
  • In this episode of <i>Love, Sex, and Leadership</i>, I welcome my friend Sir Darren Jacklin, who is celebrated for his authenticity and vulnerability—qualities I deeply appreciate. Darren shares the significance of living with these values and how they have shaped his personal and professional life. He discusses his analytical nature and the benefits of mastering compartmentalization. Darren emphasizes the need for deeper conversations beyond everyday topics and shares his excitement for his 2024 word, "aliveness," which he integrates into his daily interactions. He recounts his transformative experience climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which led to significant weight loss and improved mental health, and how this journey inspired him to help others experience similar transformations through nature.

    Darren elaborates on his passion for hiking and its positive impact on mental health, mentioning his nonprofit "Take a Hike, Build a School," which raises funds to build schools in impoverished areas through hiking. We discuss the importance of reconnecting with nature, especially for younger generations tied to technology. Darren highlights how authenticity and vulnerability in leadership can build deeper connections and enhance teamwork. He shares his future plans to climb Mount Vincent in Antarctica to raise awareness for mental health and support the construction of 100 schools worldwide. We also touch on the challenges men face regarding vulnerability and mental health, with Darren offering advice on supporting those struggling. The episode concludes with us expressing gratitude for each other's presence and the inspiring work we are doing, and Darren encourages listeners to join his hiking initiatives and connect with him on social media.

  • In this episode of <i>Love, Sex, and Leadership</i>, I welcome my friend Sir Darren Jacklin, who is celebrated for his authenticity and vulnerability—qualities I deeply appreciate. Darren shares the significance of living with these values and how they have shaped his personal and professional life. He discusses his analytical nature and the benefits of mastering compartmentalization. Darren emphasizes the need for deeper conversations beyond everyday topics and shares his excitement for his 2024 word, "aliveness," which he integrates into his daily interactions. He recounts his transformative experience climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which led to significant weight loss and improved mental health, and how this journey inspired him to help others experience similar transformations through nature.

    Darren elaborates on his passion for hiking and its positive impact on mental health, mentioning his nonprofit "Take a Hike, Build a School," which raises funds to build schools in impoverished areas through hiking. We discuss the importance of reconnecting with nature, especially for younger generations tied to technology. Darren highlights how authenticity and vulnerability in leadership can build deeper connections and enhance teamwork. He shares his future plans to climb Mount Vincent in Antarctica to raise awareness for mental health and support the construction of 100 schools worldwide. We also touch on the challenges men face regarding vulnerability and mental health, with Darren offering advice on supporting those struggling. The episode concludes with us expressing gratitude for each other's presence and the inspiring work we are doing, and Darren encourages listeners to join his hiking initiatives and connect with him on social media.

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  • This Love Sex and Leadership podcast episode delves into simple tantric practices aimed at cultivating deep awareness and presence. By learning to track one's own system and moments of dissociation, practitioners can better support their clients. Aaron discusses the importance of being in a parasympathetic state, how inner relaxation reflects in our outer world, and the impact of unprocessed trauma on the nervous system. He emphasizes the role of somatic education, slow somatic processing, and the capacity to recognize and express emotions as essential for healing. The session also discusses the importance of allowing oneself to communicate boundaries using safe words and the integration of deep emotional work without rushing the process.

  • In this engaging episode of the Love, Sex, and Leadership podcast, Aaron welcomes Laurie Handlers, a best-selling author and an influential figure in the modern sexual revolution. Laurie shares personal anecdotes and insights about her journey, including the joys of late-life marriage and the importance of living authentically on one's own terms. She touches on her new book, 'Sex and Happiness: It Gets Better with Age,' and discusses the significance of maintaining vitality and sexual health well into later years. The conversation highlights the challenges of sexual repression, the impacts of media and societal norms on aging, and the transformative power of laughter and open communication in relationships. Laurie also explores the complexities of open relationships, the crucial role of communication skills, and the transformative potential of tantra. The episode concludes with an invitation to download a free workbook on mastering boundaries from Laurie's website, offering practical tools for personal growth and self-empowerment.

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    learn more about laurie

  • In our latest episode, we explore the intricate relationship between energy centers within our bodies and their interplay between the masculine and feminine aspects. We delve into the concept of the central channel, the Sashumna Nadi, and the Ida and Pingala that traverse the left and right sides of our being, respectively. This discussion illuminates how these energies, much like threads in a rope, weave together to create the strength and form of our existence. We take time to appreciate the thousands of muscles and neural pathways that define us, emphasizing the extraordinary nature of our bodies. The episode also features readings from the Radiance Sutras, a translation of the Vijñāna-Bhairava-tantra, capturing the spiritual dialogue between a goddess and her lover, which speaks to the mysteries of life and existence. These passages invite listeners to tune into the presence of life’s power and the mysterious awareness that permeates everything. The text encourages us to explore the wholeness beyond individual parts, and the interplay of form and formlessness, urging us to rest in the embrace of wisdom and truth.

    Listeners are guided to take a moment to recognize their own unique existence and power, acknowledging the stories, failures, and wisdom that make up their current being. The episode reinforces the idea that each person's presence is not accidental but a unique manifestation of life’s vitality. This recognition is aimed at catalyzing self-awareness and inspiring listeners to weave love into their lives and surroundings. The session concludes with a meditation centering on the affirmation of life’s purpose and the essential nature of love. Listeners are encouraged to view their physical form not as a burden, but as a vessel for manifesting strength, power, and love. The meditation serves as a reminder that everyone has come to this life with significant intent and potential. The closing thoughts of the episode revisit the themes of power and vulnerability, discussing how confronting fear with presence and consciousness can lead us to embody our true nature. The episode underscores the importance of embodying love and authenticity in our daily lives, especially in a world where superficial conversations often overshadow genuine actions. Ultimately, the podcast invites listeners to play in the field of power and love, embracing their authentic selves and fostering a more aligned and vibrant existence for themselves and others.

  • In this episode of the 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast, Aaron Kleinerman engages in a deep conversation with Aren Bahia, an entrepreneur who has transformed from a life in organized crime to one of spiritual and heart-centered leadership. They explore Bahia's principles of living a purposeful life by doing good and building supportive communities. The discussion highlights the importance of emotional regulation, integrity, and clear communication in leadership and relationships, focusing especially on the male experience. Bahia shares personal stories about overcoming his past, controlling his ego, and seeking meaningful connections. The episode also touches on the complexities of balancing professional and personal vulnerabilities in enticing environments. Additionally, the episode reflects on dating across cultural lines, evolving traditional gender roles, and the speaker's journey toward deeper sexual and spiritual connections in relationships.

    Learn more about Aaron at
    Learn more about Aren at:

  • Welcome to the Love Sex and Leadership podcast, where we delve into simple tantric teachings to help you embody your true power, awaken your soul's wisdom, and live an inspired life as an intuitive, heart-centered leader. In today's episode, we explore the concept of pushing personal boundaries and re-equilibrating the body into natural alignment. We discuss how each person creates their reality through their thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs, touching upon stories from childhood, business, marriage, and life in general. We aim to get to know the polarities within ourselves more extensively and open up to new perspectives and experiences. The episode includes insights into recognizing and embracing curiosity, especially in our interactions with others. A story is shared about a successful businessman learning to meet his daughters with fresh eyes, emphasizing empathy and the importance of seeing others' perspectives. The discussion then shifts to the tender feminine energy within us, often suppressed and needing acknowledgment. It's likened to the dynamic tension in horror movies where the little girl holds mysterious and unseen power.

    We explore societal norms that often ridicule or ignore this feminine energy in men, leading to a lifetime of unexpressed emotions. I share a personal anecdote about my brother and his daughter's innocent, yet profound comment about killing fairies, which serves as a reminder of the mystical awareness children possess. This story illustrates the theme of maintaining curiosity and connection to deeper realms as we grow older and more self-conscious. We explore the concepts of feminine and masculine polarity, detailing both their light and dark aspects. The light masculine is described as the conscious observer, while the dark masculine represents penetrative power, often misunderstood in society. This power is about destroying anything not rooted in love, rather than exerting control over others. The podcast also addresses the unhealthy representation of dark masculine energy and the need to embrace it healthily. Similarly, the light feminine is depicted as nurturing and selfless, while the dark feminine embodies chaotic and transformative power. Recognizing these polarities within ourselves allows for inner union, leading to deeper and more meaningful connections with others. Emphasis is placed on integrating these polarities to step into the world as an embodied individual, capable of making a real difference. The ultimate goal is to live fully and authentically, free from societal constraints and personal limitations.

  • I welcomed my longtime friend and fellow tantric practitioner, Dharmaraj, to discuss his fascinating journey from being a dentist to becoming a tantra facilitator. Dharmaraj shared his transformation story, including his early studies in dentistry and human sexuality, and how his life changed after meeting Tantra master Sarita. We talked about the misconceptions surrounding tantra, especially how Western interpretations often misrepresent it by focusing solely on sexuality. Dharmaraj emphasized that tantra encompasses all aspects of human experience, stressing the significance of meditation and love, and the merging of masculine and feminine energies.

    We explored the dynamics of masculinity, discussing societal expectations, the integration of vulnerability and strength, and the need for healing the father wound. Personal stories about forgiving our fathers and rejecting limiting societal narratives were shared. We also covered tantric practices for sexual mastery, like emotional expression and semen retention, and recommended daily routines, including breathing exercises and self-love techniques, to help men start their tantric journey. Towards the end, we expressed concerns about the disconnection caused by technological advances like VR and AI, highlighting the importance of staying connected to nature and real-life interactions. Finally, we promoted our upcoming men's initiation retreat in Bali, underscoring its potential to transform lives through tantric principles and deep connections.

  • This 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast episode delves into the importance of recognizing one's unique journey and true power. The speaker emphasizes that no two people have the same life experiences, and this uniqueness equips everyone to contribute meaningfully to the world, whether through technology, politics, or humanitarian efforts. The episode discusses the pitfalls of feeling overwhelmed by societal changes and the significance of trusting in one's abilities to make a difference. The teachings highlight the essence of knowing oneself, expressing personal truth, and following joy as pathways to discovering one's purpose. The importance of joy, self-discovery, and connecting to a higher purpose through spiritual practices like Tantra are emphasized. Personal anecdotes illustrate the journey from feeling lost to finding a meaningful life path, highlighting the transformative power of following inner guidance and maintaining a focus on service to humanity.
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  • Aaron reconnects with Sydney C., a facilitator and extraordinary human being, to explore themes of surrender, leadership, and authenticity. Reflecting on their first meeting years ago in Bali, we discuss the transformational journeys we've both experienced since. Sydney recalls a powerful memory from her early days in Bali and how certain moments and people have triggered profound shifts in her. Our conversation delves into the ever-evolving relationship with darkness and surrender, highlighting Sydney's recent journey with her book release and her exploration of surrendered leadership. We explore the difficulties and rewards of letting go, embodying vulnerability, and surrendering to a higher power, touching on the complexities of not always knowing what's next.

    Sydney opens up about her recent experiences, including a Vipassana meditation retreat that significantly helped her differentiate between her mind and true self. We transition to discerning authentic leadership from performative personas often seen in the spiritual and coaching realms, sharing our personal experiences with mentors and influencers who may not fully embody the teachings they espouse. We stress the importance of genuine connection and presence, discussing the loneliness epidemic and how social media contributes to disconnection. Sydney expresses a sense of humility and deep reevaluation of her purpose, focusing more on genuine support and less on marketing and sales strategies. I reflect on my journey, my goals, and my vision for the future, emphasizing the ongoing process of surrender and the deep trust in life’s unfolding paths.

  • This podcast episode delves into the profound connection between a man's heart, soul, and semen, focusing on the importance of recognizing and differentiating between orgasm and ejaculation. It discusses how men can unify their physical and emotional selves by understanding and integrating their eros, seed, and heart energy. The episode emphasizes the importance of transitioning from codependent to interdependent relationships by fostering inner wholeness and a healthy conscious relationship with one's seed. Various analogies and personal anecdotes are used to illustrate the concepts and underscore the importance of male embodiment, self-awareness, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies within oneself.
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  • In this episode of the Love Sex and Leadership podcast, Aaron dives into embodied relationship mastery with guest Stefanos Sifandos, a renowned men's coach. They discuss the concepts of relationship as a spiritual practice, honesty in partnerships, and the continual process of growth and mastery in relationships. Stefanos shares his personal journey and struggles with intimacy and how he's learned to address conflicts in his relationships. The conversation touches on themes like creating and sticking to relationship agreements, seeking external support when needed, and maintaining regular check-ins to ensure healthy communication. The dialogue also explores maintaining sexual polarity, addressing inner wounds, integrating primal urges in a healthy way, and creating a balance between personal growth and relationship needs. They emphasize the importance of breath, sound, and movement as foundational practices for individual and relational exploration. Stefanos concludes by sharing practical tips for couples on navigating challenges and enhancing intimacy.
    Check out more on Aaron at
    Check out more on Stefanos at

  • This episode of 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast emphasizes the importance of balancing strength and vulnerability, particularly for men, to become intuitive and heart-centered leaders. Aaron reflects on personal experiences from a military background, highlighting the challenge of expressing emotions in a society that often glorifies stoic behavior. Through practices and embodied exercises, the podcast aims to help men reconcile their inner warrior with tenderness, creating a healthy dynamic that supports both personal growth and community leadership. The ultimate goal is to achieve a state where one can choose peace from a position of strength, enabling one to serve, protect, and lead effectively.

    Discover more about Aaron at
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  • In this episode of the 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast, Aaron engages in an enlightening conversation with Om Rupani. They delve into the realms of tantric teachings and BDSM, discussing the misconceptions and benefits of BDSM in enhancing erotic life and long-term relationships. Both Aaron and Om share personal journeys, insights into evolving from students to teachers, and the importance of clear communication and mentorship. The discussion covers the significance of maintaining eros in long-term relationships, the role of containment provided by men to their partners, and how incorporating new erotic experiences can enrich relationships. They also address the challenges and rewards of maintaining healthy sexual dynamics within committed partnerships, offering practical advice for those interested in exploring these realms.
    Discover more about Om:
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  • This episode of the 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast delves into the use of tantric teachings and somatic practices for personal empowerment and healing. Aaron discusses the significance of approaching healing with a mindset of emptiness rather than wholeness, emphasizing the need for practitioners to be empty channels through which love and healing can flow. Various aspects of somatic healing are explored, such as the importance of permitting clients to express repressed emotions, the necessity of integrating these experiences into everyday life, and the benefits of maintaining professional boundaries without shaming clients. Personal anecdotes and examples illustrate the integration of different methodologies and highlight how practitioners can maintain emotional currency, hold space for clients, and manage projections. The discussion also includes practical advice on creating a safe and supportive session environment, recognizing the triggers from past traumas, and the ongoing journey of personal emotional release and healing.
    Discover more about this practitioner training at
    and &

  • This episode of the Love Sex and Leadership podcast features Jamin, a hugely inspirational figure and friend, about his leadership path and dedication to self-improvement. Aaron explores into Jamin's background, from his early involvement in leadership and sports to his evolution into an aligned leadership coach and ultra-marathoner. A substantial chunk of the chat revolves upon Jamin's choice to embark on a year-long feminine fast, which involves abstaining from romantic interactions in order to create a deeper connection with his inner self. They highlight the obstacles and lessons gained from this journey, emphasizing the value of aligned and real leadership. Jamin provides personal anecdotes about his disciplined approach to personal development and the profound insights he has gained from his experiences. The episode is a compelling look at how dedicated self-inquiry and commitment can lead to transformative leadership and personal evolution.

    Check out more on Jamin at:

    See the Aconcagua climb that Aaron & Jamin will lead this year:

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  • This episode of the Love Sex and Leadership podcast delves into the concept of embracing both the light and dark aspects of the masculine energy to foster a fully integrated and heart-centered leadership. The podcast explores the importance of understanding and integrating the darkness within, not as something sinister, but as a source of power and growth.

    It differentiates between darkness, shadow, and evil, emphasizing the natural synergy between light and dark. Techniques for connecting mind, body, heart, and emotions are discussed to achieve balance. The importance of owning one's power and potential, overcoming societal conditioning, and stepping into a more embodied life are underscored. The episode promotes self-discovery, alignment, and authenticity as key components of true leadership.

    Discover more about Aaron at
    This is a live teaching from the Initiation Journey retreats:

  • In this episode of the 'Love Sex and Leadership' podcast, Aaron engages in a profound conversation with Pele, a mentor and a multifaceted spiritual leader. The discussion revolves around Pele’s transformative journey from an orthodox Jewish upbringing to becoming a proponent of conscious sexuality and sacred Eros. They delve into how true leadership involves embracing vulnerability, acknowledging personal shadows, and fostering authenticity within communities. Pele emphasizes the importance of aligning love, freedom, and empowerment as pillars of epic love leadership. The conversation also explores how cultural and religious constraints on sexuality stem from a fear of autonomous, erotic power. In addition, they discuss the challenges faced by leaders in being projected upon and the critical role of transparency and authenticity in evolving as genuine leaders. Throughout, Pele draws on Kabbalistic teachings and personal experiences to advocate for a holistic integration of eroticism in leadership, highlighting upcoming transformational events aimed at fostering deeper soul initiation and leadership development.

  • In this episode of the 'Love, Sex, and Leadership' podcast, Aaron and Lourdes dive into the notion of Tantra, focusing on its ancient knowledge and polarity principles - the interaction of male and feminine energies inside us and in nature. Understanding these opposites allows for a greater grasp of the human experience and a more balanced life. They also highlight the necessity of physically expressing these principles, which fosters a deeper connection with oneself and the cosmos.

    Aaron emphasizes the need of balancing and harmonizing the masculine and feminine within oneself, finding equilibrium, and living life fully. Furthermore, they urge listeners to accept all aspects of themselves and their bodies, understanding that faults are a part of divine perfection. Lourdes delves into the practical aspects of Tantra, such as its impact on sexual and orgasmic experiences, and shows how these may be transformed into holistic, life-affirming activities that go beyond physical pleasures. Finally, the episode serves as a call to live truthfully, to embrace the delight of being alive, and to act in loving service to oneself and the world, while acknowledging the grand organized design (G.O.D.) in everything.
    This video and audio was a live recording from the Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Training.
    You can learn more about the Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Trainings that Lourdes and Aaron teach at:

  • Embark on a deep examination of the feminine spiritual path and Tantra through interviews and discussions with Ma Ananda Sarita that delve into the historical dismissal of feminine spirituality. Discover the importance of love, commitment, and emotional fluidity in empowering women and building a peaceful world. Learn about the importance of embracing divine feminine and male energies, understanding relationships, and the transformational potential of practices such as Tantra and soulmate training.
    Discover the wisdom of combining sexuality, love, and spirituality to promote balance and unity in personal and collective domains, encouraging listeners to deeper self-realization and empowerment via online courses and services.
    Learn more about Sarita's work:

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