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A spiritual road trip with your two coolest, most insightful friends. Larry and Inelia dive into deep, no-nonsense conversations about leveling up your life, understanding the mysteries of the universe, and navigating those WTF moments we all face. They tackle metaphysics, consciousness, and practical wisdom with a side of humor and personal stories. It's the perfect mix of mind-blowing insights and laughs to keep you entertained and enlightened on your commute or workout. Buckle up, bro – it’s a ride you won’t want to miss! -
“Exegetically Speaking” is a weekly podcast of the friends and faculty of Wheaton College, IL and The Lanier Theological Library. Hosted by Dr. David Capes, it features language experts who discuss the importance of learning the biblical languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek—and show how reading the Bible in the original languages “pays off.” Each podcast lasts between seven and eleven minutes and covers a different topic for those who want to read the Bible for all it is worth. Click on the ⓘ symbol below for each episode to read the description.
If you're interested in going deeper, learn more about Wheaton's undergraduate degree in Classical Languages (Greek, Hebrew, and Latin) and our MA in Biblical Exegesis. -
In a fast-paced world like the one we live in, time is one of our most important assets. For a few minutes every episode, I, Tannaz Hosseinpour, will be discussing topics that aim to enhance the quality of your life, by helping you feel empowered to take inspired action on your personal growth journey.
New Episodes Released Weekly
Topics Include: Relationships & Love, Spirituality , Manifestation, Mindset, Nutrition & Health, Personal Development (Self-Healing, Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Awareness), and Conscious Entrepreneurship. -
Ve vlastních rukou je podcast o tom, jak převzít zodpodvědnost za svůj život a udělat si ho takový, jaký jej chceme mít. Naše témata Vás budou přivádět na okraj komfortní zóny - právě tam, kde začínáme růst. Společně s našimi hosty budeme sdílet životní transformace, zkušenosti, které nám otevřely oči, a inspirovat k tomu, abychom si dovolili vydat se svou vlastní cestou. Chceme ve Vás zasívat semínka zvědavosti, která možná přerostou ve skutečnou změnu ve Vašem životě. -
V tomto podcastu si povídáme o andělech, jejich síle, lásce a zaměřujeme se na angeologii, tedy studium o andělech. Také si zde povíme o duchovním světě, seberozvoji, bylinkách a Vašich zkušenostech s anděly nebo duchy. Pokud byste měli jakékoliv otázky nebo příběhy, o kterých byste se chtěli semnou a ostatními podělit, budu ráda, když mi je pošlete na e-mail: [email protected]. Také se můžete podívat na blog, kde se více seznámíte s tím, o co se zajímám a o čem je celé Andělské pohlazení.
Regina Jonas (1902-1944), who is now widely recognised as the world’s first female rabbi, was ordained in Nazi Germany in 1935. However, for many years after her death at Auschwitz, she remained a largely forgotten figure until the discovery of her papers in the early 1990s. This collection explores Jonas’ story, which raises important issues in relation to the role of women in historiography and the connection between processes of remembering, forgetting and identity formation. Stefanie Sinclair, Open University Lecturer in Religious Studies, travels to Berlin to find out more about Jonas’ life and legacy within the Jewish community and speaks to British rabbis Sybil Sheridan and Elli Tikvah Sarah about why Jonas was almost forgotten and what she means to them and to other rabbis in Britain today. This material is taken from the Open University course: A332 Why is religion controversial?
Předvařená bible je o tom, jak je možné číst bibli pro intelektuální potěšení. Jedná se o další podcast JCC Prague, kulturně komunitního židovského centra, které chce nabídnout všem dostupný a inspirativní program a prostor pro poznávání a interpretaci bohatství a rozmanitosti židovství prostřednictvím současné kultury, umění a vzdělávání.
Welcome to the ”Turn Yourself In!” Podcast: A Self-Mastery Preschool for Adults with Reverend Katherine Ganev Soto, The Urban Spirit Guide.
Receive bite-sized secrets, reflections, & exercises to know, love, & heal thyself and to be happy, healthy, helpful, and holy. Together, we will zoom in to your deepest, most expansive, and highest self to gain self-mastery.
You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and on InsightTimer. Feel free to reach out directly via email: [email protected].
The Turn Yourself In! Book is now available on kindle and in print copy on Amazon. -
Lebendig – so soll unser Glaube sein. Unsere Kirche, unsere Gemeinschaft und unseren Glauben mit Leben füllen, das ist unser Ziel.
Wir sind eine sehr lebendige christliche Gemeinde aus dem badischen Norden von Baden-Württemberg.
Um noch mehr Menschen für das Wort Gottes erreichen zu können, haben wir uns zu diesem Podcast entschieden.
Wir veröffentlichen hier regelmäßig die Predigten unseres Pfarrers Thomas Fritz (daher auch der Name "FritzsBox"). Zudem kommen auch Predigten weiterer Geistlicher hinzu, welche mehrmals im Jahr im Rahmen unseres Glaubensweges „Leben mit Vision“ zu einem bestimmten Thema mit uns Gottesdienst feiern.
Seien auch Sie Teil dieser Gemeinschaft, dieser Community und abonnieren Sie unseren Podcast. Besonders würden wir uns freuen, auch Sie in unserer Gemeinschaft im Gottesdienst und in einer unserer zahlreichen Gruppen begrüßen zu dürfen.
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter
oder der verlinkten Seite:
www. -
Mystical Messages explores the infinite metaphysical realm. Join host Hilary as she discusses healing modalities stemming from our intuition, the one mind, with experts in their field.
Learn about energy work, astrology, Reiki, Akashic Records, and much more.
Plan your weeks ahead as Hilary shares her astrology for each month. -
Grief Support for Christian Women to Breathe, Laugh and Live again. Loss, Grief and Healing * Coping with Grief * Beginning of Grief * Life after Loss * Stages of Grief * Purpose After Loss * Faith * Surviving Loss * Grief Resources * Holidays and Grief
I help Christian women navigate grief through understanding grief, growing faith and processing daily life to find hope.
• Do you feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed by grief?
• Is the pain so great, you lose your breath and feel it will never get better?
• Have you cried so much there can’t be any tears left?
• Are you angry with God? Or question your own faith?
• Do you need faith-based help through the toughest season of your life?
In this podcast, you will find faith-based grief support to navigate the overwhelming and confusing journey of grief, to continue seeking God and most importantly, to breathe, laugh, and live again.
My mission is to walk with you through the healing, experience the milestones and the minefields to arrive on the other side with a gratitude and peace you never thought possible.
If you’re ready to take a brave step toward healing, understand your grief and find hope, this is the place to be.
Hey, I’m Stef. Southern by choice, turtle triathlete, wife and Jesus follower. I’ve experienced life-changing grief and struggled for years with the physical changes, the emotional roller-coaster and the spiritual questioning. I asked ‘why’ more times than I can count, went ‘boldly’ (and disrespectfully) to the throne, and was confused by a pain I had never felt before. I believed I would never be happy again and had all but given up on fulfilling my purpose.
But God!
Through my trials, I discovered a path to true healing, deeper relationship with God and gratitude that continues to fill my heart. This is a story of faith, FRamily support and redemption that only God can author. And, I want to share this with you.
If you are heart sick, tired of being stuck and ready for real change with Christ at the center …. Practical steps to make your hard days less hard…Understanding of what to expect physically, emotionally and spiritually…Solutions to those ‘gut-punch’ moments…And, Results that build your faith and allow you to enjoy your own ‘great day’ this is the place to be.
It is possible, I promise! Join me today – take that first step of faith right now!!