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Your hosts Matt Latham & Kurt North deep dive into Showtime's Yellowjackets one episode at a time, with some specials along the way, as they try and decrypt the mystery of a plane crash, a missing football team, and the 90s teenager...
A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network: -
In Older & Wiser, two authors lovingly snark on all things publishing in Younger, as they are more familiar with the ins-and-outs of the industry than seemingly anyone who works on the show. It is co-hosted by Marisa Kanter and Kelsey Rodkey and releases every Wednesday! Follow us @olderwisercast on Twitter and Instagram.
Into the Series: ogni mese il meglio e il peggio delle serie tv da guardare in streaming.
Un podcast che nasce dalla partnership e dall’amicizia tra Dituttounpop e TV Tips, con Giorgia Di Stefano e Riccardo Cristilli, esperti e appassionati da anni di serie tv, e di Luca Lemma come moderatore.
Ogni mese tanti consigli su quali titoli guardare e quali evitare, oltre ad approfondimenti, novità e rumors. Non mancheranno ospiti, amici e sorprese in ogni nuova puntata.
Seguiteci e… buone serie a tutti! -
Netflix & Therapy è un podcast che analizza le nostre e vostre serie TV preferite da un punto di vista cinematografico e psicologico! Conducono Alessia Galatini, sceneggiatrice e critica, ed Elena Carraro, psicologa. Dopo anni di amicizia forgiata durante ore e ore di streaming notturni, non potevano che arrivare a questo. Disponibile su Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor e Google Podcasts. Seguiteci su Instagram a @netflixandtherapy.
Ross(y) • Stup • & • Friends è un podcast settimanale in cui sarete accompagnati attraverso le dieci stagioni di Friends dalla veterana Ross(y) e dal novizio Stup, che si approccia alla prima visione in assoluto del telefilm. Nel corso di questo viaggio parleremo delle storyline, discuteremo delle differenze di traduzione fra versione originale e doppiaggio, elencheremo le nostre battute preferite, daremo un voto a ogni episodio. Il tutto condito da citazioni, risate e dalla presenza dei nostri "amici", sempre cercando di rispettare l'unica regola fondamentale: non fare spoiler a Stup!
The Living Force Podcast has retired. To hear more from Corey, Wes, Eric, and Charles, subscribe to The Youtini Show on Youtube. For continued Youtini coverage of Star Wars books, subscribe to our new podcast, The Youtini Canon Book Club, available wherever you get your podcasts.
The Living Force Podcast was your guide through the Canon books of Star Wars, brought to you by Youtini, the premier site for all things Star Wars books and comics. Although The Living Force has ended, our mission to make the universe beyond the films accessible and fun continues. -
Out of the ashes of the internet a podcast was formed. Four friends from different backgrounds united to create a pod for the common man. Devoid of the tedium of critically acclaimed podcasts, these brave souls embarked on a holy mission, to bring the light-hearted attitude of discussing movies with friends to the podcasting scene. However, due to unforeseen budget cuts two of their number were lost to the void of the internet. Doomed for eternity to find nothing but cat videos and food challenges. The remaining heroes, JJ and Mattson searched far and wide for a suitable replacement but in the end settled for Alec. These two and a half heroes continue in their mission to bring an enjoyable conversation about movies and tv shows directly to you, our viewers. Join us wherever fine podcasts can be found and chime into the conversation to join our crew of misfits.
Come follow us on social media on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all @whatsourverdict. You can also email us at [email protected] or visit us at our website -
Join friends Marc and Ryan as we go on a chronological journey through the TV Show Friends. Each week we will discuss an episode scene by scene, filled with clips and our own life stories. So if you love friends and want to know behind the scenes trivia, opinions and more then we'll be there for you with this podcast.
Join Erin, Jaqueline, and Thomas as they take a fond romp down memory lane with the abc family cult classic hit Greek. [email protected] us on insta!@abcsofgreekpodcast@[email protected]__Cover art designed by Carolina Dangelo Intro & Closing music played by Kevin Cabano