
  • In this episode, I go over the main tenets of weight loss without restriction, and I give you the exact data-driven steps I use with my clients for how to get the scale to start moving consistently (or remain consistent if you are in maintenance.) If you feel like you are tired of f*cking around with your weight loss goals, this is the episode for you.

    Previous episodes mentioned:

    Making Peace with Hunger

    How To Break The Habit of Overeating

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Sustainability is the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time. In order for your weight loss to remain sustainable, we need to find a way to regulate and attune to our energetic, financial, emotional, physical, and interpersonal needs enough to sustain our desired habits around food. It requires deep listening and paying attention to your limits and boundaries of what's possible.

    Doing a review of the periods of time in your life that have resulted in weight gain can reveal unsustainable circumstances. These might be able to be made sustainable with practice or maybe not. What do the clues tell you? When do you find it impossible to not overeat? What does your inner knowing tell you about your life in those times and your competing desire to lose or maintain your desired weight? Is it time to make some big changes to stop making things so hard so that the life and weight you desire can BE sustainable?

    Coach Homework:

    Is my life as I've created it in this phase of my life truly sustainable? Are there signs that elements in my life need some restructuring or change? Go back and listen to any episodes in Season One that you missed or want to relisten to and/or purchase the Love Life & Lose Weight book on Amazon. The paperback is now available.

    I'm taking a sabbatical from the podcast for the fourth quarter of 2023. I'm not exactly sure when I'll be back, but my best guess is the beginning of 2024 for Season Two. I want to reassure you that between the 51 podcast episodes of season one and the book, you have everything you need to lose weight without restriction. Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

    In the meantime, the best way to stay in touch with me and my work is to join the email list HERE.

    Stay focused and so long. xo

    Coach Heather

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

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  • What I'm suggesting today is to make your relationship to receptivity an intentional component of your weight loss to help make that process easier and take less time than it has to.

    Allowing and receptivity are cousins in this regard. Limiting habits of thinking about food, indulging in doubt as to whether you can lose weight, and allowing competing priorities are just some examples that take us out of receptivity to weight loss.

    Being receptive also includes being willing to allow the discomfort of habit change to suck and be hard, but that difficult process also creates the alchemy of change we are after. Just allowing receptivity for the process to be an intentional part of your journey will help you reach your goals. It's about opening up to the process. Let it change you, and watch everything shift in your journey. Commit yourself to getting out of the way and stop throwing resistance into the mix.

    Stay tuned for special announcements as we are now in the last few episodes of season one of the podcast!

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Relational capacity, as I define it describes your ability to meet your expectations of what you know you need to think, feel, and do in order to lose weight.

    Weight loss will always involve noticing what level of performance you are at; especially when you notice you did not take the desired actions you are after. Understanding these letdown moments is so much more helpful if you frame the situation in terms of where your capacity level was at that moment.

    Noticing how you aren't doing what you know you want to do will be so much more fruitful if you frame that level of performance as a capacity issue and THEN commit to slowly building your capacity with a commitment to BUILDING that capacity.

    As a coach, I so often see my clients viewing their capacity limits, for example, when they overeat pizza again on Friday night as seeming PROOF of inability, and nothing could be further from the truth.

    Instead, you can approach your current level of performance and habits around weight loss in terms of optimizing your capacity and working at the edges of where you are at. Relentlessly notice your progress and wins, and never use your current capacity against yourself and your goals and dreams.

    Coach Homework:

    Write about what you think is in the way of you reaching your goals? Make a list. For each item, consider where you are with relational capacity for it. Can this area be optimized with focus and practice? How exactly can you work at the edges of your current level of performance? Describe what would that would look like. Then make a plan to start this week by writing it into your weekly and daily planner. To get a copy of these planners, join the list.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • In this episode, I explain how to translate the top eight negative emotions to learn what might be needed. The emotions listed below are the top eight negative emotions that we often eat over. If you are in a place of wanting to move beyond reacting to them, resisting them, or avoiding them, this episode is for you!

    For any negative emotions we experience, we can take 100% responsibility for them by how we have chosen to think about the world and what's happening that created them. When we do that, we create a space of intentionality and agency over our lives, even when it feels hard.

    Coach Homework: Identify 1-3 of the most commonly felt negative emotions listed below for you. Using the translation below, explore in your journaling whether there is a message from your particular negative emotional experience that is trying to get your attention about what is needed.

    Anger is trying to tell you what you're passionate about, where your boundaries and values are, and what you believe needs to change about the world.Disappointment is trying to tell you that you tried for something, that you did not give in to apathy, and that you still care.Anxiety is trying to tell you that you need to wake up to the truth of how life is right now, that you're stuck in the past and living in fear of the future.Bitterness is trying to tell you about what needs healing and where you're still holding judgment of others and/or yourself.Resentment is trying to tell you where you're arguing for things to be different, living in the past, and not allowing the present to be as it is.Guilt is trying to tell you that you're living life from other people's or external expectations of what you should do.Discomfort is trying to tell you that you need to pay attention right now to what is happening because you're being given the opportunity to change, to do something different than what is typical for you.Sadness is trying to tell you the depth of your feelings and care for others and/or the world.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • In this episode, I discuss our internal human experience of how we think both spontaneously and intentionally, how I understand it and frame it as a weight loss coach for my clients, and how to accommodate it and shape it with the intention of helping you lose weight.

    Your habit brain is going to resist changing your habits around food. We want to expect that and accommodate it without making its resistance mean anything about what is possible for us.

    Ways to create thought leadership in your mind's eye:

    Identify what area of your brain the thought is likely originating from - the manager brain or the primal brain. Ascertain why it makes sense that you would think that. Shape and direct any primal thinking by adding to, correcting, or rejecting the thought to provide thought leadership in my internal world. Do not expect impulsive negative, fearful, or resistant thinking from your primal brain to ever go away.

    Your coach's homework is to write about how you want to respond to negative primal thinking in the moment. Make your process easy so that it takes less than one minute to complete.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • My book, Love life And Lose Weight, Eat What You Love, Trust Your Body, and Lose Weight Without Restriction, launches today, so we are having a virtual party to celebrate.

    I kick off the party by reading you the introduction chapter, so you can decide if purchasing the book is right for you. Next, I will tell you exactly HOW I launched a podcast and wrote a book in less than ten months. Finally, I tell you about what this journey has meant to me personally and WHY I wrote it.

    If you want to support my work, there has never been a better day than today to show your support by purchasing the book [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE], telling your friends, and spreading the word on social media. With each of these actions, you and I together take small but significant steps to help women everywhere leave the cult of diet mentality behind them, free ourselves from conditioned thinking about our bodies, our weight, and our relationship to food, and in the process figure out how to love life and life at our desired weight.

    If you prefer a physical paperback book, stay tuned for the release of that version of the book sometime next month! Thank you for your support and for celebrating with me today!

    XO Heather

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Food planning is the workhorse habit of sustainable weight loss and maintenance. Making a daily food plan is a tool to help you become an adept self-manager who is keenly aware of her true tastes and preferences for food. Food planning helps you design the food lifestyle that is right for YOU. It's also a way to practice keeping promises.

    You also need to be willing to get planning wrong many times in order to learn your true tastes and preferences around food because you are learning how to plan for what and how much is right for you without thinking there are good food or bad food choices.

    We also plan because we want you to be able to practice telling yourself no successfully. When we say, 'No, we can have that tomorrow; we didn't plan for it,' we practice the skill of delayed gratification and learn how to stay focused on the benefit of the long-term goal of weight loss rather than always following your in-the-moment urges around food.

    Food planning is not a way to parcel out food to yourself, unlike the restrictive dieting food plans you've followed before. It's a way to make decisions ahead of time about 'what' to eat while leaving the questions of 'when' and 'how much' to your body. This is a process of converging your managerial brain together with the wisdom of your body to create lasting and sustainable change.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Today I'm sharing with you how I coach on maintenance. This can be helpful for those in or approaching maintenance (within 10 pounds or so). Learning about the unique challenges and skills of maintenance is also a great way to give you some insights about what comes after active weight loss mode even if you're not there just yet.

    Maintenance is always a range of weight rather than an exact number (usually 1-3+ pounds) due to natural fluctuations in water weight, inflammation, your menstrual cycle, if you are sick, having traveled or flown in an airplane, and what kinds of food you eat. I recommend using at least a five-pound range for you to consider yourself to be 'at goal weight.' I call this your green zone.

    Then you can add a yellow zone where you specifically design exactly what weight above the green zone; you will enact a protocol where you have a plan for exactly what you will do to revert back to weight loss mode. Your weight loss journey should have given you insight as to the habits and strategies that result in weight loss for you. you want to put those into a protocol for yourself now and then use it as a living strategy that gets continually tested and adjusted as needed.

    If you are still in weight loss mode, this is the perfect opportunity for you to develop your yellow zone protocol. For example, I know I tend to lose weight if I can keep my overeats to two or less. What is your magic number? What about sleep, stress, and water? What kinds of foods help you feel satisfied and lose weight? Write them all down in a weight loss/yellow zone protocol.

    Maintenance is all about getting confident about how to stay in your green zone through all of the different exceptional times, like holidays, vacations, and stressful times that can pop up.

    Also important is developing a practice of trusting and relying on yourself about your commitment as to what you will and won't do to stay in maintenance. If you miss brushing your teeth for a day or so, you don't question whether you are an adequate teeth brusher, so don't fall into the trap of doubting your skills the first tie you pop up into your yellow zone. Instead, use the yellow zone as an opportunity to trust yourself to take action even if you don't feel like it.

    In maintenance, you will need to trust your body's hunger cues to tell you how much to eat instead of relying on your assumptions about how much you 'should' eat that worked when you were actively losing weight.

    You'll also want to be open to allowing your relationship to certain foods to change and evolve over time. By the time my clients get to maintenance there can be an over-attachment to eating 'certain foods' that allowed you to lose - which can drive you to think you need to keep eating that way in maintenance. But you can maintain eating any foods, and you just want to stay open to that experience and experiment with it!

    The last thing you'll want to watch out for in maintenance is unintentionally recreating the dopamine hit of weight loss by gaining over the weekend and then taking the gain back off during the week. This is a cue to develop a more compelling

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Creative Visualization is a tool for mental rehearsal. It involves creatively exploring mentally what it would be be like to engage with being in a potential situation. It’s a way to mentally get practice in without actually needing to practice. The interesting thing is that the brain doesn’t exactly know the difference between creative visualizing something and actually doing something!

    You can use creative visualization to help you get in visual practice doing something or NOT doing something that you are working on as part of your weight loss goal. You can visualize what it would be like to eat when you are physically hungry, or not eat if you are not physically hungry. You can mentally relate to all of the nuances of those situations; how it would feel, what you might think, and how you would engage even if it feels hard in the moment step by step.

    You can also creatively visualize what its like to be wiling to stop eating when you’ve had enough. You can visualize how you want to handle the situations when things don’t go as planned and how you want to handle those instances too. You can think about how you want each part of your day to go from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. You can visualize how you want to eat on your vacation or any other ususual type of day. You can even imagine what it would be like living at your goal weight and all of the enticing aspects that go along with that as a way to connect you to your compelling reasons why you want to get there and what that means about who you have become in your relationship with food.

    I encourage you to creatively imagine as another tool in your weight loss tool belt. If you know what to do, but you don’t know why you can’t do those things often enough; creatively imagining desired actions can be a great way to focus and get more practice in.

    You coach assignment this week is to schedule 5 minutes 2-3 times this week to experiment with this powerful tool! See if it makes a difference for you to creatively visualize one aspect you want to get better at with your weight loss this week.

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Here are all of the details about the Love Life and Lose Weight book! The official title is Love life And Lose Weight: Eat What You Love, Trust Your Body, and Lose Weight Without Restriction. It will be available on Kindle format on August 15th, 2023, on Amazon. The paperback format will follow a few weeks later.

    Mark your calendar for August 15th to purchase the book on that date. My goal is to sell as many copies as possible on that day in order to become a Kindle bestseller in my book’s category. To entice you to purchase on that day, I’m offering some sweet bonuses!

    Get The Workbook: The Love Life and Lose Weight Digital Workbook contains chapter summaries and all your homework in one convenient place. Here’s how to get your copy:

    Purchase the book on launch day, August 15, 2023, and screenshot or take a photo of your order number. Visit and submit that order number and your email. I will email you your digital workbook. You can download and/or print it to work through as you read the book.

    Get The 30-Day Quick Start Webinar: Watch this prerecorded webinar to help you apply the book's concepts consistently in your first 30 days to get momentum with your weight goal. Here's how to get access:

    Purchase the book on Amazon and read it! Submit a reader review on Amazon and take a photo or screenshot of your review. Visit and submit that review screenshot/photo and your email. I’ll send you the link to watch the Love Life and Lose Weight 30-day Quick Start Webinar.

    Thank you for supporting the launch of this book in any way you are able to and for your continued listenership.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Validation is a practice of being aware of and deciding how to think and feel about something in your life. Validation is your sense of focus and awareness about where you ARE in relation to where you WANT to be with your life.

    Calorie counting, counting points, macros, or other people’s opinions are all external sources of weight and food lifestyle validation. You might be drawn to counting programs that tell you clearly how you are ‘doing’ when you measure yourself against their standards to know how to feel about how you are doing or feel good about your compliance, but it can never compare with developing your own process of self-validation with your weight and your chosen lifestyle with how you eat. Here are some good questions to practice self validation:

    What emotion am I feeling? In what parts of my body do I feel it?What was I thinking that created this feeling? Is the thought absolutely true/honest or is there another side of the story that I am not considering? Is what I’m feeling uncomfortable, neutral, or positive? Is thinking, feeling, and acting this way part of who I want to be? Why or why not? What is this feeling trying to tell me?

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 41 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going. Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • In this episode, I discuss two kinds of energy. One is feeling energetic the other is a physiological capacity of energy (gas in the tank). These are two aspects you want to work together to drive a state of increased overall energy.⁠
    I include six ways to build up your emotional and mental reserves and some do’s and don’ts for increasing and/or conserving your physical energy.⁠
    Your coach's homework this week is to do an energy study of your week to understand better what is depleting and increasing your energy balance so you can identify energy leaks and start experimenting with optimizing your energy levels. ⁠

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 40 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Now that you've been using the daily planner for at least one full weigh-in week (as explained in episode #38), it's time to learn how to use the Weekly Planning & Assessment Worksheet to optimize &/or troubleshoot your weekly results when you weigh in.

    You can use any weekly planner that works for you or the one I created and demonstrate with in this episode. To get your copy, you'll need to join the email list by visiting

    Next, review this podcast in your podcast listening app and REPLY to my welcome email telling me your name associated with your review. You'll get an email reply from me your Weekly Planner and Assessment Worksheet.

    In that email is the link to watch the companion video that shows the weekly planner I describe in this podcast so you can see each section as I go through it.

    If you are already an email subscriber, search for the email that went out on June 26th with the following subject line 'video: how to use the WEEKLY planner and assessment to lose this week'.

    This week your Coach Homework is to apply the concepts I talk about and use in the weekly planner for your next weigh-in week.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 39 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • In this episode, I explain how to use a daily food plan to lose weight each week.

    You can use any daily planner that works for you or the one I created and demonstrate with in this episode. To get your copy, visit, and you'll get an email immediately with instructions on downloading your copy.

    In that email is the link to watch the companion video that shows the planner I describe in this podcast so you can see each section as I go through it.

    If you are already an email subscriber, search for the email that went out on June 11th with the following subject line 'video: how to use the daily planner to lose this week'.

    All the details for how to lose weight by planning are in the episode and/or video.

    This week your Coach Homework is to apply the concepts I talk about and use the planner each day this week.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 38 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • ‌In this episode, I share with you how to create BOOM Goals! As a No BS Team member, we do these as part of our self-development work. A BOOM goal stands for = Blowing Our Own Minds.

    To start, journal on this question:

    What are the things in my life I would LOVE to accomplish, and if I did, I would blow my mind and my current idea of what’s possible for me?

    These BIG dreams should feel improbable but not IMPOSSIBLE.

    List them in order of importance. Then decide how you can, over the next year, make PROGRESS toward them. How will you take the first steps toward making it happen?

    As a team, we list our BOOM goals so everyone can see them. This is important! Goals can’t grow under the cover of darkness and seclusion. As a team, we update and check in with our BOOM goals progress every 4-6 months or so for accountability. It’s SO interesting to see what lights up my team members, and it also allows me to cheer them on quietly from the sidelines.

    For BOOM goals, the only criteria is that it’s something BIG. It can be ridiculous, and you likely won’t get there, but you’ll get farther along in life than you would setting a smaller goal, OR it can be HARD but possible.

    There’s no right or wrong on this. You can have as many BOOM goals as you want. Some people do one; some do many. Depends on how much you enjoy setting goals and how you best work. It’s more about figuring out what is calling you forward to create something that feels exciting, good, and a little scary.

    We all learn a LOT about what is needed in the process. MANY times it’s not so much about IF it can be achieved. It’s learning how slowly figure out the path to make it doable (sound familiar?) and adjusting the process to get there and the time needed. Sometimes the BEST thing that can happen is that you realize you don’t really want the thing you always THOUGHT you wanted, which is awesome because now you make space for something NEW. So it's 100% ok to change and update your BOOM goals as YOU update and change.

    This week, Your Coach Homework is to dream BIG and create your BOOM Goals list. Let your imagination run wild and feel how good it feels to name the thing you’ve always wanted. Then watch your brain get to work figuring out how to make it happen over the course of the year.

    Do this with your accountability group or partners. Create a BOOM Goals mastermind where you all get together every 4-6 months to check in with your goals progress and mastermind on those results and support each other.

    Have fun with this!

    Visit me @‌thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 33 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • In this episode, I talk about Semaglutide (often referred to by the brand name Wegovy), the new class of weight loss prescription drugs used to treat obesity by medical doctors.

    My role with my clients on any topic, including any prescription medication prescribed under professional medical advice, is to support them in their health goals by figuring out actions and thinking that help make reaching those goals easier.

    This includes how they think about what it means to be on the medication and helping them do troubleshooting and thought work around side effects, weight changes, changes in appetite cues, and changes in habits around food.

    I discuss the nuances around helpful ways to think about the side effects and titration dosing to find their optimal dose and know what that is with the help of their doctor.

    Comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 36 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

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  • In this episode, I explain snacking as a habit that I often see gets in the way of weight loss

    A snacking habit is often the solution to a very calorie restricted approach to weight loss where we feel hungry all the time. We hold on to snacking as our savior from feeling super restricted and hungry all the time.

    When you change from restrictive calorie counting to intuitive eating; what changes is that you are now eating to a neutral place where you are are no longer creating overt chronic hunger, and you are responding appropriately to hunger by eating. So, the snacking habit is often no longer needed.

    There is no place in which eating when you aren’t hungry fits within intuitive eating.

    Snacking as a verb can quickly become a crutch that supports limited thinking about how you can’t handle hunger, or hunger is a problem, or how you ‘need’ a crutch of snacks to ‘make it through’ to the next meal. These stories can feel limiting, foster distrust between your body and your actions, and make weight loss feel harder and take longer than it has to.

    Coach Homework:

    Think about the relationship that you DO want with snacking both as a noun and a verb.
    1. Does the habit of snacking make sense for you given how you are eating?
    2. If you want to keep certain snack foods as part of what you choose to eat, how do you plan to incorporate them specifically? You can plan for some portion of your meal to be snack foods, and/or you can plan for an entire meal that consists of snack foods.
    3. Look at your data, how many ‘snacks’ are you eating in a week’s time? How many of those were eaten without physical hunger present?
    4. Do you think removing snacking as a verb could help you in your weight results? If yes, what is the easiest action you could take to reduce snacking when not hungry?

    Just remember that any food eaten without physical hunger present is a form of overeating; and overeating will always be in the way of weight loss or weight maintenance.

    What do you think? Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 35 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

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    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

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  • I generally use about six different levels to troubleshoot weight loss with my clients. I give you an overview here so you can use the same approach for yourself.

    Level 1: Commit to regular weigh-ins (or data gathering (like taking measurements or gathering habit data) on the same day of the week, weekly.

    Level 2: Look at the frequency of overeats. How many times over the past seven days did you overeat? Are you aware of the cumulative overeats? Do you need to work on that awareness?

    Level 3: How many times did you eat food that was not on your plan? If more than twice a week, then make sure you plan those foods the following week.

    Level 4: Look at your data for water and sleep. Ensure you get a minimum of 64 oz of water and about 7 hours of sleep.

    Level 5: Do a detailed food review. We look at the data for exactly what was eaten over the last seven days. I look for evidence my client might need to adapt to eating slightly less to accommodate their new body weight, especially if they have been losing and their body is adapting to needing fewer calories because they weigh less. I also look for snacking when not hungry as a common culprit that interrupts weight loss.

    Level 6: If my client still feels like overall weight loss is not working. To check to see if that perception is true; we do a year’s worth of weigh-in data. Doing this will highlight your weight loss and weight gain patterns through different parts of your year. This will show you a more nuanced story about where weight loss typically happens and when so you can understand WHY. This allows you to troubleshoot in a targeted way to get the momentum you are looking for.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 34 reel and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.

  • Inevitably in our weight loss journey, exceptional phases of life happen (both positive and negative) that put a ton of pressure on our ability to apply our typical daily weight loss strategies effectively. I see my clients unconsciously grasp onto this idea that they need to apply weight loss exactly the same way during these exceptional circumstances. This creates a ton of self-judgment and tension during those exception times, creating this perception of failure.

    What’s needed is not to 'try harder' or ever think you are falling off anything, but rather to develop different habits. The first is one of anticipating these exceptional times as a normal part of the weight loss journey. The second is to adjust expectations by flexibly switching to an exception protocol when circumstances change.

    Exception protocols and plans are unique to you and the circumstance right now. We don't want to force the typical strategies for weight loss into exceptional times. Weight loss has to fit into a fully dynamic life with typical weeks and many different exception times. Our weight loss strategies must be flexible and adapt to flowing between those times. This will help you be consistent and experimental rather than just falling into all-or-nothing thinking that you fell off the wagon.

    Coach Homework:

    1. Look at the calendar and identify at least one exception time happening over the next three months. How will you know when you are entering this exception time, and when will you know it's over? Mark the calendar.

    2. Create your exception plan by identifying what expectations need to change. Project yourself into that time by thinking about your days and needs in DETAIL and comparing and contrasting what you typically do/don't do with how that will change during the exception time. Write out your adapted expectations one by one and then gut-check that you are making this EASY and DOABLE (meaning able to be done).

    3. When thinking about the extent to which you want to stay attached to weight loss during this exception time, remember that the Pareto Principle of integrative weight loss is to follow your internal hunger and satiety cues to know when and how much to eat. Everything else we do supports that foundational practice.

    4. Decide what your re-entry will look like so that you can make the transition easy and flexible as you shift back to typical circumstances for weight loss.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram on the episode 33 post and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Join the VIP subscriber list to be the first to learn about my upcoming book release this summer.

    Support the Show.

    Visit me @thriveinmidlife on Instagram and comment with your ah-ha's, takeaways, homework, and/or questions from this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going.

    Want all of the best tips and strategies from the podcast in one place to help you lose weight? Order the Love Life And Lose Weight book and get the FREE 40 page companion workbook to complete all of the coach homework questions in each chapter.

    Want to work with me? CLICK HERE to join the email list and find out how.