We are feeling so good. We are feeling so free, empowered, and genuinely at peace within ourselves and our partnership. And this is why. We are both taking 100% responsibility for our own state of being (our own vibration), and knowing that the other person is taking complete responsibility for their own. Thus, we are not worrying about how the other is doing and if we need to worry, try to "fix" it, or leak energy in any way through an unhealthy attachment bond. It has taken years of work and repeated learning of lessons to get here and we feel so thrilled to have found a cozy home in our individual nervous systems and the collective "we" we create bringing them together.
In this episode we share more about the powerful experience this has been, how and caretaking past the point of resonance never helps in the long run, and why we feel inspired to spread this message of what is possible and so worth it to cultivate within yourself and within your relationships.
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Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
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Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Since the start of our relationship 4.5 years ago, we have been on the journey of being new parents together. It has been an intense experience, navigating our way through how to be the best mamas to Ilya and how to simultaneously honor the evolving needs of our romantic connection and partnership. In this podcast we share about some of the challenges we've encountered along the way, what we've learned and how we have found honoring ourselves and setting healthy boundaries that create space for everyone's needs is really what wins out in the long run.
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Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
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Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Today we had a challenge arise, the second oof it's kind this week and we took the "heat of the moment" as a great opportunity to record a podcast and process it live with you. Much of the time this podcast is a space for us to share our clarity on the other side of growth challenges. Today, enjoy the journey along with us while we find it together.
This podcast will help you gain an experiential road map for how to navigate challenges and conflicts in your relationship, help you feel safer talking about topics that have been swept under the rug with your partner, and help you reconnect with the importance of using your voice and sharing your truth as an essential element to a thriving relationship.
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Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
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Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
We created a fun Valentine’s Day podcast, where we share our answers to the following questions about one another and invite you to answer these questions about your love/s, yourself, or anyone you feel drawn to.
What are 2 traits your partner embodies that inspire you a lot? Give an example of how these traits show up.Name a big challenge you saw your partner rise to and transform through that you loved witnessing them in.What 1 thing do you find challenges you the most about your partner? How does that challenge help you grow?Name one way you would personally like to show up differently or evolve moving forward in your relationship.Name one way you would like for your partner to show up differently or evolve moving forward in your relationship (focus on an area that you think would benefit them was well as you).What’s one of your partners favorite ways of being loved on/seen/cared for and how do you love helping them receive that love? What’s one way your partner has helped you become more of the being you want to be?Any last words of love or appreciation you would like to share about your partner?Book a Retreat With Us
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we share about what it means to be in "right relationship." Since first coming into contact with this term we have found it to accurately describe how we want to exist in connection with everyone and everything, ourselves included. In this podcast, we expand on what right relationship means to us and examples of how it could show up. We share about what it feels like to be in right relationship with ourselves and with one another, and what it has felt like throughout our relationship when we have not been in right relationship (along with the deeper truth that we always are).
Simply put, being in "right relationship," is being in alignment with one's self and showing up authentically, existing in the world and making decisions based in personal truth and resonance.
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Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode we share amidst our special date, a first of its kind for us- Honoring and celebrating our relationship in new ways, reflecting on the last year and the potency we are stepping into 2023 with. Listen to learn about some of the evolutions and rituals we are enjoying and cultivating!
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Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
To truly thrive in life, we need to nourish ourselves on all levels: mind, body, and spirit. In this episode we share about the rituals/habits we live our life by, why they matter to us and how they support us in thriving.
Through this podcast, we imagine you will gain inspiration for how you can thrive more in your own life. Also, learn about what a retreat in our home with us is like and why we love offering them!
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My Soulbook: a Daily Journal and Planner:
Download the Life Evaluation Exercise
Interested in Coaching with Us? Work with Us In Person or RemotelyEmail us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we share about how our differences in diet felt for us each when we began our relationship. We have received a lot of requests to speak on this topic, as a lot of people knew that we ate different diets from one another for some time - Bridgette tending towards a more paleo style diet and Brittany a plant-based one. Now we eat the same way, but even when we ate differently, it was never a point of contention or disconnection for us. We are grateful that diet has always been an easeful and enjoyable part of our relationship because we know that it can be a challenge for many, and was for Brittany in the past, as she shares during the podcast. Tune in and learn about how and why we chose to honor and respect our differences with as much care as we did our similarities.
BOOK A RETREAT: Learn more about our personalized retreats for 2023 here.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Most of us were modeled unhealthy relationships growing up, and have formed attachment styles based on how we adapted as children and in our early relationships. In this episode, we talk about the various attachment styles, ranging from codependence/anxious attached to extreme independence/avoidant attached and how to come into harmony with the middle path of secure attachment/interdependence. We share about our own attachment styles and how they have shown up throughout relationships as well as trends we see in our clients. We share how to change patterns of attachment to come into greater balance, and how to live a life that puts you on the path of thriving and feeling truly secure within yourself, and able to feel that reflection in partnership.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 25-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Want to Book A Retreat for 2023?Email us:
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
We just celebrated our 4 year anniversary! As a tribute, this podcast is focused on the major shifts in our relationship over the years - what it looked like then vs. now and what inspired the changes. We share about what has been effortless and what has been challenging. We share about the fiery start of our connection, the depth of love, where we were thriving and where we were hiding. We share about the trauma bonds that developed between us, how they came to a breaking point and what the turning point was for us that helped us make an epic shift into the safety and depth of interdependence.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Welcome to season 2 of our podcast! We are excited to start this season off with one of the most important topics we could imagine addressing in relationships: safety. What do we mean by safety? When we say "safety" we are referring to a feeling of emotional and energetic security. When we feel safe we feel grounded, at peace, loving, secure. To have a healthy relationship, we need to be able to be in a grounded state the majority of the time. In this podcast we share about what safety looks and feels like in our relationship. We talk about the importance of safety and the evolution of creating it with one another. We share intimate details of when we do and don't feel safe, practices that are helping us deepen our feelings of safety within ourselves and together and generally reflect on and celebrate where we are in our journey. We answer the following questions in our podcast, which we would love to invite you and your partner to answer too!What does safety feel like for me in relationship?How do you build trust and safety in a relationship?What helps each of us feel safe in our relationship?What are our similarities and differences in how we feel safe?When do we not feel safe in our relationship?What can we do when we don't feel safe?What are we doing in our relationship regularly that helps us deepen our feeling of safety with ourselves and one another?
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we share about what we've been growing through over these last 2 months, individually and in our relationship. We've taken some time to recommit to a foundation of safety and intimacy in a powerful new way using co-regulation practices and non-violent communication.
As we begin this new relationship foundation, we close out season 1 of the podcast with this episode and share about our vision for season 2.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Do you have to be “healed” before being in a relationship?
In this episode we share about how to start having healthy relationships right now, wherever you may be in your healing journey. Relationships are mirrors, and they trigger us. They trigger us so that we can heal.
We share about a recent experience, how we navigated it and brought in elements of both self-regulation and co-regulation. We talk about how our relationship has deepened our capacity to heal and has helped us evolve and grow into loving ourselves and each other so much more over time.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode we share about the daily gratitude practice we have been doing together over the last two months and the ways it has deepened the intimacy in our relationship.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in nervous system regulation, emotional trauma, auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
Autonomy and partnership- can you have both?
In this episode we share about our journey with autonomy in our partnership, what it means to us and how it feels like the deepest level of commitment and unconditional love.
Autonomy feels like knowing our needs, trusting our intuitive guidance and navigating how to communicate that in our relationship to bring us closer to ourselves and ultimately each other.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode we share about the evolution of our attraction for females; how it began and has evolved over time. We share about the shame, struggles, excitement and desires, as well as how to navigate communication around expressing your attraction for another and where to connect with queer, gay, open, nonbinary beings.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode we share about our sexual relationship; what it started like and how it has evolved over time. We both identify with being highly in tune with our erotic and primal natures. We share about the different experiences we have had in the past, and how we have dove into sexual healing and opening up with one another to create a deeper level of intimacy.
Want to learn more about the intimate work we do helping others improve their sexual connection?
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we utilize new methods we have been practicing with nonviolent communication and share a recent experience and conversation we had regarding a trauma release. We reflect on how Britt navigated holding space for Bridgette and the clarity we both gained around our needs and feelings regarding these spaces.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we each share about our greatest challenge in our relationship, what we’ve learned and how these challenges have helped us be more of the unconditional lovers that we truly are. We share about how challenges in life, whether in relationships or in a facet such as fitness, have the ability to make us stronger.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
In this episode, we share about our non-traditional relationship dynamic and how that has evolved for us as a unit and individuals over time. Brittany has been polyamorous for the last 8 years and has another partner, while Bridgette considers herself monogamous. I imagine you’re wondering: how does that work? Well in this episode, we share all about it! We dive deep into the details, including what those terms mean to us and how we navigate perceived differences.
Interested in Coaching with Us?Email us for a free 30-minute sessionBridgette: bridgettewolleat@gmail.comBrittany:
Find Us Online
Bridgette WolleatBridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health.
Brittany TaylorBrittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment.
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