
  • In episode 95, I share some insights on two of the most important questions you can ask yourself and your healthcare providers as you move through your fertility journey. If you haven’t guessed yet by the episode title, those two questions are “Why?” and “What Else?”. These are the questions you should be prepared to ask at every appointment with every practitioner you see when it comes to your fertility (and your health) and they're not always comfortable questions for a lot of providers to answer. These two essential inquiries are what guide my work with 1:1 clients, they’re the foundation of my courses and group programs, and they’ve also guided me through my personal health and fertility journey. Tune in to learn how you can apply them to your health and fertility situation, and how they can help guide your treatment decisions. You can find show notes for the episode and links to referenced resources at

    Learn more and enroll in the January class of Functional Fertility Healing!

  • In episode 94, I interview nutritional therapy practitioner and neural retraining coach, Madeleine Lowry, about using a powerful emotional healing modality (MAP Method™) to overcome both physical and emotional blocks to optimal health and fertility. By working with the subconscious mind, which controls about 95% of our thoughts, behaviors, and physiological functions each day, MAP can help clients overcome painful memories, deeply ingrained patterns of chronic stress, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors, and traumatic experiences, which can have a profound impact on every aspect of health, including fertility. Madeleine and I discuss:

    Her personal journey that led her to nutritional therapy and neural retraining The importance of the brain, nervous system, and subconscious mind in physical and emotional well-being What MAP is and the science behind how the method works What a typical MAP session looks (and feels) like and what you can expect as a client My life-changing experience with MAP and how it's helped me make profound shifts in my life and health Some of Madeleine's favorite stories about major changes she's seen in others with MAP

    MAP is an amazing modality for working through the pain and heartbreak of infertility or pregnancy loss, as well as helping support positive changes in physical and emotional health that can boost fertility. You can find show notes for the episode, along with links to Madeleine's website and some of the books and resources we discuss at

    NOTE: MAP is not a substitute for working with a licensed mental health professional. If you have a diagnosed mental health condition or significant mental health symptoms, please ensure you're working with a licensed mental health professional before considering MAP as an adjunct therapy.

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  • In episode 93, I answer a series of questions I've received recently from listeners! If you've missed any of the past Q&A episodes, be sure to check out episodes 64, 68, 72, 77, and 81. This week, I'm answering questions about:

    The best ways to confirm ovulation each month The stress-infertility connection and how to reduce stress when you can't change your job or life circumstances Low estrogen with normal (or high) luteal progesterone levels How to address low T3 thyroid hormone when TSH and T4 are normal Possible causes of and solutions for vulvodynia (vulvar pain) How often to test thyroid or hormone labs if you're struggling to conceive Timing for diet and lifestyle changes prior to an IVF egg retrieval Possible causes of hair loss  How to get your partner on board with changes to support fertility

    You can find show notes and links to resources discussed during the episode at

    If you have a topic you’ve been wanting to learn more about, send me an email at [email protected] or shoot me a message on Instagram and share your question. I'll get back to you shortly with an answer and then add your question to the list of potential topics for future Q&A episodes.

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  • In episode 92, I interview Jasmine Katatikarn about her experience going through infertility and IVF. Jasmine shares her whole fertility story and talks about how she was able to take control of her journey with a mindset and approach that she adapted from her work as an artist. This is a unique and inspiring interview and I’m excited to have Jasmine on to share her perspective and what ultimately worked for her to build her family, even after being told she has a less than 1% chance of having a child! You can find show notes for the interview, along with links to Jasmine's website, social media, and free fertility training at

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  • In episode 91, I interview acupuncturist and fertility expert, Heidi Brockmyre, about using acupuncture and Chinese medicine to get your cycle back on track and boost fertility. Acupuncture is an amazing healing therapy that is being recommended more and more for fertility support, even by Western medicine. It's effective and it can help you increase your odds of pregnancy, whether you're trying naturally or using conventional fertility treatments. Heidi and I talk about:

    What the Chinese medicine approach to fertility looks like and how it’s different from standard fertility care How acupuncture can support each phase of the menstrual cycle Specific cycle issues or reproductive health conditions that acupuncture can help treat When the best time is to begin receiving acupuncture for fertility How you can learn more from Heidi through her online resources and programs

    You can find show notes for the episode, along with links to Heidi's website, online program, and free resources at

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    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!

  • In episode 90, I interview Certified Women's Health Coach and author of Fix Your Period, Nicole Jardim, about how to get to the root cause of PMS and PMDD so you can balance your cycle and support your fertility. Although having unpleasant symptoms around your period might not seem like a big deal (after all, the vast majority of us have experience PMS symptoms at one time or another), these symptoms actually provide an important window into the health of your menstrual cycle and, by extension, your fertility. PMS and PMDD symptoms can also disrupt your life and cause you to dread the second half of your cycle, which is no way to live when these issues are so addressable! In this episode, you're going to learn about:

    What PMS and PMDD are and how they're different from one another Why women who are trying to conceive need to pay special attention to PMS or PMDD symptoms The main driving forces behind PMS and PMDD and which body systems tend to be most out of balance What you can do to address the root causes of your symptoms and get your cycle and fertility back on track When you should consider seeking out support from a practitioner 

    You can find show notes for the episode along with links to Nicole's website, book, and free quiz at

    Free Quiz: Are You Healthy Enough to Get Pregnant?

    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!

  • In episode 89, I interview Naturopath, midwife, and women's health expert, Dr. Jennifer Mercier. We talk about the hands-on therapy she developed to help women struggling with infertility and pelvic health issues. Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation technique that can help restore normal anatomy and blood flow in the pelvis. This can have a profound effect on menstrual cycle health, ovarian function and hormone production, which encompass many of the underlying causes of trouble conceiving. Clinically, Mercier Therapy has been shown to be effective in addressing endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, luteal phase defect, PCOS, recurrent miscarriage, and several other issues. It can either be used as a standalone therapy or in preparation for IUI/IVF and it’s proven incredibly successful in achieving pregnancy, even in difficult cases.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    What women need to know about conventional fertility treatment options that are often not shared by doctors What led her to the creation of Mercier Therapy as a possible solution to fertility struggles How Mercier Therapy works and the specific issues or conditions it can help address Mercier Therapy success rates in comparison to mainstream fertility treatments and how it can also be used in preparation for IUI or IVF How to find a practitioner trained in Mercier Therapy if you’re interested in exploring it yourself

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Dr. Mercier's website and documentary at

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    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!

  • In episode 88, I interview chiropractic physician, Dr. Ann Barter, about mold exposure and it’s potential impact on health and fertility. Although many people have heard that encountering certain types of mold can be harmful, few people realize just how common mold exposure really is and all the ways it can disrupt health. Many of us have been unknowingly exposed to mold in water-damaged buildings, our homes, and even our food supply. Unfortunately, mold exposure isn’t always obvious and the health symptoms it can cause are wide-ranging and frequently confused with other conditions. The reason we’re talking about mold on a fertility podcast is that it can be a hidden source of inflammation and stress on the body, leading to immune system dysfunction and hormone imbalances that can make it very difficult to conceive. Thankfully, it is absolutely possible to test for and remediate mold issues in your environment, as well as heal from mold illness if you’ve been exposed and experienced negative health effects! 

    In this episode, you’ll learn about:

    How mold exposure can impact health and fertility Some of the most common symptoms that might point toward mold exposure and illness The primary routes of exposure to mold in our environment Why some people react very strongly to mold while others seem to experience no ill effects Some of the options for testing for mold in our external environments as well as in our bodies The basic elements of an effective healing protocol for mold illness

    You can find show notes for the episode, along with links to Dr. Barter's website and social media at

    Free Quiz: Are You Healthy Enough to Get Pregnant?

    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!

  • In episode 87, I interview Certified Fertility Care Practitioner and Integrative Health Coach, Melissa Buchan, about how to effectively chart your mentstrual cycle to evaluate and support your fertility. Learning to chart is one of the most proactive and empowering things you can do to understand your body, participate in your healthcare, and take control of your fertility journey. Melissa walks you through:

    The difference between tracking your period and charting your cycle and why this distinction is important The specific components of a well-charted cycle and what information we get from these markers How you can use your chart to identify important patterns and potential issue that may lead to trouble conceiving How to change your mindset around charting to alleviate any stress you might be feeling about it Some of the apps and devices on the market that can make charting easier The most common mix-ups women make when learning to chart

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Melissa's website and social media at

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    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

  • In episode 86, I interview acupuncturist and herbalist, Dr. Jill Blakeway. We talk about her book, Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, and discuss some of the differences in approach and treatment options for infertility in conventional versus Chinese medicine. Jill is such an incredible wealth of knowledge and has spent decades in clinical practice with patients, helping them make beautiful healthy babies. This week, you'll learn about:

    Jill’s take on how heavily IVF is being relied upon for fertility treatment Why more natural options aren’t being presented to couples struggling to conceive and what aspects of health and wellness are most overlooked in a fertility setting How the Chinese medicine approach to fertility differs from the conventional approach The 5 fertility types that Jill and her co-author, Dr. Sami David, discuss in their book, Making Babies Why it’s so important for women and couples to receive individualized treatment for fertility

    You can find show notes for the episode, along with links to Jill's website, book, and social media at

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    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

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  • In episode 85. I interview Elyse Ash, who is the founder of a fertility mentorship company called Fruitful Fertility. Those of us who have struggled with our fertility know how frustrating and isolating the experience can be. It’s not always easy to open up to friends or family and it’s difficult to receive the support we need from people who have never been through what we’re dealing with and simply don’t know what to say or how to help. I invited Elyse on to the show to talk about why it’s so important to get the right kind of support through this journey and the solution she and her husband came up with to match people who are currently going through infertility with those who have already completed their journey in a mentor-mentee relationship. I’m excited to share Fruitful with all of you as an option for adding to your support network and building a relationship with someone who knows what you’re going through and can offer you an ear, a shoulder, or a helping hand as you continue on your path to parenthood. In the interview, Elyse and I discuss:

    Her personal infertility story and what she went through to become a mother Why it’s so important for us to find people we can truly confide in as we go through fertility struggles Her perspective on opening up to friends and family and some advice on dealing with uncomfortable conversations The story behind Fruitful and what ultimately led Elyse and her husband to start the company What you can expect from Fruitful and the logistics of how the service works

    You can find links to the Fruitful website and some additional resources at

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  • In episode 84, I interview Joanne Verkuilen, the founder of a company called Circle & Bloom that provides incredible guided meditation and visualization programs for people going through infertility and other health challenges. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the podcast recently talking about mind-body healing, and that’s because it’s such an important area of health and wellness that many of us struggle to create space for in our lives. It’s also something that conventional providers rarely, if ever, acknowledge as an important piece of creating a fertile environment in our bodies. I regularly recommend Circle & Bloom programs to clients and also use them myself, so I’m excited to have Joanne on the show to talk about:

    Her personal fertility story and what inspired her to start Circle & Bloom How guided visualization works and the science behind how it improves health and fertility The connection between stress and trouble conceiving (and the unexpected forms stress can take) What you can expect from the fertility enhancement programs that Circle & Bloom offers

    You can find links to the Circle + Bloom website and Joanne's social media at

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  • In episode 83, I'm covering different types of hormonal imbalances than can impact fertility. Both low and high levels of certain hormones can be equally problematic for fertility and can manifest in specific symptoms that can help you identify what might be going wrong in your body. Although you can’t definitively diagnose yourself with a hormone imbalance based on symptoms alone, you can share your observations with your providers and advocate for deeper investigation. In this episode, we’ll be talking about each major type of hormone imbalance, what the common symptoms are, the possible underlying causes, tests you can consider to investigate the problem further, and some possible therapies you can discuss with you practitioner to restore balance. We'll be talking about:

    High estrogen Low estrogen Low progesterone Low testosterone High testosterone Low thyroid hormone Dysregulated cortisol

    You can find show notes for the episode at

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  • In episode 82, I interview acupuncturist and certified hypnotherapist, Michelle Oravitz, about using hypnotherapy to shift our thoughts, beliefs, and overall mindset to support fertility. While hypnosis might sound a little out there to some of you, there’s actually a strong scientific basis for how and why it works and it is recognized as a legitimate psychological tool. Because most of our thoughts and behaviors in a given day are governed by our subconscious mind, making lasting changes to how we think, feel, believe, and act on a daily basis requires us to tap into the subconscious and change what’s happening in the brain’s autopilot mode. Thoughts and beliefs can have a significant impact on fertility outcomes and, if you’ve been struggling on your journey for a while, chances are you’ve developed some beliefs and thought patterns about your body or your chances at motherhood that aren’t serving you. In this episode, Michelle is going to teach you about:

    What hypnotherapy is, how it works, and some of the misconceptions about its use The specific and measurable changes in brain activity that make hypnotherapy such an effective tool for changing subconscious beliefs How this benefits fertility and some of the issues or conditions that tend to respond well to this approach How hypnotherapy integrates with acupuncture and Chinese medicine The logistics of what you can expect with with hypnotherapy - how to find someone to work with, online vs. in person sessions, and how many sessions you should plan to have

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Michelle's website, podcast, and social media at

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  • In episode 81, I address the topic of systemic racism in health and fertility care and also do a shortened Q&A session for the month of June. The reason I chose to include the racism discussion with the Q&A episode is that it brings up an important question that I’ve had to ask myself and a question I'm sure people of color in this audience want to know the answer to as well, which is “What am I doing to understand, confront, and combat racism in myself and in my business?” I discuss some important statistics that highlight the disparities in health and fertility care between BIPOC and white communities and then share some amazing books and resources I've come across to learn more about the issue of systemic racism and how to address it, both personally and collectively.

    For the Q&A portion of the show, you'll learn about:

    Iodine deficiency, supplementation, and thyroid function How to address poor sperm motility for male partners CoQ10 for improving female fertility and egg quality Getting a proper assessment and diagnosis for PCOS What days to test for the various fertility hormones

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to all the resources I mention on racism and further learning from the Q&A at

  • In episode 80, I interview yoga instructor, registered psychotherapist, and founder of Yoga Goddess, Zahra Haji. We talk about how yoga and meditation can support you on your fertility journey and why it’s so important to be incorporating a mind-body practice when you’re trying to conceive – especially if you’re struggling to get pregnant. Throughout the interview, you’ll learn about:

    The science behind how trauma and negative beliefs or conditioning can impact our ability to conceive and how meditation can help us through these issues What research is saying about fertility success rates when a mind-body practice that combines yoga and meditation is included in the treatment plan More about Zahra’s Moon Goddess online program and how a kundalini yoga practice specifically supports hormone balance and the pituitary gland What it means to cycle with the moon, the different types of moon cycles, and the different energies we feel during the phases of our menstrual cycles Why it’s important for us to heal our relationship with our bodies, embrace our femininity, and believe in our power to create life

    You can also find links to Zahra’s website, social media, and online program at

    Free Quiz: Are You Healthy Enough to Get Pregnant?

    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!

  • In episode 79, I interview Ayurvedic practitioner, Heather Grzych, about how Ayurveda can helps us understand our bodies and our fertility from an Eastern medicine perspective. I know there are a lot of people out there who really resonate with a more Eastern approach to health and I wanted to bring someone on that could share more about it. Heather just released a book called The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility, which shares the principles of Ayurvedic medicine and how you can use it to optimize your health and fertility as you prepare to conceive. In this episode, you'll learn:

    What Ayurveda is and how it approaches health and fertility The Dosha system of evaluating body types and categorizing health imbalances How our mindsets around our menstrual cycles and reproductive systems impact fertility The 4 fertility factors in Ayurveda and how these impact our ability to conceive Our intellectual mind versus our primal mind and why we need to find balance between the two More about Heather’s book, The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Heather's website, book, and social media at

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  • In episode 78, I interview acupuncturist and women’s health and fertility expert, Aimee Raupp. We dive into how the immune system impacts fertility, particularly with autoimmune processes, and how to heal from immune system dysfunction and optimize overall health to conceive. We pay special attention to how thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and trauma can cause increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation is what really sets the stage for the development or worsening of immune and inflammatory problems that can negatively affect several aspects of fertility – from our hormones, to our egg quality, to our ability to sustain a pregnancy. Throughout the episode, you’ll learn about:

    How thoughts and beliefs affect the physical body and why it’s so important to focus our attention here during fertility challenges Why we need to stay connected and in tune with all aspects of health during this journey, not just our hormones and menstrual cycles What autoimmunity actually is and some of the symptoms or conditions that might indicate that an autoimmune process has started in your body Ways we can start to reconnect and change the way we think about and talk to ourselves How Chinese medicine and acupuncture can support immune system healing, overall health, and fertility

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Aimee's website, books, social media, and resources we discuss in the interview at

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  • In episode 77, I'm sharing the question and answer session for the month of May. If you missed the last few months of Q&A episodes, be sure to check out episodes 64, 68, and 72. This week, I'm answering questions about:

    Organic vs. conventional produce Addressing chronic Lyme disease Recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea Symptoms around ovulation, such as cramping and bleeding What it means to have a low basal body temperature How long your luteal phase should be and what to consider if it’s too short Possible causes of cold hands and feet Reasons for high cholesterol levels

    You can find show notes and links to other podcast episodes we reference at

    If you have a topic you’ve been wanting to learn more about, send me an email at [email protected] or shoot me a message on Instagram and share your question. I'll get back to you shortly with an answer and then add your question to the list of potential topics for future Q&A episodes.

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  • In episode 76, I interview naturopathic doctor and holistic fertility specialist, Dr. Aumatma Shah, about restoring and maintaining fertility into your 40’s. With so many couples waiting until later in life to start their families, it’s more important than ever to be proactive and empowered when it comes to your fertility. Whether you’re currently struggling to conceive with advanced age or you’re simply looking for advice on how to extend your reproductive years and alleviate some of the biological clock anxiety that comes along with getting older, this episode can definitely help. You’ll learn about:

    Why conventional lab markers used to assess fertility really don’t present a complete picture of your fertility potential Which factors are most important to consider with fertility struggles and advanced age How much time older couples should consider spending on natural approaches before adding in conventional treatment What couples over age 35 can do to proactively support their fertility, even if they have no reason to suspect an issue with conceiving The importance of mindset in cultivating a fertile environment in the body How masculine vs. feminine energy can affect fertility in both partners and some advice on keeping your marriage alive during the fertility journey

    You can find show notes for the episode and links to Dr. Aumatma's website, book, and social media at

    Free Quiz: Are You Healthy Enough to Get Pregnant?

    Free mini-course: How to Choose the Best Prenatal Supplements

    Schedule your 20-minute phone consult!