Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I reflect on the fractal nature of reality - and how we "fractalize" our reality into existence through our thoughts. Lots of good humor in here.The purpose of this episode is to emphasize the importance of our thoughts and thinking, and how important it is to let those thoughts go, and be our own thought police (although I don't say that in the show. Darn it.)
Also get into the fires in Los Angeles and what it must be like to lose your home. Hopefully providing a bit of context for my friends down there who got burned.
Finally, in honor of my father, who passed away two years ago, March 8th 2023, I play the song I wrote for him, DAD'S SONG.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we get deep into the world of transformation on a very real level. My good friend Santo shares his history from the mean streets of Los Angeles deep in gang life to leading men's work and couples work. This guy was literally trying to get killed by police before something extraordinary happened, and he was saved.If you're looking for proof that God has a plan for you, this is a good one to listen to. Of course it could all be coincidence, but in the end, if it leads to living a better life, one of service, and of conscientiousness, then really, who cares how you classify it.
Really enjoyed this conversation. There is a good bit of talk about Jesus, but not in any proselytizing way, I promise.
To get in touch with Santo, check him on Instagram @santoflorescastro, or email him at [email protected].
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I go in deep with Jordan Mockingbird on the power of dieting tobacco as a means of connecting with nature and resetting and harmonizing our physiology. Jordan tells of his personal journey from the depths of opiate and alcohol abuse, which had him on the brink of death, to discovering dieting tobacco and sacred trees along with meditationnto set him straight.
His personal journey of healing is extraordinary. His liver was barely functioning when he started down this path. Now, with a lot of trial and error and the mentorship of an Apache elder, his health is optimal, and he leads others in tobacco and tree diets as a means of manifesting personal spiritual growth and healing.
We explore the nature of tobacco and how it is infused with virtually all of life as mammals and trees all possess nicotine receptors. We journey into the wisdom offered by the trees and how their lives have very much guided humanity along its path. It's a beautiful and enlightening conversation about how we can build harmony with ourselves and nature.
To get in touch with Jordan, go to welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview my dear friend Kai Karrel on the true meaning of Christmas and New Years. We dig in deep into the esoteric meaning of Christmas, how it represents reclaiming our innocence; what that means, and how it relates to shame and guilt.
We also dig into a good bit of what Christmas means outside of the commercialization of the holiday, as well as what "holiday" means. This is a good, juicy, inspiring primer for the New Year.
Finally we delve into the depths of what it means to make resolutions, why we fail, and how to break the egoic cycle of setting ourselves up for failure so that we can continue suffering the same ways we have in the past. It's actually a breakthrough conversation.
You can reach Kai on Instagram @KaiKarrel, and he's offering a REALLY GREAT COURSE on how to set ourselves up powerfully for the New Year. Here's the link: welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview my good friend and soul sister, Ama Santo. Ama is a renowned Conscious Partnership Coach and Leader. This episode heads straight into the deep end. We begin with a discussion of how all relationships are teachers for us, by inadvertently digging up un-dealt with trauma. Then our automatic, natural reaction is to go on the defensive, into Wolverine-Mode. Recognizing that it takes all we have to fight against that urge. To slow down time, and really listen to what's behind whatever "seems" to be going on in the moment. Truly a magic trick.
We delve into what it truly means to be a "Freedom Fighter". There is some real talk about addiction, and a very real near-death experience. Ama shares a jaw-dropper of a story about how she overcame the deadliest of addictions with a little help from the Man upstairs, (or the Woman upstairs, or whatever it is that you call the source of all things. : )
Ama outlines in detail the 5 Step Process that she and her husband Santo use to get people in relationships to be fully conscious of how and why they are triggered. Arguably, one of the most valuable processes one could want. There's really a lot to learn here and remind oneself of. This episode is one of those I'll listen to when I lose center in relationship.
I get verklempt several times, naturally. And we crack each other up several times as well. This episodes got it all: Depth, Laughter, and Tears. Dig it.
Referenced in this Episode:The Center for Non-Violent Communication -
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Shunryu Suzuki
How We Live Is How We Die - Pema Chodron
Ways to Reach Ama:On Instagram - @AmazingActivations
E-mail - [email protected]
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I reflect on my recent Men's Initiation Experience in the Wilderness, and dig deep into the Mother Wound, the need for Validation, and how that has tripped me up over the years.
I share a couple of new songs that I wrote while in the Initiation process and reflect on the importance of Gratitude. Perfect salute to the Gratitude Holiday. Happy Thanksgiving Lunatics! : )
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview my dear friend Ron Weinrich. We talk about the US Presidential Election, and how it is to see it in a different light, particularly if you voted for the person who did not win.
We also discuss the reason for his being in my neighborhood, the transformation of a Handicap Accessible RV that Ron intends to make available to disabled people and veterans so that they can witness and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Then we get into an absolutely unbelievable story Ron shares about how he saved his Mom from losing 100K to a Felon Tenant she had in Israel. This story is the epitome of what it means to truly get someone through the transformational lens of listening fully from their perspective.
Finally we dig into the reality of the war in Israel and the hope and prayer that it ends soon.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
I am Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview Heidi Feodorov, my mother-in-law. Heidi was 94 at the time of this interview, last year about this time. She passed away on October 14th of this year.
Heidi shares what it was like growing up in Switzerland as a young woman during WWII, how she had two choices in life, dress-making or being a maid. Heidi made the bold choice, against her families wishes, to emigrate to Toronto, Canada for a chance at a better life.
There she worked for a wealthy family, then as an accountant, and later the manager of a hotel, while raising five children with her husband Nick, also an immigrant, from Russia.
Heidi shares some wisdom, some humor, and some love. We miss you Heidi.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I perform a LIVE CONCERT with my Band - Geoff Eido & The Elements. Very excited to present this All-Original-Music Show to all of you. If you'd like to check it out on YouTube, with Chapter Markers for each song, here's a link:
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I dive deep into myself, exploring what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. How much are we affected by energies we cannot see? How much are we ruled by fear?
In this episode I connect to the nature of triggers, the fear underneath, and how it is that I/we can look into our own history to find the source of our trauma so that we can heal.
I also explore the importance of fierce love and how we can use that to rehumanize humanity so that war can end.
The end of the episode features me playing my most recent song "LET IT BURN" at a concert I performed in recently.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview Johnathan Human, co-founder of UNIFY non-profit (, and medicine keeper of the Wachuma Plant. I met Johnathan in a Wachuma Ceremony that he facilitated. After a few fascinating interchanges, I recognized a fellow Lunatic, and invited him on the show.
Get ready for a fun and fascinating ride into the beauties of wachuma, plant medicine, and indigenous culture, how to raise consciousness, the vast importance of recognizing our interconnectedness and making choices from that awareness, the Love Operating System, aliens, and a super weird cat story.
May you enjoy this episode as much as I did making it. If you want to check out Johnathan, go to, follow him on Instagram at @johnathanhuman and @iunify, e-mail him at [email protected] or [email protected],
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I interview Colter Merrick, founder and purveyor of Elixart, a drinking establishment featuring non-alcoholic, plant-based, mood-elevating beverages that stimulate the senses in the best possible way and actually enhance and activate health and vitality. Wait. What? How is that possible?
Don't know about you, but I love drinking. Just not booze so much anymore. Gives me a headache, makes my gut bigger, and slows me down. Still, I like to feel something when I drink. And I really like the social aspect of a good bar. So for some time, I've been missing that scene, while being grateful for my general lack of hangovers. Enter Elixart, a dream come true.
This place offers all kinds of elixirs, teas, tonics, jun, as well as a host of healthy products and cleanses that make you feel great and healthy as a healthy horse. Colter and I go deep into the inception and history of Elixart from humble tea shop and art gallery, to a robust and boisterous community center. Dig it.
If you want to visit, Elixart lives in Nevada City, CA. You can shop many of their products and see their Event Schedule at Also check out their amazing Elixir "Golden Glow" at Guaranteed to make you feel great, at least in my experience. : )
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we go deep on Mary Magdalene. Whore? No. Saint? Yes. As recognized by the Catholic Church and Pope Francis in 2016. This whole hooker rumor got started in 591 when Pope Gregory made it up. We chop it up regarding the teachings of Mary Magdalene, potential practices including some hot and steamy ones, and the high probability that Mary was Jesus, or Yeshua's wife and partner. She did the anointing. She was there at his feet when he kicked it, and she was the one he first revealed himself to after he came back. So the story goes...
Don't get too worried, no conversion attempts here. Believe what you believe. We do have a very deep and sacred dialogue, as far as I'm concerned. I really love this conversation. It was a joy to edit it. Hope it's as revealing for you as it is for me.
Best way to reach Roxanne Ruby is through Instagram: https://www.instagram....
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
 • "Lunacy" Podcast
Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into what is the truth about Mary Magdalene, along with relevant social media links.
YouTube:  / @geoffeido3155
SoundCloud:  / geoff-eido
Spotify: https://open.spotify.c...
Instagram: @geoffeido
Facebook:  / geoffeido
[email protected]
Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I talk to myself for 47 minutes. Am I crazy? Yes. Hence the name of this show. Crazy like a fox. Or preferably a wolf.
In this episode, I dig into my own musings on what it means to be king, and how to be king. This exploration is in the realm of being, not planetary domination. I also whip out my actual sword. Pretty dope if you ask me. Enjoy.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
[email protected] the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we dive into the deep end with Chinese Medicine doctor and intuitive, Amy Albright. Amy is the cofounder of the Holon Experience ( This is a wholly unique training that uses modern technology and ancient wisdom to unlock and retrain areas of your brain that are operating at a deficit. Using an EEG to measure neural activity, Amy and her partner, Dr. Drew Pierson, work to identify areas where you are fully engaged and areas that are ripe for growth, and then they work in tandem to unlock and activate those parts that were dormant.
Today we wax philosophical, get deep, and dive into humanity's great potential, on LUNACY.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
[email protected] the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I talk to my new friend Caulen Lauria about Restorative Wellness and Extreme Sports. In this episode, I freeze my nipples off at -200°, get my elbow electrocuted, and get blasted in the face with hot red light. One for the books. : )
Caulen and I dig deep into why restorative and preventative wellness works so well. We talk about the Cryochamber and its benefits after I stand in there for five minutes. We discuss the benefits of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) after using it on my elbow. Naturally, we talk about the cold plunge and why that works, as well as several other modern therapies at his facility, Cryobodyworks in Austin, TX.
Then we dig into Caulen's love of terrifying, but invigorating sports like Wing-Suiting and Superbiking. This leads to a philosophical discussion about the benefits of living dangerously without being a danger, and the profound benefits of, and need for, fierce love in this world. Great chat.I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
Support the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we dig deep into the concept, art, and execution of Restorative Justice as a means of bringing about peace and healing after an assault. Stefan and Zan met when they were 15 years old on the mean streets of Chicago in the nineties. Although there were many beautiful aspects of their relationship, it did turn sour at the end of their high school experience with a sexual assault. (If that is troubling for you to hear, skip this one).
Decades later, this experience was brought to light again, but now, both parties were willing and interested in reconciliation. What ensued is an intricate process where the victim plainly stated what she wanted from her assailant, all of those things were granted, and they were able to heal individually and collectively, restoring the childhood bond that they cherished so long ago. This is truly a unique story that I very much hope becomes more common.
At the end of the episode, Zan details a separate healing journey she undertook after going blind in one eye and being diagnosed with MS. That is also not to be missed, as wisdom and means are offered to create the wealth of health. This is one for the books. I am very honored to have been a part of this conversation.
Get in touch with Zan at [email protected]. She also mentions how valuable the 6-phase meditation has been to her healing process. Here's a link to that as well: welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
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Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, I'm going deep with Brent Pella on comedy, ayahuasca, coffee enemas, bidets, and the grand importance of not taking life too seriously. We dig into the importance of spirituality, the magic of music festivals, and the scents of ecstatic dance. : )
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
[email protected] the show
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, dive into Part 2 of my discussion with Aluna Lua on how to treat Marijuana as a Sacred Plant Medicine and get more toke for your smoke by being intentional. On today's episode we get into the origin story of how Aluna Lua started to use this plant in a ceremonial way, pitfalls of this medicine, especially when used as an escape, and how to use it in a creative, productive, and ceremonial fashion. Lua also delves into how one can work with her directly. Enjoy.
Learn more with Aluna Lua: access Lua's free masterclass "Your Path to Master Cannabis and Hapé": a Chemistry Call with Lua on Zoom:
Follow Aluna Lua on Instagram: @alunalua.angelI welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
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Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we delve deep into the magic of marijuana. Looking at the history of this sacred plant, how to live in right relationship with this medicine, and how to use it in a ceremonial way. My guest, Aluna Lua is one of the only people around facilitating sacred ceremonies with this medicine. Given that marijuana has become ubiquitous, and yet there is no discussion of how to properly use this medicine in a sacred way, this strikes me as a critical conversation. We laugh, we get high, we go deep on this episode of LUNACY.
Learn more with Aluna Lua: access Lua's free masterclass "Your Path to Master Cannabis and Hapé": a Chemistry Call with Lua on Zoom:
Follow Aluna Lua on Instagram: @alunalua.angelI welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.
Instagram: @geoffeido
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