Welcome to the first episode of American't from LIW Studios. This episode is made up of studio footage, live stand-up footage and memes made by you. To submit ideas/memes send Phoenix West an electronic letter via digital carrier pigeon at
We were joined by author/comedian Patrick Tracy who is plugging his new book GEAR'D, a sci-fi series that releases weekly, every Tuesday on Amazon. Phoenix talks about going to the Bulls Vs. Suns game and having to ignore a fight behind him so he could watch a game, his lack of Lego brand toys as a kid, Patrick reads a letter he sent to a book publisher that wasn't favorable, Brent reads news that involves animal cruelty, Psy's new song Daddy and a ton of random shit. Seriously, go get the book, it's a quick read and worthwhile. Go get your free copy of the book here: Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW (Fear) The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
How will the mid-season finale end? Not at all like Phoenix predicted it would. It ends much slower than he guessed which is amazing because he doesn't give the show much credit at all. Phoenix also again stresses how this episode was extremely preventable if they just cleaned out the zombies nonstop. When will these fictional characters listen to this podcast that they can't download because of a lack of power and therefore internet? Damn them to a zombie filled hell.
In this episode, Phoenix talks about the boring performance by Wes Bentley, how Evan Peters and Finn Wittrock are the saving graces of the show this season and how awesome of an idea this episode is. Unfortunately this episode is a standalone that is quickly abandoned after it is over. This season is kinda horrible. Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
In this episode everyone is becoming a vampire. We have like 40 new vampires to the cast and they are all quickly forgotten about. Also, Phoenix explains his true feelings toward transgender/transvestite people (not his true feelings). He also talks about how much he enjoyed 2/3 of this episode. Millennials are annoying people that are supposed to be killed (or so the show says). Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
Original airdate 11.23.2015. I must have been feeling great because I recorded 2 episodes of this Gotham review in the same day. But also, considering the episode before this was 21 days prior, it meant I was seriously falling behind already. That's why this show failed. That and its host was a failure. - Phoenix West (11.5.16)
Original airdate 11.23.15 - This is the last of the failed LIW Gotham Review episodes. If you guys BEGGED me to pick it back up...I just might. But that's not going to happen. So, it was fun while it lasted. Is this the one where the kid that played Joker died. What was the deal with that. Still no closure on that piece of plot. Was he not the Joker then? The fuck? Anyway, it was fun while it lasted for the LIW Gotham Review. - Phoenix West (11.5.16)
Daryl, Abraham and Sasha are finally back! Daryl's storyline is awesome but Sasha and Abraham just talk about being accountable and in control for too long. Plus we are introduced to new characters that are vague and not complex at all. Plus a random girl is pointlessly and lazily killed to serve the storyline! Yay! Good episode though. Seriously.
In this episode Phoenix finally gets validation on his wild claim that Glenn was alive. Also he complains about the show some more, mostly about how they don't have a duty at Alexandria in which people stab zombies in the head all day to keep their numbers down. Instead they just keep adding more to the inside of the walls which actually makes Alexandria smaller every single day. Figure it out, people. Balloons. A big part of this episode is balloons. You'll have to watch to figure out why.
This is the angriest episode of The Phoenix West Show! to date. It starts off with such joy too because Phoenix is 2 1/2 hours away from finally owning Fallout 4. He talks about his disgust with breaking down to buy an X-Box One, his anger all systems only come with one controller nowadays, he bought a Ghostbusters Ecto-1A plastic model set that intimidates him to no end and probably won't ever be finished, how him and Bri spent an hour and a half watching videos of people falling down and hurting themselves, how he really hopes a man that repeatedly head butted his car window is dead, he goes to great lengths to describe how he hopes they all died, then he talks about how much he hates the woman that recorded her own drunk driving on Periscope before going into how much he hates everyone at concerts that hold their phones over their heads to record videos they won't watch of a concert they already missed despite being there. People suck. Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW (Fear) The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
Spoilers be here. Right after Phoenix airs his complains about the Morgan character, what does he get? An entire fucking episode about Morgan having a bonding experience with an amazing actor that obviously won't live through the episode. Why does this show hate us? Phoenix also repeats his theory on the fate of Glenn which might have already been answered but he hasn't watched 605 yet despite it being titled 'Now'. Phoenix is a rebel and will watch it later.
In this episode Phoenix talks about his predictions from the 604 episode. He also talks about how this entire episode is compiled of different one-on-one conversations. Then he gets angry about a few things: why they don't just duct-tape a knife to a stick and kill zombies in shifts all day long until they are just gone, why Deanna is a melting pile of depression, why Ron is such a bitch, why Jessie's son has the stupid haircut and why Maggie is hogging the southern accent in the Greene family.
In this episode, Phoenix discusses the true value of Michonne (who is back by the way), What he would do sexually for the person that provided sock-eye salmon in the apocalypse, the bullshit lifestyle of the Whisperers, how invalid of an excuse of rape hurting is for Alpha, and how confusing it gets when all the main characters are all spread out in different places. Plus he tries to get you to go to his website to buy his books. Do it.
In this episode, Phoenix talks about how inaccurate of a title "Whispers Into Screams" is, at least for this particular chapter. It should be the title of chapter 24. Carl is officially a teenage pimp. Where is Michonne? Is it Claudette or Tammy? Why does she call Maggie a cunt? Find out all those answers in this episode.
In this episode, Phoenix explains the sound at the beginning of the show's theme song, the awkwardness of going to a Halloween party at a random church, the worst conversation in the world is when you tell someone you're a comedian and they ask you to tell them a joke, his Halloween costume, drinking beer while walking around during actual Halloween, and a quick LASIK update. Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW (Fear) The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
In this episode, Phoenix reaches into his heart and shares a piece of Batman fan fiction that he wrote. It won't be what you expect. It will be worse. Much worse. Check out the other shows on the LIW network on iTunes, YouTube and Stitcher! 1. The Phoenix West Show! - (weekly comedy news show, available every Monday) 2. LIW Improv Theater - (completely improvised comedy show, available every Monday and Friday) 3. LIW Movie Review - (monthly movie review comedy show, available 1st of the month) 4. LIW Nic Cage Cast - (reviewing a different Nic Cage film every episode, sporadic) 5. LIW The Twilight Zone Review - (reviewing the show The Twilight Zone, watch TZ on Netflix then listen to Phoenix make fun of the show despite loving the shit out of TZ, sporadic) 6. LIW (Fear) The Walking Dead Review - (reviewing both Fear The Walking Dead AND The Walking Dead (TV Show & Comic), available shortly after each episode airs) 7. LIW American Horror Story Review - (reviewing American Horror Story, available shortly after each episode airs) 8. LIW Fargo Review - (reviewing the TV show Fargo, available shortly after each episode airs) 9. LIW Gotham Review - (reviewing the FOX show Gotham, available shortly after each episode airs) 10. LIW Chicago Sports Review - (reviewing Chicago sports, sporadic) (Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox, Cubs, Sky) 11. LIW NBA Review - (Phoenix West reviews the NBA in a comedic way)
In this chapter, society is rebuilt and it's kinda awesome. Phoenix is confused by how much time has passed but he figures it out way too far into the show. Rick look like shit, Maggie has Hershel instead of Glenn as a child, Andrea is the same, Carl is seemingly 6 years older despite it only being less than 2 years later. Whatever. The timeline is confusing. Phoenix loves what they did with Magna's group. The end.
In this one Phoenix talks about how he's bored with Michonne's character in the comic but not in the show. In the comic if she isn't slicing off zombie heads, she is banging a dude without emotion over and over. He also loves the way Negan is written and how he isn't just another bullshit villain. He also goes into what he really thinks happened to the fate of a character in episode 603 of the TV show. It is spoiler free but when he gets into TV spoilers, he tells you to turn it off so don't worry.
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