
  • It’s the oldest profession in the world. It’s even been referenced in the Hebrew Bible. Brothels have existed in Nevada since the old mining days of the 1800s. Nevada’s prostitution is strictly regulated and must be in areas away from rural areas. In this episode, we discuss prostitution in The United States, from the current brothels in Nevada to that time Rhode Island accidentally legalized prostitution.

    For this episodes charity, we recommend making a contribution to The Brandon Chandler Foundation.
    The funds they raise go directly to providing a safe and sobering living location for people who were incarcerated as they exit prison.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos).

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • Anita Hill has inspired generations of women leaders to protect women, and protect them in the workplace. She ignited a movement, inspired, led and transformed cultures.

    Anita Hill was an early entry into the pantheon of women shamed for exposing high-powered men. Before Christine Beasley Ford in 2018 and even before Monica Lewinsky in 1998, there was Anita Hill. In 1991 when George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the supreme court. An interview that Hill gave to the FBI was leaked to the press. In the interview, Hill told stories of her supervisor Clarence Thomas discussing beastiality, porn movies with rape scenes or group sex, and his own sexual prowess and anatomy.

    For eight hours, Hill testified under the hot glare of cameras and lights in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She was forced to answer grueling questions like if she was a woman scorned, had a martyr complex, or had plans to be a hero in the civil rights movement.

    The hearings polarized Americans. Some thought she was a “scorned'' woman and attention seeking while others found her treatment by the Senate Judiciary Committee sexist and demeaning. The scandal motivated a number of women to enter politics. 1992 became known as “The Year of The Woman” as a historic number of women were elected into Congress. The Senate and House grew from 6 women to 47.

    This episode we are joined by Sunny who is the host of “Don’t Tell Me, Tell The People” where she has nightly panels discussing pop culture politics, and social injustice.

    This episodes charity, is a charity close to our guest Sunny's heart.
    Their mission is to empower people living with ALS and their families, support people living with ALS and bring awareness to the debilitating disease through resources and research.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos).

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

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  • After a 3-month hiatus, the heauxs are back in the studio. Heather, Connor, and Anthony catch up with each other and share everything from Valentine's Day gifts to sexual attraction to cartoon characters. They offer some insight into what we can all expect in Season 2. And you don't want to miss an incredible round of LEWDLE (the sexual version of WORDLE).

  • When we think of pornography, we usually think of weak step-brother / step-sister stories and bad acting in short films with low production value. But over 90% of women like to use their imaginations. In this episode, we are joined by guest Jim Nova. Jim creates audio porn for women & gay men, making over 70,000 people feel good every day. With his disarming, sensual, and charismatic voice, he tantalizes listeners with erotic scenarios of their preferred kink. His content is designed to connect you to your own sexuality.

    We discuss the art and taboo of audio porn. Jim shares with us what started as a hobby for him in 2017 has now become a full-time career. He is rapidly approaching 30 million views on porn hub. We are going to break down what is audio porn, and the stigma attached to pornography and who actually is Jim Nova?

    Jim can be found on IG: filthyjimnova

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos).

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the longest-running theatrical release in film history. It’s established itself as a cult classic with over 46 years of midnight screenings. It was one of the first musicals to depict fluid sexuality and is said to have been an influence on the countercultural and sexual liberation movements that followed. We're joined this week by our friend, Bernie Bregmen, from Experience Level Entertainment.

    Bernie has been producing events since 2010 starting with the 35th Anniversary Rocky Horror convention working with executive producer, Lou Adler. Since then, Bernie has worked with several entertainment giants such as Fox, MGM, and Marvel to name a few. He’s produced major events from wrap parties to full conventions, screenings to film festivals, and concerts to masquerades. Bernie has worked with Rock n Roll Hall of Famers such as Run DMC and The Black Eyed Peas, Redman, Slick Rick, and Flava Flav on events like the Los Angeles Comic Con Cosplay Ball and events at San Diego Comic Con.

    In 2017 he produced Stan Lee’s 95th Birthday celebration at Stark Mansion in Hollywood. Bernie has cemented his role in the pop-culture landscape and we’re thrilled to have him as our guest today.

    We discussed the cultural phenomenon of seeing Rocky Horror in a theater with a shadow cast and callback lines. How do the traditions of the virgin sacrifice and the slut shaming hold up in the post #metoo world? Are the remakes any good? Join us as we do the time warp again!

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos).

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • On June 23, 1993, between 3:30 and 4:30 A.M., Lorena Bobbitt, cut off the penis of her sleeping husband, John Wayne Bobbitt, in Manassas, Virginia. The case was an immediate sensation. How could it not have been? Hyped up by both journalists and comedians, her trial in January of 1994 was the world’s number one media event. Had Lorena murdered her sleeping husband, her name would not be a household name.

    How did the penis of John Wayne Bobbitt end up in a grassy field across the street from a 7 Eleven? How did it change the public views on marital rape and domestic violence in the early 90’s. Only one month before, martial rape was outlawed in all 50 states.

    Today, we are joined by Joleen Lunzer, who hosts the Married To Bravo Podcast that is available on iTunes and Spotify. She also has a popular YouTube recapping guilty pleasures of ours like 90 Day Fiancé, Big Brother, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and MTV the Challenge. You can follow her across all social media @JoleenLunzer.

    Join us as we discuss the cut heard around the world.

    For this episode’s charity, we recommend making a contribution to the Lorena Gallo Foundation. Their mission is to expand domestic violence and sexual assault prevention education, emergency response resources and community engagement activities that will improve outcomes for survivors and their children. Check them out at As always, send us a screenshot of your donation receipt and we’ll match it.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos).

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • Buried beneath divisions and sub-groups in the CIA, MKUltra . Today we are joined by friend to the podcast Ditty as we discuss
    Operation Climax was a sub project of MK-Ultra. A top secret program that sanctioned the use of psycho active drugs on American citizens.

    It began as early as 1950, but wasn’t official until 1953, using shady psychiatrist, prisons and mental institutions to perform these studies. They were motivated to combat the Soviet “truth serum” and its purpose was to develop techniques and drugs for mind control.

    The CIA set up several brothels within agency safe houses in San Francisco to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. The men were doused with LSD and prostitutes were instructed in the use of post-coital questioning to investigate whether its unknowing “test subjects” could be convinced to reveal secrets while being watched by agents behind one way glass.

  • William Henry Cosby Jr. broke cultural and racial barriers in 1961 when he co starred in I Spy and won three Emmys. He wrote best selling books about parenthood, had a Grammy award winning comic routine where he developed the Fat Albert character, developed The Cosby Show where he played Cliff Huxtable and gained the reputation of being “America’s Dad”. He endorsed Jell-O products, and Coca Cola he was a husband and a father. America grieved with him when his son Ennis, was murdered in 1997.

    Years ago we watched Bill Cosby, smiling at his warm hearted moments, and with his silly dad jokes and self-deprecating humor only now to realize the man who left an entire generation wishing he was their father but… he was also a monster.

    A monster who preyed on women, manipulating them into a false sense of security, grooming them and drugging them and assaulting them while he played a character who embodied a family oriented comedian.

  • William Henry Cosby Jr. broke cultural and racial barriers in 1961 when he co starred in I Spy and won three Emmys. He wrote best selling books about parenthood, had a Grammy award winning comic routine where he developed the Fat Albert character, developed The Cosby Show where he played Cliff Huxtable and gained the reputation of being “America’s Dad”. He endorsed Jell-O products, and Coca Cola he was a husband and a father. America grieved with him when his son Ennis, was murdered in 1997.

    Years ago we watched Bill Cosby, smiling at his warm hearted moments, and with his silly dad jokes and self-deprecating humor only now to realize the man who left an entire generation wishing he was their father but… he was also a monster.

    A monster who preyed on women, manipulating them into a false sense of security, grooming them and drugging them and assaulting them while he played a character who embodied a family oriented comedian.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic created a massive upheaval in our lives, and many people are still dealing with its effects. For single people, lockdowns and safety guidelines totally changed the way we date and pursue romantic relationships. While dating was not altogether put on hold, COVID restrictions meant an increased reliance on online dating and alternative methods of getting to know someone new.

    In this episode, we are joined by two special guests, Jessica Smith is a professional dating coach that has supported her clients from professional athletes, film producers and executives to divorced single moms. Supporting them and guiding them as they make powerful transformations. Over the years, she has gained notoriety as the “Female Hitch.”

    We are also joined by our personal friend Brent, a single man in his early 40’s who has experience in the dating world, but hasn't yet met the right person. Is there hope for him? The team looks at his dating profile to see if there is room for improvement.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos) or send us a book from our Amazon wishlist.

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • Chippendales has become an iconic American institution. Just hearing the name conjures up instant images of oiled-up guys flexing their pecs, wearing bow ties (and very little else), and gyrating for a crowd of screaming ladies.

    But if your knowledge of Chippendales ends there, you're missing out on a story where the rise of feminism, the American immigrant dream, and greed combine to create a dark and twisted story. The true story of Chippendales includes arson, hired assassins, and incredibly dumb business decisions, all fueled by jealousy, insecurity, and greed.

    For this episode’s charity, we recommend making a contribution to the Sex Workers Outreach Project. They’re a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. Check them out at As always, send us a screenshot of your donation receipt and we’ll match it.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos) or send us a book from our Amazon wishlist.

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • The nation's oldest, continuously operating brothel opened for business in 1844. It operated out of a pine-board hotel during the early years but it's location had changed nearly a half dozen times during its history and had several different names, typically it was named after a reigning madam.

    From the Civil War to World War I, especially during the four decades from 1870 to 1910, prostitution flourished in Texas. Every city had its red light districts and at least one vice district.

    In 1929 when the stock market crashed it took a toll on The Chicken Ranch. Fares were reduced to fit supply and demand and the prostitution business started booming again. Miss Jessie, owner of the Chicken Ranch, had a great business mind and instinct. She converted her business to “Poultry Standard” …….one chicken per screw.

    The Chicken Ranch received national attention when "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" on Broadway and then a movie starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds in 1982.

    For this episode’s charity, we recommend making a contribution to the Sex Workers Outreach Project. They’re a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. Check them out at As always, send us a screenshot of your donation receipt and we’ll match it.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos) or send us a book from our Amazon wishlist.

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • It was a time of excitement and danger when the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and shall be free." The Klu Klux Klan was rising to prominence, and soon the first black man was elected into Congress.

    A former slave, reigned over a secret world of drag balls in Washington, D.C., in the 1880s and was the leader of possibly the world’s earliest-known LGBTQ liberation group. Born into slavery, William Dorsey Swann became the first American to lead a queer resistance group and the first to self-identify as a “queen of drag.” He fought back against police who raided a drag ball almost a century before the Stonewall uprising.

    In honor of Pride month, we’ll be talking today about William Dorsey Swan and drag ball culture. We’re joined by our friends, Les and Claire. Les is a podcaster who hosts two shows, Reality Reading Rainbow and A Lifetime of Hallmark. Claire is a certified massage therapist, aspiring metalsmith, and reality show enthusiast.

    This episodes charity is Los Angeles LGBT Center. Since 1969, the Los Angeles LGBT Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBT individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond. Providing services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world, offering programs, services, and global advocacy that span four broad categories: Health, Social Services and Housing, Culture and Education, Leadership and Advocacy.

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos) or send us a book from our Amazon wishlist.

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • Before LGBTQ Americans could gather peacefully in the streets for Pride parades, there were protests, riots, and other acts of disobedience.
    Sometimes violent, often militant, and always disruptive, the necessary, anti-establishment actions of our predecessors paved the way for a more tolerant, accepting world to come. The fight for queer liberation and equality has always involved disruption. LGBTQ and people of color have often led that charge, too, proving that racial justice and LGBTQ equality are intersecting political movements.

    On today’s episode of Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos, we want to honor PRIDE month and revisit the history of the LGBTQ+ community struggle to gain acceptance, and equal rights. We are joined by our friend Arnold, an out and proud member of the LGBTQIA community. We discuss the first political gay rights movement after World War I and the Stone Wall Riots and how these protest brought change. We compare the uprising to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests of 2020.

    If you found this episode insightful, we recommend making a contribution to The Trevor Project which focuses on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. You can find them at

    Is there a topic you’d be interested in hearing? Hit us up on our Instagram at Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos (@madamesheauxsandgigolos) or send us a book from our Amazon wishlist.

    If you like this show, please help us by leaving a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-star review and sharing it with your friends.

  • Women belonging to one of the most marginalized and stigmatized categories of society, sex worker, dared to unite against police repression and question the government with a publicly presented list of grievances and demands.

    On June 2 1975, sex workers occupied the church of Saint Nazier in Lyon, France to protest against harassment by the police, hefty fines, and inhumane working conditions. 46 years later, sex workers are still fighting for their rights worldwide.

    Listeners who enjoy this episode are encouraged to make a contribution to . The Sex Workers Project provides client-centered legal and social services to individuals who engage in sex work, regardless of whether they do so by choice, circumstance, or coercion.

    Their attorneys help clients remain in stable housing, access safer working conditions and employment options, protect their legal rights in family court, clear their criminal records, secure legal immigration status, and fight police misconduct and hate crimes. Their social workers provide long term supportive therapy and case management, creating best practices for an emerging field.

    If you like this podcast, please share us with your friends. Don’t forget to leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review. Connor wants to hit 100.

    We also have an Amazon wishlist! If you’d like us to cover a topic, you can send us a book. Check our MHG Podcast wish list on amazon. Any condition of book is appreciated, used or new.

  • Of all the ways music may influence your life, you may not realize its connection to sex. The songs, artists, and playlists you have on repeat can actually impact your attitudes and expectations in the bedroom. Of course, this influence can extend beyond sexuality and into everyday life.

    This episode Heather and Connor are joined by Anthony Bedgood, who is also a music enthusiast.

    For this episode, we suggest making a contribution to the Save the Music Foundation. They partner with public school districts to donate grants in the form of new musical instruments, technology, equipment, and resources for music teachers and school leaders. Grants provide opportunities for schools to jumpstart and support their music programs.

    Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and leave us a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review.

    We also have an Amazon wishlist! If you’d like to hear a topic, or send us a book check our MHG Podcast amazon wish list on amazon. Any quality of book appreciated used or new.

  • In this episode, Dr. J join Heather for a discussion about Hybristophilia, also known as “Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome". It’s an atypical sexual desire in which sexual arousal is contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime.

    This episode's charity, suggested by our guest Dr. J, is "My Friends Place." They work with homeless and precariously housed youth ages 12-24, providing free mental health services. MFP is a drop-in center that provides food, clothing, showers, case management, and mental health services. Plus, a safe place to spend your day.

    Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and leave a five star review.

    We also have an Amazon wishlist! If you’d like to hear a topic, or send us a book, check our MHG Podcast Amazon wish list on Amazon. Any quality of book appreciated, new or used.

  • Between 1848-1855 California had hit it big when gold was found at Sutters Mills in Coloma California.

    In 1849 a Cantonese woman arrived in California becoming the second known Chinese woman to arrive in California and the first Chinese prostitute in California.

    Ah Toy was a determined and intelligent woman and frequently used the San Francisco Recorder's Court to protect herself and her business from exploitation.

    For this episode, we suggest making a contribution to Stop AAPI Hate (Asian American Pacific Islander). Their approach recognizes that in order to effectively address anti-Asian racism they must work to end all forms of structural racism leveled at Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color as well.

    Don’t forget to like, share subscribe and leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review.

    We also have an Amazon wishlist! If you’d like to hear a topic, or send us a book check our MHG Podcast wish list on Amazon. Any quality of book appreciated used or new.

  • This episode we discussed the problematic relationship between Prince Andrew and Jeffery Epstein.

    We deep dive their history, friendship and scandal and discuss how Megan Markel has been used as a scapegoat to distract people from the disgraced Prince Andrew.

    This episode we wanted to support Victims Refuse Silence which is a non profit organization founded by Virginia Giuffre one of Prince Andrews, Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwells victims.

    We also have an Amazon wishlist! If you’d like to hear a topic, or send us a book check our MHG Podcast amazon wish list on amazon. Any quality of book appreciated used or new.

  • It is the stuff that spy novels, diplomatic folklore, congressional investigations, and Hollywood blockbusters are made of. James Bond Films, Jennifer Lawrence 2018 movie “Red Sparrow”, and Alfred Hitchcock 1944 release of “Notorious” starring Ingrid Bergman and Carey Grant. Even Austin Powers is about sexpionage. But what is it?