to the call that God has placed on their lives for full time ministry. Pastor Erik and Michelle graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in June of 1994. Shortly after they returned to Alabama where they've been teaching God's word and demonstrating the power of His love to people everywhere. Here at Grace Life, we believe that Jesus is the single and complete sacrifice for all sin, for all time. It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect all imperfect people. Jesus, by that single offering, did everything that needed to be done for everyone that accepts Him into their heart as their Lord and personal Savior. We encourage you to come and be a part of our services and watch God, through His grace, miraculously and effortlessly change your life forever, simply because He loves you! "May grace (God's unmerited favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full, personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." 2 Peter 1:2 (AMP)
Like our Facebook page to stay connected. We broadcast live every Sunday morning at 11:00 A.M. CST.
More information can be found on our website -
Acts Teens is the happening teens’ ministry of Acts Church that is on a mission to reach the world of teens and to reach the world through teens. And we welcome anyone aged 11 to 17 years old to join us on this mission!
Acts Teens is not just a regular youth group. It is a movement of young people who are living for a cause greater than themselves – teens who are filled with purpose, full of passion and packed with power to change their world. -
Our mission is to take the good news of Jesus to all nations of the world using technological advancements to further the gospel through social media, live stream teachings, and outdoor ministry crusades. "Worldwide Impact" is our greatest prayer, and we seek to empower the next generation to run with the gospel with many signs and wonders through the mighty work of the Holy Spirit.
Reading books by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada daily. Each of these books is a literary masterpiece, they have all the answers to any questions of life and everything necessary to uplift and nourish our soul, develop our loving relationship with God, Krishna, and help us relish our adventurous spiritual journey. Such a deep, bonafide, theological science based on Vedic scriptures has never been presented like this before. Chant Hare Krishna, dive into these books, be happy and make others happy! From Mayapur with love, Your humble servant, Sulalita devi dasi