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This podcast consists of friends for friends without friends. We are the outsiders, the fringe people that were left behind to carve our own paths, forging our way through life’s jungles, emerging with scars and tattoos and the ability to tell our stories and laugh at our stories which are your stories too. Powerful Truth Angels is a podcast brought to you by Native Angeleno weirdo creative Alex/2tone (Director of film, and Co-owner and Design Director of street wear brand BornxRaised). PTA is here to welcome you into the fold with open arms and hearts. We will envelope you with our million thread count robes and hug and squeeze you until you feel nothing but pure light and joy emanating from every pore in your body. Welcome to a place where anything can happen and everyone is invited to join. We want you to be with us, forever. We will all scream and yell and laugh and whisper and cry in unison, we are the POWERFUL TRUTH ANGELS.
This improvised podcast is intended to be the spiritual successor of Alchemy This. While the lives of the core cast of that show got a bit to busy to commit to the weekly show, this show has a rotating cast of improvisers. If you were a fan of Alchemy This, you will hear many familiar voices. At the same time, the improvisers you meet along the way will capture your hearts as they make you laugh.
Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst!
Vært: Jonas Landin
Ekspert: René Langdahl
Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene.
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Kontakt: [email protected] -
The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
af Thomas Rode Andersen
Velkommen til mit hobby journalistiske projekt “Kok & Kok imellem”.
Jeg er Thomas Rode Andersen, tidligere Køkkenchef på legendariske Restaurant Kong Hans Kælder i Kbh og medstifter af
“Kok og Kok imellem” startede imens jeg var i karantæne under den første lockdown som ren "Corona Radio" hvor jeg talte med gode gamle kolleger om alt mellem himmel og jord over en telefonforbindelse.
Her i de efterfølgende sæsoner går jeg lidt grundigere til værks og inviterer de snakkelystne kokke hjem ind i Podamok studiet og optager podcasten med det bedste tekniske set-up på lydsiden, med et kamera snurrende under seancen og dygtige mennesker i kulissen til at sikre at din oplevelse af mine snakke med nogle af landets bedste kokke bliver en klokkeklar fornøjelse. Hør med når jeg og mine gæster snakker om ting, oplevelser og begivenheder som sjældent kommer frem når vi kokke giver interviews med rigtige journalister.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Blindsmagerne er til dig, der interesserer sig for vin. Det kan både være for nybegynderne og nørderne. Vi tilstræber en ukrukket og nysgerrig tilgang, hvor vin tages for det, det er: nydelse frem for alt!
Dine værter er Henrik Lehm og Philip Nordstrand Nielsen.
Hvis du kan lide hvad du hører, og vil deltage i konkurrencer om vinpræmier, kan du støtte os via dette link: -
NB! Vi har fået ny kanal --> (den hedder "Kendisraketten" og ikke længere "Kendisraketten's Podcast"- ret nemt at huske.) da vi har indgået samarbejde med Aarhus Studenterradio. Hop derover og find summerdition, festivalreportager og Sæson 2 !
Kender du den dér fornemmelse af, at du formentlig ville være en stor stjerne, en berømthed, en god gammeldags kendis, hvis bare verden forstod hvor genial/talentfuld/fantastisk/dygtig/dedikeret, du egentlig er? Men at det samtidig kan være lidt svært rent faktisk at få komponeret den sang, skrevet den roman, skabt det kunstværk, trænet til de 100 meter bryst, som helt sikkert vil bringe dig det sidste stykke? Jo du gør så, indrøm det bare.” -
Riki Lindhome talks to people in the entertainment industry and asks them how they got their careers. There's no road map for show business and everyone's story is different, so Riki interviews people about how they started, how they've kept it going and what they've learned along the way.
A DND podcast about necromancers, psychic wastoids, and the civil servants who take them down.
When ghosts, necromancers, and magical monstrosities raise a ruckus in the land of the living, the Skulltenders will answer! Join a cat-lady rogue, an owl with human legs, and their inflexible Gooman chaperone in a hilarious and horrifying tabletop adventure that mixes the thrilling pacing of monster-of-the-week play with the addictive intrigue of a long-term campaign.
Professional game-writer Cohen Edenfield draws on a decade of DMing to delight and terrorize webcomics titan KC Green, gamer culture luminary Jess O’Brien, and punk rocker Amber Carr, AKA “the Horror Games Elvira.” Tight editing, immersive sound design, and Seth Boyer’s original music round out what many friends and family members of the cast are calling “the perfect D&D podcast.”
Er det længe siden, du har været forbi Skuldborg, har du måske aldrig været i Skuldborg, eller har du bare glemt alt det, du tidligere har oplevet i byen. Så tag med et smut tilbage i tiden.
I 'Kom tilbage til Skuldborg' får du et samlet resumé af alle de tidligere sæsoner af 'Undskyld vi roder', så du kan du få styr på de vigtigste og mest afgørende tidspunkter og hændelser.
Food for Thought is THE resource for living compassionately and healthfully. Listen to insightful, common sense perspectives about food, animals, cooking, eating, health, language, politics, zero waste living, literature, film, advocacy, and so much more from the Joyful Vegan herself, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.