Europe has no countries that offer “birthright citizenship” anymore. The US and Canada are rare exceptions. Most countries that still have it are countries with net out-migration like Mexico.
Additional Reading“Birthright Citizenship Isn’t Real” by Ryan McMaken:
“Why Birthright Citizenship Is Rare In Europe” by Ryan McMaken:
“Don’t Confuse Immigration with Naturalization” by Ryan McMaken:
“The Problem with the Arbitrary Line between Legal and Illegal Immigration” by Ryan McMaken:
“There Is No Such Thing as Settled Law” by Ryan McMaken:
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In the 1870s and 1880s, and through the 1920s, it's clear that many legislators and judges did not agree that birthright citizenship applied to everyone born in the borders of the US. The modern interpretation is highly debatable.
Additional Reading"Why the World Is Giving Up on Birthright Citizenship" by Ryan McMaken:
“Why Birthright Citizenship Is Rare In Europe” by Ryan McMaken:
“Don’t Confuse Immigration with Naturalization“ by Ryan McMaken:
“The Problem with the Arbitrary Line between Legal and Illegal Immigration“ by Ryan McMaken:
"There Is No Such Thing as Settled Law" by Ryan McMaken:
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If you thought federal deficits and spending would go back to normal after the covid panic, you were wrong. If anything, deficits are now on track to be bigger than the covid years.
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One does not need to be an advocate of open borders to have concerns when one hears about a federal law enforcement agency engaging in a “crackdown.”
See also "A Free-Market Guide to Trump’s Immigration Crackdown" by Ryan McMaken:
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Since 1956, few presidential candidates have managed to get more than 51 percent of the vote in national elections.
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Even if whole regions of the country vote overwhelmingly against a president, they are still forced to submit to four years of that president’s rule-by-decree.
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The Fed wants independence so it can serve the interests of the banker class. There is no higher principle here. There is only power.
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The Fed claims things are going very well, but Fed Chairman Jerome Powell got three questions at the press conference that he had trouble answering honestly.
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Job growth was only positive in October because of government jobs, funded by huge federal deficits.
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Trump’s tax reform just replaces one tax with another. And would probably result in higher taxes.
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In August, the money supply grew at the fastest rate in 23 months. The Fed fears a recession, so we can now expect even more monetary growth.
For graphs and more, read
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September's job numbers were driven by big increases in government jobs and part-time work.
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The two-percent price inflation target is just a political slogan, and the Fed has many ways of ignoring its supposed two-percent target.
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The Fed is desperate for you to think that "this time is different." Unfortunately, Powell can't seem to come up with an explanation of why that is the case.
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The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in part-time jobs.
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Price inflation is never caused by greed. It's always caused by a growing money supply. The money supply has grown big-time since 2020, and now we pay a lot more for food and housing.
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The Fed promises a soft landing, but the fact that the Fed now plans to start cutting interest rates is one of the strongest recession signals we can get.
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The US will add another $2 trillion to the total debt this year, and the US is now spending a trillion of your dollars on interest per year. There is no end in sight.
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We already knew recent jobs reports—as far as the establishment survey is concerned, were based largely on made up numbers.
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