
  • Is your phone affecting your potential and business growth? The answer is YES, even if you don’t want to admit it.

    In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive deep into the negative impacts that excessive phone usage has on creativity, productivity, and time management, especially for us entrepreneurs.

    Drawing from various studies and my own experiences, I discuss how smartphones can reduce creative thinking and problem-solving abilities by up to 40%. Can you imagine what you could do with a 40% increase? I share the strategies I've adopted to minimize phone distractions, including a personal rule of no phone use before noon and scheduling specific times to check my phone. I wrap up the episode by encouraging you to embrace a more intentional approach to phone usage to enhance cognitive function and improve the quality of your life overall.

    Episode Outline: 

    The Creativity Conundrum (00:03:46)The Distraction Dilemma (00:10:05) The Time Trap (00:17:12) The Cognitive Cost of Phone Dependency (00:22:50) Prioritizing Proactive Over Reactive Behaviors (00:30:06) 

    Resources from this episode:

    Episode 223: Moving UpdateEpisode 141: Tech & Your Child's BrainThe Focused Entrepreneur The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive into the whirlwind my family is currently experiencing. We've made the big decision to move closer to our extended family, and I'm not going to lie—it's been tough. I'm talking about the emotional rollercoaster of leaving a home we love and the daunting task of finding a new one. But here's the thing: I truly believe that there's power in embracing the chaos. It's how we grow and build resilience. 

    I'm also a firm believer in the importance of family and nurturing those multigenerational bonds. So, I'm here to share my journey with you, hoping to light the way for anyone else going through their own challenging times. Let's talk about how to weather life's storms without letting burnout win.

    Episode Outline: 

    Equipping Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs (00:01:19) Navigating Pruning Seasons (00:02:24) Big Family Update (00:04:41) Embracing the Chaos (00:15:32) Navigating Chaos and Uncertainty (00:20:21) Protecting Schedule and Maintaining Momentum (00:23:21)

    Resources from this episode:

    Ep. 219 Loss & Life Update (Part 1)Ep. 220 Loss & Life Update (Part 2)Ep. 222 Pruning for GrowthEp. 207 Day in Our Life: Homeschooling & Business with No ChildcareThe Focused Entrepreneur The Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

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  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I am talking about the concept of strategic pruning in leadership and business. I draw parallels between farming and leadership, advocating for the intentional removal of non-essential elements to foster growth and clarity. I share my personal experiences with hardship and how they taught me the value of pruning for better focus and vision. For me the pruning season was thrown at me, but I know being intentional about it will contribute to your growth.

    I encourage you to regularly align your actions with core values and vision, and to eliminate tasks that don't serve your ultimate goals. The episode emphasizes proactive pruning as a key to vibrant growth and success.

    Episode Outline: 

    Creating Space for Intentional Pruning (00:03:26)The Story of Michelangelo and the David Sculpture (00:06:48)The Benefits of Intentional Pruning (00:11:50)Implementing Visionary Time for Pruning (00:15:52) Identifying the Sweet Spot (00:21:53) Eliminating, Automating, Delegating, Deferring (00:23:39) Planning a Pruning Season (00:25:35)

    Resources from this episode:

    Ep. 219 Loss & Life Update (Part 1)Ep. 220 Loss & Life Update (Part 2)The Focused Entrepreneur PlaybookThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

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  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive into the topic of burnout among entrepreneurs. I bet you have felt it or thought it before, but its not actually burnout. I challenge the common belief that burnout is simply a result of being too busy or not taking enough self-care. Instead, I propose that burnout often stems from a misalignment between where we focus our energy and our innate gifts and passions. 

    So if it is not burnout, what is it? Misaligned focus. It is that simple. 

    I talk about how spending time outside of our "sweet spot" can leave us feeling overwhelmed and drained, no matter how busy we might be. I share some personal stories and encourage you, my listeners, to think about how much of your time is spent playing to your strengths. 

    Questions to Reflect On: 

    What’s on my plate? And why am I doing these things?What feels heavy right now? How can I delegate, delete, or defer these things off my plate?

    Episode Outline: 

    Symptoms of Burnout (00:03:12)The Root Cause of Burnout (00:09:21)Transformation Through Auditing Your Energy Leaks (00:15:20) Empowering Questions (00:27:55) Visionary Leader's Schedule (00:32:21) Focus and High Leverage Moves (00:36:12) 

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandEpisode 60: Leave Burnout BehindShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership I am giving you the second half of a life and loss update. 

    *Content Warning: Pregnancy Loss* I gently want to provide a heads-up that the following content involves discussions surrounding pregnancy loss. My intention is to share my personal experience with the utmost care and respect for those who may have experienced or are currently navigating such a loss. 

    In this episode I am sharing my experience at the hospital after giving birth, waiting for  my life saving surgery, and the perspective of healing after loss.  I talk about the life-threatening complications that followed the delivery, including the excessive bleeding and the emergency surgery I had to undergo. My husband, Michael, was my advocate, standing by my side as I braced myself for the possibility that I might not make it through.

    During this harrowing time, I experienced a profound sense of divine peace and trust in God. I delve into the emotional and physical recovery process and how it ultimately gave me a renewed sense of purpose. This episode is a deeply personal account of resilience, faith, and the crucial role of support during the most difficult times of our lives.

    Episode Outline: 

    Hospital Experience (00:02:06)Emergency Surgery (00:09:02)Emotional Moments (00:16:29)Reflection and Priorities (00:18:53)Pre-Op Chaos (00:22:45) Miraculous Recovery (00:29:44) Embracing Second Chances (00:37:08)

    Resources from this episode:

    219. Loss & Life Update (Part 1) on Apple219. Loss & Life Update (Part 2) on SpotifyThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership I am giving you a life and loss update. 

    *Content Warning: Pregnancy Loss*

    I gently want to provide a heads-up that the following content involves discussions surrounding pregnancy loss. My intention is to share my personal experience with the utmost care and respect for those who may have experienced or are currently navigating such a loss. 

    This episode I share the devastating experience of finding out our baby no longer had a heartbeat at a routine check-up and the subsequent emotional and physical ordeal of delivering the baby at home. I recount the frightening experience of significant blood loss, the urgency to get to the hospital, and the profound impact of the event on our family. 

    Episode Outline: 

    Finding Out the Loss of Our Baby (00:01:01) A Devastating Moment (00:04:25) A Dark Week (00:05:38) Unexpected Delivery (00:06:48) Concerns and Urgency (00:20:03) Emotional Moment with Children (00:21:56) Hospital Experience (00:24:52)

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive deep into the world of strategic thinking and leadership mindsets. I share with you five distinct ways that leaders set themselves apart: they're not afraid to take strategic risks, they see setbacks as learning opportunities, they always keep their eyes on potential solutions, they know how to balance their grand visions with the practical realities, and they're unwaveringly committed to their long-term objectives. I'm passionate about encouraging you, as leaders, to put personal growth at the forefront and to cultivate the qualities that resonate with your own vision. 

    This is actually a really strategic conversation around how leaders think differently to win. And I'm specifically covering the top five ways leaders think differently than most entrepreneurs.

    Resources from this episode:

    Episode 180: Make Failure Profitable on AppleEpisode 180: Make Failure Profitable on SpotifyYour Breakthrough Year WaitlistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this podcast episode of the Luminary Leadership Podcast, I'll be sharing three valuable strategies that can help you grow your business and improve your quality of life this year. Use these 3 things as a checkpoint to make sure your time, energy, and resources are used efficiently this year. 

    As an entrepreneur, it's crucial to focus on finding partners and collaborators who align with your vision and values, rather than just going for the biggest names in the industry. Another important aspect I'll be discussing is mastering your schedule and aligning it with your overall vision and goals. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. By taking control of your schedule and making sure it reflects your priorities, you can ensure that you're making progress towards your goals.

    I'll also be introducing the concept of data-driven decision making. Instead of relying on gut feelings or guesswork, I encourage entrepreneurs to set goals based on actual data and numbers. By measuring and analyzing data, you can make more informed and strategic decisions for your business.

    Episode Outline: 

    Strategic Partnerships and Relationships (00:01:55)Schedule Mastery (00:13:26) Data-Driven Decision Making (00:20:38) .Leveraging Data for Decision Making (00:25:19)Challenges of Embracing Data (00:26:10) Key Focal Points for Growth (00:27:04)

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur Your Breakthrough Year WaitlistEpisode 202: My Yearly Business Review Process DISC Personality ProfileThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of the Luminary Leadership Podcast, I come to you before wrapping up my work day to talk to you about 3 things you need to be doing as a CEO to up-level yourself from a business owner that is stuck in the weeds of their business. Because the term “CEO” has now become a cutesy title I am seeing people call themselves when really they are not navigating their business at all and I want to clarify what is actually required to be a true CEO of your business. 

    These three things are vision casting, relationship building, and making high leverage moves. I am going to get specific with each one of these because as a CEO you are the shepherd of your business. You are there to set the sail, keep your people engaged & involved with helping you get there, and the one that people lean on when navigating through challenges. I share with you the specific ways to take action with these 3 things and the common mistakes entrepreneurs make that prevent them from fully embracing the CEO role.

    I challenge you to do these 3 things this week and let it create more growth, time, capacity, & profit in your life and business. You are going to be free from the low value tasks while making high value moves that will allow you to step into the leader that you are called to be and hold that title of CEO with pride. 

    Episode Outline: 

    Vision Casting as a CEO [00:03:35] Leading Your Team Well [00:11:18] Mistakes in Casting Vision [00:16:18] Building Relationships [00:22:27] Making High Leverage Moves [00:30:38] Avoiding Low Value Tasks [00:31:46] Shifting from Reactivity to Proactivity [00:33:02]

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur Your Breakthrough YearThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive into the contrast between holding back and aiming for victory. I share a story from my own life where my mentor pushed me to go beyond what I thought I was capable of. I talk about why it's crucial to aim high and step out of our comfort zones. 

    I urge you as an entrepreneur to embrace risk, be innovative, and lead with a clear vision. I stress that playing it safe can lead to lost chances and limited growth. My goal is to motivate you to chase your dreams boldly and to strive for a meaningful impact and lasting legacy in both your work and life. This episode gives you a framework to set BOLD GOALS! Grab a pen and paper and get ready to be honest with yourself! 

    Episode Outline: 

    Playing Small vs. Playing to Win (00:00:00) Recognizing the Temptation to Play Small (00:01:05) The Temptation to Play Defense (00:05:23) Identifying Playing Small and Going for Gold (00:10:36) The Byproducts of Playing Small (00:15:43) Be BOLD (00:18:00) Game Changing GOALS (00:27:31)

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

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  • In this episode of the Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive into the tough feelings of being stuck and overwhelmed that we often encounter in business. I liken the journey of entrepreneurship to making your way across a mountain range, and I don't shy away from talking about those dark, paralyzing times that even the most successful entrepreneurs go through. I tell stories of my clients, their struggles, and how they've managed to transition from being driven by their emotions to being driven by discipline. 

    I'm a big advocate for setting aside time each morning to focus on your mindset and vision, and I share how this practice has turned things around for clients, helping them to significantly improve their businesses. To wrap things up, I offer a free tool to you that's designed to take you from feeling frazzled to focused, because I truly believe in the power of having the right tools and support on this entrepreneurial path.

    Episode Outline: 

    Cyclical Nature of Business (00:02:21) Struggling with Solutions (00:05:44)Creating Momentum (00:08:43) Clarity and Confidence (00:18:02)Clarity is King (00:20:07) 

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leaders Podcast, I am talking to those of you that have a feeling of living the dream, but something just feels off. You have it all - the beautiful family, the business that is growing, and you are left feeling like others have more fulfillment while you are stuck in the weeds. 

    I hope you take time to reflect on this episode and think about what you have been measuring yourself against. Is it that person on instagram? How are they doing it? Many people are putting on a show that their life looks a certain way, but we do not know if that is the truth. Many are living in a way that looks better than it feels. We don’t do that around here. 

    I challenge you to put on a new lens and craft a life that feels better than it looks. 

    Episode Outline: 

    Craving More Impact (00:01:15) Setting Impossible Standards (00:02:23) Comparing to the Wrong Metrics (00:03:49) Reframing Comparison (00:05:54) The Illusion of Comparison (00:10:16) Integration of Business and Family (00:12:28) Community and Collaboration (00:14:42)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough YearThe Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • I am joined by the go-to expert in sales, Nikki Rausch, who has also become a dear friend of mine. She has supported me, mentored me and given me so many great ideas and learnings around sales. She comes to the table with over 25 years of experience selling to prestigious organizations, such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Hewlett-Packard, and NASA. But she realized her passion and her gift was really in serving entrepreneurs and helping them step into possibility when it comes to scaling and selling.

    Together, we unpacked the importance of fostering a conversational and safe environment for sales interactions, with a strong focus on nurturing relationships and truly understanding what our clients need. Nikki opened up about her transition from the corporate sales world to becoming an entrepreneur, highlighting how crucial it is to build rapport and the power of asking the right questions to engage with potential clients effectively. We also discussed tactics for managing high-ticket sales, the finesse involved in pricing without the need to justify, and the fine line of helping buyers make decisions without feeling pressured. Throughout our conversation, we kept coming back to the significance of being authentic and maintaining integrity in sales, which I believe is key to delivering a consistent and positive client experience that not only retains customers but also encourages them to make referrals.

    This conversation gets really strategic, really tactical. Nikki shares so many things that you can apply immediately to see growth in your business, changes that will immediately affect sales in your business. But, on top of that, we had some great conversations around leadership, growth and possibility.

    Episode Outline: 

    Nikki Rausch's Background and Sales Expertise (00:02:16)Sales Maven: Teaching Strategic Sales Conversations (00:08:57) The Significance of Conversational Sales Approach (00:11:54) Creating Safety and Setting the Stage for Sales Calls (00:19:39) Building Rapport and Trust (00:23:48) Handling Pricing Discussions (00:27:01) Guiding Decision-Making (00:32:09) Creating a Safe Sales Environment (00:43:36) Delivering After the Sale (00:49:21) 

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough Year WaitlistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandClosing the Sale EBookFollow Nikki on InstagramNikki's WebsiteSales Maven PodcastShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on
  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I dive into the controversial topic that many entrepreneurs face: the pressure to keep up a facade of success. I talk about how harmful this "smoke and mirrors" tactic can be for both personal and business growth. Sharing from my own journey with mastermind groups, I make a case for the power of authenticity and vulnerability. I caution you against falling into the trap of the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality. 

    I want to encourage you to stay true to who you are, which I believe is the key to forging meaningful connections and achieving genuine success.

    Episode Outline: 

    The Need to Keep Up Appearances (00:03:24) The Toxic Nature of Smoke and Mirrors (00:06:41)Stripping Away the Ego (00:17:42) Valuing the Wrong Things (00:20:49) Authenticity in Business (00:23:02) Revealing Possibility through Authenticity (00:25:07)

    Resources from this episode:

    The Focused Entrepreneur The Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • I had the pleasure of sitting down with Allie Caffrey, the innovative mind behind Operations Agency. We dove into a conversation about how entrepreneurs can truly elevate their businesses by introducing systems that foster growth and success. Allie shared her game-changing strategy, the "90/90 principle," which she describes as dedicating 90 minutes of focused, CEO-level work each day for a continuous stretch of 90 days to make significant headway on important projects.

    During our chat, we explored the often-overlooked concept of intentional rest and how taking a step back can actually propel a business forward. Allie opened up about her personal experience with maternity leave, revealing how it served as an unexpected turning point for her business, spurring growth in ways she hadn't anticipated. She offered up some solid, actionable advice for fellow entrepreneurs on how to prepare for maternity leave, ensuring that both their business and their personal needs are met. And you are catching an early announcement to some big news for the Hartke Family!

    The conversation with Allie was truly inspiring, and it culminated in a powerful call to action for all entrepreneurs listening. It was a reminder that at the heart of a thriving business is a leader who values and prioritizes their health and happiness just as much as their company's bottom line.

    Episode Outline: 

    Creating Frameworks for Business Growth (00:02:12) CEO Mindset and the 90/90 Principle (00:11:40)Overcoming Overwhelm and Taking Action (00:15:14) Creating the Future Business (00:20:44) Maternity Leave Planning & Possibility for Entrepreneurs (00:26:48) Embracing Both Motherhood and Entrepreneurship (00:39:09) Simplifying Operations for Small Business (00:42:17)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough Year WaitlistDM Liz to @alycaffery on Instagram for her Maternity Leave Planning GuideThe Sabbatical Method - Aly CaffreyThe Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I introduce my "DARE" framework for strategic risk-taking in business. I highlight the significance of establishing clear economic goals, weighing the risks and potential benefits, and reacting with nimbleness to foster growth and innovation. Drawing from my own journey as an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience, I underline the importance of assessing results and advocate for nurturing an environment that embraces risk and innovation.

    Episode Outline: 

    Taking Strategic Risks (00:01:03) The DARE Framework (00:04:14) Defining Economic Objectives (00:05:18) Assessing Risks and Upsides (00:07:18) Responding with Agility (00:10:03) Risk Mitigation Strategies (00:24:34) Evaluating Outcomes (00:25:33) Fostering a Culture of Risk and Innovation (00:27:36)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough YearEpisode 208 Your Big Leap Year on AppleEpisode 208 Your Big Leap Year on SpotifyEpisode 180 How to Make Failure Profitable on AppleEpisode 180 How to Make Failure Profitable on SpotifyThe Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of the Luminary Leadership Podcast, I want to talk about making the big leap this year in your business. I am sharing examples of how I and a few of my clients have navigated the ups and downs in the process of making big moves in your business. I talk about the importance of taking big risks and consistently making impactful decisions to turn your dreams into reality. 

    I encourage you to concentrate on the vital 20% of your actions that really push you forward, to make sacrifices, and to ensure you're surrounded by the right crowd. I want to inspire you to have faith in your own abilities and to become the person capable of achieving your aspirations, because this year is a quantum leap year in my business and I want to invite you with me!

    Episode Outline: 

    Feeling the Pull to a New Level (00:01:09) Embracing Exponential Growth (00:04:43) Creating from Desire, Not Need (00:06:50) Taking the Risk (00:17:52)High Leverage Moves and Sacrifices (00:24:42) The 90/90 Formula and Focused Actions (00:27:31)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough Year WaitlistEpisode 205: How Leaders Think Differently to Win on AppleEpisode 205: How Leaders Think Differently to Win on SpotifyEpisode 206: Best Business Advice I Have Ever Received on AppleEpisode 206: Best Business Advice I Have Ever Received on SpotifyThe Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I am going to share with you the inside scoop of being a mom of 4, homeschooling our children, running a business from home, no childcare at the moment, and prioritizing family values in our home operations. It’s a lot so buckle up as I share with you what the day-to-day is like on the Hartke Homestead. 

    I open up about my personal journey of bringing my family life and business into harmony with my deepest values. My husband, Michael, and I made the leap from our traditional careers to homeschooling our four kids and nurturing a flourishing business. I delve into the hurdles we encountered, our choice to homeschool, and the significance of crafting a life that mirrors our true priorities. 

    I share a glimpse into our everyday life, how we blend family and work seamlessly, and the tactics we've honed to keep our lives balanced and on a path of continuous growth. My story is a testament to the power of embracing change, making sacrifices, and discovering joy in a path less traveled. I hope we are proof of possibility for you as an entrepreneur and leader. I know you think outside the box and I want you to know that can also be reflective in your home life. Live out the dream life designed by you, your family, and your values. 

    Episode Outline: 

    Evolution of work and family dynamics (00:01:09) Transition to Homeschooling and Business Growth (00:04:05) Recalibrating Our Lives (00:10:34) Homeschooling and Business Adjustments (00:17:19) Family Morning Routine (00:19:06) Our Homeschooling Approach (00:21:50) Teaching Family Values (00:23:26) Balancing Work and Family (00:25:15) Letting Go and Prioritizing (00:27:50) Family Dynamics and Daily Rhythm (00:34:30)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough YearThe Morning ChecklistThe Good & The Beautiful Homeschool Curriculum The Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here!

  • In this episode of the Luminary Leadership Podcast, I am thrilled to dive into something that has been pivotal for me. It is the "be, do, have" principle, a game-changing strategy for reaching your aspirations. I'm going to set it against the more common but less effective "have, do, be" mentality, and I'll explain how real transformation stems from first embracing the identity of the person you aspire to become, instead of passively waiting for external successes to shape you.

    I'll also share a personal experience where this principle made a huge difference in my life, and I'm going to challenge you to adopt this new perspective for the next month. 

    Episode Outline:

    Have, Do, Be vs. Be, Do, Have (00:02:15)Quitting & Identity (00:03:18)Taking on the New Identity (00:06:34)Personal Transformation (00:08:52)Mindset & Strategic Decision Making (00:11:47)Be-Do-Have in Leadership & Business Decisions (00:12:56)Personal & Professional Growth (00:14:01)The Ripple Effect (00:17:44)

    Resources from this episode:

    Your Breakthrough Year MasterclassYour Breakthrough Year WaitlistThe Morning ChecklistThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

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  • In this episode of Luminary Leadership Podcast, I am sharing 5 ways leaders think differently to win! These things are the key ways that leaders set themselves apart in their thinking: they see strategic risk as a path to innovation, they look at challenges as opportunities instead of setbacks, they concentrate on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems, they strike a balance between their vision and reality, and they craft a strategic roadmap to reach their objectives. 

    I'm here to encourage all you entrepreneurs out there to embrace these mindsets, because doing so can lead to remarkable improvements in both your professional ventures and personal life. It is crucial to be willing to take risks, learn from your failures, maintain a focus on solutions, and plan with a practical vision in mind. If you want to set yourself apart from other entrepreneurs, these things are going to create massive shifts in your organization. 

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    Episode Outline: 

    Viewing Strategic Risk as a Necessity (00:01:13) Challenges Define Next Move (00:03:40) Solution Focused (00:05:41) Vision Focused and Reality-Oriented (00:09:03) Vision-Focused Leadership (00:22:23) Strategic Mindset (00:25:44) Living into Your Potential (00:27:36)

    Resources from this episode:

    Free Masterclass Sign Up HereEpisode 180: Make Failure Profitable on AppleEpisode 180: Make Failure Profitable on SpotifyThe Incubator: A Mastermind For Visionaries & Their Right HandShow notes:

    Connect with me:

    Website: there's a topic, a question or a guest you want to hear on the show or an idea you have for us, just reach out and share that at [email protected]. We'd love to chat!Connect with me on Instagram!

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