
  • In this episode titled “Green, Ripe or Rotten?”, we revisit Laura Gries and take a deep dive into her ongoing journey of conquering her fears and limiting beliefs. Six months ago, Laura shared her struggles with the fear of failure in business, her hesitation to embark on a new entrepreneurial journey, guilt about not doing enough for the disabled community, and her lack of confidence in her physical appearance. Fast forward to today, Laura has launched a new business this past April that is accessible to the disabled population, yet she continues to wrestle with self-confidence issues. Hosts Laura and Dr. Gries use the metaphor of labeling these personal landmarks as Green, Ripe, or Rotten to illustrate the stages of her progress. They also explore the principles of the Seasonal cycle in Chinese Medicine, which includes the phases of Harvest, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. One of the key exercises discussed involves creating an exhaustive list of everything in your life, effectively emptying your consciousness onto an “external hard drive” and categorizing everything as green, ripe or rotten. This practice can lead to feelings of lightness, happiness, calm, peace, and even liberation.

  • In this episode titled "Fight, Flight & Feed," we dive into the intricate relationship between our mind, body, and spirit, particularly focusing on how our emotional and mental states influence our eating habits and overall well-being. Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Exploring the parallels between the food we consume and how it fuels our bodies. Understanding the body’s ability to distinguish between pure and impure substances and how it mirrors our experience filtering in life. Emotional and Mental State Impact: Guest Heather Dawn Fleming discusses how our emotional and mental states significantly affect the choices we make regarding food. Delving into the body's readiness to process and digest food based on our mental and emotional well-being. Conscious Eating: Bringing a heightened level of consciousness to the act of eating and understanding its transformative potential. Addressing the common issue of people bullying themselves into eating what they think they SHOULD eat, often leading to a fight or flight response. Emotional Eating Patterns: How negative emotions like worry, sadness, or anger can drive us to make certain food choices, often to balance out those feelings. Recognizing that feeling edgy might lead to cravings for something sweet or carbohydrate-rich to soften those edges. Guest Information: Heather Dawn Fleming: Role: A respected nutritionist who advocates for reprogramming how we nourish both our mind and body through intuitive practices. Takeaway Message: Understanding the deep connection between our emotions, mental state, and eating habits is essential. By bringing consciousness to our eating processes and recognizing the impact of our emotional state, we can make healthier choices that better serve both our physical and mental well-being. Make sure to follow Heather Dawn Fleming, Conscious Nutrition, for more insights on nourishing your mind and body intuitively. Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the profound connections between our bodies, minds, and spirits. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you found this episode insightful!

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  • In this heartwarming episode of our podcast, we explore the profound impact and importance of hugs and human touch in conveying love and connection. Hosts Laura and Adam share their personal experiences and philosophies related to the art of hugging, emphasizing it as a way to express, "I see you," "I am connecting with you right now," and "I am present with you here and now." The Significance of Hugs: Laura and Adam discuss why they consider hugs to be a meaningful way to show affection and connect with others on a deep, emotional level. Human Connection Through Touch: The hosts explore how human touch serves as a powerful tool for human connection, capable of conveying warmth, presence, and empathy. Understanding Touch Adversity: Acknowledging that not everyone identifies with or feels comfortable with physical touch, Laura and Adam introduce the concept of "touch adversity" and discuss its implications. The Power of a Genuine Hug: Drawing an analogy to a loving grandmother hugging her grandchildren after a long absence, Laura shares the depth of emotion and sincerity that can be communicated through a heartfelt hug. This episode features insightful contributions from guest speakers Dr. Adam and Laura Gries, who share their professional and personal perspectives on the importance of physical touch in human relationships and emotional well-being. Dr. Adam Gries: Provides a psychological analysis of why human beings need physical touch and how it affects our mental health and social bonds. Laura Gries: Shares touching anecdotes about the role of hugs in her life, emphasizing their capacity to heal, comfort, and connect us to others.

  • In this heartfelt episode, we explore a topic that may hit close to home for many listeners—the struggle of balancing family life with the demanding pressures of work. Our host dives deep into how fathers and husbands often bear the heavy responsibility of providing for their families. This sense of duty can be particularly overbearing during the early years of a child's life or when financial stability feels uncertain. While the intention behind working long hours is to secure the well-being of loved ones, there's an emotional cost that is often overlooked. Dr. Adam Gries joins us as a guest speaker, bringing his expertise in family dynamics and mental health. Dr. Gries discusses how men can find themselves withdrawing from the emotional heart of the family—their connection with their spouse and children. This withdrawal, while unintentional, can lead to feelings of isolation for every family member and may even contribute to a sense of alienation over time. Throughout the episode, Dr. Gries offers insight into the importance of open communication and the value of quality time spent with family. He opens up about strategies on how to regain balance, emphasizing the necessity of being emotionally present and not just physically providing. Whether you're a father feeling the weight of responsibility or a family member witnessing this dynamic, this episode is a thoughtful examination of the personal sacrifices made for family and how to find your way back to what truly matters. Key Points Discussed: The pressure fathers and husbands feel to provide financially for their family. The emotional distancing that can result from being overly focused on work. Dr. Adam Gries's perspective on maintaining family connections amidst career demands. Practical advice for staying emotionally connected with your spouse and children.

  • In this episode of our podcast, we dive deep into the art and science behind manifesting your dreams into reality. Joined by our insightful guest speakers, Laura and Adam, this episode unveils their systematic roadmap designed to guide listeners through the process of turning dreams into tangible outcomes. Here’s what we covered: Manifesting as a Science: Laura and Adam kick off the conversation by demystifying the concept of manifesting. It’s not just wishful thinking or mere positive affirmations but a disciplined approach much like the methodology used by elite athletes. These top performers harness the power of manifesting not only to stay competitive but to clinch victory. Our guests elaborated on the principles that make manifesting a reproducible and observable phenomenon. Systematic Roadmap to Manifestation: Diving deeper, the conversation shifts to a structured pathway that anyone can follow to start manifesting their dreams. This roadmap involves clear goal setting, visualization techniques, and actionable steps that align with one's aspirations. Laura and Adam emphasize the importance of clarity and precision in defining what you want to manifest. Overcoming Barriers: One of the most enlightening segments of the discussion revolves around identifying and overcoming the barriers to manifesting your dreams. Fears, worries, and the dreaded "what ifs" often serve as the biggest roadblocks. Laura and Adam share strategies to confront these fears head-on, advocating for a mindset shift that transforms these obstacles into stepping stones. Laura and Adam provided an enlightening perspective on the psychological aspects of manifesting, highlighting how our beliefs and self-talk can either propel us forward or hold us back. They shared personal anecdotes and professional insights into how changing one’s inner dialogue can significantly impact the manifestation process. With their background in sports psychology, they brought invaluable insights into how athletes use visualization and mental rehearsal to enhance their performance. They drew parallels between sports and personal goals, illustrating that the same principles apply to achieving excellence in any area of life. Listeners can start applying this approach in their lives immediately!

  • In this thought-provoking episode, our hosts dive deep into the striking contrast between the hyper-connected world we live in and the often-disconnected relationships we experience daily. With the pressures of work deadlines, childcare, family obligations, and the whirlwind of life, finding genuine moments of connection can seem like a daunting task. Yet, it's more crucial than ever. Guests: We're joined by special guests Adam & Laura, who share their perspectives and insights on building meaningful connections amidst the chaos of everyday life. Topics Covered: The Modern Connection Paradox: Explore the puzzling scenario where, even in a digital age designed to bring us closer, many feel more disconnected than ever. The Impact of Technology on Relationships: Delve into a common scene witnessed in restaurants worldwide - groups of people, sitting together yet absorbed in their own digital worlds, communicating with everyone but each other. Finding Balance: Our guests and hosts discuss strategies to balance the digital with the physical, ensuring that smartphones and screens don't overshadow the people right in front of us. Key Takeaways: Seize the Opportunity: Every moment you spend with loved ones, friends, or even acquaintances is a valuable chance to connect on a deeper level. It's a time to be present, engage actively, and appreciate the company around you. Beyond the Screen: There's a rich, vibrant world beyond our devices. By consciously choosing to engage with it, we can rediscover the joy of genuine human connection. The Power of Presence: In an era of endless distractions, being fully present has become a rare gift. It's about more than just putting away your phone; it's about tuning in completely to the experiences and conversations happening around you. Making Connections Matter: Whether it's through laughter, shared stories, or even moments of vulnerability, truly connecting with others enriches our lives in immeasurable ways. This episode invites listeners to reflect on their own habits and consider how they can make more intentional choices to foster real connections in a world that often feels disconnected.

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the profound subject of harnessing the power of intuition. Our guest, Jamie Howard, offers an intimate account of her personal journey toward living in alignment with her inner guidance. She discusses the challenges of homeschooling her three children while navigating societal pressures, expectations, and the pursuit of what it means to be a "good wife." Key Points Covered: Understanding Intuition: What it means to tap into your inner voice and recognize its influence over predisposed thoughts and external judgments. Overcoming Doubt: Jamie candidly shares her experiences of questioning her homeschooling methods amidst criticism and unsolicited advice. Personal Growth: A touching narrative about Jamie's evolution from suppressing her desires and opinions to ultimately trusting her intuition, leading to significant life changes, including her decision to divorce. Insightful Strategies: Jamie provides actionable advice for listeners on identifying and strengthening their intuition. Notable Moments: A Breakthrough Realization: How Jamie identified what her intuition was telling her and the steps she took to break free from living a life that wasn't true to herself. Intuition Manifestations: Jamie discusses the subtle and not-so-subtle ways intuition can present itself and how we can learn to tune into these signals. Show Takeaways: Gaining the courage to trust your gut feeling can lead to a more authentic life. The importance of differentiating between fear-based decisions and intuition-led choices. Practical tips for recognizing and acting on your intuition. About Jamie Howard: Jamie Howard is an advocate for personal development and intuitive living. Through her own experience of homeschooling and her path towards self-discovery, she sheds light on the importance of staying true to oneself amid external pressures.

  • Understanding Relationships Through the Five Elements Welcome to another enlightening episode of our podcast! In this latest session, we took a fascinating turn into the ancient world of Chinese Medicine with our esteemed guest speakers, Dr. Adam and Laura Gries. Renowned in their field, they provide us with a unique lens to view our relationships through the theory of the five elements. Episode Highlights: Introduction to the Five Elements: Discover how Ancient Chinese Medicine utilizes Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water to decode human behavior and interactions. Interpreting Nature and Personality Types: The Gries dive into how each element reflects certain personality traits and behaviors. Learn about yourself and your partner in a whole new way! The Five Element Cycle: Explore the connection between the elements and the natural seasons, and how this cycle affects our lives throughout the year. Balancing Your Element: Tips on how you can stay grounded and maintain harmony within your element for a happier, more fulfilling relationship. Health and the Elements: Understanding potential symptoms of disease as related to imbalances in one’s element. Notable Discussions: Dr. Adam and Laura explain how these elements can be a powerful tool for diagnosing not just medical conditions but also the health of our relationships. They share insights on fostering balance within oneself and one's relationships by understanding and nurturing each person’s elemental nature. Whether you're a firm believer in the five love languages, a student of attachment theory, or just curious about alternative perspectives on relationships, this episode will provide plenty of food for thought. Dr. Adam and Laura's expertise is not only profound but also incredibly practical, offering actionable advice for anyone looking to enhance their personal connections. Tune in now to deepen your understanding of yourself and your partner through the wise lens of the five elements. Stay balanced, happy, and peaceful with the insightful guidance from our special guests, Dr. Adam and Laura Gries. --- Remember to subscribe to our podcast for more engaging conversations and breakthrough insights into your daily life and relationships!

  • Navigating Relationships Through the Lens of Chinese Medical Seasonal Cycle In this enlightening new episode, we explore the dynamics of partnerships and how they are reflective of the ancient wisdom of the Chinese medical Seasonal Cycle. Our insightful guests, Dr. Adam, and Laura Gries, offer a unique perspective on recognizing the phases of support in a relationship, akin to the natural sequences observed in traditional Chinese Medicine. Understanding Support Systems: Evaluate if your partner is providing you with the appropriate distance or engagement that aligns with your emotional needs. Engagement vs. Space: The delicate balance of knowing when to step in with active involvement or to provide room for personal growth. Navigating Change Together: Tackling the inevitable shifts in relationships by allowing space to release the past and thrive in the present. Dr. Adam and Laura Gries take us on a fascinating discussion that marries relationship dynamics with the concepts of yin and yang and the five elements that define different seasons within Chinese Medicine. They discuss practical scenarios where understanding and predicting your partner’s responses can lead to healthier, more supportive interactions. Whether you're curious about Eastern philosophies, seeking to enhance your relationship, or simply want to gain a deeper understanding of interpersonal dynamics, this podcast episode is a treasure trove of insights. Tune in to gain a deeper appreciation of how ancient wisdom can illuminate modern-day relationships

  • The Journey of Self-Love. In this enlightening episode, our hosts dive deep into one of the most pivotal topics that touch every aspect of our lives - self-love. "What does loving yourself really look like, and what steps must one take to embark on this deeply personal voyage?" are the central questions guiding our discussion. Through a series of stories, insights, and expert advice, we unravel the essence of self-love and the profound impact it has on our ability to love others. Key Highlights: The Essence of Self-Love: Discover what it truly means to love yourself beyond the surface-level advice often found in self-help realms. Our discussion uncovers the multifaceted nature of self-love - acknowledging flaws, celebrating strengths, and understanding one’s needs. Starting Your Self-Love Journey: The episode breaks down actionable steps and strategies to begin nurturing a deeper relationship with yourself. From setting healthy boundaries to cultivating a positive inner dialogue, learn how to take those first crucial steps towards self-appreciation. Self-Love and External Relationships: "You can only love someone else as deeply as you love yourself." This powerful statement is thoroughly explored, illustrating how our relationship with ourselves sets the foundation for how we engage with others. The episode provides insights into how improving self-love can enhance every relationship in your life, fostering deeper connections. The Challenges of Self-Love: Acknowledging the roadblocks and common misconceptions surrounding self-love, the conversation also shines a light on the difficulties many face on this path. Listeners gain understanding and empathy for the struggles in developing self-love and practical advice on overcoming these obstacles. Resources and Tools: The episode doesn't just leave the audience with ideas to ponder but offers resources and practical tools to aid listeners on their self-love journeys. From book recommendations to daily practices, get equipped with everything you need to start or continue your path to loving yourself.

  • In this groundbreaking episode, we explore how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is evolving to meet the demands of our rapidly changing world. Join us, along with our insightful guest speakers, Laura and Adam, as we dissect this classic theory and propose a contemporary paradigm that aligns with the unique challenges and aspirations of modern society. Episode Highlights: Rethinking Basic Needs: How digital connectivity and environmental sustainability are becoming as fundamental as physiological needs. Safety in the Digital Age: Laura discusses the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy as a modern interpretation of safety needs. Belonging in the Era of Globalization: Adam shares his perspective on finding community and connection in a world where geographic boundaries are increasingly blurred. Esteem and Recognition Revisited: We look at the changing face of achievement and recognition in the gig economy and social media landscapes. Self-Actualization for Tomorrow: Exploring what self-fulfillment looks like when traditional career paths and life goals are being redefined. Laura and Adam bring their unique expertise to question the status quo and offer thought-provoking insights on how we might redefine human needs in an era that promises both unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

  • In this deeply moving and insightful episode, we welcome a guest whose life story reads like a rollercoaster ride of emotional extremes, rapid changes, and profound realizations. Originally hailing from the Bible Belt of North Carolina, our guest opens up about his intense life experiences, detailing a path that led from addiction and divorce to a significant personal awakening. Key Topics Covered in This Episode: The Turning Point: Our guest shares the moment he recognized his addiction to drugs and alcohol was a problem. It's a raw and honest account of facing one's truth and deciding to make a change. The Road to Recovery: The conversation takes us through his experience with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) along with counseling and other therapies and how they are playing a pivotal role in his recovery process. Unexpected Challenges: Just as things started looking up, life threw a curveball with his wife asking for a divorce. Our guest discusses the impact this had on him, emphasizing his commitment to ensuring their son wasn't caught in the crossfire of their separation. Dealing with Religious Trauma: Growing up in the conservative environment of the Bible Belt left our guest grappling with religious trauma. He tells us about the ingrained beliefs he had to confront and unlearn in his quest to rediscover his true self. Finding Light in the Darkness: Lastly, we explore the major awakening he experienced by confronting these challenges head-on. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of transformation even in the hardest times. Insights for Listeners: This episode isn't just a story of personal trials; it's a beacon of hope for anyone facing their own battles with addiction, divorce, or identity. Our guest's candor provides invaluable insights into the importance of self-discovery, the power of rehabilitation, and the unquantifiable value of understanding and compassion in the face of hardship. Stay Tuned: If you've ever felt lost, or if you're currently navigating your own path of self-discovery amidst trials, this episode will resonate with you. Join us in this profound exploration of human resilience and the potential for personal rebirth through adversity.

  • Balancing Acts - Finding Harmony Between Rigidity and Spontaneity In this thought-provoking episode, we deep-dive into the eternal dance between rigidity and spontaneity. How do we find equilibrium between these two worlds? Is it possible to harness the strengths of both to live a more fulfilled life? Join us as we explore the delicate balance between structure and freedom, and uncover the best times and places for each approach. We kick off by defining what we mean by rigidity and spontaneity. Rigidity refers to a structured, plan-oriented approach to life and tasks, whereas spontaneity embraces flexibility, creativity, and the unexpected.

    The Benefits of Both Worlds: Although seemingly opposite, both rigidity and spontaneity offer unique benefits. Rigidity provides predictability, stability, and efficiency, important in achieving goals and maintaining productivity. Spontaneity, on the other hand, opens the door to creativity, innovation, stress relief, and the joy of the moment.

    Finding the Equilibrium: The heart of our discussion focusses on finding the sweet spot between rigidity and spontaneity. It's about creating a lifestyle that accommodates planning and organization while leaving room for flexibility and the spontaneous joys of life.

    A Time and Place for Each: We discuss specific scenarios where one approach may be more beneficial than the other, highlighting the importance of context in choosing between rigidity and spontaneity. For example, in a business setting, structure might lead to better productivity, while personal hobbies may thrive under a more spontaneous approach.

    Finding harmony between rigidity and spontaneity is an art that can lead to a more balanced, satisfying, and productive life. It's not about choosing one over the other but about recognizing when each serves us best. We hope this episode inspires you to strike your own balance, leveraging the power of both to create a life that is both purposeful and joyful. Connect With Us: We love hearing from our listeners! Share your thoughts on today’s episode, or share your own experiences with balancing rigidity and spontaneity. Reach out through our social media channels or email us directly.

    Thank you for tuning in to today’s episode. If you found it insightful, please consider sharing with friends or colleagues who might benefit as well. Here’s to finding your balance!

  • Are you tired of letting negative interactions dampen your day? Transform negative energy and shield yourself from the burden in our latest episode, "The Power of the Counter Offer” with hosts Laura and Adam Gries of the Magic Seeds Podcast. In this conversation, we dissect: Techniques to pivot negative encounters into positive outcomes. Real-life anecdotes from Laura and Adam on turning confrontation into collaboration.

    The psychological framework behind absorbing or deflecting negativity.

    Don't miss out on redefining how you interact with the world around you. Tune in now and start cultivating a life filled with more positive interactions and less emotional baggage.

  • This episode takes you on a deep dive into the complexities of fear and its potential to serve as a catalyst for profound personal growth and transformation. It emphasizes that choosing to transform fear into a tool for development is a deliberate decision, requiring courage, resilience, and a deep commitment to self-discovery. Transformation is a Choice: The podcast stresses that the path to transforming fear isn't something that happens to us; it's a pathway we choose. This decision marks the beginning of a courageous journey towards self-improvement. This process is not for the Faint of Heart: The process is challenging and not suited for everyone. It demands strength, tenacity, and a willingness to confront and work through one's deepest fears. Fear doesn’t have to play just the role of an obstacle, but it can be a powerful teacher. By understanding the messages our fears convey, we open the door to invaluable insights about ourselves. The path through fear towards transformation is undeniably tough but equally rewarding. Let’s not view fear as a barrier but as a doorway to growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

  • In today’s episode, we delve deep into the transformative practice of establishing healthy personal rituals, underscoring the significance of being intentional about our daily habits before negative rituals take hold. Our discussion revolves around the fascinating realization that between 47%- 70% of our day operates on autopilot, a little over 4 hours of our days and just over 10 years of our lives. The aim is to ensure that during these automatic phases, we engage in activities that nourish us rather than deplete us. We explore the concept that a significant portion of our day is spent in autopilot mode, where we perform actions almost mechanically. The focus is on harnessing this tendency to foster positive outcomes by embedding healthy rituals into our lives. We discuss the power of rituals in shaping our habits and behaviors, emphasizing the potential for positive transformation when we intentionally incorporate healthy rituals into our daily lives. We provide practical tips to help listeners design their own personalized ritual practice that aligns with their goals, values, and needs.

  • Welcome to "Abundance Mindset Unlocked," the podcast that will transform the way you see the world by showing you how to live a life of limitless potential within the Law of Abundance. Are you tired of feeling like you're always scraping by, both financially and emotionally? This series targets every listener who’s ever felt the squeeze of scarcity, offering a fresh perspective on how to unlock the riches all around you. This episode is packed with practical advice and real-life examples of how viewing your world through an abundant lens can enhance your well-being, creativity, and even your bank balance. We're not just talking theoretical fluff; we’re diving deep into actionable steps to shift your mindset from one of lack to one of plenty. We don't believe in overnight miracles, but we do know that tiny changes in your daily routine can lead to big, beautiful shifts in your life. You’ll learn how adopting an abundance mindset isn't just a nice thought — it's a life philosophy that can propel you towards your goals, improve your relationships, and ultimately, make you a happier human being. So join us this week as we unpack the secrets of living a life full of wealth, joy, and more than enough to go around. Hit subscribe now and let’s unlock your abundance mindset together!

  • There are times when we feel like we're just not up to the task. It's important to remember that this doesn't make us lazy individuals - it simply means that our bodies and minds need a rest.

    Taking a mini break is an effective way to recharge our batteries and increase productivity. This can take the form of a quick walk, listening to music, or even just closing our eyes and focusing on deep breathing for a few minutes.

    Not only does taking mini breaks improve productivity, but it also helps us avoid burnout. Working non-stop can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, resulting in decreased motivation and energy levels.

    In addition to taking mini breaks throughout a day, it's important to schedule regular longer breaks as well. This could be a day off, a weekend getaway, or even a week-long vacation. These longer breaks allow us to completely disconnect and recharge both physically and mentally.

    It's also crucial to prioritize self-care during these breaks. This can include activities such as exercising, spending time with loved ones, getting enough rest, and engaging in hobbies or activities that bring us joy.

    When we take the time to recharge and prioritize self-care, we are able to come back to work feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to take on any challenges that may come our way. So the next time you feel like you're not up to the task, don't beat yourself up. Instead, take a mini break and allow yourself the time you need to rest and rejuvenate.

  • The phrase "it is what it is" has become a common response to difficult situations in our lives. It seems to represent a lax attitude towards adversity, almost as if we are accepting the situation without any effort to change it. One particular demographic that often exhibits this mindset is people who are older than 65 years of age who have lost their spouse. When faced with the loss of a lifelong partner, many older individuals tend to adopt a "it is what it is" perspective. As we age, we accumulate more experiences and learn that not everything in life can be controlled or changed. We come to understand that some things are simply out of our hands, and we must learn to accept them as they are. Losing a spouse after years of marriage is one such situation that is beyond our control.

    Listen to the Magic Seed of going through the process through life’s natural cycles and not sweeping this massive heartbreaking and traumatic experience under the proverbial carpet.

  • Children learn from both what a parent/guardian says and what a parent/guardian does. Children are like sponges, absorbing everything that is happening around them. They observe and imitate their parents' actions, attitudes, and behaviors.

    They learn social skills, emotional regulation, problem-solving techniques, and many other behaviors that shape their development. Children who grow up in a nurturing and supportive environment tend to have better social skills and higher self-esteem, which can be attributed to the positive behaviors they observed from their parents.

    So, if this is true, how are YOUR coping skills as a role model/parent/guardian?

    Listen today to Magic Seeds to see if we are guiding our children to a happy and healthy life.